Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 138 → Rev 139

468,6 → 468,7
;calculate parameter length
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx ; include terminating null
cmp byte [esi],0
jz .command_line_len_end
1,119 → 1,107
align 4
dtext: ; Text String Output (rw by Johnny_B[])
; eax x & y
; ebx font ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; ebx style ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; X = ABnnb:
; nn = font
; A = 0 <=> output edx characters; otherwise output ASCIIZ string
; B = 1 <=> fill background with color esi
; ecx start of text
; edx length
; edi 1 force
call [disable_mouse]
mov esi,edx ;esi=length
mov ebp,ecx ;ebp=ptr to text
mov ebp, ecx ; ebp=pointer to text
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx=color
movsx ebx,ax ;ebx=y
sar eax,16 ;eax=x
and esi, 0xFF ;limit of text = 255 symbols
test esi, esi ; zero length ?
jnz @f
jmp dtext.output_end
cmp edx, 255
jb .loop
mov edx, 255
test ecx, ecx
js .test_asciiz
dec edx
js .end
jmp @f
cmp byte [ebp], 0
jz .end
movzx edx,byte [ebp] ;edx=ascii code
test edx,edx
jz dtext.output_end
push edx
movzx edx, byte [ebp]
inc ebp
test ecx,0x10000000
jnz dtext.letnew2
align 4
drawletter: ;output char of type 1(monotype)
;eax - x
;ebx - y
;ecx - color
;edx - ascii code
jnz .font2
call [disable_mouse]
mov esi,9
lea ebp,[0x3F600+8*edx+edx]
push esi
mov dl,byte [ebp]
mov esi,8
test dl,1
jz .nopix
or dl, 1 shl 6
shr dl, 1
jz .pixloop1end
jnc .nopix
call [putpixel]
jmp .pixloop1cont
shr dl,1
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop1cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4+4]
call [putpixel]
pop ecx
inc eax
dec esi
jnz .pixloop
sub eax,8
jmp .pixloop1
sub eax, 6
inc ebx
inc ebp
pop esi
dec esi
jnz .symloop
jnz .symloop1
add eax,6
inc ebp ;ptr to text
dec esi ;length
jnz dtext.lnew
jmp dtext.output_end
align 4
drawletter2: ;output char of type 2(proportional)
;eax - x
;ebx - y
;ecx - color
;edx - symbol
;edi - force?
;result - eax=eax+sym_size
pop edx
jmp .loop
call [disable_mouse]
shl edx,1
mov esi,9
add edx, edx
lea ebp,[0x3EC00+4*edx+edx+1]
push 9
movzx esi, byte [ebp-1]
mov dl, byte [ebp]
push esi
mov dl,byte [ebp]
xor esi,esi
test dl,1
jz .nopix
shr dl, 1
jnc .nopix2
call [putpixel]
shr dl,1
inc esi
jmp .pixloop2cont
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop2cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+12+4]
call [putpixel]
pop ecx
inc eax
cmp esi,8
jl .pixloop
sub eax,8
dec esi
jnz .pixloop2
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc ebx
pop esi
inc ebp
dec esi
jnz .symloop
movzx edx,byte [ebp-10]
add [esp+32-4],edx
dec dword [esp]
jnz .symloop2
pop eax
add dword [esp+28], esi
inc ebp ;ptr to text
dec esi ;length
jnz dtext.lnew
pop edx
jmp .loop
196,15 → 196,10
mov edx,esi
.bll3: inc edx
cmp [edx],byte 0
jne .bll3
sub edx,esi
mov eax,10*65536
mov ax,word [boot_y]
add [boot_y],dword 10
mov ebx,0xffffff
mov ebx,0x80ffffff ; ASCIIZ string with white color
mov ecx,esi
mov edi,1
call dtext
1358,9 → 1353,7
cmp al,1 ; ecx is a pointer ?
jne displnl1
mov edi,[0x3010]
mov edi,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
mov ebx,[edi+ebx]
mov ebx,[ebx+std_application_base_address]
sub esp,64
1458,22 → 1451,19
add ecx,esp
add ecx,4
mov eax,[esp+64+32-8+4]
mov ebx,[esp+64+32-12+4]
push edx ; add window start x & y
push ebx
mov edx,[0x3010]
mov ebx,[]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,[]
add eax,ebx
pop ebx
pop edx
mov edi,0
call dtext
mov ebx,[esp+64+32-12+4]
and ebx, not 0x80000000 ; force counted string
mov esi, [esp+64+4+4]
xor edi,edi
jmp dtext
; eax read_area
2914,10 → 2904,7
add ax,[]
add ax,-3
add eax,ebp
mov ebx,[common_colours+16];0x00FFFFFF
xor edi,edi
call dtext
jmp @f
jmp .dodraw
cmp al,1
2936,10 → 2923,11
mov edx,eax
mov eax,0x00080007
add eax,ebp
mov ebx,[common_colours+16];0x00FFFFFF
or ebx, 0x80000000
xor edi,edi
call dtext
jmp @f
4825,6 → 4813,7
mov edi,[0x3010]
mov ebp,[]
push esi
mov esi,[0x3000]
shl esi,8
add ebp,[esi+0x80000+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
4831,6 → 4820,7
shl ebp,16
add ebp,[]
add bp,word[]
pop esi
add ecx,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
add eax,ebp
xor edi,edi
507,7 → 507,7
db '2) APM - POWEROFF '
db '3) REBOOT '
else if lang eq ru
db "¥§®¯ á­®¥ ¢ëª«î祭¨¥ ª®¬¯ìîâ¥à  ¨«¨ "
db ' '
515,6 → 515,14
db '2) APM - ¢ëª«î祭¨¥ ¯¨â ­¨ï '
db '3) ¥à¥§ £à㧪  á¨á⥬ë '
db '4) ¥áâ àâ ï¤à  ¨§ Ž‡“ '
db ' '
end if
468,6 → 468,7
;calculate parameter length
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx ; include terminating null
cmp byte [esi],0
jz .command_line_len_end
188,16 → 188,17
* ebx = [coordinate on axis x]*65536 + [coordinate on axis y]
* ecx = 0xX0RRGGBB, where
* RR, GG, BB specify text color
* X specifies the used font: 0=system monospaced,
* X=ABnn (bits):
* nn specifies the used font: 0=system monospaced,
1=system font of variable width
* A=0 - output esi characters, A=1 - output ASCIIZ-string
* B=1 - fill background with the color edi
* edx = pointer to the beginning of the string
* esi = length of the string, must not exceed 255
* esi = for A=0 length of the string, must not exceed 255;
for A=1 is ignored
Returned value:
* function does not return value
* Function outputs either first (esi and 0xFF) characters or
all characters before (but not including) terminating zero
(for ASCIIZ-strings) depending on what occurs first.
* First system font is read out at loading from the file,
second - from
* Both fonts have height 9 pixels, width of the monospaced font
424,7 → 425,7
=============== Function 12 - begin/end window redraw. ===============
------------ Subfunction 1 - begin redraw of the window. -------------
---------------- Subfunction 1 - begin window redraw. ----------------
* eax = 12 - function number
* ebx = 1 - subfunction number
431,7 → 432,7
Returned value:
* function does not return value
------------- Subfunction 2 - end redraw of the window. --------------
----------------- Subfunction 2 - end window redraw. -----------------
* eax = 12 - function number
* ebx = 2 - subfunction number
2054,7 → 2055,12
* áèòû 22-31 reserved and must be set to 0
* ecx = number (if bl=0) or pointer (if bl=1)
* edx = [coordinate on axis x]*65536 + [coordinate on axis y]
* esi = 0xN0RRGGBB, RRGGBB=color, N=font (0/1)
* esi = 0xX0RRGGBB:
* RR, GG, BB specify the color
* X = ABnn (bits)
* nn = font (0/1)
* A is ignored
* B=1 - fill background with the color edi
Returned value:
* function does not return value
7,6 → 7,7
;; Copyright 2002 Paolo Minazzi, ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; 20.08.2006 LFN set file size (truncate/extend) - diamond ;;
;; 17.08.2006 LFN write/append to file - diamond ;;
;; 23.06.2006 LFN start application - diamond ;;
;; 15.06.2006 LFN get/set file/folder info - diamond ;;
1,119 → 1,107
align 4
dtext: ; Text String Output (rw by Johnny_B[])
; eax x & y
; ebx font ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; ebx style ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; X = ABnnb:
; nn = font
; A = 0 <=> output edx characters; otherwise output ASCIIZ string
; B = 1 <=> fill background with color esi
; ecx start of text
; edx length
; edi 1 force
call [disable_mouse]
mov esi,edx ;esi=length
mov ebp,ecx ;ebp=ptr to text
mov ebp, ecx ; ebp=pointer to text
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx=color
movzx ebx,ax ;ebx=y
shr eax,16 ;eax=x
and esi, 0xFF ;limit of text = 255 symbols
test esi, esi ; zero length ?
jnz @f
jmp dtext.output_end
movsx ebx, ax ; ebx=y
sar eax, 16 ; eax=x
cmp edx, 255
jb .loop
mov edx, 255
test ecx, ecx
js .test_asciiz
dec edx
js .end
jmp @f
cmp byte [ebp], 0
jz .end
movzx edx,byte [ebp] ;edx=ascii code
test edx,edx
jz dtext.output_end
push edx
movzx edx, byte [ebp]
inc ebp
test ecx,0x10000000
jnz dtext.letnew2
align 4
drawletter: ;output char of type 1(monotype)
;eax - x
;ebx - y
;ecx - color
;edx - ascii code
jnz .font2
call [disable_mouse]
mov esi,9
lea ebp,[0x3F600+8*edx+edx]
push esi
mov dl,byte [ebp]
mov esi,8
test dl,1
jz .nopix
or dl, 1 shl 6
shr dl, 1
jz .pixloop1end
jnc .nopix
call [putpixel]
jmp .pixloop1cont
shr dl,1
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop1cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4+4]
call [putpixel]
pop ecx
inc eax
dec esi
jnz .pixloop
sub eax,8
jmp .pixloop1
sub eax, 6
inc ebx
inc ebp
pop esi
dec esi
jnz .symloop
jnz .symloop1
add eax,6
inc ebp ;ptr to text
dec esi ;length
jnz dtext.lnew
jmp dtext.output_end
align 4
drawletter2: ;output char of type 2(proportional)
;eax - x
;ebx - y
;ecx - color
;edx - symbol
;edi - force?
;result - eax=eax+sym_size
pop edx
jmp .loop
call [disable_mouse]
shl edx,1
mov esi,9
add edx, edx
lea ebp,[0x3EC00+4*edx+edx+1]
push 9
movzx esi, byte [ebp-1]
mov dl, byte [ebp]
push esi
mov dl,byte [ebp]
xor esi,esi
test dl,1
jz .nopix
shr dl, 1
jnc .nopix2
call [putpixel]
shr dl,1
inc esi
jmp .pixloop2cont
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop2cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+12+4]
call [putpixel]
pop ecx
inc eax
cmp esi,8
jl .pixloop
sub eax,8
dec esi
jnz .pixloop2
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc ebx
pop esi
inc ebp
dec esi
jnz .symloop
movzx edx,byte [ebp-10]
add [esp+32-4],edx
dec dword [esp]
jnz .symloop2
pop eax
add dword [esp+28], esi
inc ebp ;ptr to text
dec esi ;length
jnz dtext.lnew
pop edx
jmp .loop
194,15 → 194,10
mov edx,esi
.bll3: inc edx
cmp [edx],byte 0
jne .bll3
sub edx,esi
mov eax,10*65536
mov ax,word [boot_y]
add [boot_y],dword 10
mov ebx,0xffffff
mov ebx,0x80ffffff ; ASCIIZ string with white color
mov ecx,esi
mov edi,1
call dtext
1313,9 → 1308,7
cmp al,1 ; ecx is a pointer ?
jne displnl1
mov edi,[0x3010]
mov edi,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
mov ebx,[edi+ebx]
mov ebx,[ebx+std_application_base_address]
sub esp,64
1420,22 → 1413,19
add ecx,esp
add ecx,4
mov eax,[esp+64+32-8+4]
mov ebx,[esp+64+32-12+4]
push edx ; add window start x & y
push ebx
mov edx,[0x3010]
mov ebx,[]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,[]
add eax,ebx
pop ebx
pop edx
mov edi,0
call dtext
mov ebx,[esp+64+32-12+4]
and ebx, not 0x80000000 ; force counted string
mov esi, [esp+64+4+4]
xor edi,edi
jmp dtext
; eax read_area
2900,10 → 2890,7
add ax,[]
add ax,-3
add eax,ebp
mov ebx,[common_colours+16];0x00FFFFFF
xor edi,edi
call dtext
jmp @f
jmp .dodraw
cmp al,1
2922,10 → 2909,11
mov edx,eax
mov eax,0x00080007
add eax,ebp
mov ebx,[common_colours+16];0x00FFFFFF
or ebx, 0x80000000
xor edi,edi
call dtext
jmp @f
4809,6 → 4797,7
mov edi,[0x3010]
mov ebp,[]
push esi
mov esi,[0x3000]
shl esi,8
add ebp,[esi+0x80000+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
4815,6 → 4804,7
shl ebp,16
add ebp,[]
add bp,word[]
pop esi
add ecx,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
add eax,ebp
xor edi,edi