Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 2433 → Rev 2434

139,7 → 139,7
cmp [edi+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .fail
cmp [edi+SRV.size], SRV.sizeof
cmp [edi+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .fail
stdcall [edi+SRV.srv_proc], esi
171,7 → 171,7
cmp [eax+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .fail
cmp [eax+SRV.size], SRV.sizeof
cmp [eax+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .fail
stdcall [eax+SRV.srv_proc], ecx
196,7 → 196,7
mov edx, [srv.fd]
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV_FD_OFFSET
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
je .not_load
stdcall strncmp, edx, [sz_name], 16
226,7 → 226,7
cmp [handler], eax
je .fail
mov eax, SRV.sizeof
mov eax, sizeof.SRV
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail
243,9 → 243,9
pop esi
mov [eax+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
mov [eax+SRV.size], SRV.sizeof
mov [eax+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
mov ebx, srv.fd-SRV_FD_OFFSET
mov ebx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
mov edx, [ebx+SRV.fd]
mov [eax+SRV.fd], edx
mov [eax+SRV.bk], ebx
514,10 → 514,10
mov edi, [symbols]
mov [retval], 1
movzx ebx, [edi+CSYM.SectionNumber]
movzx ebx, [edi+COFF_SYM.SectionNumber]
test ebx, ebx
jnz .internal
mov eax, dword [edi+CSYM.Name]
mov eax, dword [edi+COFF_SYM.Name]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
542,7 → 542,7
mov [retval],0
mov edi, [symbols]
mov [edi+CSYM.Value], eax
mov [edi+COFF_SYM.Value], eax
jmp .next
cmp bx, -1
555,10 → 555,10
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*4]
add ebx, [sec]
mov eax, [ebx+CFS.VirtualAddress]
add [edi+CSYM.Value], eax
mov eax, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add [edi+COFF_SYM.Value], eax
add edi, CSYM_SIZE
add edi, sizeof.COFF_SYM
mov [symbols], edi
dec [sym_count]
jnz .fix
574,38 → 574,38
mov eax, [coff]
movzx ebx, [eax+CFH.nSections]
movzx ebx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov [n_sec], ebx
lea esi, [eax+20]
mov edi, [esi+CFS.PtrReloc]
mov edi, [esi+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
add edi, [coff]
movzx ecx, [esi+CFS.NumReloc]
movzx ecx, [esi+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
test ecx, ecx
jz .next
mov ebx, [edi+CRELOC.SymIndex]
mov ebx, [edi+COFF_RELOC.SymIndex]
add ebx,ebx
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*8]
add ebx, [sym]
mov edx, [ebx+CSYM.Value]
mov edx, [ebx+COFF_SYM.Value]
cmp [edi+CRELOC.Type], 6
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 6
je .dir_32
cmp [edi+CRELOC.Type], 20
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 20
jne .next_reloc
mov eax, [edi+CRELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+CFS.VirtualAddress]
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
sub edx, eax
sub edx, 4
jmp .fix
mov eax, [edi+CRELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+CFS.VirtualAddress]
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [delta]
add [eax], edx
614,7 → 614,7
dec ecx
jnz .reloc_loop
add esi, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec [n_sec]
jnz .fix_sec
629,23 → 629,23
mov eax, [coff]
movzx ebx, [eax+CFH.nSections]
movzx ebx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov [n_sec], ebx
lea esi, [eax+20]
mov edx, [delta]
mov edi, [esi+CFS.PtrReloc]
mov edi, [esi+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
add edi, [coff]
movzx ecx, [esi+CFS.NumReloc]
movzx ecx, [esi+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
test ecx, ecx
jz .next
cmp [edi+CRELOC.Type], 6
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 6
jne .next_reloc
mov eax, [edi+CRELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+CFS.VirtualAddress]
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add [eax+edx], edx
add edi, 10
652,7 → 652,7
dec ecx
jnz .reloc_loop
add esi, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec [n_sec]
jnz .fix_sec
700,15 → 700,15
mov [coff], eax
movzx ecx, [eax+CFH.nSections]
movzx ecx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
xor ebx, ebx
lea edx, [eax+20]
add ebx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
add ebx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
add ebx, 15
and ebx, not 15
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [img_size], ebx
728,32 → 728,32
rep stosd
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov edi, [img_base]
lea eax, [edx+20]
mov [eax+CFS.VirtualAddress], edi
mov esi, [eax+CFS.PtrRawData]
mov [eax+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress], edi
mov esi, [eax+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
add edi, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
add edi, [eax+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
jmp .next
add esi, edx
mov ecx, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
mov ecx, [eax+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
rep movsb
add edi, 15
and edi, not 15
add eax, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ebx
jnz @B
mov ebx, [edx+CFH.pSymTable]
mov ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.pSymTable]
add ebx, edx
mov [sym], ebx
mov ecx, [edx+CFH.nSymbols]
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
add ecx,ecx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*8] ;ecx*=18 = nSymbols*CSYM_SIZE
add ecx, [sym]
764,7 → 764,7
mov dword [ebx+4], 0
lea eax, [edx+20]
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+CFH.nSymbols],\
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], \
[strings], ebx
test eax, eax
jz .link_fail
772,7 → 772,7
mov ebx, [coff]
stdcall fix_coff_relocs, ebx, [sym], 0
stdcall get_coff_sym,[sym],[ebx+CFH.nSymbols],szVersion
stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szVersion
test eax, eax
jz .link_fail
785,7 → 785,7
ja .ver_fail
mov ebx, [coff]
stdcall get_coff_sym,[sym],[ebx+CFH.nSymbols],szSTART
stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szSTART
mov [start], eax
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
851,7 → 851,7
; - if alignment is given and is no more than 4K, use it;
; - if alignment is more than 4K, revert to 4K.
push ecx
mov cl, byte [edx+CFS.Characteristics+2]
mov cl, byte [edx+COFF_SECTION.Characteristics+2]
mov eax, 1
shr cl, 4
dec cl
955,7 → 955,7
xor eax, eax
repnz scasb
not ecx
lea eax, [ecx+DLLDESCR.sizeof]
lea eax, [ecx+sizeof.DLLDESCR]
push ecx
call malloc
pop ecx
979,7 → 979,7
; calculate size of loaded DLL
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ecx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
xor ebx, ebx
add edx, 20
988,8 → 988,8
add ebx, eax
not eax
and ebx, eax
add ebx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
add ebx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ecx
jnz @B
; it must be nonzero and not too big
1019,7 → 1019,7
; copy sections and set correct values for VirtualAddress'es in headers
push esi
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov edi, eax
add edx, 20
1030,11 → 1030,11
not eax
and ecx, eax
and edi, eax
mov [edx+CFS.VirtualAddress], ecx
add ecx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
mov esi, [edx+CFS.PtrRawData]
mov [edx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress], ecx
add ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
mov esi, [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
push ecx
mov ecx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
xor eax, eax
1045,7 → 1045,7
rep movsb
pop ecx
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ebx
jnz @B
pop esi
1054,21 → 1054,21
; later we will use COFF header, headers for sections and symbol table
; and also relocations table for all sections
mov edx, [coff]
mov ebx, [edx+CFH.pSymTable]
mov ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.pSymTable]
mov edi, dword [fileinfo+32]
sub edi, ebx
jc .fail_and_free_data
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_lim], edi
add ebx, edx
movzx ecx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8+20]
add edx, 20
movzx eax, [edx+CFS.NumReloc]
movzx eax, [edx+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
lea eax, [eax*5]
lea edi, [edi+eax*2]
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
sub ecx, 5
jnz @b
stdcall kernel_alloc, edi
1075,7 → 1075,7
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_data
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ecx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea ecx, [ecx*2+5]
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr], eax
1086,7 → 1086,7
pop esi
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], edi
push esi
mov ecx, [edx+CFH.nSymbols]
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_num], ecx
mov ecx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_lim]
mov esi, ebx
1094,20 → 1094,20
pop esi
mov ebx, [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr]
push esi
movzx eax, [edx+CFH.nSections]
movzx eax, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea edx, [ebx+20]
movzx ecx, [edx+CFS.NumReloc]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
mov esi, [edx+CFS.PtrReloc]
mov [edx+CFS.PtrReloc], edi
sub [edx+CFS.PtrReloc], ebx
mov esi, [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
mov [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc], edi
sub [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc], ebx
add esi, [coff]
shr ecx, 1
rep movsd
adc ecx, ecx
rep movsw
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec eax
jnz @b
pop esi
1114,7 → 1114,7
; fixup symbols
mov edx, ebx
mov eax, [ebx+CFH.nSymbols]
mov eax, [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
add edx, 20
mov ecx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_num]
lea ecx, [ecx*9]
1128,11 → 1128,11
stdcall get_coff_sym,[esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr],[ebx+CFH.nSymbols],szEXPORTS
stdcall get_coff_sym, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szEXPORTS
test eax, eax
jnz @F
stdcall get_coff_sym,[esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr],[ebx+CFH.nSymbols],sz_EXPORTS
stdcall get_coff_sym, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], sz_EXPORTS
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.exports], eax
1160,7 → 1160,7
jz .fail_and_dereference
mov [img_base], eax
mov eax, HDLL.sizeof
mov eax, sizeof.HDLL
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_user
1369,11 → 1369,11
push ebp
mov edx, [srv.fd]
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV_FD_OFFSET
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
je .done
cmp [edx+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .next
cmp [edx+SRV.size], SRV.sizeof
cmp [edx+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .next
mov ebx, [edx+SRV.entry]