Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 7646 → Rev 7647

52,6 → 52,7
struct Eolite_colors
bool def;
dword lpanel;
dword list_vert_line; //vertical line between columns in list
dword selec;
588,7 → 589,7
//main rectangles
DrawRectangle(1,40,Form.cwidth-3,Form.cheight - 42-status_bar_h,col.graph);
DrawRectangle(0,39,Form.cwidth-1,-show_status_bar.checked*status_bar_h + Form.cheight - 40,col.work_gradient[4]); //bg
for (i=0; i<5; i++) DrawBar(0, 34+i, Form.cwidth, 1, col.work_gradient[11-i]);
for (i=0; i<5; i++) DrawBar(0, 34+i, Form.cwidth, 1, col.work_gradient[-i*3+15]);
llist_copy(#files_active, #files);
strcpy(#active_path, #path);
67,7 → 67,7
int i, fill_h;
if (h < 12) {
for (i=0; i<h; i++) DrawBar(x, y+i, w, 1, col.work_gradient[12-i]);
for (i=0; i<h; i++) DrawBar(x, y+i, w, 1, col.work_gradient[-i*3+15]);
} else {
DrawBar(x, y, w, h, col.work_gradient[12]);
209,13 → 209,19
void Tip(int y, dword caption, id, arrow)
if (col.def) {
DrawFilledBarInner(17, y+1, 160, 16);
if (id) DefineButton(159,y+1,16,16,id+BT_HIDE+BT_NOFRAME,0); //arrow button
WriteText(165,y+5,0x80,0x000000,arrow); //arrow
} else {
if (id) DefineButton(159,y+1,16,16,id+BT_HIDE+BT_NOFRAME,0); //arrow button
WriteText(165,y+5,0x80,col.list_gb_text,arrow); //arrow
void ActionsDraw()
244,7 → 250,7
DrawBar(2,56,15,actions_y+103,col.lpanel); //ñèíèé ïðÿìîóãîëüíèê - ñëåâà
DrawBar(177,56,15,actions_y+103,col.lpanel); //ñèíèé ïðÿìîóãîëüíèê - ñïðàâà
area_h = Form.cheight-start_y-2 - status_bar_h;
if (col.lpanel == 0x00699C)
if (col.def)
if (area_h < 268){
PutPaletteImage(#blue_hl, 190, area_h, 2, start_y, 8, #blue_hl_pal);
233,6 → 233,7
if (GrayScaleImage(#bg_col,1,1)>=65)
//use light colors
col.def = true;
col.list_bg = 0xFFFfff;
col.list_gb_text = 0x000000;
col.list_text_hidden = 0xA6A6B7;
249,6 → 250,7
//use dark colors
col.def = false;
col.list_bg =;
col.list_gb_text = system.color.work_text;
col.list_text_hidden = 0xA6A6B7;
1,5 → 1,5
#define TITLE "Eolite File Manager 4.21b"
#define ABOUT_TITLE "EOLITE 4.21b"
#define TITLE "Eolite File Manager 4.21c"
#define ABOUT_TITLE "EOLITE 4.21c"
#ifdef LANG_RUS
?define T_FILE "” ©«"
17,6 → 17,7
block preview = { 0, PANELH, WIN_W, WIN_H - PANELH };
checkbox bold = { "Bold", false };
checkbox smooth = { "Smooth", true };
checkbox colored = { "Colored", true };
void main()
31,8 → 32,9
case evButton:
btn = GetButtonID();
if (btn==1) ExitProcess();
if ( kfont.bold = bold.checked;
if ( kfont.smooth = smooth.checked;;;;
if (btn==PHRASE_TAB) || (btn==CHARS_TAB);
case evReDraw:
42,10 → 44,14
if (Form.status_window>2) break;
kfont.bold = bold.checked;
kfont.smooth = smooth.checked;
DrawBar(0, 0, Form.cwidth, PANELH-1,;
DrawBar(0, PANELH-1,Form.cwidth,1,system.color.work_graph);
bold.draw(10, 8);
tabs.draw_button(Form.cwidth-130, PHRASE_TAB, "Phrase");
tabs.draw_button(Form.cwidth-60, CHARS_TAB, "Chars");
61,15 → 67,21
dword pal[] = { 0x4E4153, 0x57417C, 0x89633B, 0x819156, 0x00CCCC, 0x2AD266,
0xE000CC, 0x0498F9, 0xC3A9F5, 0xFFC200, 0xFF5836, 0xA086BA,
0,0,0,0,0 };
void DrawPreviewPhrase()
dword i, y;
dword c;
char line[256];
kfont.raw_size = free(kfont.raw);
for (i=10, y=5; i<22; i++, y+=kfont.height;) //not flexible, need to calculate font count and max line length
for (i=10, y=12; i<22; i++, y+=kfont.height+3;) //not flexible, need to calculate font count and max line length
if (colored.checked) c = pal[i-10]; else c=0;
sprintf(#line," §¬¥à èà¨äâ /size font %d ¯¨ªá¥«¥©.",i);
kfont.WriteIntoBuffer(10,y,Form.cwidth,Form.cheight-PANELH, 0xFFFFFF, 0, i, #line);
kfont.WriteIntoBuffer(14,y,Form.cwidth,Form.cheight-PANELH, 0xFFFFFF, c, i, #line);
if (kfont.smooth) kfont.ApplySmooth();
kfont.ShowBuffer(preview.x, preview.y);
69,7 → 69,7
dword ty = h/2-7+y;
if (id>0) DefineButton(x,y,w,h,id,color_b);
WriteText(tx+1,ty+1,0x90,LightenDarkenColor(color_b, -40),text);
84,15 → 84,16
int ty = y + padding_v+1;
int tw = strlen(text)*8;
int w = tw + padding_h + padding_h;
unsigned darker_color = LightenDarkenColor(system.color.work_button, -40);
if (id>0) DefineButton(x,y,w,h,id,system.color.work_button);
if (active_button_id==id) {
DrawBar(tx,ty+15,tw,1, MixColors(system.color.work_button,0,230));
DrawBar(tx,ty+15,tw,1, darker_color);
DrawBar(tx,ty+14,tw,1, system.color.work_button_text);
99,6 → 100,13
return w + right_margin;
:unsigned LightenDarkenColor(dword color, amt) {
dword r = color >> 16 + amt << 16;
dword b = color >> 8 & 0x00FF + amt << 8;
dword g = color & 0x0000FF + amt;
return g | b | r ;
:void ActiveButtonSwitch(int min, max)
77,14 → 77,10
:dword wait_event_code;
inline fastcall dword WaitEvent()
$mov eax,10
$int 0x40
wait_event_code = EAX;
//if(wait_event_code==evMouse) MOUSE.get();
//return wait_event_code;
inline fastcall dword CheckEvent()
91,7 → 87,6
$mov eax,11
$int 0x40
wait_event_code = EAX;
:dword WaitEventTimeout(dword time)
99,7 → 94,6
EAX = 23;
EBX = time;
$int 0x40
wait_event_code = EAX;
inline fastcall dword SetEventMask(EBX)
46,8 → 46,8
void load_config()
ini_get_str stdcall (#settings_ini_path, "Config", "window_title", #window_title, sizeof(window_title), "Software widget");
ini_get_int stdcall (#settings_ini_path, "Config", "window_width", 690);
ini_get_str stdcall (#settings_ini_path, "Config", "title", #window_title, sizeof(window_title), "Software widget");
ini_get_int stdcall (#settings_ini_path, "Config", "win_width", 690);
window_width = EAX;
ini_get_int stdcall (#settings_ini_path, "Config", "cell_w", 73);
list.item_w = EAX;
43,27 → 43,27
mcall 49,0x0000,0x0001,0x5308
mcall 12,1
mcall 0,100*65536+235,100*65536+90,0x34ffffff,0x000000,title
mcall 0,100*65536+320,120*65536+120,0x34ffffff,0x000000,title
mcall 49,0x0000,,0x5300
jnc @f
mcall 4,10*65536+3,0x80000000,text.4
mcall 4,10*65536+12,0x90CE362B,ver.4
bts [flags], 1
jmp .end
cmp al, 0
jne @f
mov edx, text.1
mov edx, ver.1
jmp .0
cmp al, 1
jne @f
mov edx, text.2
mov edx, ver.2
jmp .0
mov edx, text.3
mov edx, ver.3
push edx
mcall 4,169*65536+3,0x80dddddd,text.0
mcall 4,237*65536+3,0x80AAAaaa,ver.0
pop edx
add ebx, 47*65536
119,29 → 119,29
mov edx, text.04
push edx
mcall 4,10*65536+20,0x80000000,text.10
mcall 4,10*65536+22,0x80000000,text.10
pop edx
mcall ,100*65536+20,
mcall ,100*65536+22,
;battery life, percentage and minutes/seconds
mcall ,10*65536+30,,text.20
mcall ,10*65536+34,,text.20
pop cx
cmp cl, 0xff
jne @f
mcall ,100*65536+30,0x80000000,text.04
mcall ,100*65536+34,0x80000000,text.04
pop eax
jmp .end
shl ecx, 24
shr ecx, 24
mcall 47,0x80030000,,100*65536+30,0x347636
mcall 47,0x80030000,,100*65536+34,0x347636
mcall 4,115*65536+30,0x80000000,text.15
mcall 4,115*65536+34,0x80000000,text.15
mov dx, [esp]
shl edx, 17
shr edx, 17
mov ecx, edx
mcall 47,0x80030000,,140*65536+30
mcall 47,0x80030000,,140*65536+34
pop cx
mov edx, text.21
bt cx, 15
148,20 → 148,20
jc @f
mov edx, text.22
mcall 4,160*65536+30,0x80000000
mcall 4,160*65536+34,0x80000000
pop si
mcall 8,148*65536+16,45*65536+15,3,0x00677ab0
mcall ,166*65536+16,,4,
mcall ,184*65536+16,,5,
mcall ,202*65536+16,,6,
mcall 8,195*65536+21,56*65536+20,3,0x00BBD5E6
mcall ,219*65536+21,,4,
mcall ,243*65536+21,,5,
mcall ,267*65536+21,,6,
bt [flags], 1
jc @f
mcall ,65*65536+45,,2,
mcall ,86*65536+56,,2,
mcall 4,10*65536+50,0x80564242,text.30
mcall 4,10*65536+60,0x90564242,text.30
mcall 12,2
297,54 → 297,35
title db '',0
title db 'Advanced Power Management',0
flags dw 0
.0: db 'APM v.1.',0
.1: db '0',0
.2: db '1',0
.3: db '2',0
.4: db 'APM is not supported',0
db 'APM v.1.',0
db '0',0
db '1',0
db '2',0
db 'APM not supported',0
.00: db 'power status:',0
.01: db 'off-line',0
.02: db 'on-line',0
.03: db 'on backup power',0
.04: db 'unknown',0
db 'power status:',0
db 'off-line',0
db 'on-line',0
db 'on backup power',0
db 'unknown',0
.10: db 'battery flag:',0
.11: db 'high',0
.12: db 'low',0
.13: db 'critical',0
.14: db 'charging',0
.15: db ' % ,',0
db 'battery flag:',0
db 'high',0
db 'low',0
db 'critical',0
db 'charging',0
db ' % ,',0
.20: db 'battery life:',0
.21: db 'min',0
.22: db 'sec',0
db 'battery life:',0
db 'min',0
db 'sec',0
.30: db 'STAND-BY: SYSTEM HDD: 0 1 2 3',0
db 'STAND-BY: SYSTEM HDD: 0 1 2 3',0
0,0 → 1,2
@fasm apm.asm apm