Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 5983 → Rev 5984

16,7 → 16,7
;; ;;
$Revision: 5584 $
$Revision: 5842 $
215,7 → 215,6
; It will also re-construct fragmented packets
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to IPv4 header in edx
; size of IPv4 packet in ecx
223,7 → 222,7
align 4
IPv4_input: ; TODO: add IPv4 raw sockets support
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: packet from %u.%u.%u.%u ",\
[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 1]:1,\
232,6 → 231,10
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 1]:1,\
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 2]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 3]:1
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
je .invalid_device
; re-calculate the checksum
240,40 → 243,32
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Checksum ok\n"
; Check if destination IP is correct
; Check if destination IP matches
call NET_ptr_to_num4
; check if it matches local ip (Using RFC1122 strong end system model)
; local ip (Using RFC1122 strong end system model)
mov eax, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
cmp eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; check for broadcast (IP or (not SUBNET))
; network layer broadcast
cmp eax, [BROADCAST_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; or a special broadcast (
; physical layer broadcast (
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
je .ip_ok
; maybe it's a multicast (
; multicast ( = to
and eax, 0x0fffffff
cmp eax, 224
je .ip_ok
; maybe we just dont have an IP yet and should accept everything on the IP level
cmp [IP_LIST + edi], 0
je .ip_ok
; or it's just not meant for us.. :(
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Destination address does not match!\n"
jmp .dump
305,7 → 300,6
xchg cl, ch ;
sub ecx, esi ;
lea edi, [edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress] ; make edi ptr to source and dest IPv4 address
mov al, [edx + IPv4_header.Protocol]
add esi, edx ; make esi ptr to data
318,15 → 312,64
je ICMP_input
; Look for a matching RAW socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
add ecx, esi
sub ecx, edx
mov esi, edx
movzx edx, al
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .dump_unlock
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], edx
jne .next_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: found matching RAW socket: 0x%x\n", eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
jmp SOCKET_input
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: unknown protocol %u\n", al
inc [IPv4_packets_dumped] ; FIXME: use correct interface
inc [IPv4_packets_dumped + edi]
call NET_BUFF_free
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_input: packet originated from invalid device\n"
call NET_BUFF_free
; Fragmented packet handler
568,11 → 611,12
; IPv4_output
; IN: eax = Destination IP
; IN: al = protocol
; ah = TTL
; ebx = device ptr (or 0 to let IP layer decide)
; ecx = data length
; edx = Source IP
; di = TTL shl 8 + protocol
; edi = Destination IP
; OUT: eax = pointer to buffer start / 0 on error
; ebx = device ptr (send packet through this device)
589,7 → 633,8
cmp ecx, 65500 ; Max IPv4 packet size
ja .too_large
push ecx di eax
push ecx ax edi
mov eax, edi
call IPv4_route ; outputs device number in edi, dest ip in eax, source IP in edx
push edx
test edi, edi
642,7 → 687,10
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ARP error=%x\n", eax
add esp, 3*4+2
add esp, 4
pop eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ip=0x%x\n", eax
add esp, 4+2
xor eax, eax
678,9 → 726,6
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: size=%u ptr=%x socket=%x\n", ecx, esi, eax
cmp ecx, 1480 ;;;;; FIXME
ja .too_large
sub esp, 8
push esi eax
707,7 → 752,7
mov dword[esp+4+4+4], eax
pop eax esi
;; todo: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
;; TODO: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
push edi ecx
rep movsb
734,11 → 779,14
add esp, 6
add esp, 6+8+4+4
or eax, -1
add esp, 8+4+4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output_raw: Failed\n"
mov ebx, ENOTCONN
or eax, -1
746,119 → 794,122
; IN: dword [esp] = pointer to buffer containing ipv4 packet to be fragmented
; esi = pointer to ip header in that buffer
; ecx = max size of fragments
; IN: [esp] = pointer to buffer containing ipv4 packet to be fragmented
; edi = pointer to ip header in that buffer
; ebx = device ptr
; OUT: /
proc IPv4_fragment stdcall buffer
align 4
offset dd ?
headerlength dd ?
headerptr dd ?
dataptr dd ?
remaining dd ?
segmentsize dd ?
and ecx, not 111b ; align 4
; We must be able to put at least 8 bytes per segment
movzx eax, byte[edi] ; IHL
and eax, 0xf
shl eax, 2
mov [headerlength], eax
add eax, 8
mov ecx, [ebx + NET_DEVICE.mtu]
and ecx, not 11b
cmp ecx, eax
jb .fail
cmp ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header + 8 ; must be able to put at least 8 bytes
jb .err2
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
push esi ecx
mov eax, [esi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
pop ecx esi
cmp eax, -1
jz .err2
mov [segmentsize], ecx
mov [headerptr], edi
movzx ecx, [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength]
xchg cl, ch
sub ecx, [headerlength]
mov [remaining], ecx
mov [offset], 0
push ebx
push ax
add edi, [headerlength]
mov [dataptr], edi
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
push eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: new fragment"
mov ecx, [segmentsize]
cmp ecx, [remaining]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [remaining]
push esi ; ptr to ip header
sub ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header ; substract header size
push ecx ; max data size
push dword 0 ; offset
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: new fragment"
mov ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
lea ebx, [esp + 4*4]
mov edx, [esp]
add edx, [edx + NET_BUFF.offset]
; add edx, ETH_header.DstMAC ; = 0
call ETH_output
jz .err
jz .fail
push edi
mov edx, ecx
; copy header
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
mov ecx, 5 ; 5 dwords: TODO: use IHL field of the header!
mov esi, [headerptr]
mov ecx, [headerlength]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
; copy data
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_header
add esi, [esp] ; offset
mov esi, [dataptr]
add esi, [offset]
mov ecx, edx
sub ecx, [headerlength]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop edi
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_fragment: copying %u bytes\n", ecx
rep movsb
; now, correct header
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
xchg cl, ch
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], cx
; packet length
mov ax, dx
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], ax
mov ecx, [esp] ; offset
xchg cl, ch
; offset
mov eax, [offset]
xchg al, ah
; cmp dword[esp + 4*4], 0 ; last fragment?;<<<<<<
; je .last_fragment
or cx, 1 shl 2 ; more fragments
; .last_fragment:
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], cx
sub edx, [headerlength]
sub [remaining], edx
je @f
jb .fail
or ah, 1 shl 2 ; more fragments
add [offset], edx
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], ax
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< send the packet
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
push edx eax
; Send the fragment
IPv4_checksum edi
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
mov ecx, [esp+4]
add [esp], ecx
cmp [remaining], 0
jne .loop
mov ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4] ; ptr to begin of buff
add ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4+4] ; buff size
sub ecx, [esp+2*4] ; ptr to ip header
add ecx, [esp] ; offset
call NET_BUFF_free
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: %u bytes remaining\n", ecx
cmp ecx, [esp+1*4]
jae .new_fragment
mov [esp+4], ecx ; set fragment size to remaining packet size
jmp .new_fragment
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Ipv4_fragment: failed\n"
add esp, 12 + 4 + 6
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: dumping\n"
call NET_BUFF_free
; IPv4_route
973,11 → 1024,6
pushd [edx + 4]
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
; Set up data receiving queue
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION)
pop eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock