Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 5648 → Rev 5649

7,7 → 7,7
color_select dd 0x3E3D32
color_cur_text dd 0x808080
dd 0xF8F8F2
dd 0xD0D0D0 ;F8F8F2
dd 0xffff00
dd 0x00ff00
dd 0x00ffff
@@ -70,10 +73,6 @@
@@ -138,10 +137,6 @@
@@ -233,6 +228,30 @@
@@ -306,50 +325,7 @@
@@ -420,7 +396,7 @@
@@ -498,15 +474,6 @@
@@ -577,18 +544,14 @@
@@ -653,10 +616,11 @@
@@ -684,3 +648,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
4,11 → 4,11
mov edi,tedit0
mov ecx,0x40000000
mov edx,5*65536+5
mov edx,5*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx
mov edx,30*65536+5
mov edx,30*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
stdcall [ted_can_save],edi
17,12 → 17,12
and ecx,0xffff
inc cx
mov edx,55*65536+5
mov edx,55*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
or ecx,0x40000000
inc cx
mov edx,85*65536+5
mov edx,85*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
call [ted_is_select]
31,23 → 31,23
and ecx,0xffff
inc cx ; Cut
mov edx,110*65536+5
mov edx,110*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx ; Copy
mov edx,135*65536+5
mov edx,135*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
mov cx,10 ; Upper
mov edx,265*65536+5
mov edx,265*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx ; Lower
mov edx,290*65536+5
mov edx,290*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx ; reverse
mov edx,315*65536+5
mov edx,315*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
or ecx,0x40000000
56,20 → 56,20
and ecx,0xffff
mov cx,6 ; Paste
mov edx,160*65536+5
mov edx,160*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
or ecx,0x40000000
inc cx
mov edx,185*65536+5
mov edx,185*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx
mov edx,210*65536+5
mov edx,210*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx
mov edx,235*65536+5
mov edx,235*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
mov ebx,ted_tim_undo
78,7 → 78,7
and ecx,0xffff
mov cx,13
mov edx,345*65536+5
mov edx,345*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
or ecx,0x40000000
87,28 → 87,28
and ecx,0xffff
inc cx
mov edx,370*65536+5
mov edx,370*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
or ecx,0x40000000
inc cx
mov edx,400*65536+5
mov edx,400*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
inc cx
mov edx,425*65536+5
mov edx,425*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
mov cx,17 ;âûáîð ôàéëà ïîäñâåòêè
mov edx,450*65536+5
mov edx,450*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
mov cx,18 ;cp 1251 -> 866
mov edx,480*65536+5
mov edx,480*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
mov cx,19 ;cp 866 -> 1251
mov edx,505*65536+5
mov edx,505*65536+25
call draw_but_icon
138,7 → 138,7
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ;ðèñîâàíèå òåêñòà
mov ebx,30*65536+5
mov ebx,30*65536+25
add ebx,ted_wnd_t
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,0x80000000
121,6 → 121,29
; OpenDialog initialisation
stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data
; kmenu initialisation
stdcall [kmenu_init], sc
stdcall [ksubmenu_new]
mov [main_menu], eax
stdcall [ksubmenu_new]
mov [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, sz_main_menu_File_New, 3
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, sz_main_menu_File_Open, 4
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, sz_main_menu_File_Save, 5
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_SEPARATOR, 0, 0
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_NORMAL, sz_main_menu_File_Exit, 199
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu_file], eax
stdcall [kmenuitem_new], KMENUITEM_SUBMENU, sz_main_menu_File, [main_menu_file]
stdcall [ksubmenu_add], [main_menu], eax
; init toolbar file
load_image_file 'te_icon.png', bmp_icon,TOOLBAR_ICONS_SIZE*2 ;㬭®¦¥­¨¥ ­  2 ¤«ï á¥àëå ª­®¯®ª
mov eax,[bmp_icon]
260,15 → 283,10
inc bx
int 0x40
; mov eax,4
; mov ebx,185*65536+9
; mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
; or ecx,0x80000000
; mov edx,txtFile
; int 0x40
call draw_but_toolbar
stdcall [kmainmenu_draw], [main_menu]
stdcall [ted_draw], tedit0
mcall 12,2
276,6 → 294,7
align 4
stdcall [kmainmenu_dispatch_cursorevent], [main_menu]
stdcall [ted_mouse], tedit0
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_FIND ;if not panel
283,30 → 302,9
stdcall [edit_box_mouse], dword edit2
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_SYNTAX ;if not panel
jne @f ;.menu_bar_1
jne .mouse_end
stdcall [tl_mouse], tree1
mov [menu_data_1.get_mouse_flag],1
; mouse event for Menu 1
stdcall [menu_bar_mouse],dword menu_data_1
cmp dword[],1
jne .mnu_1
cmp dword[menu_data_1.cursor_out],4
je button.exit
cmp dword[menu_data_1.cursor_out],3
jne @f
call ted_but_save_file
cmp dword[menu_data_1.cursor_out],2
jne @f
call ted_but_open_file
cmp dword[menu_data_1.cursor_out],1
jne @f
call ted_but_new_file
jmp still
377,11 → 375,6
align 4
; cmp [menu_active],1 ;¥á«¨ ­ ¦ «¨ ¬¥­î, â® á­ ç «  ॠªæ¨ï ­  ¬¥­î
; jne @f ;mouse.menu_bar_1
; mov [menu_active],0
; jmp still
; @@:
mcall 17 ;¯®«ãç¨âì ª®¤ ­ ¦ â®© ª­®¯ª¨
cmp ah,3
475,7 → 468,12
cmp ah,1
jne still
je .exit
cmp ah,199
je .exit
jmp still
cmp dword[exit_code],1
je @f
513,6 → 511,8
err_message_import_3 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0
err_message_found_lib_4 db '¥ ­ ©¤¥­  ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ',39,'libini.obj',39,0
err_message_import_4 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'libini.obj',39,0
err_message_found_lib_5 db '¥ ­ ©¤¥­  ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª  ',39,'libkmenu.obj',39,0
err_message_import_5 db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨¬¯®à⥠¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ ',39,'libkmenu.obj',39,0
head_f_l db 'System error',0
526,6 → 526,8
err_message_import_3 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'libimg.obj',39,0
err_message_found_lib_4 db 'Sorry I cannot found library ',39,'libini.obj',39,0
err_message_import_4 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'libini.obj',39,0
err_message_found_lib_5 db 'Sorry I cannot found library ',39,'libkmenu.obj',39,0
err_message_import_5 db 'Error on load import library ',39,'libkmenu.obj',39,0
end if
;library structures
540,6 → 542,8
err_message_found_lib_3, head_f_l, import_libimg, err_message_import_3, head_f_i
lib4 l_libs lib_name_4, sys_path, file_name, system_dir_4,\
err_message_found_lib_4, head_f_l, import_libini, err_message_import_4, head_f_i
lib5 l_libs lib_name_5, sys_path, file_name, system_dir_5,\
err_message_found_lib_5, head_f_l, import_libkmenu, err_message_import_5, head_f_i