Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 4424 → Rev 5130

70,7 → 70,7
filename rd 256 ;1024/4
flags dd ?
save_cr3 dd ?
save_proc dd ?
slot dd ?
slot_base dd ?
file_base dd ?
215,7 → 215,7
call lock_application_table
call get_new_process_place
call alloc_thread_slot
test eax, eax
mov esi, -0x20 ; too many processes
jz .err
248,19 → 248,24
loop .copy_process_name_loop
mov ebx, cr3
mov [save_cr3], ebx
mov ebx, [current_process]
mov [save_proc], ebx
stdcall create_app_space, [hdr_mem], [file_base], [file_size]
stdcall create_process, [hdr_mem], [file_base], [file_size]
mov esi, -30; no memory
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov ebx, [hdr_mem]
mov [eax+PROC.mem_used], ebx
mov ebx, [slot_base]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table], eax
mov eax, [hdr_mem]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size], eax
mov [ebx+APPDATA.process], eax
lea edx, [ebx+APPDATA.list]
lea ecx, [eax+PROC.thr_list]
list_add_tail edx, ecx
xor edx, edx
cmp word [6], '02'
jne @f
292,7 → 297,7
lea ecx, [filename]
stdcall set_app_params , [slot], eax, ebx, ecx, [flags]
mov eax, [save_cr3]
mov eax, [save_proc]
call set_cr3
mov eax, [process_number];set result
301,7 → 306,7
jmp .final
mov eax, [save_cr3]
mov eax, [save_proc]
call set_cr3
385,53 → 390,55
align 4
proc get_new_process_place
; none
; eax=[new_process_place]<>0 - ok
; eax=[new_thread_slot]<>0 - ok
; 0 - failed.
;This function find least empty slot.
;It doesn't increase [TASK_COUNT]!
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
inc ebx
shl ebx, 5
add ebx, eax ;ebx - address of process information for (last+1) slot
;eax = address of process information for current slot
cmp eax, ebx
jz .endnewprocessplace ;empty slot after high boundary
add eax, 0x20
cmp word [eax+0xa], 9;check process state, 9 means that process slot is empty
jnz .newprocessplace
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 5 ;calculate slot index
cmp eax, 256
jge .failed ;it should be <256
mov word [ebx+0xa], 9;set process state to 9 (for slot after hight boundary)
mov edx, thr_slot_map
bsf eax, [edx]
jnz .found
add edx, 4
cmp edx, thr_slot_map+32
jb .l1
xor eax, eax
btr [edx], eax
sub edx, thr_slot_map
lea eax, [eax+edx*8]
align 4
proc create_app_space stdcall, app_size:dword,img_base:dword,img_size:dword
proc create_process stdcall, app_size:dword,img_base:dword,img_size:dword
app_pages dd ?
img_pages dd ?
dir_addr dd ?
process dd ?
app_tabs dd ?
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
xor eax, eax
mov [dir_addr], eax
mov [process], eax
mov eax, [app_size]
add eax, 4095
454,39 → 461,48
shr ecx, 12
mov [img_pages], ecx
lea eax, [ecx+ebx+2];only image size
lea eax, [eax+ebx+2];all requested memory
end if
cmp eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
ja .fail
call alloc_page
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x2000
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [dir_addr], eax
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], eax, dword PG_SW
mov [process], eax
mov edi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
lea edi, [eax+PROC.heap_lock]
mov ecx, (4096-PROC.heap_lock)/4
list_init eax
add eax, PROC.thr_list
list_init eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, edi
call get_pg_addr
mov [edi-4096+PROC.pdt_0_phys], eax
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
mov esi, sys_pgdir+(OS_BASE shr 20)
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
mov esi, sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(OS_BASE shr 20)
rep movsd
mov eax, [dir_addr]
mov eax, [edi-8192+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edi-4096+(page_tabs shr 20)], eax
and eax, -4096
lea eax, [edi-8192]
call set_cr3
mov edx, [app_tabs]
mov edi, new_app_base
xor edi, edi
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
497,9 → 513,7
dec edx
jnz @B
mov edi, new_app_base
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
mov edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, [app_tabs]
shl ecx, 10
508,13 → 522,11
mov ecx, [img_pages]
mov ebx, PG_UW
mov edx, new_app_base
xor edx, edx
mov esi, [img_base]
mov edi, new_app_base
shr esi, 10
shr edi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
add edi, page_tabs
mov edi, page_tabs
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
529,11 → 541,6
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
mov eax, 0x02
rep stosd
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
543,32 → 550,40
add edx, 0x1000
dec [app_pages]
jnz .alloc
end if
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], dword 0, dword PG_UNMAP
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [dir_addr]
mov eax, [process]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
cmp [dir_addr], 0
cmp [process], 0
je @f
stdcall destroy_app_space, [dir_addr], 0
;; stdcall destroy_app_space, [dir_addr], 0
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table], eax
mov [current_process], eax
mov [ebx+APPDATA.process], eax
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
mov cr3, eax
align 4
582,6 → 597,8
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, 1
jz .next
test eax, 2
jz .next
test eax, 1 shl 9
jnz .next ;skip shared pages
call free_page
594,46 → 611,25
align 4
proc destroy_app_space stdcall, pg_dir:dword, dlls_list:dword
destroy_process: ;fastcall ecx= ptr to process
xor edx, edx
push edx
mov eax, 0x1
mov ebx, [pg_dir]
;eax = current slot of process
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 5
cmp byte [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0xa], 9;if process running?
jz @f ;skip empty slots
shl ecx, 3
add ecx, SLOT_BASE
cmp [ecx+APPDATA.dir_table], ebx;compare page directory addresses
jnz @f
mov [ebp-4], ecx
inc edx ;thread found
inc eax
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT] ;exit loop if we look through all processes
jle .loop
lea eax, [ecx+PROC.thr_list]
cmp eax, []
jne .exit
;edx = number of threads
;our process is zombi so it isn't counted
pop ecx
cmp edx, 1
jg .ret
;if there isn't threads then clear memory.
mov esi, [dlls_list]
call destroy_all_hdlls;ecx=APPDATA
align 4
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
mov esi, [ecx+PROC.dlls_list_ptr]
call destroy_all_hdlls
mov eax, [pg_dir]
and eax, not 0xFFF
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], eax, PG_SW
mov esi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov edi, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
; mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
; call mutex_lock
mov esi, [esp]
add esi, PROC.pdt_0
mov edi, (0x80000000 shr 20)/4
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, 1
648,16 → 644,13
dec edi
jnz .destroy
mov eax, [pg_dir]
call free_page
call kernel_free ;ecx still in stack
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], 0, PG_UNMAP
; mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
; call mutex_unlock
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], 0, PG_UNMAP
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], 0, PG_UNMAP
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
align 4
708,6 → 701,10
; eax = 1 region lays in app memory
; eax = 0 region don't lays in app memory
mov eax, 1
if 0
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
; jmp check_process_region
732,57 → 729,13
mov eax, 1
; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
; push ebx
; push ecx
; push edx
; mov edx,ebx
; and edx,not (4096-1)
; sub ebx,edx
; add ecx,ebx
; mov ebx,edx
; add ecx,(4096-1)
; and ecx,not (4096-1)
;;eax - linear address of page directory
;;ebx - current page
;;ecx - current size
; mov edx,ebx
; shr edx,22
; mov edx,[eax+4*edx]
; and edx,not (4096-1)
; test edx,edx
; jz .failed1
; push eax
; mov eax,edx
; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
; mov edx,ebx
; shr edx,12
; and edx,(1024-1)
; mov eax,[eax+4*edx]
; and eax,not (4096-1)
; test eax,eax
; pop eax
; jz .failed1
; add ebx,4096
; sub ecx,4096
; jg .loop
; pop edx
; pop ecx
; pop ebx
mov eax, 1
; pop edx
; pop ecx
; pop ebx
xor eax, eax
end if
align 4
proc read_process_memory
954,7 → 907,7
call lock_application_table
call get_new_process_place
call alloc_thread_slot
test eax, eax
jz .failed
976,21 → 929,13
mov ecx, 11
rep movsb ;copy process name
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base]
mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_base], eax
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.process]
mov [edx+APPDATA.process], eax
mov ecx, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top]
mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_top], ecx
lea ebx, [edx+APPDATA.list]
lea ecx, [eax+PROC.thr_list]
list_add_tail ebx, ecx ;add thread to process child's list
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size]
mov [edx+APPDATA.mem_size], eax
mov ecx, [ebx+APPDATA.dir_table]
mov [edx+APPDATA.dir_table], ecx;copy page directory
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
mov [edx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr], eax
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.tls_base]
test eax, eax
jz @F
1118,8 → 1063,8
add eax, 256
jc @f
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
ja @f
; cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
; ja @f
mov eax, [cmd_line]
1158,8 → 1103,8
mov eax, edx
add eax, 1024
jc @f
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
ja @f
; cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
; ja @f
stdcall strncpy, edx, [app_path], 1024
mov ebx, [slot]