Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 5708 → Rev 5715

16,11 → 16,37
mcall 40, 0 ; disable all events for this thread
; resolve name
; Extract port number from server address
mov esi, serveraddr
test al, al
jz .port_done
cmp al, ':'
jne @r
mov byte[esi-1], 0 ; replace colon with 0 byte, we dont want to upset getaddrinfo
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx ; port number
test al, al
jz @f
sub al, '0'
jb err_dns
cmp al, 9
ja err_dns
lea ebx, [ebx*4+ebx]
lea ebx, [ebx*2+eax]
jmp @b
xchg bl, bh
mov [sockaddr1.port], bx
; Resolve hostname
push esp ; reserve stack place
invoke getaddrinfo, serveraddr, 0, 0, esp
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
jnz err_dns
27,27 → 53,30
mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax
invoke freeaddrinfo, esi
DEBUGF 1, "Connecting to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n", \
[sockaddr1.ip]:1, [sockaddr1.ip+1]:1, [sockaddr1.ip+2]:1, [sockaddr1.ip+3]:1, \
invoke freeaddrinfo, esi
; Open socket
mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0
cmp eax, -1
je err_sock
mov [socketnum], eax
mov [socketnum], eax
; Connect to the server
mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18
cmp eax, -1
je err_connect
; Wait for handshake from server
; TODO: implement timeout
call wait_for_data
cmp dword[receive_buffer], "RFB "
jne err_proto
; Reply to handshake
DEBUGF 1, "Sending handshake\n"
mcall send, [socketnum], HandShake, 12, 0
call wait_for_data
203,7 → 232,7
; Tell the main thread we are ready for business!
mov [status], STATUS_CONNECTED
; Request initial update
; Request initial framebuffer update from server
mov [], 0
269,8 → 298,8
lodsd ; encoding
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1, "rectangle: width=%u height=%u x=%u y=%u encoding: ",\
[rectangle.width]:2, [rectangle.height]:2, [rectangle.x]:2, [rectangle.y]:2
DEBUGF 1, "Rectangle: x=%u y=%u width=%u height=%u encoding: ",\
[rectangle.x]:2, [rectangle.y]:2, [rectangle.width]:2, [rectangle.height]:2
cmp eax, 0
je encoding_raw
12,44 → 12,60
;; ;;
pixel_to_24bpp: ; returns in ecx, destroys eax, ebx
pixel_to_24bpp: ; returns in ecx
; Convert pixel to 24BPP
mov bl, 85
push eax ebx
mov bl, 36
mov al, [esi]
shr al, 6
and al, 3
and al, 7
mul bl
mov ch, al ; blue
mov bl, 36
mov ch, al ; red
mov al, [esi]
shr al, 3
and al, 7
mul bl
mov cl, al ; green
mov bl, 85
mov al, [esi]
and al, 7
shr al, 6
and al, 3
mul bl
shr ecx, 8
mov cl, al ; red
shl ecx, 8
mov cl, al ; blue
inc esi
pop ebx eax
else if BITS_PER_PIXEL = 16
push eax
mov cl, ah
and al, 0xf8 ; red
mov cx, ax
shl cx, 5
and ch, 0xfc ; green
shl ecx, 8
mov cl, al
shl cl, 3
and cx, 0x00f8 ; blue
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, ax
shl cx, 5
and ch, 0xfc ; green
mov cl, ah
and al, 0xf8 ; red
pop eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [esi]
shr ecx, 8
shl ecx, 8
mov cl, [esi+2]
add esi, 3
end if
56,10 → 72,10
lea eax, [esi+5]
lea eax, [esi+4+BYTES_PER_PIXEL]
cmp [datapointer], eax
jae @f
call read_data.more
70,17 → 86,23
bswap eax
mov [subrectangles], eax
DEBUGF 1, "%u subrectangles\n", eax
; Get background color
call pixel_to_24bpp
; Calculate first pixel pos
movzx eax, [screen.width]
mul [rectangle.y] ; [screen.width]*[rectangle.y]
add eax, [rectangle.x] ; [screen.width]*[rectangle.y]+[rectangle.x]
lea edi, [framebuffer_data+eax*3] ; edi = framebuffer_data+([screen.width]*[rectangle.y]+[rectangle.x])*3
; Calculate offset between two rows of pixels
movzx eax, [screen.width]
sub eax, [rectangle.width]
lea ebp, [eax*3] ; ebp = ([screen.width]-[rectangle.width])*3
; Draw background rectangle
push edi
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, [rectangle.height]
98,9 → 120,13
jnz .lineloop
pop edi
; Any subrectangles at all?
cmp [subrectangles], 0
je next_rectangle
lea eax, [esi+9]
lea eax, [esi+8+BYTES_PER_PIXEL]
cmp [datapointer], eax
jae @f
call read_data.more
107,8 → 133,10
jmp @b
; Get subrectangle color
call pixel_to_24bpp
; Get coordinates
xor eax, eax
xchg al, ah
118,17 → 146,27
mov [subrectangle.y], eax
xchg al, ah
mov [subrectangle.height], eax
mov [subrectangle.width], eax
xchg al, ah
mov [subrectangle.width], eax
mov [subrectangle.height], eax
DEBUGF 1, "Subrectangle: x=%u y=%u width=%u height=%u\n", \
[subrectangle.x], [subrectangle.y], [subrectangle.width], [subrectangle.height]
; Calculate pos of first pixel
push edi
mov eax, [rectangle.width]
movzx eax, [screen.width]
mul [subrectangle.y]
add eax, [subrectangle.x]
lea eax, [eax*3]
add edi, eax
; Calculate offset between two rows of pixels
movzx eax, [screen.width]
sub eax, [subrectangle.width]
lea ebp, [eax*3] ; ebp = ([screen.width]-[rectangle.width])*3
; Draw the subrectangle
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, [subrectangle.height]
143,9 → 181,7
add edi, ebp
dec edx
jnz .lineloop2
pop edi
dec [subrectangles]
jnz .subrectangle
jmp next_rectangle
17,7 → 17,7
__DEBUG__ = 1
BITS_PER_PIXEL = 8 ; 8, 16 24
BITS_PER_PIXEL = 8 ; 8, 16 24
85,6 → 85,8
include ""
include ""
include ""
310,10 → 312,10
SetEncodings db 2 ; setEncodings
db 0 ; padding
db 0, 2 ; number of encodings
db 0, 0, 0, 0 ; raw encoding (DWORD, Big endian order)
db 0, 3 ; number of encodings
db 0, 0, 0, 1 ; Copyrect encoding
; db 0, 0, 0, 2 ; RRE
db 0, 0, 0, 2 ; RRE
db 0, 0, 0, 0 ; raw encoding
; db 0, 0, 0, 5 ; HexTile
; db 0, 0, 0, 15 ; TRLE
; db 0, 0, 0, 16 ; ZRLE