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* Dependency control scoreboard kernel for MBAFF frame
* Copyright © <2010>, Intel Corporation.
* This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the
* Eclipse Public License (EPL), version 1.0. The full text of the EPL is at
// Kernel name: scoreboard_MBAFF.asm
// Dependency control scoreboard kernel for MBAFF frame
// $Revision: 16 $
// $Date: 10/18/06 4:10p $
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Main: scoreboard_MBAFF
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Scoreboard structure
// ----------------------------------------------------
// 1 DWORD per thread
// Bit 31: "Checking" thread, i.e. an intra MB that sends "check dependency" message
// Bit 30: "Completed" thread. This bit set by an "update" message from intra/inter MB.
// Bits 29:28: Must set to 0
// Bits 27:24: EUID
// Bits 23:18: Reserved
// Bits 17:16: TID
// Bits 15:8: X offset of current MB
// Bits 15:5: Reserved
// Bits 4:0: 5 bits of available neighbor MB flags
.kernel scoreboard_MBAFF
#ifdef _DEBUG
// WA for FULSIM so we'll know which kernel is being debugged
mov (1) acc0:ud 0xffaa55a5:ud
#include ""
#include ""
// Now, begin source code....
and.z.f0.1 (1) NULLREG r0.2<0;1,0>:ud TH_RES // Is this a restarted thread previously interrupted?
(f0.1) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Scoreboard_Init
#include "scoreboard_restore_AS.asm"
jmpi (1) MBAFF_Scoreboard_OpenGW
#endif // End AS_ENABLED
// Scoreboard must be initialized to 0xc000ffff, meaning all "completed"
// And it also avoids message mis-handling for the first MB
$for(0; <32; 2) {
mov (16) CMD_SB(%1)<1> 0xc000ffff:ud {Compr}
#ifdef DOUBLE_SB // Scoreboard size needs to be doubled
$for(32; <64; 2) {
mov (16) CMD_SB(%1)<1> 0xc000ffff:ud {Compr}
#endif // DOUBLE_SB
// Open message gateway for the scoreboard thread
// RegBase = r4 (0x04)
// Gateway Size = 64 GRF registers (0x6)
// Dispatch ID = r0.20:ub
// Scoreboard Thread Key = 0
mov (8) MSGHDRY0<1>:ud 0x00000000:ud // Initialize message header payload with 0
// Send a message with register base RegBase=0x04(r4) and Gateway size = 0x6 = 64 GRF reg and Key = 0
// 000 00000100 00000 00000 110 00000000 ==> 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0110 0000 0000
add (1) MSGHDRY0.5<1>:ud r0.20:ub 0x00800700:ud // Allocate 128 GRFs for message gateway - for SIP to send notification MSG
#ifdef DOUBLE_SB
add (1) MSGHDRY0.5<1>:ud r0.20:ub 0x00800600:ud // 64 GRF's for CTG-B
add (1) MSGHDRY0.5<1>:ud r0.20:ub 0x00800500:ud // 32 GRF's for CTG-A
#endif // DOUBLE_SB
// Send Thread Spawning Message to start dispatching macroblock threads
mov (8) acc0<1>:ud CMD_SB(31)<8;8,1> // Ensure scoreboard data have been completely restored
#endif // End AS_ENABLED
mov (8) MSGHDRY1<1>:ud r0<8;8,1>:ud // Initialize message header payload with R0
mov (1) MSGHDRY1.4<1>:ud 0x00000400:ud // Dispatch URB length = 1
mov (8) MSGHDRY0<1>:ud 0x00000000:ud // Initialize message header payload with 0
// Scoreboard control data initialization
or (1) cr0.1:ud cr0.1:ud AS_INT_EN // Enable interrupt
(f0.1) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Scoreboard_State_Init // Jump if not restarted thread
// Restore scoreboard kernel control data to r1 - r3
mov (1) m4.1:ud 64:ud // Starting r1
mov (1) m4.2:ud 0x0002001f:ud // for 3 registers
send (8) r1.0<1>:ud m4 null:ud DWBRMSGDSC_SC+0x00030000+AS_SAVE // Restore r1 - r3
and (1) CMDPTR<1>:uw MBINDEX(0)<0;1,0> SB_MASK*4:uw // Restore scoreboard entries for current MB
// EOT if all MBs have been decoded
cmp.e.f0.0 (1) NULLREG TotalMB<0;1,0>:w 0:w // Set "Last MB" flag
(-f0.0) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Before_First_MB
// Check whether it is before the first MB
cmp.e.f0.0 (1) NULLREG AVAILFLAGD<1>:ud 0x08020401:ud // in ACBD order
(f0.0) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Wavefront_Walk
#endif // End AS_ENABLED
mov (2) WFLen_B<2>:w HEIGHTINMB_1<0;1,0>:w
mov (1) AVAILFLAGD<1>:ud 0x08020401:ud // in ACBD order
mov (1) AVAILFLAG1D<1>:ud 0x08020410:ud // in A_C_B_D_ order
mov (1) CASE00PTR<1>:ud MBAFF_Notify_MSG_IP-MBAFF_No_Message_IP:ud // Inter kernel starts
mov (1) CASE10PTR<1>:ud MBAFF_Dependency_Check_IP-MBAFF_No_Message_IP:ud // Intra kernel starts
mov (1) CASE11PTR<1>:ud 0:ud // No message
mov (1) CASE11PTR<1>:ud MBAFF_MB_Loop_IP-MBAFF_No_Message_IP:ud // No message
#endif // End AS_ENABLED
mov (1) StartXD<1>:ud 0:ud
mov (1) NewWFOffsetD<1>:ud 0x01ffff00:ud
mov (8) WFStart_T(0)<1> 0xffff:w
mov (1) WFStart_T(0)<1> 0:w
mov (8) a0.0<1>:uw 0x0:uw // Initialize all pointers to 0
// Scoreboard message handling loop
// Calculate current wavefront length (same for top and bottom MB wavefronts) (16) acc0<1>:w StartX<0;1,0>:w 0:w // Used for x>2*y check
mac.g.f0.0 (16) NULLREGW WFLenY<0;1,0>:w -2:w // X - 2*Y > 0 ??
(f0.0) mov (2) WFLen_B<1>:w WFLenY<0;1,0>:w // Use smaller vertical wavefront length
(f0.0) mov (1) WFLen_Save<1>:w WFLenY<0;1,0>:w // Save current wave front length
(-f0.0) asr.sat (2) WFLen_B<1>:uw StartX<0;1,0>:w 1:w // Horizontal wavefront length is smaller
(-f0.0) asr.sat (1) WFLen_Save<1>:uw StartX<0;1,0>:w 1:w // Save current wave front length
// Initialize 9-MB group for top macroblock wavefront
mov (2) MBINDEX(0)<1> WFStart_T(0)<2;2,1>
(f0.1) add (4) MBINDEX(0,2)<1> WFStart_B(0,1)<4;4,1> -1:w
(-f0.1) add (4) MBINDEX(0,2)<1> WFStart_B(0,0)<4;4,1> -1:w
mov (1) MBINDEX(0,5)<1> WFStart_B(0,1)<0;1,0>
(-f0.1) mov (1) StartX<1>:w 0:w // WA for 1-MB wide pictures
mov (2) MBINDEX(0)<1> WFStart_T(0)<2;2,1> {NoDDClr}
add (4) MBINDEX(0,2)<1> WFStart_B(0,1)<4;4,1> -1:w {NoDDChk,NoDDClr}
mov (1) MBINDEX(0,5)<1> WFStart_B(0,1)<0;1,0> {NoDDChk,NoDDClr}
add (4) MBINDEX(0,6)<1> WFStart_T(0,1)<4;4,1> -1:w {NoDDChk} // Upper MB group (C_B_D_x)
// Update WFStart_B[0]
add (8) acc0<1>:w WFLen<0;1,0>:w 1:w // WFLen + 1
add (1) WFStart_B(0,0)<1> acc0<0;1,0>:w WFStart_T(0,0)<0;1,0> // WFStart_T[0] + WFLen + 1
mul (16) MBINDEX(0)<1> MBINDEX(0)REGION(16,1) 4:w // Adjust MB order # to be DWORD aligned
and (1) CMDPTR<1>:uw acc0<0;1,0>:w SB_MASK*4:uw // Wrap around scoreboard entries for current MB
wait n0:ud
// Check for combined "checking" or "completed" threads in forwarded message
// 2 MSB of scoreboard message indicate:
// 0b00 = "inter start" message
// 0b10 = "intra start" message
// 0b11 = "No Message" or "inter complete" message
// 0b01 = Reserved (should never occur)
shr (1) PMSGSEL<1>:uw r[CMDPTR,CMD_SB_REG_OFF*GRFWIB+2]<0;1,0>:uw 12:w // DWORD aligned pointer to message handler (8) NULLREG r[CMDPTR,CMD_SB_REG_OFF*GRFWIB]<0;1,0>:ub AVAILFLAG<8;8,1>:ub // f0.1 8 LSB will have the available flags in ACBDA_C_B_D_ order
mov (1) MSGHDRY0.4<1>:ud r[CMDPTR,CMD_SB_REG_OFF*GRFWIB]<0;1,0>:ud // Copy MB thread info from scoreboard
jmpi (1) r[PMSGSEL, INLINE_REG_OFF*GRFWIB+16]<0;1,0>:d
// Now determine whether this is "inter done" or "no message"
// through checking debug_counter
cmp.z.f0.1 (1) NULLREG n0:ud 0 // Are all messages handled?
and.z.f0.0 (1) NULLREG cr0.1:ud AS_INT // Poll interrupt bit
(-f0.1) jmpi (1) MBAFF_MB_Loop // Continue polling the remaining message from current thread
// All messages have been handled
(f0.0) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Wavefront_Walk // No interrupt occurs. Wait for next one
// Interrupt has been detected
// Save all contents and terminate the scoreboard
#include "scoreboard_save_AS.asm"
// Save scoreboard control data as well
mov (1) MSGHDR.1:ud 64:ud
mov (1) MSGHDR.2:ud 0x0002001f:ud // for 3 registers
$for(0; <3; 1) {
mov (8) MSGPAYLOADD(%1)<1> CMD_SB(%1-3)REGION(8,1)
send (8) NULLREG MSGHDR null:ud DWBWMSGDSC+0x00300000+AS_SAVE // Save r1 - r3
send (8) NULLREG MSGHDR r0:ud EOTMSGDSC+TH_INT // Terminate with "Thread Interrupted" bit set
#endif // End AS_ENABLED
// Current thread is "checking" but not "completed" (0b10 case).
// Check for dependency clear using all availability bits
and (8) DEPPTR<1>:uw MBINDEX(0,1)REGION(8,1) SB_MASK*4:uw // Wrap around scoreboard entries for current MB
(f0.1) and.z.f0.1 (8) NULLREG r[DEPPTR,CMD_SB_REG_OFF*GRFWIB+3]<1,0>:ub DONEFLAG:uw // f0.1 8 LSB contains dependency clear
(f0.1.any8h) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Dependency_Polling // Dependency not clear, keep polling..
// "Checking" thread and dependency cleared, send a message to let the thread go
// Current macroblock has been serviced. Update to next macroblock in special zig-zag order
MBAFF_Update_CurMB: (2) TotalMB<2>:w TotalMB<4;2,2>:w -1:w // Set "End of wavefront" flag and decrement "TotalMB"
add (16) MBINDEX(0)<1> MBINDEX(0)REGION(16,1) 4:w // Increment MB indices
and (1) CMDPTR<1>:uw acc0<0;1,0>:w SB_MASK*4:uw // Wrap around scoreboard entries for current MB
(f0.0.all2h) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Wavefront_Walk // Continue wavefront walking
// Top macroblock wavefront walk done, start bottom MB wavefront (1) WFLen<1>:w WFLen_B<0;1,0>:w 0:w {NoDDClr} // Set bottom MB wavefront length
mov (1) WFLen_B<1>:w -1:w {NoDDChk} // Reset bottom MB wavefront length
// Initialize 9-MB group for bottom macroblock wavefront
mov (8) MBINDEX(0)<1> WFStart_B(0)<1;4,0> {NoDDClr} // Initialize with WFStart_B[0] and WFStart_B[1]
mov (4) MBINDEX(0,1)<1> WFStart_T(0,1)<0;1,0> {NoDDChk,NoDDClr} // Initialize with WFStart_T[1]
mov (2) MBINDEX(0,2)<1> WFStart_T(0)<0;1,0> {NoDDChk,NoDDClr} // Initialize with WFStart_T[0]
add (4) MBINDEX(0,6)<1> WFStart_B(0,1)<4;4,1> -1:w {NoDDChk} // Upper MB group (C_B_D_x)
(f0.0) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Start_Wavefront // Start bottom MB wavefront walk
// Start new wavefront
cmp.e.f0.1 (16) NULLREGW StartX<0;1,0>:uw WIDTHINMB_1<0;1,0>:uw // Set "on picture right boundary" flag
// Update WFStart_T and WFStart_B
add (8) acc0<1>:w WFStart_T(0)REGION(1,0) 1:w // Move WFStart_T[0]+1 to acc0 to remove dependency later
mov (8) WFStart_T(0,1)<1> WFStart_T(0)<8;8,1> {NoDDClr} // Shift WFStart_T(B)[0:2] to WFStart_T(B)[1:3]
mac (1) WFStart_T(0,0)<1> WFLen_Save<0;1,0>:w 2:w {NoDDChk} // WFStart_T[0] = WFStart_T[0] + 2*WFLen
cmp.e.f0.0 (1) NULLREG TotalMB<0;1,0>:w 0:w // Set "Last MB" flag
(f0.1) add (4) WFLen<1>:w WFLen<4;4,1>:w NewWFOffset<4;4,1>:b // + (0, -1, -1, 1)
(f0.1) add (8) WFStart_T(0)<1> WFStart_T(0)REGION(4,1) 1:w
(-f0.1) add (1) StartX<1>:w StartX<0;1,0>:w 1:w // Move to right MB
(-f0.1) add (1) WFStart_T(0)<1> WFStart_T(0)REGION(1,0) 1:w
(-f0.0) jmpi (1) MBAFF_Scoreboard_Loop // Not last MB, start new wavefront walking
// All MBs have decoded. Terminate the thread now
#if !defined(COMBINED_KERNEL) // For standalone kernel only
// End of scoreboard_MBAFF