Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1702 → Rev 1703

47,24 → 47,6
;get number in range [bl,bh] (bl,bh in ['0'..'9'])
; in: bx=range
; out: ax=digit (1..9, 10 for 0)
mov ah, 0
int 16h
cmp al, bl
jb getkey
cmp al, bh
ja getkey
push ax
call putchar
pop ax
and ax, 0Fh
jnz @f
mov al, 10
; in: dl=column, dh=row
90,15 → 72,20
jnc @f
inc si
cmp si, 10
jb @b
mov si, badsect
call printplain
jmp $
jnb $
pop si
call printplain
jmp $
call print
jmp $
; convert abs. sector number (AX) to BIOS T:H:S
; sector number = (abs.sector%BPB_SecPerTrk)+1
; pre.track number = (abs.sector/BPB_SecPerTrk)
209,19 → 196,15
; draw bottom
mov si, d80x25_bottom
mov cx, d80x25_bottom_num * 80
; lodsb
; stoswvmode
; loop @b
loop @b
mov byte [space_msg+80], 0 ; now space_msg is null terminated
_setcursor d80x25_top_num,0
call print
jmp $
push 0
336,7 → 319,7
; d) preboot_device = from what boot?
; determine default settings
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 0
; mov [.bSettingsChanged], 0
mov di, preboot_device
360,287 → 343,13
adc byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 1
adc byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 0
; default value for VRR is OFF
cmp byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 0
jnz @f
mov byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 2
; notify user
_setcursor 5,2
mov si, linef
call printplain
mov si, start_msg
call print
mov si, time_msg
call print
; get start time
call .gettime
mov [.starttime], eax
mov word [.timer], .newtimer
mov word [.timer+2], cs
_setcursor 9,0
mov si, current_cfg_msg
call print
mov si, curvideo_msg
call print
;<< call draw_current_vmode
mov si, usebd_msg
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, vrrm_msg
cmp [preboot_vrrm], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, preboot_device_msg
call print
mov al, [preboot_device]
and eax, 7
mov si, [preboot_device_msgs+eax*2]
call printplain
; show remarks in gray color
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov si, remarks
push si
xchg ax, si
mov ah, 1*16+7 ; background: blue (1), foreground: gray (7)
push di
test al, al
jz @f
jmp .write_remark
pop di
pop si
add di, 80*2
loop .write_remarks
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
; set timer interrupt handler
push 0
pop es
push dword [es:8*4]
pop dword [.oldtimer]
push dword [.timer]
pop dword [es:8*4]
; wait for keypressed
xor ax,ax
int 16h
push ax
; restore timer interrupt
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov [.timer], eax
_setcursor 7,0
mov si, space_msg
call printplain
; clear remarks and restore normal attributes
push es
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov ax, ' ' + (1*16 + 15)*100h
push cx
mov cx, 76
rep stosw
pop cx
add di, 4*2
loop @b
pop es
pop ax
; switch on key
cmp al, 13
jz .continue
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'a'
jz .change_a
cmp al, 'b'
jz .change_b
cmp al, 'c'
jz .change_c
cmp al, 'd'
jnz .show_remarks
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, bdev
call print
mov bx, '14'
call getkey
mov [preboot_device], al
_setcursor 13,0
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 1
call clear_vmodes_table ;clear vmodes_table
jmp .printcfg
call draw_vmodes_table
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
xor ax,ax
int 0x16
mov si,word [cursor_pos]
cmp ah,0x48;x,0x48E0 ; up
jne .down
cmp si,modes_table
jbe .loops
sub word [cursor_pos],size_of_step
jmp .loops
.down: cmp ah,0x50;x,0x50E0 ; down
jne .pgup
cmp word[es:si+10],-1
je .loops
add word [cursor_pos],size_of_step
jmp .loops
.pgup: cmp ah,0x49 ; page up
jne .pgdn
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
.pgdn: cmp ah,0x51 ; page down
jne .enter
mov ax, [end_cursor]
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
sub si, size_of_step
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub ax, size_of_step*long_v_table
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
.enter: cmp al,0x0D;x,0x1C0D ; enter
jne .loops
push word [cursor_pos]
pop bp
push word [es:bp]
pop word [x_save]
push word [es:bp+2]
pop word [y_save]
push word [es:bp+6]
pop word [number_vm]
mov word [preboot_graph],bp ;save choose
jmp .d
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, ask_bd
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_biosdisk], al
_setcursor 11,0
jmp .d
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, vrrmprint
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_vrrm], al
_setcursor 12,0
jmp .d
call print
mov si, on_msg
jz @f
mov si, off_msg
@@: jmp printplain
; novesa and vervesa strings are not used at the moment of executing this code
virtual at novesa
.oldtimer dd ?
.starttime dd ?
.bSettingsChanged db ?
.timer dd ?
end virtual
; pop ax ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ??
jmp .continue
.loader_block dd -1
mov ah, 0
int 1Ah
xchg ax, cx
shl eax, 10h
xchg ax, dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
call [.oldtimer]
call .gettime
sub eax, [.starttime]
sub ax, 18*5
jae .timergo
neg ax
add ax, 18-1
mov bx, 18
xor dx, dx
div bx
; wait 5/4/3/2 seconds, 1 second
cmp al, 1
mov cl, 's'
ja @f
mov cl, ' '
@@: mov [time_str+9], cl
add al, '0'
mov [time_str+1], al
mov si, time_msg
_setcursor 7,0
call print
_setcursor 25,0
pop ds
push 0
pop es
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov sp, 0EC00h
_setcursor 6,0
651,35 → 360,8
mov si, loading_msg
call print
_setcursor 15,0
cmp [.bSettingsChanged], 0
jz .load
cmp [.loader_block], -1
jz .load
les bx, [.loader_block]
mov eax, [es:bx+3]
push ds
pop es
test eax, eax
jz .load
push eax
mov si, save_quest
call print
mov ah, 0
int 16h
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'n'
jz .loadc
cmp al, 'y'
jnz .waityn
call putchar
mov byte [space_msg+80], 186
jmp .load
pop eax
push cs
push .cont
push eax
retf ;call back
pop eax
691,7 → 373,6
call printplain
_setcursor 15,0
; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005]
870,8 → 551,8
mov dx, 0x3f2
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov si, memmovefailed
jmp sayerr_plain
; mov si, memmovefailed
jmp $
pop ax ; restore from stack count of words in boot+FAT
shl ax, 1 ; make bytes count from count of words
1055,37 → 736,11
mov es, ax
mov bx, [es:0x9008] ; vga & 320x200
; mov bx, ax
; cmp ax, 0x13
; je setgr
; cmp ax, 0x12
; je setgr
mov ax, 0x4f02 ; Vesa
int 0x10
test ah, ah
mov si, fatalsel
jnz v_mode_error
; set mode 0x12 graphics registers:
; cmp bx, 0x12
; jne gmok2
; mov al, 0x05
; mov dx, 0x03ce
; push dx
; out dx, al ; select GDC mode register
; mov al, 0x02
; inc dx
; out dx, al ; set write mode 2
; mov al, 0x02
; mov dx, 0x03c4
; out dx, al ; select VGA sequencer map mask register
; mov al, 0x0f
; inc dx
; out dx, al ; set mask for all planes 0-3
; mov al, 0x08
; pop dx
; out dx, al ; select GDC bit mask register
; for writes to 0x03cf
jnz $
push ds
pop es