Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 8025 → Rev 8047

1,11 → 1,11
; application : View3ds ver. 0.069 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer
; application : View3ds ver. 0.070 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer
; with a few graphics effects demonstration.
; compiler : FASM
; system : KolibriOS
; author : Macgub aka Maciej Guba
; email :
; web :
; web :
; Fell free to use this intro in your own distribution of KolibriOS.
; Special greetings to KolibriOS team .
; I hope because my demos Christian Belive will be near to each of You.
36,6 → 36,7
MMX = 1
SSE = 2
SSE2 = 3
SSE3 = 4
Ext = SSE2 ;Ext={ NON | MMX | SSE | SSE2 }
; 0 for short names (Menuet-compatible), 1 for long names (Kolibri features)
54,9 → 55,6
START: ; start of execution
; mov eax,14 ; window size according to cur res ...
; int 0x40
; sub eax,150 shl 16 + 150
mov eax, 500 shl 16 + 600 ; ... or set manually
mov [size_y_var],ax
shr ax,1
94,15 → 92,10
je .gen
jmp .malloc
mov [triangles_count_var],1000
mov [points_count_var],1000
call alloc_mem_for_tp
end if
call generate_object
jmp .opt
mov [triangles_count_var],10000
mov [triangles_count_var],10000 ; to do: read asc header
mov [points_count_var],10000
call alloc_mem_for_tp
call read_asc
115,12 → 108,14
; call alloc_buffer_mem ; alloc memfor screnn and z buffer
call optimize_object1 ; proc in file b_procs.asm
; set point(0,0,0) in center and calc all coords
; to be in <-1.0,1.0>
call normalize_all_light_vectors
if Ext >= SSE3
call copy_lights ; to aligned float
end if
call init_triangles_normals2
call init_point_normals
call init_envmap2
290,6 → 285,9
jne .next_m5 ; 'grd ' 1
call make_random_lights ; 'env ' 2
call normalize_all_light_vectors ; 'bump' 3
if Ext >= SSE3
call copy_lights
end if
call do_color_buffer ; intit color_map ; 'tex ' 4
; cmp [emboss_flag],1 ; 'pos ' 5
; je @f ; 'dots' 6
332,13 → 330,13
cmp ah,18
jne .next_m2
mov [re_alloc_flag],1 ; reallocate memory
mov [triangles_count_var],1000
mov [points_count_var],1000
call alloc_mem_for_tp
mov [re_alloc_flag],0
end if
mov bl,[generator_flag]
; or bl,bl
; jz .next_m2
536,11 → 534,6
mov ecx,[points_count_var]
call rotary
; pop ebx
; sub eax,ebx
; sub eax,41
; push eax
mov esi,[points_rotated_ptr]
mov edi,[points_translated_ptr]
547,10 → 540,6
mov ecx,[points_count_var]
call translate_points
; cmp [dr_flag],5
; jne @f
; call calc_attenuation_light
; @@:
cmp [fire_flag],0
jne @f
call clrscr ; clear the screen
568,8 → 557,6
call fill_Z_buffer ; make background
; push eax
cmp [dr_flag],6
jne @f
call draw_dots
742,13 → 729,22
loop .dc
pop eax
mov eax,7 ; put image
mov ebx,[screen_ptr]
mov ecx,[size_y_var]
; mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y
mov edx,[offset_y] ;5 shl 16 + 25
cmp [dr_flag],12
je .ff
int 0x40
jmp .f
mov eax,65
mov esi,32
xor ebp,ebp
int 0x40
mov eax,13
mov bx,[size_x_var]
add ebx,18
773,9 → 769,7
int 40h
; addsubps xmm0,xmm0
jmp still
797,6 → 791,9
include "GRD_TEX.INC"
include "TWO_TEX.INC"
include "ASC.INC"
if Ext >= SSE3
include ""
end if
mov edi,[vertices_index_ptr]
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
825,9 → 822,15
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
imul edx,ecx
add ebx,edx
push ebx
lea ecx,[ebx*2]
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
cmp [dr_flag],12
jne @f
add ebx,[esp]
add esp,4
add ebx,[screen_ptr]
mov ebx,[ebx]
and ebx,0x00ffffff
868,18 → 871,6
; left button pressed
; macro check_bar
; {
; movzx ebx,word[.x_coord]
; movzx ecx,word[.y_coord]
; imul ebx,ecx
; lea ecx,[ebx*2]
; lea ebx,[ebx*3]
; add ebx,[screen_ptr]
; mov ebx,[ebx]
; and ebx,0x00ffffff
; cmp ebx,0x00ff0000 ; is handle bar ?
; }
jne .no_edit
985,7 → 976,7
mul ecx
mov [.temp],eax
lea ecx,[eax*3]
lea ecx,[eax*4] ; more mem for r_phg cause
add ecx,256
mov eax,68
mov ebx,20
1020,28 → 1011,6
if 0
;old Menuet style alloc
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
add eax,200
mul ecx
lea ecx,[eax*3]
add ecx,16
and ecx,0xfffffff0
push ecx
shl eax,2
add ecx,eax
add ecx,MEM_END
mov ebx,1
mov eax,64 ; allocate mem - resize app mem
int 0x40
mov [screen_ptr],MEM_END
mov [Zbuffer_ptr],MEM_END
pop ecx
add [Zbuffer_ptr],ecx
end if
; updates flags and writing flag description
1063,6 → 1032,7
add edi,17
cmp byte[edi],-1
jne .ch_another
jmp .no_write
; clreol {pascal never dies}
; * eax = 13 - function number
1447,39 → 1417,6
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
if 0
mov ebx,triangles_normals
mov ebp,triangles
push ebx
mov ebx,vectors
mov esi,dword[ebp] ; first point index
lea esi,[esi*3]
lea esi,[points+esi*2] ; esi - pointer to 1st 3d point
movzx edi,dword[ebp+4] ; second point index
lea edi,[edi*3]
lea edi,[points+edi*2] ; edi - pointer to 2nd 3d point
call make_vector
add ebx,12
mov esi,edi
movzx edi,dword[ebp+8] ; third point index
lea edi,[edi*3]
lea edi,[points+edi*2]
call make_vector
mov edi,ebx ; edi - pointer to 2nd vector
mov esi,ebx
sub esi,12 ; esi - pointer to 1st vector
pop ebx
call cross_product
mov edi,ebx
call normalize_vector
add ebp,12
add ebx,12
cmp dword[ebp],-1
jne @b
end if
.x equ dword [ebp-4]
1599,326 → 1536,46
; cmp dword[ebp],-1
; jne @b
if 0 ; ind 64 but
mov esi,[triangles_ptr]
mov edi,triangles_with_z
mov ebp,[points_translated_ptr]
make_triangle_with_z: ;makes list with triangles and z position
movzx eax,word[esi]
lea eax,[eax*3]
movzx ecx,word[ebp+eax*2+4]
movzx eax,word[esi+2]
lea eax,[eax*3]
add cx,word[ebp+eax*2+4]
movzx eax,word[esi+4]
lea eax,[eax*3]
add cx,word[ebp+eax*2+4]
mov ax,cx
; cwd
; idiv word[i3]
movsd ; store vertex coordinates
stosw ; middle vertex coordinate 'z' in triangles_with_z list
cmp dword[esi],-1
jne make_triangle_with_z
movsd ; copy end mark
mov eax,4
lea edx,[edi-8-trizdd]
; lea edx, [edi-8]
; sub edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
mov [high],edx
call quicksort
mov eax,4
mov edx,[high]
call insertsort
jmp end_sort
mov ecx,edx
sub ecx,eax
cmp ecx,32
jc .exit
lea ecx,[eax+edx]
shr ecx,4
lea ecx,[ecx*8-4];
; mov edi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov ebx,[edi+eax]
; mov esi,[edi+ecx]
; mov edi,[edi+edx]
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]; trizdd[l]
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]; trizdd[i]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx]; trizdd[h]
cmp ebx,esi
jg @f ; direction NB! you need to negate these to invert the order
if Ext=NON
mov [trizdd+eax],esi
mov [trizdd+ecx],ebx
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax-4]
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx-4]
mov [trizdd+eax-4],esi
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],ebx
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+eax-4],mm1
xchg ebx,esi
end if
if Ext >= SSE3
copy_lights: ; after normalising !
mov esi,lights
mov edi,lights_aligned
mov ecx,3
push ecx
mov ecx,3
rep movsd
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,3
push ecx
mov ecx,3
cmp ebx,edi
jg @f ; direction
if Ext=NON
mov [trizdd+eax],edi
mov [trizdd+edx],ebx
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax-4]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx-4]
mov [trizdd+eax-4],edi
mov [trizdd+edx-4],ebx
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4]
movq [trizdq+edx-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+eax-4],mm1
; pop ebx
xchg ebx,edi
movzx ebx,byte[esi]
cvtsi2ss xmm0,ebx
movss [edi],xmm0
inc esi
add edi,4
loop @b
pop ecx
loop .b
inc esi ; skip shiness
pop ecx
loop .again
end if
cmp esi,edi
jg @f ; direction
if Ext=NON
mov [trizdd+ecx],edi
mov [trizdd+edx],esi
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx-4]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx-4]
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],edi
mov [trizdd+edx-4],esi
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4]
movq [trizdq+edx-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1
xchg ebx,esi
end if
mov ebp,eax ; direction
add ebp,8 ; j
if Ext=NON
mov esi,[trizdd+ebp]
mov edi,[trizdd+ecx]
mov [trizdd+ebp],edi
mov [trizdd+ecx],esi
mov esi,[trizdd+ebp-4]
mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4]
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ebp-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ebp-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ebp-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+ebp-4],mm1
end if
mov ecx,edx ; i; direction
mov ebx,[trizdd+ebp]; trizdd[j]
; mov ebx, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx, ebp
; push eax
; mov eax, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
sub ecx,8 ; direction
cmp [trizdd+ecx],ebx
; cmp [eax+ecx],ebx
jl .loop ; direction
add ebp,8 ; direction
cmp [trizdd+ebp],ebx
; cmp [eax+ebp],ebx
jg @b ; direction
cmp ebp,ecx
jge @f ; direction
if Ext=NON
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]
mov edi,[trizdd+ebp]
mov [trizdd+ebp],esi
mov [trizdd+ecx],edi
mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4]
mov esi,[trizdd+ebp-4]
mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
; movq mm0,[eax+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[eax+ebp-4]
; movq [eax+ebp-4],mm0
; movq [eax+ecx-4],mm1
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ebp-4]
movq [trizdq+ebp-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1
end if
jmp .loop
; pop eax
if Ext=NON
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]
mov edi,[trizdd+eax+8]
mov [trizdd+eax+8],esi
mov [trizdd+ecx],edi
mov edi,[trizdd+ecx-4]
mov esi,[trizdd+eax+4]
mov [trizdd+eax+4],edi
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
; push edx
; mov edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[edx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[edx+eax+4]; dir
; movq [edx+eax+4],mm0; dir
; movq [edx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop edx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+eax+4]; dir
movq [trizdq+eax+4],mm0; dir
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1
end if
add ecx,8
push ecx edx
mov edx,ebp
call quicksort
pop edx eax
call quicksort
mov esi,eax
add esi,8
cmp esi,edx
ja .exit
mov ebx,[trizdd+esi]
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx,esi
if Ext=NON
mov ecx,[trizdd+esi-4]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm1,[ebx+esi-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+esi-4]
; pop ebx
end if
mov edi,esi
cmp edi,eax
jna @f
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; cmp [eax+edi-8],ebx
; pop eax
cmp [trizdd+edi-8],ebx
jg @f ; direction
if Ext=NON
mov ebp,[trizdd+edi-8]
mov [trizdd+edi],ebp
mov ebp,[trizdd+edi-12]
mov [trizdd+edi-4],ebp
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[eax+edi-12]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm0
movq mm0,[trizdq+edi-12]
movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm0
; pop eax
end if
sub edi,8
jmp @b
if Ext=NON
mov [trizdd+edi],ebx
mov [trizdd+edi-4],ecx
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm1
movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm1
; pop eax
end if
jmp .start
; translate triangles_with_z to sorted_triangles
mov esi,triangles_with_z
; mov esi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov edi,sorted_triangles
mov edi,[triangles_ptr]
if Ext=NON
add esi,2
movq mm0,[esi]
movq [edi],mm0
add esi,8
add edi,6
end if
cmp dword[esi],-1
jne again_copy
; if Ext=MMX
; emms
; end if
movsd ; copy end mark too
end if ; 64 ind
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
xor eax,eax
if Ext=NON
rep stosd
2130,7 → 1787,10
je .cubic_env_mapping
cmp [dr_flag],11
je .draw_smooth_line
; ****************
if Ext >= SSE3
cmp [dr_flag],12
je .r_phg
end if ; ****************
mov esi,point_index3 ; do Gouraud shading
mov ecx,3
2953,8 → 2613,73
push [xx2]
call smooth_line
jmp .end_draw
if Ext >= SSE3
movd xmm5,[size_y_var]
punpcklwd xmm5,[the_zero]
pshufd xmm5,xmm5,01110011b
mov eax,[point_index1]
mov ebx,[point_index2]
mov ecx,[point_index3]
imul eax,[i12]
imul ebx,[i12]
imul ecx,[i12]
add eax,[points_normals_rot_ptr]
add ebx,[points_normals_rot_ptr]
add ecx,[points_normals_rot_ptr]
movups xmm0,[eax]
movups xmm1,[ebx]
movups xmm2,[ecx]
andps xmm0,[zero_hgst_dd]
andps xmm1,[zero_hgst_dd]
andps xmm2,[zero_hgst_dd]
xorps xmm3,xmm3
mov eax,[point_index1]
mov ebx,[point_index2]
mov ecx,[point_index3]
imul eax,[i12]
imul ebx,[i12]
imul ecx,[i12]
add eax,[points_rotated_ptr]
add ebx,[points_rotated_ptr]
add ecx,[points_rotated_ptr]
push dword[ecx+8]
push dword[ebx+8]
push dword[eax+8]
movups xmm4,[esp]
add esp,12
andps xmm4,[zero_hgst_dd]
mov eax,dword[xx1]
ror eax,16
mov ebx,dword[xx2]
ror ebx,16
mov ecx,dword[xx3]
ror ecx,16
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
call real_phong_tri_z
jmp .end_draw
end if
pop esi
add esi,12
2990,6 → 2715,8
push dword 0
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
cmp [dr_flag],12
je @f
lea ebx,[eax*3]
sub ebx,18
add eax,eax
2996,7 → 2723,18
sub eax,12
mov [.xres3m18],ebx
mov [.xres2m12],eax
jmp .f
lea ebx,[eax*4]
sub ebx,4*6
add eax,eax
sub eax,3*4
mov [.xres3m18],ebx
mov [.xres2m12],eax
mov esi,[points_translated_ptr]
push esi
3033,7 → 2771,13
; sub eax,3
imul eax,edx
add eax,ebx
push eax
lea edi,[eax*3]
cmp [dr_flag],12
jne @f
add edi,[esp]
add esp,4
lea eax,[eax*2]
; draw bar 6x6
add edi,[screen_ptr]
3049,13 → 2793,20
push ecx
mov ecx,6
mov word[edi],0x0000 ;ax
mov byte[edi+2],0xff ;al
mov word[eax],dx
add eax,2
cmp [dr_flag],12
jne @f
add edi,4
loop .do
jmp .ad
add edi,3
loop @b
loop .do
add edi,[.xres3m18]
add eax,[.xres2m12]
pop ecx
3077,6 → 2828,10
mov eax,0x70000000
cmp [dr_flag],12
jne @f
mov eax,60000.1
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx ebx,word[size_y_var]