Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 8995 → Rev 8996

20,6 → 20,7
strcat(history_pointer, "</a><br>");
strcat(history_pointer, "<br><b>Cached images</b><br>");
for (i=1; i<cache.url.count; i++) if (cache.type.get(i) == IMG)
28,6 → 29,7
strcat(history_pointer, cache.url.get(i));
strcat(history_pointer, "'><br>");
LoadInternalPage(history_pointer, strlen(history_pointer));
8,9 → 8,9
- 70.5 - get volume info and label
#define ABOUT_TITLE "EOLITE 5.01 Gold"
#define TITLE_EOLITE "Eolite File Manager 5.01 Gold"
#define TITLE_KFM "Kolibri File Manager 2.01 Gold";
#define ABOUT_TITLE "EOLITE 5.02 Gold"
#define TITLE_EOLITE "Eolite File Manager 5.02 Gold"
#define TITLE_KFM "Kolibri File Manager 2.02 Gold";
#define MEMSIZE 1024 * 250
#include "../lib/clipboard.h"
136,7 → 136,7
int optionsy = SELECTY+KFM2_DEVH+1;
char dev_name[15], disc_name[100], i, dev_icon, is_active=0;
for (i=0; i<30; i++) DeleteButton(100+i);
DrawPopup(draw_x, optionsy, DDW, list.count*KFM2_DEVH, 1, -1, sc.work_graph);
8,7 → 8,7
dword write_start;
dword buf_end;
int line_h = 15;
#define LINE_H 17
int label_length_max;
int write_length;
bool end_found;
19,9 → 19,9
if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x, y, w+1, line_h, bg_col);
if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x, y, w+1, LINE_H, bg_col);
end_found = false;
write_length = strchr(write_start, '\n') - write_start; //search normal line break
write_length = strchr(write_start, '\n') - write_start +1; //search normal line break
if (write_length > label_length_max) || (write_length<=0) //check its position: exceeds maximum line length or not found
if (buf_end - write_start < label_length_max) //check does current line the last
46,9 → 46,9
// WriteTextB(-write_start+buf_start+editpos * 8 + x - 5 +1, y, 0x90, 0xFF0000, "|");
// }
write_start += write_length + 1;
y += line_h;
y += LINE_H;
if (write_start >= buf_end) break;
if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x,y,w+1,h-y+line_h-4,bg_col);
return y+line_h;
if (bg_col!=-1) DrawBar(x,y,w+1,h-y+LINE_H-4,bg_col);
return y+LINE_H;
28,7 → 28,6
#define T_EXIT "‚ë室"
#define IMG_URL ""
#define KS "‘®åà ­¨âì ­ áâனª¨"
#define RA "¥à¥§ ¯ãáâ¨âì ¢á¥ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë"
#define T_WINDOW_TITLE "KolibriOS Online Updater"
40,13 → 39,11
#define T_EXIT "Exit"
#define IMG_URL ""
#define KS "Keep settings folder"
#define RA "Restart all apps"
char accept_language[]="en"; //not used, necessary for http.get()
void Operation_Draw_Progress(dword f) {} //not used, necessary for copyf()
checkbox keep_settings = { KS, true };
checkbox restart_apps = { RA, true };
void main()
53,7 → 50,7
int btn;
sensor progress;
load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1);
load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1);
load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1);
loop() switch(@WaitEventTimeout(300))
62,7 → 59,6
if (btn<=2) ExitProcess();
if (btn==9) goto _INSTALL;;;
case evKey:
90,7 → 86,6
if (http.transfer<=0) {
DrawCaptButton(WINW-110/2, WINH-70, 110, 28, 9, 0x0092D8, 0xFFFfff, T_INSTALL);
keep_settings.draw(30, WINH - 210);
restart_apps.draw(30, WINH - 185);
} else {
DrawIcon32(WINW-32/2, 140,, 49);
181,7 → 176,6
copyf("/sys", #backup);
copyf(#latest, "/sys");
if (keep_settings.checked) copyf(#backup_settings, "/sys/settings");
if (restart_apps.checked) RestartAllProcess();
install_complete = true;
156,8 → 156,6
align 4
call draw_window
;mov ah,0
;jmp button.history_click
align 4
198,7 → 196,7
sub ah,30
;click on a colors History
movzx eax,ah
shl eax,2
add eax,[communication_area]
656,7 → 654,7
; buf - pointer hexadecimal string
; buf - pointer to a hexadecimal string
; eax - number
align 4
665,7 → 663,7
xor ebx,ebx
mov esi,[buf]
.cycle_16: ;считывание 16-ричных цифр
mov bl,byte[esi]
cmp bl,'0'
jl @f
674,13 → 672,13
cmp bl,'9'
jle .us1
cmp bl,'A'
jl @f ;отсеиваем символы >'9' и <'A'
jl @f ;skip the chars not in between '9' and 'A'
.us1: ;составное условие
cmp bl,'F'
jle .us2
cmp bl,'a'
jl @f ;отсеиваем символы >'F' и <'a'
sub bl,32 ;переводим символы в верхний регистр, для упрощения их последущей обработки
jl @f ;skip the chars not in between 'F' and 'a'
sub bl,32 ;convert symbols to uppercase for convenience
.us2: ;составное условие
sub bl,'0'
cmp bl,9
692,7 → 690,7
inc esi
jmp .cycle_16
cmp ecx,0 ;если число отрицательное
cmp ecx,0 ;if the number is negative
jne @f
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,ecx