Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 837 → Rev 914

87,6 → 87,10
include ""
include ""
include ""
; Function
; ip_rx
114,11 → 118,13
mov ebx, eax ; ebx=pointer to IP_PACKET
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - proto: %u\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.Protocol]:1
; Validate the IP checksum
mov dx, word[ebx + IP_PACKET.HeaderChecksum]
xchg dh,dl ; Get the checksum in intel format
mov [ebx + IP_PACKET.HeaderChecksum], word 0 ; clear checksum field - need to when
mov [ebx + IP_PACKET.HeaderChecksum], 0 ; clear checksum field - need to when
; recalculating checksum
; this needs two data pointers and two size #.
; 2nd pointer can be of length 0
127,9 → 133,13
stdcall checksum_jb, ebx, ecx ;buf_ptr, buf_size
cmp dx, ax
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - checksums: %x - %x\n", dx, ax
jnz .dump.1 ;if CHECKSUM isn't valid then dump packet
jnz .dump ;if CHECKSUM isn't valid then dump packet
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dest: %x - %x\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress], [stack_ip]
; Validate the IP address, if it isn't broadcast
mov eax, [stack_ip]
cmp dword[ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress], eax
137,22 → 147,37
; If the IP address is, accept it
; - it is a broadcast packet, which we need for dhcp
cmp dword[ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress], 0xffffffff
jne .dump
mov eax, [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress]
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
;je @f
;mov ecx, [stack_ip]
;and eax, [subnet_mask]
;and ecx, [subnet_mask]
;cmp eax, ecx
;jne .dump.2
;mov eax, [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress]
;or eax, [subnet_mask]
;cmp eax, 0xffffffff
jne .dump.2
mov al, [ebx + IP_PACKET.VersionAndIHL]
and al, 0x0f ;get IHL(header length)
cmp al, 0x05 ;if IHL!= 5*4(20 bytes)
jnz .dump ;then dump it
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - ihl: %x - 05\n", al
jnz .dump.3 ;then dump it
cmp byte[ebx + IP_PACKET.TimeToLive], byte 0
je .dump ;if TTL==0 then dump it
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - ttl: %x - 00\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.TimeToLive]:2
mov ax, word[ebx + IP_PACKET.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
cmp [ebx + IP_PACKET.TimeToLive], 0
je .dump.4 ;if TTL==0 then dump it
mov ax, [ebx + IP_PACKET.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
and ax, 0xFFBF ;get flags
; DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - flags: %x - 0000\n", ax
cmp ax, 0 ;if some flags was set then we dump this packet
jnz .dump ;the flags should be used for fragmented packets
jnz .dump.5 ;the flags should be used for fragmented packets
; Check the protocol, and call the appropriate handler
; Each handler will re-use or free the queue buffer as appropriate
161,7 → 186,7
jne .not_tcp
DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - TCP packet\n"
; DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - TCP packet\n"
mov eax, dword[buffer_number]
call tcp_rx
jmp .exit
169,7 → 194,7
jne .not_udp
DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - UDP packet\n"
; DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - UDP packet\n"
mov eax, dword[buffer_number]
call udp_rx
jmp .exit
176,9 → 201,9
jne .dump ;protocol ain't supported
jne .dump.6 ;protocol ain't supported
DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - ICMP packet\n"
; DEBUGF 1,"K : ip_rx - ICMP packet\n"
;GET_IHL ecx, ebx + IP_PACKET.VersionAndIHL ;get packet length in ecx
mov eax, dword[buffer_number]
stdcall icmp_rx,eax,ebx,ecx ;buffer_number,IPPacketBase,IPHeaderLength
185,13 → 210,32
jmp .exit
; No protocol handler available, so
; silently dump the packet, freeing up the queue buffer
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (checksum: 0x%x-0x%x)\n", dx, ax
jmp .dump.x
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (ip: %u.%u.%u.%u)\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress + 0]:1, [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress + 1]:1, [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress + 2]:1, [ebx + IP_PACKET.DestinationAddress + 3]:1
jmp .dump.x
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (ihl: %u)\n", al
jmp .dump.x
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (ihl: %u)\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.TimeToLive]
jmp .dump.x
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (flags: 0x%x)\n", ax
jmp .dump.x
DEBUGF 1, "K : ip_rx - dumped (proto: %u)\n", [ebx + IP_PACKET.Protocol]:1
inc dword [dumped_rx_count]
mov eax, dword[buffer_number]
mov eax, [buffer_number]
call freeBuff