Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 2822 → Rev 2826

0,0 → 1,1232
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x1, START, I_END, (I_END+600) and not 3, (I_END+600) and not 3, 0x0, 0x0
remote_ip db 010,010,010,002
server_port dd 0x9876
client_port dd 0x6789
socknum dd ?
DEBUG equ 1
include ''
include ''
include ''
macro dbg_dec num
debug_print_dec num
OP_SOC equ 0 ; UDP only
CL_SOC equ 1
WR_SOC equ 4
macro free_socket {
mcall 53,1,[socknum]
if CL_SOC no equ 1
mcall 53,CL_SOC,[socknum]
btr [flags],11
btr [flags],12}
mcall 40,10100111b ;á¥âì,¬ëèì
mcall 3
mov [rsx1],ax
shr eax,16
mov [rsx2],ax
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
mcall 12,1
mcall 0,100*65536+432,100*65536+280,0x34FFFFFF,,title
mcall 38,1*65536+421,27*65536+27,0x00b0b0b0
mov edi,10
@@: add ecx,20*65536+20
dec edi
jnz @b
mcall ,1*65536+1,27*65536+226,;000000
mov edi,21
@@: add ebx,20*65536+20
dec edi
jnz @b
mcall 13,202*65536+19,27*65536+202,0xFFFFFF
mcall 4,40*65536+12,0x80000000,text_user
mcall ,350*65536+12,,text_cpu
mcall 8,120*65536+70,7*65536+15,3,0xFFFFFF ;auto_fill
mcall ,230*65536+70,,2, ;new_game
mov ecx,234*65536+15
bt [flags],11
jc @f
mcall ,2*65536+70,,4, ;listen
@@: bt [flags],12
jc @f
mcall ,74*65536+70,,5, ;connect
@@: mcall ,146*65536+70,,6, ;disconnect
mcall 4,135*65536+12,0x80000000,but_new
mcall ,240*65536+12,,but_auto
mcall ,15*65536+240,,but_lis_con
mcall 12,2
call SysMsgBoardNum ;show esp
mov esi,table1
mov edi,90
mov ebp,10
mov ebx,1*65536+21
mov ecx,27*65536+47
call draw_bots
mov esi,table2
mov edi,90
mov ebp,10
mov ebx,221*65536+241
mov ecx,27*65536+47
call draw_bots
cmp [loc_kill],10
jne @f
mcall 4,69*65536+12,0x80ff0000,text_win
bts [flags],5
@@: cmp [rem_kill],10
jne @f
mcall 4,372*65536+12,0x80ff0000,text_win
bts [flags],5
cmp [number_bots],10
jne still
bts [flags],0
mcall 23,10
test eax,eax
jz listen
; mcall 10
cmp eax,6
je mouse
; cmp eax,8
; je still
dec eax
jnz @f
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
@@: dec eax
jz key
dec eax
jz button
jmp still
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jz still
xor edx,edx
call check_header
jc still
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jz still
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
push ebx
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
pop ebx
debug_print_dec eax
push eax
movzx eax,bl
debug_print_dec eax
pop eax
cmp bl,1 ;¯®«ã祭® á®®¡é¥­¨¥ ®â á¥à¢¥à  á à ­¤®¬­ë¬ ç¨á«®¬
je .get_first
cmp bl,2 ;á¥à¢¥à ¯®«ã稫 ®â¢¥â, ®¯à¥¤¥«ïî騩 ¯®à冷ª 室 
je .set_first
cmp bl,3 ;®â¬¥­  ᮥ¤¨­¥­¨ï
je .close_connect
cmp bl,4 ;£¥­¥à æ¨ï ­®¢®© ¨£àë, ®ç¨á⪠ ª àâ
je .new_game
cmp bl,5 ;®ª®­ç ­¨¥ ¨£àë (¢ë¨£àëè ®¯¯®­¥­â )
je .end_game
cmp bl,6 ;poluchena koordinata ataki
je .get_koord
cmp bl,7 ;v otvet posyla'utsya ismen'ennue elementy v table2, max 12 byte = zagolovok 3 bytes + kol-vo elementov + el-ty (max 4*2 bytes)
je .get_elem
jmp still
; cmp eax,2
; jne .free_cash
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
@@: mcall 53,3,[socknum]
mov dl,bl
shl edx,8
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jnz @b
shr edx,8
cmp dx,[who_first]
jge @f
mov word [message+2],0x0002 ;I'm first
mcall 53,WR_SOC,[socknum],4,message
inc eax
jz button.error
bts [flags],13 ;moi hod
jmp still
@@: mov word [message+2],0x0102 ;He is first
mcall 53,WR_SOC,[socknum],4,message
inc eax
jz button.error
btr [flags],13
jmp still
; cmp eax,1
; jne .free_cash
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
@@: mcall 53,3,[socknum]
dec bl
jz @f
btr [flags],13
jmp still
@@: bts [flags],13
jmp still
jmp still
mov esi,table2
mov ecx,100/4
@@: mov dword [esi],0
add esi,4
loop @b
jmp still
mov [rem_kill],10
bts [flags],13
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
.buf dw 0xffff
; cmp eax,1
; jne .free_cash
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
; test eax,eax
; jz still
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
movzx eax,bl
cmp ax,[.buf]
je still
mov [.buf],ax
mov esi,table1
mov edi,table1
mov bl, byte [edi+eax]
add bl,2
mov ecx,table1
call if_bot_killed
movzx edx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+edx*2],al
mov byte [message+3+1+edx*2+1],bl
inc byte [message+3]
mov [table1+eax],bl
push ebx
mov byte [message+2],7
mov edi,5
.@u: movzx edx,byte [message+3]
lea edx,[edx*2+4]
mcall 53,WR_SOC,[socknum],,message
mcall 5,10
dec edi
jnz .@u
inc eax
jz button.error
pop ebx
bts [flags],13 ;ostavliaem hod za soboi
cmp bl,3
jb @f
btr [flags],13 ;peredaem hod
cmp bl,4
jne @f
inc [rem_kill]
cmp [rem_kill],10
jne draw_pole
call redraw_all
@@: jmp draw_pole
.buf2 dw 0xffff
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
; test eax,eax
; jz still
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
movzx edi,bl ;chislo elementov
test edi,edi
jz .free_cash
@@: mcall 53,2,[socknum]
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
movzx eax,bl
push eax
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
pop eax
cmp bl,byte [.buf2+1] ;¯à®¢¥àª  ­  ¯®¢â®à­ë© ¯ ª¥â
jne @f
cmp al,byte [.buf2]
je .free_cash
@@: mov byte [.buf2],al
mov byte [.buf2+1],bl
jmp .00
@@: mcall 53,3,[socknum]
movzx eax,bl
push eax
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
mcall 53,3,[socknum]
pop eax
.00 mov [table2+eax],bl
dec edi
jz @f
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jnz @b
@@: call
cmp byte [.buf2+1],2
jbe @f
bts [flags],13
cmp byte [.buf2+1],4
jb draw_pole
inc [loc_kill]
cmp [loc_kill],10
jb draw_pole
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
@@: btr [flags],13
jmp draw_pole
mov esi,2
@@: mcall 53,3,[socknum]
mov dl,bl
dec esi
jz @f
shl edx,8
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jnz @b
@@: xchg dh,dl
cmp dx, word [message]
jne .free
debug_print 'XO packet:'
@@: mcall 53,3,[socknum]
mcall 53,2,[socknum]
test eax,eax
jnz @b
debug_print 'packet cleared'
mcall 2
jmp still
free_socket ;-1 ®è¨¡ª 
mcall -1
mcall 17
dec ah
jz close_prog
dec ah
jnz @f
mov ecx,(344)/4
mov esi,table1
.@0: mov dword [esi],0
add esi,4
loop .@0
mov word [listen.buf],0xffff
mov word [listen.buf2],0xffff
; mov [flags],1100b ;auto fill
btr [flags],0
btr [flags],2
bts [flags],3
mov [number_bots],0
call set_bots
bts [flags],0
.a0: btr [flags],5
bt [flags],12
jc .a1
bt [flags],11
jnc .a2
.a1: mov byte [message+3],4
; mcall 53,WR_SOC,[sicknum],3,message
.a2: call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
@@: dec ah ;new game
jnz @f
mov ecx,(344)/4
mov esi,table1
.@1: mov dword [esi],0
add esi,4
loop .@1
mov word [listen.buf],0xffff
mov word [listen.buf2],0xffff
mov [number_bots],0
; mov [flags],1100b
btr [flags],0
btr [flags],2
btr [flags],3
jmp .a0
@@: dec ah
jnz @f
bt [flags],11
jc still
bt [flags],12
jc still
mcall 53,OP_SOC,[client_port],[server_port],<dword [remote_ip]> ;listen
push eax
dbg_dec eax
debug_print ':socket:listen...'
pop eax
mov [socknum],eax ;-1 ®è¨¡ª 
inc eax
jz .error
bts [flags],11
xor eax,eax
or ax,-1
call random
mov [who_first],ax ;progi soediniaias' sveria'ut eto znachenie, u kogo bol'she, tot nachinaet pervyi
bts [flags],14
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
@@: dec ah
jnz @f
bt [flags],11
jc still
bt [flags],12
jc still
mcall 53,OP_SOC,[server_port],[client_port],<dword [remote_ip]> ;connect
push eax
dbg_dec eax
debug_print ':socket:connect...'
pop eax
mov [socknum],eax ;-1 ®è¨¡ª 
inc eax
jz .error
bts [flags],12
xor eax,eax
or ax,-1
call random
mov esi,message+2
mov byte [esi],1
mov [esi+1],ax
mcall 53,WR_SOC,[socknum],5,message ;-1 ®è¨¡ª 
inc eax
jz .error
bts [flags],14
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
@@: free_socket ;-1 ®è¨¡ª  ;disconnect
call redraw_all
jmp draw_pole
debug_print 'error on open/sent'
jmp still
cmp byte [esi],1
je .one
cmp byte [esi],2
je .two
cmp byte [esi],3
je .three
cmp byte [esi],4
jne .null
bts [flags],4
jmp .three
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz draw_bots
test edi,edi
jz @f
sub edi,10
mov ebp,10
add ebx,-200*65536-200
add ecx,20*65536+20
jmp draw_bots
push ebx ecx
call .0
mov edx,0x00aa66
mcall 13
pop ecx ebx
add ebx,20*65536+20
jmp .end
push ebx ecx
add ebx,8*65536-6
add ecx,12*65536-12
mcall 38,,,0x508cec
add ecx,-6*65536+6
pop ecx ebx
jmp .null
push ebx ecx
call .0
mov edx,0x00FF0000
bt [flags],4
jnc @f
mov edx,0x00555555
btr [flags],4
@@: mcall 13
pop ecx ebx
xor edx,edx
mcall 38
add ecx,20*65536-20
add ecx,-20*65536+20
jmp .null
shr ebx,16
inc bx
shl ebx,16
add ebx,19
shr ecx,16
inc cx
shl ecx,16
add ecx,19
bt [flags],5
jc still
mcall 37,2
test eax,eax
jz still
cmp al,2
jg still
;1 - «¥¢ ï ª­®¯ª , 2 - ¯à ¢ ï
dec al
jnz .mouse_1
btr [flags],1
jmp @f
bts [flags],1
mcall 37,1
mov dx,ax
shr eax,16
cmp dx,27
jbe still
cmp dx,227
jge still
cmp ax,1
jbe still
cmp ax,201
jge second_pole
;¯¥à¢®¥ ¯®«¥
bt [flags],0
jc still
sub ax,1
push dx
xor edx,edx
mov cx,20
div cx
pop dx
mov [oX],al
push ax
sub dx,27
mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
div cx
mov [oY],al
xor dx,dx
mov cx,10
mul cx
pop dx
add ax,dx
cmp ax,100
jg still
mov esi,table1
bt [flags],2
jnc @f
mov esi,table2
@@: mov edi,esi
add edi,100
cmp [number_bots],6
jnb .1paluba
cmp [number_bots],3
jnb .2paluba
cmp [number_bots],0
je .4paluba
jmp .3paluba
bt [flags],1 ;ç¥âëàñ寠«ã¡­ë©
jnc @f
cmp [oX],6
jg _still
jmp .41
@@: cmp [oY],6
jg _still
.41: inc [number_bots]
mov [edi],al
bt [flags],1
jc @f
add al,10
mov [edi+1],al
add al,10
mov [edi+2],al
add al,10
mov [edi+3],al
jmp init_table
@@: inc al
mov [edi+1],al
inc al
mov [edi+2],al
inc al
mov [edi+3],al
jmp init_table
.3paluba: ;âàñ寠«ã¡­ë©
bt [flags],1
jnc @f
cmp [oX],7
jg _still
jmp .31
@@: cmp [oY],7
jg _still
call find_near
bt [flags],1
jc @f
add al,10
call find_near
add al,10
call find_near
sub al,20
jmp .32
@@: inc al
call find_near
inc al
call find_near
sub al,2
inc [number_bots]
mov ecx,4
mov dl,[number_bots]
sub dl,2
jz @f
add ecx,3
mov [edi+ecx],al
bt [flags],1
jc @f
add al,10
mov [edi+ecx+1],al
add al,10
mov [edi+ecx+2],al
jmp init_table
@@: inc al
mov [edi+ecx+1],al
inc al
mov [edi+ecx+2],al
jmp init_table
.2paluba: ;¤¢ã寠«ã¡­ë©
bt [flags],1
jnc @f
cmp [oX],8
jg _still
jmp .21
@@: cmp [oY],8
jg _still
call find_near
bt [flags],1
jc @f
add al,10
call find_near
sub al,10
jmp .22
@@: inc al
call find_near
dec al
inc [number_bots]
mov ecx,8
mov dl,[number_bots]
sub dl,4
jz @f
add ecx,2
dec dl
jz @f
add ecx,2
@@: add ecx,2
mov [edi+ecx],al
bt [flags],1
jc @f
add al,10
mov [edi+ecx+1],al
jmp init_table
@@: inc al
mov [edi+ecx+1],al
jmp init_table
.1paluba: ;®¤­®¯ «ã¡­ë©
call find_near
inc [number_bots]
xor edx,edx
movzx ecx,[number_bots]
add ecx,9
mov [edi+ecx],al
jmp init_table
push ax
call f_near ;0
cmp al,10
jb @f
sub al,10 ;-10
call f_near
@@: cmp al,11
jb @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,0
je @f
sub al,11 ;-11
call f_near
@@: cmp al,9
jb @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,9
je @f
sub al,9 ;-9
call f_near
@@: cmp al,1
jb @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,0
je @f
dec al ;-1
call f_near
@@: cmp al,99
jg @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,9
je @f
inc al ;+1
call f_near
@@: cmp al,90
jge @f
add al,10 ;+10
call f_near
@@: cmp al,91
jge @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,0
je @f
add al,9 ;+9
call f_near
@@: cmp al,89
jge @f
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
div cx
mov ax,[esp]
cmp dx,9
je @f
add al,11 ;+11
call f_near
@@: pop ax
movzx edx, byte [smeshenie]
@@: cmp al,[edi+edx]
je .end
dec dl
jnz @b
cmp al,[edi]
je .end
mov ax,[esp+4]
.end: add esp,10
jmp _still
; xor eax,eax
movzx ecx, byte [number_bots]
mov edx,3
dec cl
jz .i_t
mov al,2
.2: add dl,3
dec cl
jz .i_t
dec al
jnz .2
mov al,3
.3: add dl,2
dec cl
jz .i_t
dec al
jnz .3
mov al,4
.4: inc dl
dec cl
jz .i_t
dec al
jnz .4
.i_t: mov [smeshenie],dl
@@: movzx eax, byte [edi+edx]
mov byte [esi+eax],1
dec dl
jnz @b
movzx eax, byte [edi]
mov byte [esi+eax],1
bt [flags],3
jc set_bots
; mcall 12,1
jmp draw_pole
bt [flags],0
jnc still
bt [flags],13
jnc still
cmp ax,221
jbe still
cmp ax,421
jge still
;¢â®à®¥ ¯®«¥
sub ax,221
push dx
xor edx,edx
mov cx,20
div cx
pop dx
push ax
sub dx,27
mov ax,dx
xor dx,dx
div cx
xor dx,dx
mov cx,10
mul cx
pop dx
add ax,dx
cmp ax,100
jg still
; mov edi,table1 ;nashe pole
mov esi,table2 ;opponent
cmp byte [esi+eax],2
jge still
add byte [esi+eax],2
mov byte [message+3],al
mov byte [message+2],6
mov edi,5
@@: mcall 5,10
mcall 53,WR_SOC,[socknum],4,message
dec edi
jnz @b
jmp draw_pole
mov byte [message+3],0
push ebx
add edi,100
mov ebx,19
@@: cmp al,[edi+ebx]
je @f
dec ebx
jnz @b
cmp al,[edi+ebx]
jne .end
cmp ebx,16
jnb .end_i
@@: cmp bl,10
jb .2
btc bx,0
mov bl, [edi+ebx]
cmp byte [ecx+ebx],3
jne .end
inc byte [ecx+ebx]
movzx edx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+edx*2],bl
mov bl,[ecx+ebx]
mov byte [message+3+1+edx*2+1],bl
inc byte [message+3]
jmp .end_i
.2: cmp bl,4
jb .3
add edi,4
cmp bl,7
jb .3
add edi,3
.3: movzx edx, byte [edi]
cmp dl,al
je @f
cmp byte [ecx+edx],3
jne .end
@@: mov dl,[edi+1]
cmp dl,al
je @f
cmp byte [ecx+edx],3
jne .end
@@: mov dl,[edi+2]
cmp dl,al
je @f
cmp byte [ecx+edx],3
jne .end
@@: cmp bl,4
jnb @f
mov dl,[edi+3]
cmp dl,al
je @f
cmp byte [ecx+edx],3
jne .end
@@: mov dl,[edi]
cmp dl,al
je @f
inc byte [ecx+edx]
push edx ebx
movzx ebx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2],dl
mov dl,[ecx+edx]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2+1],dl
inc byte [message+3]
pop ebx edx
@@: mov dl,[edi+1]
cmp dl,al
je @f
inc byte [ecx+edx]
push edx ebx
movzx ebx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2],dl
mov dl,[ecx+edx]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2+1],dl
inc byte [message+3]
pop ebx edx
@@: mov dl,[edi+2]
cmp bl,4
jnb .9
cmp dl,al
je @f
inc byte [ecx+edx]
push edx ebx
movzx ebx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2],dl
mov dl,[ecx+edx]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2+1],dl
inc byte [message+3]
pop ebx edx
@@: mov dl,[edi+3]
.9: cmp dl,al
je .end_i
inc byte [ecx+edx]
push edx ebx
movzx ebx, byte [message+3]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2],dl
mov dl,[ecx+edx]
mov byte [message+3+1+ebx*2+1],dl
inc byte [message+3]
pop ebx edx
pop ebx
inc ebx
; inc [rem_kill]
.end: pop ebx
bt [flags],3
jnc still
cmp [number_bots],10
jne @f
@@: xor edx,edx
mov ecx,10
cmp [number_bots],6
jb @f
push dword 10
jmp .1
@@: cmp [number_bots],3
jb @f
push dword 9
jmp .1
@@: cmp [number_bots],2
jb @f
push dword 8
jmp .1
@@: push dword 7
mov eax,[esp]
call random
mov [oX],al
mul cl
mov cl,al
mov eax,[esp]
call random
mov [oY],al
add cl,al
cmp cl,100
jge .1
add esp,4
mov eax,2
call random
cmp al,1
jne @f
bts [flags],1
mov al,cl
jmp set_bot
@@: btr [flags],1
mov al,cl
jmp set_bot
align 4
rsx1 dw ?;0x4321
rsx2 dw ?;0x1234
random: ; ¨§ ASCL
push ecx edx esi
mov cx,ax
mov ax,[rsx1]
mov bx,[rsx2]
mov si,ax
mov di,bx
mov dl,ah
mov ah,al
mov al,bh
mov bh,bl
xor bl,bl
rcr dl,1
rcr ax,1
rcr bx,1
add bx,di
adc ax,si
add bx,0x62e9
adc ax,0x3619
mov [rsx1],bx
mov [rsx2],ax
xor dx,dx
cmp ax,0
je nodiv
cmp cx,0
je nodiv
div cx
mov ax,dx
pop esi edx ecx
and eax,0000ffffh
SysMsgBoardNum: ;warning: destroys eax,ebx,ecx,esi
mov ebx,esp
mov ecx,8
mov esi,(number_to_out+1)
mov eax,ebx
and eax,0xF
cmp al,10
sbb al,69h
mov [esi+ecx],al
shr ebx,4
loop .1
dec esi
mcall 71,1,number_to_out
number_to_out db '0x00000000',13,10,0
text_cpu db 'CPU',0
text_user db 'USER',0
but_lis_con db 'Listen Connect Disconnect',0
if lang eq ru
title db 'Œ®à᪮© ¡®© 0.4',0
but_auto db ' ááâ ¢¨âì',0
but_new db '®¢ ï',0
text_win db '‚먣ࠫ!',0
title db 'Sea war 0.4',0
but_auto db 'Auto fill',0
but_new db 'New',0
text_win db 'Won!',0
who_first dw 0
message db 'XO1234567890'
; t1,t3,t5: 0-­¥¯®¬¥ç¥­­ ï ª«¥â®çª , 1-§ ­ïâ ï, 2-"¯à®¬ å", 3-"£®à¨â", 4-"¯®â®¯«¥­"
; t2,t4: â ¡«¨æë à á¯®«®¦¥­¨ï í«¥¬¥­â®¢, 1 í«¥¬¥­â ¯® 4 ª«¥âª¨, 2x3, 3x2, 4x1
align 16
table1 rb 100 ;«¥¢®¥ ¯®«¥, local
table3 rb 20
table2 rb 100 ;¯à ¢®¥, remote
table4 rb 20
rb 100
rem_kill rb 1 ;remote
loc_kill rb 1 ;local
p_pov rb 1
smeshenie rb 1
number_bots rb 1
oX rb 1
oY rb 1
tbl_ranen rb 4
flags rw 1
;flags2 rw 1
;¡¨â 0: 0/1 - § ¯®«­¥­¨¥ â ¡«¨æ /¨£à 
;1: ­ ¦ â  «¥¢ ï ª­®¯ª  ¬ëè¨ (¢¥à⨪ «ì) /¯à ¢ ï (£®à¨§®­â «ì)
;2: § ¯®«­ï¥âáï «¥¢®¥ ¯®«¥ /¯à ¢®¥
;3: àãç­®¥ § ¯®«­¥­¨¥ / ¢â®§ ¯®«­¥­¨¥
;4: ¢ .three - ¯®â®¯«¥­­ë© ª®à ¡«ì
;5: ¨£à  ®ª®­ç¥­ 
;11: ogidat' server
;12: server gdet otveta
;13; 1 - ¬®© 室, 0 - ®¯¯®­¥­â