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0,0 → 1,5
CFLAGS = -DINLINE=__inline -I. -I$(MENUETDEV)/include/SDL
OUTFILE = libSDL_flic.a
OBJS = SDL_flic.o
include $(MENUETDEV)/makefiles/Makefile_for_lib
0,0 → 1,31
SDL_flic version 1.2
For copyright information see the source files.
SDL_flic is a small library that renders frames of FLI and FLC animation files.
The library has been tested with under Windows but should work on any platform.
The functions provided are:
. int FLI_Version(void): Returns the library version in the format
MAJOR << 16 | MINOR.
. FLI_Animation *FLI_Open(SDL_RWops *rwops, int *error): Opens a FLIC animation
and returns a pointer to it. rwops is left at the same point it was before
the the call. error receives the result of the call.
. void FLI_Close(FLI_Animation *flic): Closes the animation, closes the stream
and frees all used memory.
. int FLI_NextFrame(FLI_Animation *flic): Renders the next frame of the
animation returning an int to indicate if it was successfull or not.
. int FLI_Rewind(FLI_Animation *flic): Rewinds the animation to the first
. int FLI_Skip(FLI_Animation *flic): Skips the current frame without rendering
. Handle other formats of FLIC animation.
. Play animation inside a thread?
. What else? Tell me:
0,0 → 1,469
SDL_flic - renders FLIC animations
Copyright (C) 2003 Andre de Leiradella
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
For information about SDL_flic contact
Version 1.0: first public release.
Version 1.1: fixed bug to set *error to FLI_OK when returning successfully from FLI_Open
added function FLI_Reset to reset the animation to the first frame
Version 1.2: added function FLI_Skip to skip the current frame without rendering
FLI_Animation->surface is now correctly locked and unlocked
the rwops stream is now part of the FLI_Animation structure and is closed inside FLI_Close
renamed FLI_Reset to FLI_Rewind
added function FLI_Version that returns the library version
#include <SDL_flic.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mem.h>
/* Library version. */
#define FLI_MAJOR 1
#define FLI_MINOR 2
/* Chunk types. */
#define FLI_COLOR256 4
#define FLI_SS2 7
#define FLI_COLOR 11
#define FLI_LC 12
#define FLI_BLACK 13
#define FLI_BRUN 15
#define FLI_COPY 16
#define FLI_PSTAMP 18
typedef struct {
Uint32 size, type, numchunks;
} FLI_Frame;
typedef struct {
Uint32 size, type, index;
} FLI_Chunk;
static INLINE void readbuffer(FLI_Animation *flic, void *buffer, int size) {
if (SDL_RWread(flic->rwops, buffer, 1, size) != size)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_READERROR);
static INLINE Uint8 readu8(FLI_Animation *flic) {
Uint8 b;
readbuffer(flic, &b, 1);
return b;
static INLINE Uint16 readu16(FLI_Animation *flic) {
Uint16 hi, lo;
readbuffer(flic, &lo, 1);
readbuffer(flic, &hi, 1);
return hi << 8 | lo;
Uint16 w;
readbuffer(flic, &w, 2);
return w;
static INLINE Uint32 readu32(FLI_Animation *flic) {
Uint32 hi;
hi = readu16(flic);
return hi << 16 | readu16(flic);
Uint32 u;
readbuffer(flic, &u, 4);
return u;
static void readheader(FLI_Animation *flic) {
/* Skip size, we don't need it. */
SDL_RWseek(flic->rwops, 4, SEEK_CUR);
/* Read and check magic. */
flic->format = readu16(flic);
if (flic->format != FLI_FLI && flic->format != FLI_FLC)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Read number of frames, maximum is 4000 for FLI and FLC files. */
flic->numframes = readu16(flic);
if (flic->numframes > 4000)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Read width and height, must be 320x200 for FLI files. */
flic->width = readu16(flic);
flic->height = readu16(flic);
if (flic->format == FLI_FLI && (flic->width != 320 || flic->height != 200))
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Read color depth, must be 8 for FLI and FLC files. */
flic->depth = readu16(flic);
if (flic->depth != 8)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Skip the flags, it doesn't look like it follows the specs. */
/* Read the delay between frames. */
flic->delay = (flic->format == FLI_FLI) ? readu16(flic) : readu32(flic);
/* Skip rest of the header. */
SDL_RWseek(flic->rwops, (flic->format == FLI_FLI) ? 110 : 108, SEEK_CUR);
static INLINE void readframe(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Frame *frame) {
/* Read the size of the frame, must be less than or equal to 64k in FLI files. */
frame->size = readu32(flic);
if (flic->format == FLI_FLI && frame->size > 65536)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Read the type of the frame, must be 0xF1FA in FLI files or 0xF1FA or 0xF100 in FLC files. */
frame->type = readu16(flic);
if (frame->type != 0xF1FA && (flic->format == FLI_FLC && frame->type != 0xF100))
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Read the number of chunks in this frame. */
frame->numchunks = readu16(flic);
/* Skip rest of the data. */
SDL_RWseek(flic->rwops, 8, SEEK_CUR);
static INLINE void readchunk(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
/* Read the chunk size. */
chunk->size = readu32(flic);
/* Read the chunk type. */
chunk->type = readu16(flic);
static void handlecolor(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
int numpackets, index, count;
SDL_Color color;
/* Number of packets. */
numpackets = readu16(flic);
/* Color index that will be changed. */
index = 0;
while (numpackets-- > 0) {
/* Skip some colors. */
index += readu8(flic);
/* And change some others. */
count = readu8(flic);
if (count == 0)
count = 256;
while (count-- > 0) {
/* r, g and b are in the range [0..63]. */
color.r = ((Uint32)readu8(flic)) * 255 / 63;
color.g = ((Uint32)readu8(flic)) * 255 / 63;
color.b = ((Uint32)readu8(flic)) * 255 / 63;
SDL_SetColors(flic->surface, &color, index++, 1);
static void handlelc(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
int numlines, numpackets, size;
Uint8 *line, *p;
/* Skip lines at the top of the image. */
line = (Uint8 *)flic->surface->pixels + readu16(flic) * flic->surface->pitch;
/* numlines lines will change. */
numlines = readu16(flic);
while (numlines-- > 0) {
p = line;
line += flic->surface->pitch;
/* Each line has numpackets changes. */
numpackets = readu8(flic);
while (numpackets-- > 0) {
/* Skip pixels at the beginning of the line. */
p += readu8(flic);
/* size pixels will change. */
size = (Sint8)readu8(flic);
if (size >= 0) {
/* Pixels follow. */
readbuffer(flic, (void *)p, size);
} else {
size = -size;
/* One pixel to be repeated follow. */
memset((void *)p, readu8(flic), size);
p += size;
static void handleblack(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
/* Fill the surface with color 0. */
if (SDL_FillRect(flic->surface, NULL, 0) != 0)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_SDLERROR);
static void handlebrun(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
int numlines, size;
Uint8 *p, *next;
/* Begin at the top of the image. */
p = (Uint8 *)flic->surface->pixels;
/* All lines will change. */
numlines = flic->height;
while (numlines-- > 0) {
/* The number of packages is ignored, packets run until the next line is reached. */
next = p + flic->surface->pitch;
while (p < next) {
/* size pixels will change. */
size = (Sint8)readu8(flic);
if (size < 0) {
size = -size;
/* Pixels follow. */
readbuffer(flic, (void *)p, size);
} else {
/* One pixel to be repeated follow. */
memset((void *)p, readu8(flic), size);
p += size;
static void handlecopy(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
/* Read the entire image from the stream. */
readbuffer(flic, (void *)flic->surface->pixels, flic->width * flic->height);
static void handlecolor256(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
int numpackets, index, count;
SDL_Color color;
if (flic->format == FLI_FLI)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Number of packets. */
numpackets = readu16(flic);
/* Color index that will be changed. */
index = 0;
while (numpackets-- > 0) {
/* Skip some colors. */
index += readu8(flic);
/* And change some others. */
count = readu8(flic);
if (count == 0)
count = 256;
while (count-- > 0) {
/* r, g and b are in the range [0..255]. */
color.r = readu8(flic);
color.g = readu8(flic);
color.b = readu8(flic);
SDL_SetColors(flic->surface, &color, index++, 1);
static void handless2(FLI_Animation *flic, FLI_Chunk *chunk) {
int numlines, y, code, size;
Uint8 *p, c;
if (flic->format == FLI_FLI)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* numlines lines will change. */
numlines = readu16(flic);
y = 0;
while (numlines > 0) {
/* Read the code. */
code = readu16(flic);
switch ((code >> 14) & 0x03) {
case 0x00:
p = (Uint8 *)flic->surface->pixels + flic->surface->pitch * y;
while (code-- > 0) {
/* Skip some pixels. */
p += readu8(flic);
size = ((Sint8)readu8(flic)) * 2;
if (size >= 0) {
/* Pixels follow. */
readbuffer(flic, (void *)p, size);
} else {
size = -size;
/* One pixel to be repeated follow. */
memset((void *)p, readu8(flic), size);
p += size;
case 0x01:
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
case 0x02:
/* Last pixel of the line. */
p = (Uint8 *)flic->surface->pixels + flic->surface->pitch * (y + 1);
p[-1] = code & 0xFF;
case 0x03:
/* Skip some lines. */
y += (code ^ 0xFFFF) + 1;
int FLI_Version(void) {
return FLI_MAJOR << 16 | FLI_MINOR;
FLI_Animation *FLI_Open(SDL_RWops *rwops, int *error) {
FLI_Animation *flic;
FLI_Frame frame;
int err;
/* Alloc animation. */
flic = (FLI_Animation *)malloc(sizeof(FLI_Animation));
if (flic == NULL) {
if (error != NULL) *error = FLI_OUTOFMEMORY;
return NULL;
flic->rwops = rwops;
flic->surface = NULL;
/* Error handling. */
err = setjmp(flic->error);
if (err != 0) {
if (error != NULL) *error = err;
return NULL;
/* Read the header. */
/* Create a buffer to hold the rendered frame. */
flic->surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, flic->width, flic->height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (flic->surface == NULL)
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_SDLERROR);
/* Read the first frame. */
flic->offframe1 = SDL_RWtell(rwops);
readframe(flic, &frame);
/* If it's a prefix frame, skip it. */
if (frame.type == 0xF100) {
SDL_RWseek(rwops, frame.size - 16, SEEK_CUR);
flic->offframe1 = SDL_RWtell(rwops);
flic->offnextframe = flic->offframe1;
flic->nextframe = 1;
if (error != NULL) *error = FLI_OK;
return flic;
void FLI_Close(FLI_Animation *flic) {
if (flic != NULL) {
if (flic->rwops != NULL)
if (flic->surface != NULL)
int FLI_NextFrame(FLI_Animation *flic) {
FLI_Frame frame;
FLI_Chunk chunk;
int error, locked;
Uint32 i;
/* Flag to tell if the surface is locked. */
locked = 0;
/* Error handling. */
error = setjmp(flic->error);
if (error != 0) {
if (locked)
return error;
/* Seek to the current frame. */
SDL_RWseek(flic->rwops, flic->offnextframe, SEEK_SET);
/* Read the current frame. */
readframe(flic, &frame);
/* Read and process each of the chunks of this frame. */
locked = 1;
for (i = frame.numchunks; i != 0; i--) {
readchunk(flic, &chunk);
switch (chunk.type) {
handlecolor(flic, &chunk);
case FLI_LC:
handlelc(flic, &chunk);
handleblack(flic, &chunk);
case FLI_BRUN:
handlebrun(flic, &chunk);
case FLI_COPY:
handlecopy(flic, &chunk);
case FLI_COLOR256:
handlecolor256(flic, &chunk);
case FLI_SS2:
handless2(flic, &chunk);
/* Ignore this chunk. */
longjmp(flic->error, FLI_CORRUPTEDFILE);
/* Setup the number and position of next frame. If it wraps, go to the first one. */
if (++flic->nextframe > flic->numframes) {
flic->offnextframe = flic->offframe1;
flic->nextframe = 1;
} else
flic->offnextframe += frame.size;
return FLI_OK;
int FLI_Rewind(FLI_Animation *flic) {
flic->offnextframe = flic->offframe1;
flic->nextframe = 1;
return FLI_OK;
int FLI_Skip(FLI_Animation *flic) {
FLI_Frame frame;
int error;
/* Error handling. */
error = setjmp(flic->error);
if (error != 0)
return error;
/* Seek to the current frame. */
SDL_RWseek(flic->rwops, flic->offnextframe, SEEK_SET);
/* Read the current frame. */
readframe(flic, &frame);
/* Skip to the next frame without rendering. */
if (++flic->nextframe > flic->numframes) {
flic->offnextframe = flic->offframe1;
flic->nextframe = 1;
} else
flic->offnextframe += frame.size;
return FLI_OK;
0,0 → 1,102
SDL_flic - renders FLIC animations
Copyright (C) 2003 Andre de Leiradella
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
For information about SDL_flic contact
Version 1.0: first public release.
Version 1.1: fixed bug to set *error to FLI_OK when returning successfully from FLI_Open
added function FLI_Reset to reset the animation to the first frame
Version 1.2: added function FLI_Skip to skip the current frame without rendering
FLI_Animation->surface is now correctly locked and unlocked
the rwops stream is now part of the FLI_Animation structure and is closed inside FLI_Close
renamed FLI_Reset to FLI_Rewind
added function FLI_Version that returns the library version
#ifndef __SDL_flic_h__
#define __SDL_flic_h__
#include <SDL.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Supported formats. */
#define FLI_FLI 0xAF11
#define FLI_FLC 0xAF12
/* Error codes. */
/* No error. */
#define FLI_OK 0
/* Error reading the file. */
/* Invalid frame size (corrupted file). */
/* Error in SDL operation. */
#define FLI_SDLERROR 3
/* Out of memory. */
The animation structure, all members are read-only, don't try to longjmp to
typedef struct {
Uint32 format, numframes, width, height, depth, delay, offframe1, nextframe, offnextframe;
/* rwops is where the animation is read from. */
SDL_RWops *rwops;
/* surface is where the frames is rendered to. */
SDL_Surface *surface;
/* error is used to longjmp in case of error so to avoid a chain of if's. */
jmp_buf error;
} FLI_Animation;
Returns the library version in the format MAJOR << 16 | MINOR.
extern int FLI_Version(void);
Opens a FLIC animation and return a pointer to it. rwops is left at the same
point it was before the the call. error receives the result of the call.
extern FLI_Animation *FLI_Open(SDL_RWops *rwops, int *error);
Closes the animation, closes the stream and frees all used memory.
extern void FLI_Close(FLI_Animation *flic);
Renders the next frame of the animation returning an int to indicate if it was
successfull or not.
extern int FLI_NextFrame(FLI_Animation *flic);
Rewinds the animation to the first frame.
extern int FLI_Rewind(FLI_Animation *flic);
Skips the current frame of the animation without rendering it.
extern int FLI_Skip(FLI_Animation *flic);
#ifdef __cplusplus
0,0 → 1,92
playflic - play a FLIC file on the screen
Placed in the public domain by Andre de Leiradella on 24-fev-2003.
You'll need SDL and SDLmain to compile this program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_main.h>
#include "SDL_flic.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
SDL_RWops *rwops;
FLI_Animation *flic;
int error;
SDL_Surface *screen;
SDL_Rect pos;
SDL_Event event;
Uint32 ticks, ticks2;
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: playflic <flicfile>\n");
return 0;
/* Open the flic. */
rwops = SDL_RWFromFile(argv[1], "rb");
if (rwops == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "FLIC file not found\n");
return 0;
flic = FLI_Open(rwops, &error);
if (error != FLI_OK)
goto out;
/* Init SDL. */
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
goto out;
/* Set the video with the size of the flic. */
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(flic->width, flic->height, 0, SDL_SWSURFACE);
if (screen == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set %dx%d video mode: %s\n", flic->width, flic->height, SDL_GetError());
goto out;
/* Play the flic. */
pos.x = pos.y = 0;
ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
for (;;) {
/* Render the next frame. */
error = FLI_NextFrame(flic);
if (error != FLI_OK)
goto out;
/* Blit it. */
SDL_BlitSurface(flic->surface, NULL, screen, &pos);
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Exit program in case of any event. */
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) == 1) {
switch (event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT:
goto out;
/* Delay between frames. */
ticks = SDL_GetTicks() - ticks;
if (ticks < flic->delay)
SDL_Delay(flic->delay - ticks);
ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
/* Describe the error. */
switch (error) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading FLIC\n");
fprintf(stderr, "FLIC file corrupted\n");
fprintf(stderr, "SDL error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
return 0;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property