Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 6239 → Rev 6240

48,9 → 48,12
nameOffset = 10
attributeFlags = 12
attributeID = 14
sizeWithoutHeader = 16
; resident attribute header
sizeWithoutHeader = 10h
; attributeOffset = 14h
indexedFlag = 16h
; non resident attribute header
firstVCN = 10h
lastVCN = 18h
dataRunsOffset = 20h
attributeAllocatedSize = 28h
439,6 → 442,9
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
cmp eax, 4
jc .failFreeBitmapMFT
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 1
jnz .failFreeBitmapMFT
mov [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapSize], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapLocation], eax
657,18 → 663,19
jc .errret
; 2. Find required attribute.
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
; a) For auxiliary records, read base record
; N.B. If base record is present,
; base iRecord may be 0 (for $Mft), but SequenceNumber is nonzero
; a) For auxiliary records, read base record.
; If base record is present, base iRecord may be 0 (for $Mft),
; but SequenceNumber is nonzero.
cmp dword [eax+24h], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [eax+20h]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord], eax
call ntfs_read_file_record
jc .errret
jmp @f
; b) Scan for required attribute and for $ATTR_LIST
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
1070,7 → 1077,7
; in: eax = iRecord
; out: [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer] = record data
; out: [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer] -> file record
; CF=1 -> failed, eax = disk error code, eax=0 -> something with FS
; Read attr $DATA of $Mft, starting from eax*[ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
push ecx edx
1135,6 → 1142,9
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
; in:
; ebx -> record
; eax = size in bytes
shr eax, 9
mov ecx, eax
1163,13 → 1173,13
; in:
; esi -> mcb entry
; esi -> MCB entry
; esp -> buffer (16 bytes)
; out:
; esi -> next mcb entry
; esi -> next MCB entry
; esp -> data run size
; esp+8 -> cluster (delta)
; CF=0 -> mcb end
; CF=0 -> MCB end
push eax ecx edi
lea edi, [esp+16]
xor eax, eax
1999,59 → 2009,79
@@: ; 1. Search file
call ntfs_lock
stdcall ntfs_find_lfn, [esp+4]
jnc .found
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFragmentCount], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; record fragmented
test eax, eax
jz ntfsFail
jmp .notFound
.found: ; rewrite
jc .notFound
; found, rewrite
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 16
jc ntfsDenied
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 1
jz ntfsDenied
jz .folder
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFragmentCount], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; record fragmented
; edit directory node
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 'INDX'
jz @f
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov ecx, [esi+recordRealSize]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov cl, [esi+attributeOffset]
sub esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
add eax, ecx
add eax, esi
mov edx, [ebx+12]
mov [eax+fileRealSize], edx
mov dword [eax+fileRealSize+4], 0
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
call ntfs_read_attr
jc ntfsDenied
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp word [eax+baseRecordReuse], 0
jc ntfsFail
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
cmp word [ecx+baseRecordReuse], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
cmp byte [eax+hardLinkCounter], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; file copying required
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; resident $DATA
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
add eax, [ebx+12]
adc edx, 0
cmp edx, [ecx+attributeRealSize+4]
cmp word [ecx+attributeFlags], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported
push ebx
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz @f
cmp [ecx+attributeRealSize+4], edx
jnz @f
cmp [ecx+attributeRealSize], eax
jnz ntfsUnsupported
jmp ntfs_WriteFile.write
jz ntfs_WriteFile.writeNode
jmp ntfs_WriteFile.resizeAttribute
.notFound: ; create; check path folders
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jnz ntfsNotFound
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz ntfsNotFound
bt dword [eax+fileFlags], 28
jnc ntfsDenied
push 0
jmp ntfsOut
.notFound: ; create
test eax, eax
jz ntfsFail
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFragmentCount], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; record fragmented
; 2. Prepare directory record
mov ecx, esi
@@: ; count characters
inc ecx
cmp byte [ecx], '/'
jz ntfsNotFound
jz ntfsNotFound ; path folder not found
cmp byte [ecx], 0
jnz @b
sub ecx, esi
push ecx
lea ecx, [ecx*2+52h] ; precalculate index length
add ecx, 7 ; align 8
and ecx, not 7
lea ecx, [ecx*2+52h+7] ; precalculate index length
and ecx, not 7 ; align 8
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
push esi
push ecx
2111,11 → 2141,12
rep stosd
add edi, 4
pop eax
pop ecx
pop esi
mov [edi+indexAllocatedSize], ax ; fill index with data
mov [edi+indexAllocatedSize], cx ; fill index with data
mov eax, [esp]
lea eax, [eax*2+42h]
shl eax, 1
add eax, 42h
mov [edi+indexRawSize], ax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord]
mov [edi+directoryRecordReference], eax
2123,8 → 2154,16
mov eax, [eax+reuseCounter]
mov [edi+directoryReferenceReuse], ax
mov eax, [ebx+12]
add ecx, 30h+48h+8+18h+8
add ecx, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], eax
mov [edi+fileRealSize], eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.frs_size], ecx
jc @f
mov eax, [ebx+16]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl ecx, 9
add eax, ecx
2149,161 → 2188,15
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 0
jz @f
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
mov byte [edi+fileFlags+3], 16
bts dword [edi+fileFlags], 28
jmp .mftBitmap
@@: ; 3. File data
cmp [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], 0
cmp [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], 0
jz .mftBitmap
; One piece free space bitmap search engine
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
shr eax, 5
jz .small
push eax ; bitmap dwords
add edi, 4
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
sub ecx, edi
shr ecx, 2
xor eax, eax
repnz scasd ; search for empty dword
jz @f
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
cmp ecx, [esp]
jnc @f
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
sub edi, 4
mov ecx, [esp]
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
repz scasd ; check following dwords
jnz .start
sub esi, 4
mov eax, [esi]
xor edx, edx
bsr edx, eax
inc edx
push edx ; starting bit
push esi ; starting dword
add esi, 4
neg edx
add edx, 32
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
sub eax, edx
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 5
shl eax, 2
add esi, eax
mov eax, [esi]
bsf ecx, eax ; last dword
jz .done
and edx, 31
cmp ecx, edx
jnc .done
add esp, 8
jmp .start
.small: ; less than 32 clusters
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
sub ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
shr ecx, 2
mov eax, -1
repz scasd ; search for zero bits
push ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
call bitmapBuffering
pop eax
jmp .smStart
sub edi, 4
mov eax, [edi]
not eax
bsf ecx, eax ; first 0
jz .again
not eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
bsf edx, eax ; next 1
jz @f
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; fits inside
bsf ecx, eax
not eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
jmp @b
@@: ; next dword
mov eax, [edi+4]
bsf edx, eax
jz .got ; empty
add edx, 32
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; share between dwords
add edi, 4
pop ecx
jmp .smStart
push ecx ; starting bit
push edi ; starting dword
.done: ; mark space
mov ecx, [esp+4]
cmp ecx, 32
jc @f
xor ecx, ecx
add dword [esp], 4
mov [esp+4], ecx
mov edi, [esp]
xor eax, eax
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
neg ecx
add ecx, 32
sub ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jc @f
shl eax, cl ; fits inside dword
shr eax, cl
or [edi], eax
jmp .writeData
or [edi], eax
neg ecx
push ecx
shr ecx, 5
add edi, 4
xor eax, eax
dec eax
rep stosd
pop ecx
and ecx, 31
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
not eax
or [edi], eax
pop edx
sub edx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
shl edx, 3
pop eax
add eax, edx
pop edx
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
jc ntfsDiskFull
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize]
2325,7 → 2218,7
movzx eax, byte [edi]
not al
bsf ecx, eax
jz ntfsUnsupported ; no free records
jz .extendBitmapMFT ; no free records
bts [edi], ecx
; get record location
sub edi, [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapBuffer]
2343,89 → 2236,58
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0
jnz .mftRecord
; extend MFT $DATA
jz .extendMFT
jmp .mftRecord
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl eax, 9
cmp [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapSize], eax
jnc ntfsUnsupported
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0xB0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
call ntfs_read_attr
jc ntfsFail
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_cluster]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl ebx, 9+3
add dword [edi+lastVCN], 8
add [edi+attributeAllocatedSize], ebx
adc byte [edi+attributeAllocatedSize+4], 0
add [edi+attributeRealSize], ebx
adc byte [edi+attributeRealSize+4], 0
add [edi+initialDataSize], ebx
adc byte [edi+initialDataSize+4], 0
movzx eax, byte [edi+dataRunsOffset]
add edi, eax
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
shl eax, 4
shr al, 4
mov cl, 4
sub cl, al
shl cl, 3
add ah, al
shr eax, 8
cmp byte [edi+eax], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; $MFT fragmented
mov al, 8
mov edx, [edi]
rol eax, cl
rol edx, cl
add eax, edx
jc ntfsUnsupported
ror eax, cl
shr edx, cl
mov [edi], eax
add edx, [ebp+NTFS.mft_cluster]
mov esi, edx
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 7
shr edx, 3
add edx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
mov ax, [edx]
shr ax, cl
test al, al
jnz ntfsUnsupported
dec al
xchg [edx], al
mov [edx+1], al
stdcall kernel_alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz ntfsNoMemory
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 2
mov edi, eax
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, esi
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapBuffer]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapSize]
add edi, ecx
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
add ecx, 8
mov [edx+attributeRealSize], ecx
mov [edx+initialDataSize], ecx
shl eax, 3
mov [ebp+NTFS.newMftRecord], eax
mov dword [edi], 1
mov dword [edi+4], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
call ntfs_read_attr.newAttribute
jc ntfsFail
mov [ebp+NTFS.mftBitmapSize], ecx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_cluster]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
pop ecx
shr ecx, 9
call fs_write64_sys ; clear new records
stdcall kernel_free, ebx
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 3+9
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
mov ecx, 1
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app ; partition bitmap
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov eax, [ecx+attributeRealSize]
mov edx, [ecx+attributeRealSize+4]
xor ax, ax
add eax, 10000h
adc edx, 0
push [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
push [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
call resizeAttribute
jc ntfsErrorPop2
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; $MFT
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mftmirr_cluster]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
2432,28 → 2294,26
movzx ecx, word [ebx+updateSequenceSize]
dec ecx
call fs_write64_sys ; $MFTMirr
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
add [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead], eax
call ntfsSpaceClean
pop [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
pop [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
shr ecx, 2
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
xor eax, eax
movzx ecx, word [esi+indexAllocatedSize]
add ecx, 8+30h+48h+50h+8
push ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
; record header
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
mov [edi+recordAllocatedSize], eax
shr eax, 9
inc eax
mov [edi+updateSequenceSize], al
mov dword[edi], 'FILE'
mov byte [edi+updateSequenceOffset], 2ah
mov byte [edi+updateSequenceSize], 3
mov byte [edi+hardLinkCounter], 1
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 30h
pop dword[edi+recordRealSize]
mov word [edi+recordAllocatedSize], 1024
mov byte [edi+newAttributeID], 3
mov [edi+2ah], ax
2465,27 → 2325,33
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 18h
add edi, 48h
; $FileName
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 30h
mov byte [edi+attributeID], 1
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 18h
mov byte [edi+indexedFlag], 1
mov cx, [esi+indexRawSize]
mov [edi+sizeWithoutHeader], ecx
mov cx, [esi+indexAllocatedSize]
add ecx, 8
mov [edi+sizeWithHeader], ecx
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 18h
mov byte [edi+indexedFlag], 1
add edi, 18h
add esi, 16
sub ecx, 18h
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 0
jnz @f
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 50h
mov byte [edi+attributeID], 2
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 1
jz .indexRoot
; $Data
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 80h
cmp [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], 0
jz .zeroSize
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
test eax, eax
jz .resident
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
dec eax
mov [edi+lastVCN], eax
mov byte [edi+nonResidentFlag], 1
mov byte [edi+dataRunsOffset], 40h
mov eax, [esi+fileAllocatedSize]
2493,22 → 2359,33
mov eax, [esi+fileRealSize]
mov [edi+attributeRealSize], eax
mov [edi+initialDataSize], eax
mov byte [edi+40h], 44h
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
mov [edi+41h], eax
dec eax
mov [edi+lastVCN], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov [edi+45h], eax
mov al, 1
jmp .writeMftRecord
push edi
mov esi, edi
add edi, 40h
call createMcbEntry
inc edi
jmp @f
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize]
mov [edi+sizeWithoutHeader], ecx
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 18h
push edi
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
add edi, 18h
rep movsb
mov eax, edi
pop edi
sub eax, edi
add eax, 7
and eax, not 7
mov [edi+sizeWithHeader], eax
add edi, eax
mov al, 1
jmp .writeMftRecord
jmp @f
@@: ; $IndexRoot
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 90h
mov byte [edi+nameLength], 4
mov byte [edi+nameOffset], 18h
2527,19 → 2404,20
mov byte [edi+30h+nodeAllocatedSize], 32
mov byte [edi+40h+indexAllocatedSize], 16
mov byte [edi+40h+indexFlags], 2
add edi, 50h
mov al, 3
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 50h
mov byte [edi+attributeID], 2
mov dword[edi+50h], -1 ; $End
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [edi+recordFlags], al
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], edi
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov dword [edi], -1
mov dword [edi+4], 0
add edi, 8
sub edi, esi
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], esi
mov [esi+recordFlags], al
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edi
call writeRecord
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync
; write MFT bitmap
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.newMftRecord]
shr eax, 3+9
2553,13 → 2431,13
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
; 5. Write partition bitmap
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 0
jnz @f
cmp [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], 0
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFolder], 1
jz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov eax, ecx
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
add ecx, eax
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
shr eax, 3+9
2573,8 → 2451,6
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.newMftRecord]
mov [edi+fileRecordReference], eax
2584,8 → 2460,6
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize]
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
2595,16 → 2469,17
; make updateSequence and write to disk
; in:
; [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf] = record
; [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf] -> record
; [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead] = partition sector
; making updateSequence
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
mov edi, esi
movzx ecx, word [esi+updateSequenceOffset]
add edi, ecx
mov ax, [edi]
add edi, 2
inc ax
mov cx, [esi+updateSequenceSize]
dec ecx
push ecx
2614,7 → 2489,6
mov [esi-2], ax
dec ecx
jnz @b
; writing to disk
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
pop ecx
2621,11 → 2495,667
xor edx, edx
jmp fs_write64_sys
; in:
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart] = position value
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize] = size value
; edi -> destination
; esi -> attribute header
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
jnc @f
not eax
inc edx
shr eax, 8
jnz @b
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
shl eax, 1
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
shr eax, 8
jnz @b
lea eax, [edi+edx+1]
add eax, ecx
sub eax, esi
sub eax, [esi+sizeWithHeader]
jc @f
add word [esi+sizeWithHeader], 8 ; extend attribute
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov eax, [esi+recordRealSize]
add eax, 8
cmp [esi+recordAllocatedSize], eax
jc .end ; no space in the record
mov [esi+recordRealSize], eax
push ecx edi
add esi, eax
mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, edi
sub ecx, 8
shr ecx, 2
mov edi, esi
sub edi, 4
sub esi, 12
rep movsd
pop edi ecx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 4
add eax, ecx
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
rep movsb
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
mov [edi], cl
; in:
; [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer] -> file record
; [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs] -> attribute
; edx:eax = new size
; out:
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize] = clusters added (positive)
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart] = added block
; CF=1 -> eax = error code
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], eax
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], edx
cmp byte [esi+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz .resident
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl ecx, 9
mov [esi+attributeRealSize], eax
mov [esi+attributeRealSize+4], edx
mov [esi+initialDataSize], eax
mov [esi+initialDataSize+4], edx
sub eax, 1
sbb edx, 0
jc .makeResident
div ecx
mov edi, eax
inc eax
mul ecx
mov [esi+attributeAllocatedSize], eax
mov [esi+attributeAllocatedSize+4], edx
mov ecx, [esi+lastVCN]
mov [esi+lastVCN], edi
movzx eax, byte [esi+dataRunsOffset]
sub edi, ecx
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], edi
jz .done
jc .shrinkAttribute
; extend attribute
xor edi, edi
add esi, eax
push edi edi edi edi
mov edx, eax
mov eax, esi
add edi, [esp+8]
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jc @b
mov [esp+4], edx
mov [esp+12], edi
add edi, [esp]
push edi
shr edi, 5
shl edi, 2
push eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jz @f
cmp edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
jc .err1
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
jc .err1
pop edi
pop edx
cmp edx, eax
jnz .newEntry
pop edx
pop edi
pop [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov [esp], eax
push [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
add [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], edx
jmp @f
add esp, 12
pop edx
push eax
push [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
sub eax, edx
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
call createMcbEntry
pop ecx
pop eax
jc .err2
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], ecx
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
add ecx, eax
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
shr eax, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
test eax, eax
jnz @f
pop eax
movi eax, ERROR_DEVICE
add esp, 24
add ecx, edi
inc ecx
add esi, eax
xor edi, edi
sub esp, 20
mov [esp+16], esi
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc .err3
add edi, [esp+8]
sub ecx, [esp]
jnc @b
mov ebx, ecx
add ecx, [esp]
mov eax, [esp+8]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], ecx
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
push edi
add edi, ecx
neg ebx
call ntfsSpaceFree
pop edi
jc .end
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc .end
cmp dword[esp+8], 0
jz @b
add edi, [esp+8]
mov ebx, [esp]
call ntfsSpaceFree
jnc @b
add esp, 16
pop edi
cmp [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], 0
jz @f
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
call createMcbEntry
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], 0
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
add esp, 20
test edx, edx
jnz .nonResident
cmp eax, 8000h
jnc .nonResident
add ax, [esi+attributeOffset]
sub eax, [esi+sizeWithHeader]
jc @f
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, [edi+recordRealSize]
cmp [edi+recordAllocatedSize], ecx
jc .nonResident
add eax, 7
and eax, not 7
add [edi+recordRealSize], eax
add edi, [edi+recordRealSize]
add [esi+sizeWithHeader], eax
add esi, [esi+sizeWithHeader]
mov ecx, edi
sub ecx, esi
shr ecx, 2
sub edi, 4
mov esi, edi
sub esi, eax
rep movsd
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 2
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
mov [esi+sizeWithoutHeader], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], 0
.nonResident: ; convert resident to non-resident
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
sub eax, 1
sbb edx, 0
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl ecx, 9
div ecx
inc eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], eax
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
push ecx
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
pop ecx
jc .err10
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
add eax, ecx
inc edx
cmp eax, [esi+sizeWithoutHeader]
jc @b
push edx
push eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, eax
mov ecx, [esp]
shr ecx, 2
mov edi, eax
mov ebx, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov al, [esi+attributeOffset]
mov ecx, [esi+sizeWithoutHeader]
add esi, eax
mov edi, ebx
rep movsb
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
pop ecx
shr ecx, 9
call fs_write64_app
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
call kernel_free
test ebx, ebx
jnz .err4
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
add esi, [esi+sizeWithHeader]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
add ecx, [ecx+recordRealSize]
sub ecx, esi
shr ecx, 2
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
push ecx
rep movsd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
add edi, 16
mov cl, 6
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
dec eax
mov [edi+lastVCN], eax
inc eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl ecx, 9
mul ecx
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 50h
mov byte [edi+nonResidentFlag], 1
mov byte [edi+dataRunsOffset], 40h
mov [edi+attributeAllocatedSize], eax
mov [edi+attributeAllocatedSize+4], edx
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
mov edx, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
mov [edi+attributeRealSize], eax
mov [edi+attributeRealSize+4], edx
mov [edi+initialDataSize], eax
mov [edi+initialDataSize+4], edx
mov esi, edi
add edi, 40h
call createMcbEntry
mov eax, edi
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
sub eax, edi
add eax, 8
and eax, not 7
mov [edi+sizeWithHeader], eax
pop ecx
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
add edi, eax
rep movsd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
sub edi, esi
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edi
pop edx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
sub [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
add [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], edx
jmp .writeBitmap
.makeResident: ; convert non-resident to empty resident
movzx eax, byte [esi+dataRunsOffset]
mov byte [esi+nonResidentFlag], 0
mov dword [esi+sizeWithoutHeader], 0
mov dword [esi+attributeOffset], 18h
add esi, eax
xor edi, edi
sub esp, 16
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc @f
cmp dword[esp+8], 0
jz @b
add edi, [esp+8]
mov ebx, [esp]
call ntfsSpaceFree
jnc @b
add esp, 16
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], 0
; clean up to 16 Mb of disk space
; in:
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart] = block to clean
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize] = block size
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
test eax, eax
jz @f
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
cmp eax, 8001h
jnc @f
push eax
shl eax, 9
stdcall kernel_alloc, eax
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz @f
push ecx
shl ecx, 7
mov edi, eax
mov ebx, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead], eax
pop ecx
call fs_write64_app
stdcall kernel_free, ebx
; find and mark block of free space in bitmap buffer
; in:
; edi = offset in bitmap to start search from
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize] = block size in clusters
; out:
; eax = allocated block starting cluster
; CF=1 -> disk full
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add edi, ecx
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
sub ecx, edi
jnc @f
call bitmapBuffering
shl ecx, 2
shr ecx, 2
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
shr eax, 5
jz .small
push eax ; bitmap dwords
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
sub ecx, edi
shr ecx, 2
xor eax, eax
repnz scasd ; search for empty dword
jz @f
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
cmp ecx, [esp]
jnc @f
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
sub edi, 4
mov ecx, [esp]
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
repz scasd ; check following dwords
jnz .start
sub esi, 4
mov eax, [esi]
xor edx, edx
bsr edx, eax
inc edx
push edx ; starting bit
push esi ; starting dword
add esi, 4
neg edx
add edx, 32
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
sub eax, edx
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 5
shl eax, 2
add esi, eax
mov eax, [esi]
bsf ecx, eax ; check last dword
jz .done
and edx, 31
cmp ecx, edx
jnc .done
add esp, 8
jmp .start
.small: ; less than 32 clusters
mov eax, -1
repz scasd ; search for zero bits
push ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
call bitmapBuffering
pop eax
jmp .small
sub edi, 4
mov eax, [edi]
not eax
bsf ecx, eax ; first 0
jz .again
not eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
bsf edx, eax ; next 1
jz @f
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; fits inside
bsf ecx, eax
not eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
jmp @b
@@: ; next dword
mov eax, [edi+4]
bsf edx, eax
jz .got ; empty
add edx, 32
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; share between dwords
add edi, 4
pop ecx
jmp .small
push ecx ; starting bit
push edi ; starting dword
.done: ; mark space
mov ecx, [esp+4]
cmp ecx, 32
jc @f
xor ecx, ecx
add dword [esp], 4
mov [esp+4], ecx
mov edi, [esp]
xor eax, eax
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
neg ecx
add ecx, 32
sub ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jc @f
shl eax, cl ; fits inside dword
shr eax, cl
or [edi], eax
jmp .end
or [edi], eax
neg ecx
push ecx
shr ecx, 5
add edi, 4
xor eax, eax
dec eax
rep stosd
pop ecx
and ecx, 31
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
not eax
or [edi], eax
pop eax
sub eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
shl eax, 3
pop edx
add eax, edx
pop edx
; free disk space
; in:
; edi = starting cluster
; ebx = size in clusters
mov eax, edi
add eax, ebx
shr eax, 3
inc eax
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
jc @f
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
push edi
mov edi, eax
call bitmapBuffering
pop edi
push edi
mov ecx, edi
shr edi, 5
shl edi, 2
add edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
and ecx, 31
xor eax, eax
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
neg ecx
add ecx, 32
sub ecx, ebx
jc @f
shl eax, cl ; fits inside dword
shr eax, cl
not eax
and [edi], eax
jmp .writeBitmap
not eax
and [edi], eax
neg ecx
push ecx
shr ecx, 5
add edi, 4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop ecx
and ecx, 31
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
and [edi], eax
pop eax
mov edi, eax
lea ecx, [eax+ebx+4095]
shr eax, 3+9
shr ecx, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
jmp fs_write64_app
; Extend BitmapBuffer and read next 32kb of bitmap
; Warning: $Bitmap fragmentation is not foreseen
; if edi -> position in bitmap buffer,
; then ecx = number of buffered dwords left
; in: edi -> position in bitmap buffer
; out: ecx = number of buffered dwords left
push ebx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapTotalSize]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
2654,11 → 3184,12
jnc @f
mov [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize], eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
pop ebx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
sub ecx, edi
jc bitmapBuffering
shr ecx, 2
pop ebx
2667,9 → 3198,11
mov ecx, 8
call release_pages
add esp, 12 ; double ret
jmp ntfsOut
pop ebx
pop eax ; ret
pop eax
2684,34 → 3217,86
jc ntfsNotFound
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 16
jc ntfsDenied
bt dword [eax+fileFlags], 28
jc ntfsDenied
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFragmentCount], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; record fragmented
; edit directory node
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 'INDX'
jz @f
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov ecx, [esi+recordRealSize]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov cl, [esi+attributeOffset]
sub esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
add eax, ecx
add eax, esi
mov ecx, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
add ecx, [ebx+12]
adc edx, 0
mov [eax+fileRealSize], ecx
mov [eax+fileRealSize+4], edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
call ntfs_read_attr
jc ntfsDenied
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp word [eax+baseRecordReuse], 0
jc ntfsFail
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp word [ecx+baseRecordReuse], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
cmp byte [eax+hardLinkCounter], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; file copying required
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; resident $DATA
cmp word [ecx+attributeFlags], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
add eax, [ebx+12]
adc edx, 0
push ebx
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz .resizeAttribute
cmp edx, [ecx+attributeRealSize+4]
jc .write
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; end of file
jc .writeNode
jnz .resizeAttribute
cmp [ecx+attributeRealSize], eax
jc ntfsUnsupported
jnc .writeNode
call resizeAttribute
jc ntfsErrorPop
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 1
jz @f
mov ebx, [esp]
movzx edi, byte [ecx+attributeOffset]
add edi, ecx
add edi, [ebx+4]
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov esi, [ebx+16]
rep movsb
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; file
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
call ntfs_restore_usa_frs
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; directory
pop ebx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz .done
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov esi, [ebx+16]
shrd eax, edx, 9
test dword[ebx+4], 1FFh
2742,10 → 3327,8
call fs_write64_app
pop ebx
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
jz .done
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
shrd eax, edx, 9
2765,7 → 3348,7
pop ecx
jc ntfsDevice
and ecx, 1FFh
jz @f
jz .done
add esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 1
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
2780,9 → 3363,7
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov ebx, [ebx+12]
jmp ntfsDone
2809,6 → 3390,11
jnc ntfsUnsupported
; delete index from the node
movzx edx, word [eax+indexAllocatedSize]
mov ecx, [eax+fileRecordReference]
cmp [eax+edx+fileRecordReference], ecx
jnz @f
add dx, [eax+edx+indexAllocatedSize]
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 'INDX'
jz .indexRecord
2855,8 → 3441,6
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp word [esi+baseRecordReuse], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
cmp byte [esi+hardLinkCounter], 2
jnc .writeFileRecord ; delete hard link
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp byte [esi+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz .writeBitmapMFT
2864,83 → 3448,16
add esi, eax
xor edi, edi
sub esp, 16
.clearBitmap: ; "delete" file data
@@: ; "delete" file data
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc .mcbEnd
jnc @f
cmp dword[esp+8], 0
jz .clearBitmap
jz @b
add edi, [esp+8]
mov ebx, [esp]
mov eax, edi
add eax, ebx
shr eax, 3
inc eax
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
jc .buffered
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add esp, 16
push edi
mov edi, eax
call ntfsSpaceFree
jnc @b
call bitmapBuffering
shl ecx, 2
js @b
pop edi
sub esp, 16
push edi
mov ecx, edi
shr edi, 5
shl edi, 2
add edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
and ecx, 31
xor eax, eax
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
neg ecx
add ecx, 32
sub ecx, ebx
jc @f
shl eax, cl ; fits inside dword
shr eax, cl
not eax
and [edi], eax
jmp .writeBitmap
not eax
and [edi], eax
neg ecx
push ecx
shr ecx, 5
add edi, 4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop ecx
and ecx, 31
dec eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
and [edi], eax
pop edi
mov ecx, edi
add ecx, ebx
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
jmp .clearBitmap
add esp, 16
jmp .writeBitmapMFT
2971,10 → 3488,8
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_sys
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], esi
mov byte [esi+recordFlags], 0
dec byte [esi+hardLinkCounter]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], esi
call writeRecord
; write directory node
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead]
2982,12 → 3497,113
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord
test eax, eax
jz ntfsDone
jmp ntfsDevice
jmp ntfsDone
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
xor ebx, ebx
call ntfs_lock
stdcall ntfs_find_lfn, [esp+4]
jc ntfsNotFound
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 16
jc ntfsDenied
bt dword [eax+fileFlags], 28
jc ntfsDenied
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfsFragmentCount], 1
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; record fragmented
; edit directory node
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 'INDX'
jz @f
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov ecx, [esi+recordRealSize]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
mov cl, [esi+attributeOffset]
sub esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
add eax, ecx
add eax, esi
mov ecx, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
mov [eax+fileRealSize], ecx
mov [eax+fileRealSize+4], edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
call ntfs_read_attr
jc ntfsFail
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp word [ecx+baseRecordReuse], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported ; auxiliary record
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
cmp word [ecx+attributeFlags], 0
jnz ntfsUnsupported
cmp byte [ecx+nonResidentFlag], 0
jz .resizeAttribute
cmp [ecx+attributeRealSize+4], edx
jnz .resizeAttribute
cmp [ecx+attributeRealSize], eax
jnc .resizeAttribute
mov eax, [ecx+attributeRealSize]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], ecx
shl ecx, 9
div ecx
test edx, edx
jz .aligned
push edx
push ecx
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx
pop ecx
pop edi
sub ecx, edi
add edi, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
call ntfs_read_attr.continue
jc @f
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
push ebx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
pop ebx
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
mov eax, [ebx+4]
mov edx, [ebx+8]
call resizeAttribute
jc ntfsError
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; file
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfsLastRead], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; directory
call ntfsSpaceClean
jmp ntfsDone
3018,11 → 3634,7
call ntfs_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
pop eax
jmp ntfsOut
jmp ntfsOut
3035,6 → 3647,17
jmp ntfsOut
jmp ntfsOut
pop ebx
pop ebx
push eax
call ntfs_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
pop eax