Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 8241 → Rev 8242

Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,8
# hash value = 216488147
math.smatherror='Math Error : %s'
# hash value = 12736788
math.sinvalidargument='Invalid argument'
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,2
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,571
# hash value = 260888148
sysconst.saborterror='Operation aborted'
# hash value = 249526276
sysconst.sabstracterror='Abstract method called'
# hash value = 20153764
sysconst.saccessdenied='Access denied'
# hash value = 176794414
sysconst.saccessviolation='Access violation'
# hash value = 116288818
sysconst.sargumentmissing='Missing argument in format "%s"'
# hash value = 109055849
sysconst.sasserterror='%s (%s, line %d)'
# hash value = 173634084
sysconst.sassertionfailed='Assertion failed'
# hash value = 245994403
sysconst.sbuserror='Bus error or misaligned data access'
# hash value = 25794617
sysconst.scannotcreateemptydir='Cannot create empty directory'
# hash value = 91281428
sysconst.scontrolc='Control-C hit'
# hash value = 164925740
sysconst.sdiskfull='Disk Full'
# hash value = 253334952
sysconst.sdispatcherror='No variant method call dispatch'
# hash value = 153943103
sysconst.sdivbyzero='Division by zero'
# hash value = 76266149
sysconst.sendoffile='Read past end of file'
# hash value = 190404478
sysconst.serrinvaliddatemonthweek='Year %d, month %d, Week %d and day %d '+
'is not a valid date.'
# hash value = 180272523
sysconst.serrinvaliddateweek='%d %d %d is not a valid dateweek'
# hash value = 124922395
sysconst.serrinvaliddayofweek='%d is not a valid day of the week'
# hash value = 66871589
sysconst.serrinvaliddayofweekinmonth='Year %d Month %d NDow %d DOW %d is '+
'not a valid date'
# hash value = 23449012
sysconst.serrinvaliddayofyear='Year %d does not have a day number %d'
# hash value = 126399042
sysconst.serrinvalidtimestamp='Invalid date/timestamp : "%s"'
# hash value = 24290629
sysconst.sinvalidjuliandate='%f Julian cannot be represented as a DateTim'+
# hash value = 9186311
sysconst.serrillegaldateformatstring='"%s" is not a valid date format str'+
# hash value = 189483525
sysconst.serrinvalidtimeformat='"%s" is not a valid time'
# hash value = 162506240
sysconst.sexceptionerrormessage='exception at %p'
# hash value = 80862258
sysconst.sexceptionstack='Exception stack error'
# hash value = 162819220
sysconst.sexecuteprocessfailed='Failed to execute "%s", error code: %d'
# hash value = 117675432
sysconst.sexternalexception='External exception %x'
# hash value = 226803780
sysconst.sfilenotassigned='File not assigned'
# hash value = 105651188
sysconst.sfilenotfound='File not found'
# hash value = 191173038
sysconst.sfilenotopen='File not open'
# hash value = 97869236
sysconst.sfilenotopenforinput='File not open for input'
# hash value = 249303188
sysconst.sfilenotopenforoutput='File not open for output'
# hash value = 134358325
sysconst.sinvalidfilename='Invalid filename'
# hash value = 150423927
sysconst.sintoverflow='Arithmetic overflow'
# hash value = 178728388
sysconst.sintfcasterror='Interface not supported'
# hash value = 154200386
sysconst.sinvalidargindex='Invalid argument index in format "%s"'
# hash value = 246041861
sysconst.sinvalidbcd='%x is an invalid BCD value'
# hash value = 75103870
sysconst.sinvalidboolean='"%s" is not a valid boolean.'
# hash value = 80785444
sysconst.sinvalidcast='Invalid type cast'
# hash value = 141601682
sysconst.sinvalidcurrency='Invalid currency: "%s"'
# hash value = 145463966
sysconst.sinvaliddatetime='%f is not a valid date/time value.'
# hash value = 167674564
sysconst.sinvaliddrive='Invalid drive specified'
# hash value = 14207989
sysconst.sinvalidfilehandle='Invalid file handle'
# hash value = 137069412
sysconst.sinvalidfloat='"%s" is an invalid float'
# hash value = 73989426
sysconst.sinvalidformat='Invalid format specifier : "%s"'
# hash value = 221539413
sysconst.sinvalidguid='"%s" is not a valid GUID value'
# hash value = 104125796
sysconst.sinvalidinput='Invalid input'
# hash value = 168580578
sysconst.sinvalidinteger='"%s" is an invalid integer'
# hash value = 260890030
sysconst.sinvalidop='Invalid floating point operation'
# hash value = 6777038
sysconst.sinvalidpointer='Invalid pointer operation'
# hash value = 67169012
sysconst.sinvalidvarcast='Invalid variant type cast'
# hash value = 146834670
sysconst.sinvalidvarnullop='Invalid NULL variant operation'
# hash value = 251581550
sysconst.sinvalidvarop='Invalid variant operation'
# hash value = 141279203
sysconst.sinvalidbinaryvarop='Invalid variant operation %s %s %s'
# hash value = 248678067
sysconst.sinvalidunaryvarop='Invalid variant operation %s %s'
# hash value = 48811315
sysconst.sinvalidvaropwithhresultwithprefix='Invalid variant operation (%'+
# hash value = 113894238
sysconst.snoerror='No error.'
# hash value = 94080302
sysconst.snothreadsupport='Threads not supported. Recompile program with '+
'thread driver.'
# hash value = 259856270
sysconst.smissingwstringmanager='Widestring manager not available. Recomp'+
'ile program with appropriate manager.'
# hash value = 115665550
sysconst.ssigquit='SIGQUIT signal received.'
# hash value = 224450259
sysconst.soserror='System error, (OS Code %d):'#13#10'%s'
# hash value = 33444681
sysconst.soutofmemory='Out of memory'
# hash value = 58988791
sysconst.soverflow='Floating point overflow'
# hash value = 47395422
sysconst.sprivilege='Privileged instruction'
# hash value = 173930530
sysconst.srangeerror='Range check error'
# hash value = 18610772
sysconst.ssafecallexception='Exception in safecall method'
# hash value = 134430514
sysconst.siconverror='iconv error'
# hash value = 246740819
sysconst.stoomanyopenfiles='Too many open files'
# hash value = 197250484
sysconst.sunknownruntimeerror='Unknown Run-Time error : %3.3d'
# hash value = 235186391
sysconst.sunderflow='Floating point underflow'
# hash value = 154701710
sysconst.sunkoserror='An operating system call failed.'
# hash value = 127587840
sysconst.sunknown='Unknown run-time error code: '
# hash value = 156714804
sysconst.sunknownerrorcode='Unknown error code: %d'
# hash value = 234640834
sysconst.svararraybounds='Variant array bounds error'
# hash value = 224667652
sysconst.svararraycreate='Variant array cannot be created'
# hash value = 154380708
sysconst.svararraylocked='Variant array locked'
# hash value = 124200261
sysconst.svarbadtype='Invalid variant type'
# hash value = 12736788
sysconst.svarinvalid='Invalid argument'
# hash value = 152502419
sysconst.svarinvalid1='Invalid argument: %s'
# hash value = 172781081
sysconst.svarnotarray='Variant doesn'#39't contain an array'
# hash value = 185248900
sysconst.svarnotimplemented='Operation not supported'
# hash value = 102245721
sysconst.svaroutofmemory='Variant operation ran out memory'
# hash value = 55082631
sysconst.svaroverflow='Variant overflow'
# hash value = 47814196
sysconst.svarparamnotfound='Variant Parameter not found'
# hash value = 73598435
sysconst.svartypealreadyusedwithprefix='Custom variant type (%s%.4x) alre'+
'ady used by %s'
# hash value = 260612889
sysconst.svartypeconvertoverflow='Overflow while converting variant of ty'+
'pe (%s) into type (%s)'
# hash value = 215367209
sysconst.svartypecouldnotconvert='Could not convert variant of type (%s) '+
'into type (%s)'
# hash value = 175329765
sysconst.svartypenotusablewithprefix='Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not'+
' usable'
# hash value = 38455349
sysconst.svartypeoutofrangewithprefix='Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is ou'+
't of range'
# hash value = 143396889
sysconst.svartyperangecheck1='Range check error for variant of type (%s)'
# hash value = 229765401
sysconst.svartyperangecheck2='Range check error while converting variant '+
'of type (%s) into type (%s)'
# hash value = 201927860
sysconst.svartypetoomanycustom='Too many custom variant types have been r'+
# hash value = 76159010
sysconst.svarunexpected='Unexpected variant error'
# hash value = 138116004
sysconst.sfallbackerror='An error, whose error code is larger than can be'+
' returned to the OS, has occured'
# hash value = 191079612
sysconst.snotoolserver='Toolserver is not installed, cannot execute Tool'
# hash value = 148176702
sysconst.snoarraymatch='Can'#39't match any allowed value at pattern posi'+
'tion %d, string position %d.'
# hash value = 66329614
sysconst.snocharmatch='Mismatch char "%s" <> "%s" at pattern position %d,'+
' string position %d.'
# hash value = 212965662
sysconst.shhmmerror='mm in a sequence hh:mm is interpreted as minutes. No'+
' longer versions allowed! (Position : %d).'
# hash value = 85457662
sysconst.sfullpattern='Couldn'#39't match entire pattern string. Input to'+
'o short at pattern position %d.'
# hash value = 19915246
sysconst.spatterncharmismatch='Pattern mismatch char "%s" at position %d.'+
# hash value = 20606
# hash value = 19634
# hash value = 21378
# hash value = 18546
# hash value = 21385
# hash value = 20926
# hash value = 20924
# hash value = 18615
# hash value = 22976
# hash value = 21924
# hash value = 21862
# hash value = 19123
# hash value = 8763593
# hash value = 194624601
# hash value = 5474456
# hash value = 4749564
# hash value = 21385
# hash value = 334917
# hash value = 334905
# hash value = 76278948
# hash value = 128737538
# hash value = 95115410
# hash value = 114048402
# hash value = 194788450
# hash value = 21598
# hash value = 23477
# hash value = 23988
# hash value = 23285
# hash value = 19849
# hash value = 22916
# hash value = 23230
# hash value = 88492681
# hash value = 196909785
# hash value = 189581113
# hash value = 264871721
# hash value = 81328777
# hash value = 146575129
# hash value = 95177353
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property