Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 1917 → Rev 1928

136,12 → 136,16
call rs7xx_nbconfig_flush_pci
mov eax, ebx
and eax, 0xFFE00000 ; valid bits [31..21]
jz $ ; NB BAR3 may be invisible!
jz $ ; invalid map!
mov dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_addr-OS_BASE], eax ; physical address (lower 32 bits)
add dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_lim-OS_BASE], eax
or eax, (PG_NOCACHE + PG_SHARED + PG_LARGE + PG_UW) ; by the way, UW is unsafe!
; ---- common mapping procedure ----
; (eax = phys. address of PCIe
or eax, (PG_NOCACHE + PG_SHARED + PG_LARGE + PG_UW) ; UW is unsafe, fix it!
mov ecx, PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE ; linear address
mov ebx, ecx
shr ebx, 20
167,7 → 171,33
ret ; <<< OK >>>
; ---- stepping 10h CPUs and Fusion APUs: the configspace is stored in MSR_C001_0058 ----
align 4
mov ecx, 0xC0010058
or edx, edx
jnz $ ; PCIe is in the upper memory. Stop.
xchg dl, al
mov dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_addr-OS_BASE], eax ; store the physical address
mov ecx, edx
and dl, 1
jz $ ; bit[0] = 1 means no PCIe mapping allowed. Stop.
shr cl, 2 ; ecx = log2(number of buses)
mov word[PCIe_bus_range-OS_BASE], cx
sub cl, 2
jae @f
xor cl, cl
shl edx, cl ; edx = number of 4M pages to map
mov word[mmio_pcie_cfg_pdes-OS_BASE], dx
shl edx, 22
dec edx
add edx, eax ; the upper configspace limit
mov dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_lim-OS_BASE], edx
jmp map_pcie_pages
; ================================================================================
org OS_BASE+$ ; back to the linear address space
278,6 → 308,19
pop edx
align 4
; in: [esp+8] = MSR#
; out: [esp+8] = MSR[63:32]
; [eax] = MSR[31: 0]
push ecx edx
mov ecx, [esp+16]
mov [esp+16], edx
pop edx ecx
44,28 → 44,10
align 32
; sti
push ecx
; sti
; and eax, 3
; call dword [servetable3 + eax * 4]
mov edi, [esp+4]
mov ecx, [esp+8]
mov edx, [esp+12]
mov ebx, [esp+16]
and al, 1
jz .hline
mov eax, [esp+20]
call vline
jmp .done
mov eax, [esp+20]
call hline
and eax, 3
call dword [servetable3 + eax * 4]
pop ecx
173,8 → 155,8
align 4
servetable3: ; Kolibri-A special service
dd hline ; 0
dd vline ; 1
dd sys_rdmsr ; 0
dd paleholder ; 1
dd paleholder ; 2
dd sys_end ; last
8,6 → 8,7
; check mouse
219,7 → 219,8
call init_BIOS32 ; ( - to be removed later)
; PCIe extended config space access
call rs7xx_pcie_init ; (bus/
; call rs7xx_pcie_init ; (bus/
call fusion_pcie_init ; (bus/
call init_mem ; (
0,0 → 1,1064
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2008. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; VESA20.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Vesa 2.0 functions for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2002 Ville Turjanmaa ;;
;; Alexey, ;;
;; - Voodoo compatible graphics ;;
;; Juan M. Caravaca ;;
;; - Graphics optimimizations eg. drawline ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 1708 $
; getpixel
; in:
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ret:
; ecx = 00 RR GG BB
mov ecx, [BytesPerScanLine]
imul ecx, ebx
lea ecx, [ecx+eax*4] ; ecx = x*4+(y*y multiplier)
mov ecx, [ecx+LFB_BASE]
and ecx, 0xffffff
virtual at esp
.real_sx dd ?
.real_sy dd ?
.image_sx dd ?
.image_sy dd ?
.image_cx dd ?
.image_cy dd ?
.pti dd ?
.abs_cx dd ?
.abs_cy dd ?
.line_increment dd ?
.winmap_newline dd ?
.screen_newline dd ?
.stack_data = 4*12
.edi dd ?
.esi dd ?
.ebp dd ?
.esp dd ?
.ebx dd ?
.edx dd ?
.ecx dd ?
.eax dd ?
.ret_addr dd ?
.arg_0 dd ?
end virtual
align 16
; ebx = pointer
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
; ebp = pointer to 'get' function
; esi = pointer to 'init' function
; edi = parameter for 'get' function
call [_display.disable_mouse]
sub esp, putimg.stack_data
; save pointer to image
mov [putimg.pti], ebx
; unpack the size
mov eax, ecx
and ecx, 0xFFFF
shr eax, 16
mov [putimg.image_sx], eax
mov [putimg.image_sy], ecx
; unpack the coordinates
mov eax, edx
and edx, 0xFFFF
shr eax, 16
mov [putimg.image_cx], eax
mov [putimg.image_cy], edx
; calculate absolute (i.e. screen) coordinates
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]
add ebx, [putimg.image_cx]
mov [putimg.abs_cx], ebx
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]
add ebx, [putimg.image_cy]
mov [putimg.abs_cy], ebx
; real_sx = MIN(wnd_sx-image_cx, image_sx);
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +] ; ebx = wnd_sx
inc ebx ; is one pixel less than real window x-size
sub ebx, [putimg.image_cx]
ja @f
add esp, putimg.stack_data
cmp ebx, [putimg.image_sx]
jbe .end_x
mov ebx, [putimg.image_sx]
mov [putimg.real_sx], ebx
; init real_sy
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +] ; ebx = wnd_sy
inc ebx
sub ebx, [putimg.image_cy]
ja @f
add esp, putimg.stack_data
cmp ebx, [putimg.image_sy]
jbe .end_y
mov ebx, [putimg.image_sy]
mov [putimg.real_sy], ebx
; line increment
mov eax, [putimg.image_sx]
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
sub eax, ecx
call esi
add eax, [putimg.arg_0]
mov [putimg.line_increment], eax
; winmap new line increment
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
inc eax
sub eax, [putimg.real_sx]
mov [putimg.winmap_newline], eax
; screen new line increment
mov eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
shl ecx, 1
shl ecx, 1
sub eax, ecx
mov [putimg.screen_newline], eax
; pointer to image
mov esi, [putimg.pti]
; pointer to screen
mov edx, [putimg.abs_cy]
imul edx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov eax, [putimg.abs_cx]
shl eax, 1
shl eax, 1
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
imul eax, [Screen_Max_X]
add eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
add eax, [putimg.abs_cx]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
xchg eax, ebp
; get process number
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov edi, [putimg.real_sy]
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], eax
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline] ;[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline] ;[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
dec edi
jnz .new_line
add esp, putimg.stack_data
align 4
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ecx = ?? RR GG BB ; 0x01000000 negation
; edi = 0x00000001 force
cmp [Screen_Max_X], eax
jb .exit
cmp [Screen_Max_Y], ebx
jb .exit
test edi,1 ; force ?
jnz .checked
push edx
mov edx,[_display.width] ; screen x size
imul edx, ebx
add edx, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx edx, byte [eax+edx]
cmp edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
pop edx
jne .exit
; OK to set pixel
push ebx
imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
lea ebx, [ebx+eax*4]
test ecx,0x01000000
jz .noneg
mov ecx, [LFB_BASE+ebx]
not ecx
and ecx, 0x01FFFFFF
mov [LFB_BASE+ebx], ecx
pop ebx
align 4
put_pixel: ; left for compatibility with Vesa20_putpixel32
; eax = x
; ebx = y
imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
lea edi, [ebx+eax*4] ; edi = x*4+(y*y multiplier)
; mov eax, [esp+32-8+4] ; eax = color
mov [LFB_BASE+edi], ecx
;align 4
mov edi, ebx
imul edi, [Screen_Max_X]
add edi, ebx
add edi, eax
align 4
call [_display.disable_mouse]
; draw a line
; eax = HIWORD = x1
; LOWORD = x2
; ebx = HIWORD = y1
; LOWORD = y2
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
dl_x1 equ esp+20
dl_y1 equ esp+16
dl_x2 equ esp+12
dl_y2 equ esp+8
dl_dx equ esp+4
dl_dy equ esp+0
xor edx, edx ; clear edx
xor esi, esi ; unpack arguments
xor ebp, ebp
mov si, ax ; esi = x2
mov bp, bx ; ebp = y2
shr eax, 16 ; eax = x1
shr ebx, 16 ; ebx = y1
push eax ; save x1
push ebx ; save y1
push esi ; save x2
push ebp ; save y2
; checking x-axis...
sub esi, eax ; esi = x2-x1
push esi ; save y2-y1
jl .x2lx1 ; is x2 less than x1 ?
jg .no_vline ; x1 > x2 ?
mov edx, ebp ; else (if x1=x2)
call vline
push edx ; necessary to rightly restore stack frame at .exit
jmp .exit
neg esi ; get esi absolute value
; checking y-axis...
sub ebp, ebx ; ebp = y2-y1
push ebp ; save y2-y1
jl .y2ly1 ; is y2 less than y1 ?
jg .no_hline ; y1 > y2 ?
mov edx, [dl_x2] ; else (if y1=y2)
call hline
jmp .exit
neg ebp ; get ebp absolute value
cmp ebp, esi
jle .x_rules ; |y2-y1| < |x2-x1| ?
cmp [dl_y2], ebx ; make sure y1 is at the begining
jge .no_reverse1
neg dword [dl_dx]
mov edx, [dl_x2]
mov [dl_x2], eax
mov [dl_x1], edx
mov edx, [dl_y2]
mov [dl_y2], ebx
mov [dl_y1], edx
mov eax, [dl_dx]
cdq ; extend eax sing to edx
shl eax, 16 ; using 16bit fix-point maths
idiv ebp ; eax = ((x2-x1)*65536)/(y2-y1)
mov edx, ebp ; edx = counter (number of pixels to draw)
mov ebp, 1 *65536 ; <<16 ; ebp = dy = 1.0
mov esi, eax ; esi = dx
jmp .y_rules
cmp [dl_x2], eax ; make sure x1 is at the begining
jge .no_reverse2
neg dword [dl_dy]
mov edx, [dl_x2]
mov [dl_x2], eax
mov [dl_x1], edx
mov edx, [dl_y2]
mov [dl_y2], ebx
mov [dl_y1], edx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [dl_dy]
cdq ; extend eax sing to edx
shl eax, 16 ; using 16bit fix-point maths
idiv esi ; eax = ((y2-y1)*65536)/(x2-x1)
mov edx, esi ; edx = counter (number of pixels to draw)
mov esi, 1 *65536 ;<< 16 ; esi = dx = 1.0
mov ebp, eax ; ebp = dy
mov eax, [dl_x1]
mov ebx, [dl_y1]
shl eax, 16
shl ebx, 16
align 4
push eax ebx
shr eax, 16
shr ebx, 16
call [putpixel]
pop ebx eax
add ebx, ebp ; y = y+dy
add eax, esi ; x = x+dx
dec edx
jnz .draw
; force last drawn pixel to be at (x2,y2)
mov eax, [dl_x2]
mov ebx, [dl_y2]
call [putpixel]
add esp, 6*4
call [draw_pointer]
align 4
; ------------ draw a horizontal line -------------
; eax = x1
; edx = x2
; ebx = y
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jge .out
push eax ebp esi ebx edx
bt ecx, 24 ; color inversion check
rcl edi,1 ; forced graphics check
mov ebp, [_display.width] ; ebp = screen co-ords base
imul ebp, ebx
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
cmp edx, eax ; to make sure x2 > x1
jge @f
xchg eax, edx
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jge .exit
imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
add ebx, LFB_BASE
cmp edx, [Screen_Max_X] ; last check
jb .draw
mov edx, [Screen_Max_X]
.draw: ; -- the line ---
jmp dword [hline.drawtable + edi*4] ; a coolhack (C) Serge
align 4
mov ecx, [ebx+eax*4]
xor ecx, 0x00FFFFFF
or ecx, 0x01000000 ; keep bit[24] high !
align 4
movzx esi, byte [ebp+eax] ; check whether the line covered by other windows
cmp esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
je .putpixel
jmp .nextpixel
align 4
mov ecx, [ebx+eax*4]
xor ecx, 0x00FFFFFF
or ecx, 0x01000000 ; keep bit[24] high !
align 4
mov [ebx+eax*4], ecx
align 4
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
ja .exit
jmp dword [hline.drawtable + edi*4] ; close the loop
shr edi, 1 ; restore the 'force' bit
pop edx ebx esi ebp eax
align 4
dd .check_overlap ; general case
dd .invert_color
dd .putpixel ; force to draw it
dd .invert_force
align 4
; --------- draw a vertical line ------------
; eax = x
; ebx = y1
; edx = y2
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jge .out
push eax ebp esi ebx edx
mov ebp, [_display.width] ; ebp = screen co-ords base
imul ebp, ebx
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
add ebp, eax
cmp edx, ebx ; to make sure y2 > y1
jge @f
xchg ebx, edx
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jge .exit
push ebx
imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
shl eax, 1
shl eax, 1
add eax, ebx
add eax, LFB_BASE
pop ebx ; restore ebx = y1
cmp edx, [Screen_Max_Y] ; the last check
jb .draw
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y] ; to prevent off-screen drawing
jmp dword [vline.drawtable + edi*4]
align 4
mov ecx, [eax]
xor ecx, 0x00FFFFFF
or ecx, 0x01000000
align 4
movzx esi, byte [ebp]
cmp esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
je .putpixel
jmp .nextpixel
align 4
mov ecx, [eax]
xor ecx, 0x00FFFFFF
or ecx, 0x01000000
align 4
mov [eax], ecx
align 4
add eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [_display.width]
inc ebx
cmp ebx, edx
ja .exit
jmp dword [vline.drawtable + edi*4]
shr edi, 1
pop edx ebx esi ebp eax
align 4
dd .check_overlap ; general case
dd .invert_color
dd .putpixel ; force to draw it
dd .invert_force
virtual at esp
.bar_sx dd ?
.bar_sy dd ?
.bar_cx dd ?
.bar_cy dd ?
.abs_cx dd ?
.abs_cy dd ?
.real_sx dd ?
.real_sy dd ?
.color dd ?
.line_inc_scr dd ?
.line_inc_map dd ?
.stack_data = 4*11
end virtual
align 4
; eax cx
; ebx cy
; ecx xe
; edx ye
; edi color
call [_display.disable_mouse]
sub esp, drbar.stack_data
mov [drbar.color], edi
sub edx, ebx
jle .exit
sub ecx, eax
jle .exit
mov [drbar.bar_sy], edx
mov [drbar.bar_sx], ecx
mov [drbar.bar_cx], eax
mov [drbar.bar_cy], ebx
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
add eax, [edi-twdw +] ; win_cx
add ebx, [edi-twdw +] ; win_cy
mov [drbar.abs_cx], eax
mov [drbar.abs_cy], ebx
; real_sx = MIN(wnd_sx-bar_cx, bar_sx);
mov ebx, [edi-twdw +] ; ebx = wnd_sx
; note that is one pixel less than real window x-size
inc ebx
sub ebx, [drbar.bar_cx]
ja @f
add esp, drbar.stack_data
xor eax, eax
inc eax
cmp ebx, [drbar.bar_sx]
jbe .end_x
mov ebx, [drbar.bar_sx]
mov [drbar.real_sx], ebx
; real_sy = MIN(wnd_sy-bar_cy, bar_sy);
mov ebx, [edi-twdw +] ; ebx = wnd_sy
inc ebx
sub ebx, [drbar.bar_cy]
ja @f
add esp, drbar.stack_data
xor eax, eax
inc eax
cmp ebx, [drbar.bar_sy]
jbe .end_y
mov ebx, [drbar.bar_sy]
mov [drbar.real_sy], ebx
; line_inc_map
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
sub eax, [drbar.real_sx]
inc eax
mov [drbar.line_inc_map], eax
; line_inc_scr
mov eax, [drbar.real_sx]
shl eax, 1
shl eax, 1
neg eax
add eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov [drbar.line_inc_scr], eax
; pointer to screen
mov edx, [drbar.abs_cy]
imul edx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov eax, [drbar.abs_cx]
shl eax, 1
shl eax, 1
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [drbar.abs_cy]