Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1682 → Rev 1683

12,92 → 12,72
MEM_WC equ 1 ;write combined memory
MEM_UC equ 0 ;uncached memory
; ======================================================================
align 4
; clear [0x280000..HEAP_BASE]
xor eax,eax
mov edi,0x280000 ; 0x280000 = ramdisk FAT ?
mov ecx,(HEAP_BASE-OS_BASE-0x280000) / 4
rep stosd
; clear [0x40000..0x90000]
mov edi,0x50000 ; 0x50000 is somewhere inside kernel code?
mov ecx,(0x90000-0x50000)/4
rep stosd
; clear undefined kernel globals
mov edi, endofcode-OS_BASE
mov ecx, (uglobals_size/4)+4
rep stosd
; save [0..0xffff]
xor esi, esi
mov edi,0x2F0000 ; low mem storage area
mov ecx, 0x10000 / 4
rep movsd
; clear [0x1000..0x0ffff]
mov edi,0x1000
mov ecx,0xf000 / 4
rep stosd
; clear <sys_pgdir> table
mov edi, sys_pgdir-OS_BASE
mov ecx, 4096/4
rep stosd
; ======================================================================
align 4
proc init_mem
; calculate maximum allocatable address and number of allocatable pages
mov edi, BOOT_VAR-OS_BASE + 0x9104
mov ecx, [edi-4]
xor esi, esi ; esi will hold total amount of memory
xor edx, edx ; edx will hold maximum allocatable address
; round all to pages
mov eax, [edi]
test eax, 0xFFF
jz @f
neg eax
and eax, 0xFFF
add [edi], eax
adc dword [edi+4], 0
sub [edi+8], eax
sbb dword [edi+12], 0
jc .unusable
and dword [edi+8], not 0xFFF
jz .unusable
; ignore memory after 4 Gb
cmp dword [edi+4], 0
jnz .unusable
mov eax, [edi]
cmp dword [edi+12], 0
jnz .overflow
add eax, [edi+8]
jnc @f
mov eax, 0xFFFFF000
cmp edx, eax
jae @f
mov edx, eax
sub eax, [edi]
mov [edi+8], eax
add esi, eax
jmp .usable
and dword [edi+8], 0
add edi, 20
loop .calcmax
mov esi, (PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE-OS_BASE) ; esi will hold total amount of memory
mov edx, esi ; edx will hold maximum allocatable address
mov [pg_data.mem_amount-OS_BASE], esi
shr esi, 12
mov [pg_data.pages_count-OS_BASE], esi
mov [pg_data.pages_count-OS_BASE], esi ; max number of PTEs ?
shr edx, 12
add edx, 31
and edx, not 31
shr edx, 3
mov [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE], edx
mov [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE], edx ; size of sys_pgmap structure
add edx, (sys_pgmap-OS_BASE)+4095
and edx, not 4095
mov [tmp_page_tabs], edx
mov [tmp_page_tabs], edx ; free zone to build PTEs
mov edx, esi
and edx, -1024
cmp edx, (OS_BASE/4096)
jbe @F
mov edx, (OS_BASE/4096)
jmp .set
jae .set
mov [pg_data.kernel_pages-OS_BASE], edx
shr edx, 10
mov [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE], edx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, sys_pgdir-OS_BASE
mov ecx, 4096/4
rep stosd
mov edx, (sys_pgdir-OS_BASE)+ 0x800 ; (0x800 = OS_BASE shr 20)
mov edx, (sys_pgdir-OS_BASE)+ 0x800; (OS_BASE shr 20)
mov ebx, cr4
or ebx, CR4_PSE
mov eax, PG_LARGE+PG_SW
104,19 → 84,18
mov cr4, ebx
dec [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
mov [edx], eax
mov [edx], eax ; map first (physical) 4M bytes
add edx, 4
mov edi, [tmp_page_tabs]
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
shl ecx, 10
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_pages -OS_BASE] ; safety cleaning of already-zeroed space
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE] ; build some PDEs to hold empty PTEs
mov eax, [tmp_page_tabs]
or eax, PG_SW
mov edi, edx
mov edi, edx ; edi = sys_pgdir+0x804
124,6 → 103,7
dec ecx
jnz .map_kernel_tabs
; map pagetables to linear space
mov dword [sys_pgdir-OS_BASE+(page_tabs shr 20)], sys_pgdir+PG_SW-OS_BASE
mov edi, (sys_pgdir-OS_BASE)
286,16 → 266,9
align 4
proc test_cpu
cpu_type dd ?
cpu_id dd ?
cpu_Intel dd ?
cpu_AMD dd ?
test_cpu: ; only AMD machines supported
xor eax, eax
mov [cpu_type], eax
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE], eax
308,12 → 281,10
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
mov [cpu_type], CPU_386
jz .end_cpuid
jz $ ; 386
push ecx
mov [cpu_type], CPU_486
mov eax, ecx
xor eax, 0x200000
push eax
321,8 → 292,7
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
je .end_cpuid
mov [cpu_id], 1
je $ ; 486
xor eax, eax
330,39 → 300,15
mov [cpu_vendor-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_vendor+4-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_vendor+8-OS_BASE], ecx
cmp ebx, dword [intel_str-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
cmp edx, dword [intel_str+4-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
cmp ecx, dword [intel_str+8-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
mov [cpu_Intel], 1
cmp eax, 1
jl .end_cpuid
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_info-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE],ecx
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f
mov eax, [cpu_type]
cmp ebx, dword [AMD_str-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
jne $
cmp edx, dword [AMD_str+4-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
jne $
cmp ecx, dword [AMD_str+8-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
mov [cpu_AMD], 1
jne $
cmp eax, 1
jl .unknown
jl $
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
372,16 → 318,6
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_info-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE],ecx
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f