Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 5910 → Rev 5911

272,8 → 272,8
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_SYNTAX
jne @f
stdcall dword[tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop dword[fn_col_option]
mov ebx,dword[fn_col_option]
mov [fn_col_option],eax
mov ebx,eax
call open_unpac_synt_file
cmp ebx,-1
je @f
248,76 → 248,15
51,24 → 51,22
db 0
;32 - áâ ­¤ àâ­ë©  ¤à¥á ¯® ª®â®à®¬ã ¤®«¦¥­ ¡ëâì ¡ãä¥à á á¨á⥬­ë¬ ¯ã⥬
copy_path .path_str,[32],file_name,0x0
copy_path .path_str,[32],file_name,0
copy_path path,[32],file_name,0x0 ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 ¯®«­ë© ¯ãâì ª ä ©«ã ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï, ¯®¤à §ã¬¥¢ ¥¬ çâ® ®­ ¢ ®¤­®© ¯ ¯ª¥ á ¯à®£à ¬¬®©
copy_path path,[32],file_name,0 ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 ¯®«­ë© ¯ãâì ª ä ©«ã ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï, ¯®¤à §ã¬¥¢ ¥¬ çâ® ®­ ¢ ®¤­®© ¯ ¯ª¥ á ¯à®£à ¬¬®©
end if
stdcall mem.Alloc, dword size ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì ¤«ï ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
mov [buf],eax
mov eax,70 ;70-ï äã­ªæ¨ï à ¡®â  á ä ©« ¬¨
mov [run_file_70.Function], 0
mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
mov [run_file_70.Count], dword size
m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], [buf]
m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], eax
mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
mov [run_file_70.FileName], file_name
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©« ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
mcall 70,run_file_70 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©« ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
cmp ebx,0xffffffff
je @f
;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢¨¤ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï ¨ ¯¥à¥¢®¤¨¬ ¥£® ¢® ¢à¥¬¥­­ë© ¡ãä¥à image_data
210,30 → 208,26
mov eax,dword[icon_tl_sys]
mov dword[tree1.data_img],eax
copy_path fn_syntax_dir,sys_path,file_name,0x0 ;¡¥à¥¬ ¯ãâì ª ¯ ¯ª¥ á ä ©« ¬¨ ᨭ⠪á¨á 
mov eax,70
mov ebx,tree_file_struct
int 0x40
copy_path fn_syntax_dir,sys_path,file_name,0 ;¡¥à¥¬ ¯ãâì ª ¯ ¯ª¥ á ä ©« ¬¨ ᨭ⠪á¨á 
mcall 70,tree_file_struct
cmp ebx,-1
je .end_dir_init
cmp ebx,-1
je .end_dir_init
mov eax,dir_mem
add eax,32+4+1+3+4*6+8
mov ecx,ebx
cmp byte[eax],'.' ;䨫ìâà㥬 ä ©«ë á ¨¬¥­ ¬¨ '.' ¨ '..'
je .filter
;0x10000 ;1*2^16 - £¤¥ 1 ­®¬¥à ¨ª®­ª¨ á ª­¨£®©
stdcall dword[tl_node_add], tree1,0x10000,eax
stdcall dword[tl_cur_next], tree1
add eax,304
loop @b
stdcall dword[tl_cur_beg],tree1 ;áâ ¢¨¬ ªãàá®à ­  ­ ç «® ᯨ᪠
mov eax,dir_mem
add eax,32+4+1+3+4*6+8
mov ecx,ebx
cmp byte[eax],'.' ;䨫ìâà㥬 ä ©«ë á ¨¬¥­ ¬¨ '.' ¨ '..'
je .filter
;0x10000 ;1*2^16 - £¤¥ 1 ­®¬¥à ¨ª®­ª¨ á ª­¨£®©
stdcall dword[tl_node_add], eax,0x10000, tree1
stdcall dword[tl_cur_next], tree1
add eax,304
loop @b
stdcall dword[tl_cur_beg],tree1 ;áâ ¢¨¬ ªãàá®à ­  ­ ç «® ᯨ᪠
;--- load ini file ---
copy_path ini_name,sys_path,file_name,0
;window startup pozition
293,7 → 287,7
align 4
call draw_window
call draw_window
align 4
326,12 → 320,9
mov edi,tedit0 ;§­ ç¥­¨¥ edi ­ã¦­® ¤«ï EvSize ¨ ted_wnd_t
call EvSize
mov eax,13 ;¢¥àå­¨© ¯àאַ㣮«ì­¨ª, ¤«ï ®ç¨á⪨ ¢¥àå­¥© ¯ ­¥«¨
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
mov bx,word[procinfo.client_box.width]
movzx ebx,word[procinfo.client_box.width]
inc bx
int 0x40
mcall 13,,ted_wnd_t ;¢¥àå­¨© ¯àאַ㣮«ì­¨ª, ¤«ï ®ç¨á⪨ ¢¥àå­¥© ¯ ­¥«¨
call draw_but_toolbar
361,15 → 352,13
; ah = symbol
align 4
proc KeyConvertToASCII, table:dword
push ebx
mov ebx,dword[table] ;convert scan to ascii
ror ax,8
xor ah,ah
add bx,ax
mov ah,byte[ebx]
pop ebx
proc KeyConvertToASCII uses ebx, table:dword
mov ebx,dword[table] ;convert scan to ascii
ror ax,8
xor ah,ah
add bx,ax
mov ah,byte[ebx]
align 4
541,7 → 530,7
stdcall [ted_delete], tedit0
stdcall dword[tl_data_clear], tree1
stdcall [tl_data_clear], tree1
mcall -1 ;¢ë室 ¨§ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë
edit2 edit_box TED_PANEL_WIDTH-1, 0, 20, 0xffffff, 0xff80, 0xff0000, 0xff, 0x4080, 300, buf_find, mouse_dd, 0
153,7 → 153,7
stdcall str_instr, ebx,[edit3.text]
test al,al
jnz .end_add
stdcall dword[tl_node_add], ebx, (0 shl 16), tree3
stdcall dword[tl_node_add], tree3, (0 shl 16), ebx
stdcall dword[tl_cur_next], tree3
add ebx,MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+8 ;sizeof.TexColViv
166,9 → 166,9
jne @f
;ª®¯¨à®¢ âì ¢ ¡ãä¥à
stdcall [tl_node_get_data],tree3
pop esi
or esi,esi
or eax,eax
jz .no_select_0
mov esi,eax
mov edi,[tedit0.buffer]
mov dword[edi],MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN
mov dword[edi+4],0 ;text data
199,19 → 199,4
align 4
.size_x dw 16 ;+0
rb 2+2+2
.btn_high dd 15 ;+8
.type dd 1 ;+12
.max_area dd 100 ;+16
rb 4+4
.bckg_col dd 0xeeeeee ;+28
.frnt_col dd 0xbbddff ;+32
.line_col dd 0 ;+36
rb 4+2+2
rb 2+2+2+2+4+4+4+4+4+4
.all_redraw dd 0 ;+80
.ar_offset dd 1 ;+84
w_scr_t3 scrollbar 16,0, 3,0, 15, 100, 0,0, 0xeeeeee, 0xbbddff, 0, 1