Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 4226 → Rev 4227

105,6 → 105,9
StatusPipe dd ?
NumPorts dd ?
; Number of downstream ports; from 1 to 255.
MaxPacketSize dd ?
; Maximum packet size for interrupt endpoint.
; Usually equals ceil((1+NumPorts)/8), but some hubs give additional bytes.
Actions dd ?
; Bitfield with HUB_* constants.
PoweredOnTime dd ?
250,10 → 253,11
; the pointer is in edx.
; 2. Allocate memory for the hub descriptor.
; Maximum length (assuming 255 downstream ports) is 40 bytes.
; Allocate 4 extra bytes to keep wMaxPacketSize.
; 2a. Save registers.
push edx
; 2b. Call the allocator.
movi eax, 40
movi eax, 44
call malloc
; 2c. Restore registers.
pop ecx
267,7 → 271,11
movzx eax, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.bEndpointAddress]
movzx edx, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.bInterval]
movzx ecx, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.wMaxPacketSize]
test ecx, (1 shl 11) - 1
jz .free
push ecx
stdcall usb_open_pipe, ebx, eax, ecx, INTERRUPT_PIPE, edx
pop ecx
; If failed, free the memory allocated in step 2,
; say something to the debug board and return error.
test eax, eax
275,6 → 283,8
; 4. Send control query for the hub descriptor,
; pass status pipe as a callback parameter,
; allow short packets.
and ecx, (1 shl 11) - 1
mov [esi+40], ecx
mov dword [esi], 0xA0 + \ ; class-specific request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index 0
352,8 → 362,9
cmp [length], edx
jb .invalid
; 5. Allocate the memory for usb_hub structure.
; Total size of variable-length data is ALIGN_UP(2*(floor(NumPorts/8)+1),4)+8*NumPorts.
lea edx, [sizeof.usb_hub+(edx-sizeof.usb_hub_descr)*2+3]
; Total size of variable-length data is ALIGN_UP(floor(NumPorts/8)+1+MaxPacketSize,4)+8*NumPorts.
add edx, [eax+40]
add edx, sizeof.usb_hub - sizeof.usb_hub_descr + 3
and edx, not 3
lea eax, [edx+ecx*8]
push ecx edx
374,6 → 385,8
mov [ebx+usb_hub.StatusPipe], eax
push esi edi
mov esi, [buffer]
mov eax, [esi+40]
mov [ebx+usb_hub.MaxPacketSize], eax
; The following commands load bNbrPorts, wHubCharacteristics, bPwrOn2PwrGood.
mov edx, dword [esi+usb_hub_descr.bNbrPorts]
mov dl, 0
487,11 → 500,8
; Called when initial configuration is done and when a previous notification
; has been processed.
proc usb_hub_wait_change
mov ecx, [eax+usb_hub.NumPorts]
shr ecx, 3
inc ecx
stdcall usb_normal_transfer_async, [eax+usb_hub.StatusPipe], \
[eax+usb_hub.StatusChangePtr], ecx, usb_hub_changed, eax, 1
[eax+usb_hub.StatusChangePtr], [eax+usb_hub.MaxPacketSize], usb_hub_changed, eax, 1
513,6 → 523,7
shr ecx, 3
inc ecx
sub ecx, [length]
jbe .restart
push eax edi
mov edi, [buffer]
add edi, [length]