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Ignore whitespace Rev 7158 → Rev 7159

0,0 → 1,1009
;unz - à á¯ ª®¢é¨ª, ¨á¯®«ì§ãî騩 archiver.obj. ®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥â zip ¨ 7z.
;unz [-o output path] [-f file for unpack] [-f ...] [-h]
;-h - hide GUI. If params is empty - do exit.
;unz -o /hd0/1/arci -f text1.txt -unpack in folder only file text1.txt
;unz -o "/hd0/1/arci" -f "text1.txt" text2.txt "" -unpack in folder only file text1.txt and text2.txt
;… …€‹ˆ‡Ž‚€Ž
;unz -n "namezone" "" - open packed file, write list files of main folder in namezone
;dd 0 - ¥á«¨ ¨¬¥­­®¢ ­ ï §®­  § ­ïâ , â® 1
;dd cmd - 0 ­¥â ª®¬ ­¤ë
; 1 ¯®«ãç¨âì ᯨ᮪ ä ©«®¢
; 2 ¯®«ãç¨âì ä ©«
; 3 ãáâ ­®¢¨âì ⥪ã訩 ª â «®£ ¢  à娢¥
; 4 § ¢¥àè¨âì à ¡®âã
;data - ¤ ­­ë¥, § ¢¨á¨â ®â ª®¬¬ ­¤ë
; 1 ¯®«ãç¨âì ᯨ᮪ ä ©«®¢
; input
; none
; output
; dd numfiles - ª®«¨ç¥á⢮ ä ©«®¢ ¨ ¯ ¯®ª ¢ ⥪ã饬 ª â «®£¥
; strz file1...fileN - ᯨ᮪ áâப, à §¤¥«ñ­­ëå 0
; 2 ¯®«ãç¨âì ä ©«
; input
; dd num bytes
; strz filename (file1.txt of /fold1/file1.txt)
; output
; dd num bytes
; data
org 0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1, start, init_end, end_mem, stack_top, params, 0
include ''
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac'
include '../../'
include ''
version equ '0.65'
version_dword equ 0*10000h + 65
WIN_W = 400
SIZE_COPY_BUF = 1024*1024*2
virtual at 0
.lStructSize dd ?
.kfar_ver dd ?
.open dd ?
.open2 dd ?
.read dd ?
.write dd ?
.seek dd ?
.tell dd ?
.flush dd ?
.filesize dd ?
.close dd ?
.pgalloc dd ?
.pgrealloc dd ?
.pgfree dd ?
.getfreemem dd ?
.pgalloc2 dd ?
.pgrealloc2 dd ?
.pgfree2 dd ?
.menu dd ?
.menu_centered_in dd ?
.DialogBox dd ?
.SayErr dd ?
.Message dd ?
.cur_console_size dd ?
end virtual
include ''
include ''
;-- CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------
mcall 68, 11
mcall 40, 100111b + 0C0000000h
stdcall dll.Load, IMPORTS
test eax, eax
jnz exit
mov [pathOut],0
;stdcall SayErr,strErrorExc
;mcall -1
;1. find input file, clear
;2. find -o, copy data, clear
;3. find -f, add pointer, copy data, clear
;4. find -c, check variable, clear
call getLastParam
test eax, eax
je wm_redraw
dec eax
je .arbeit
jmp errorParsing
call getParam2
cmp eax, 2
je errorParsing
mov eax, [iFiles]
shl eax, 2
add eax, files
m2m dword[eax], dword[endPointer]
stdcall getParam, '-f'
cmp eax, 2
je errorParsing
inc [iFiles]
cmp eax, 1
je @b
mov edi, params
mov ax,'-h'
@@: cmp word [edi], ax
je .check
inc edi
cmp edi, params+1024
je @f
cmp byte[edi],0
je @f
jmp @b
call startUnpack
mcall -1
stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data
;init edit fields --------------
xor al,al
mov edi,fInp
mov ecx,1024
repne scasb
inc ecx
mov eax,1024
sub eax,ecx
mov dword[edtPack.size],eax
mov dword[edtPack.pos],eax
xor al, al
mov edi, pathOut
mov ecx, 1024
repne scasb
inc ecx
mov eax, 1024
sub eax, ecx
mov dword[edtUnpPath.size], eax
mov dword[edtUnpPath.pos], eax
;main loop --------------------
call winRedraw
mcall 10
cmp eax, 1
je wm_redraw
cmp eax, 2
je wm_key
cmp eax, 3
je wm_button
cmp eax, 6
je wm_mouse
jmp still
mcall 2
cmp [bWinChild],0
jne still
stdcall [edit_box_key],edtPack
stdcall [edit_box_key],edtUnpPath
jmp still
mcall 17
cmp [bWinChild],0
jne still
cmp ah, 3
jne @f
call selectInput
jmp wm_redraw
cmp ah, 4
jne @f
call selectOutFold
jmp wm_redraw
cmp ah, 2
jne @f
;mcall 51,1,startUnpack,stackUnpack
;mov [bWinChild],1
call startUnpack
jmp wm_redraw
cmp ah, 1
je exit
jmp still
cmp [bWinChild],0
jne still
stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtPack
stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtUnpPath
jmp still
mcall -1
dps 'errorParsing'
mcall -1
;--- functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc winRedraw
mcall 12, 1
mcall 48, 3, sc, sizeof.system_colors
mov edx, []
or edx, 0x34000000
mcall 0, <200,WIN_W>, <200,130>, , , title
mcall 8, <100,100>,<65,25>,2,[sc.work_button]
mcall 8, <(WIN_W-52),33>,<10,20>,3,[sc.work_button]
mcall 8, <(WIN_W-52),33>,<35,20>,4,[sc.work_button]
edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtPack,endEdits,sc
stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtPack
stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtUnpPath
; plain window labels
cmp [redInput],0
jne @f
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,90000000h
jmp .l1
mov ecx,90FF0000h
mcall 4, <15,16>, , strInp
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mcall 4, <15,37>, , strPath
; text on buttons
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,90000000h
if lang eq ru
mcall 4, <107,70>, , strGo
mcall 4, <127,70>, , strGo
end if
mcall 4, <(WIN_W-47),12>, , strDots
mcall 4, <(WIN_W-47),37>, , strDots
mcall 12, 2
mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0
stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data
mov edi,ODAreaPath
xor al,al
or ecx,-1
repne scasb
sub edi,ODAreaPath
dec edi
mov dword[edtPack+12*4],edi
mov ecx,edi
inc ecx
mov edi,fInp
mov esi,ODAreaPath
rep movsb
mov [redInput],0
mov [OpenDialog_data.type],2
stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data
mov edi,ODAreaPath
xor al,al
or ecx,-1
repne scasb
sub edi,ODAreaPath
dec edi
mov dword[edtUnpPath+12*4],edi
mov ecx,edi
inc ecx
mov edi,pathOut
mov esi,ODAreaPath
rep movsb
allfiles dd 0
succfiles dd 0
numbytes dd 0
proc startUnpack
paramUnp rd 1
sizeUnpack rd 1
hFile rd 1
hFileZip rd 1
hPlugin rd 1
pathFold rb 256
;if input not corrected
cmp [fInp],byte 0
je .errNullInp
; mcall 68, 24, Exception, 0FFFFFFFFh ;??
;init plugin
push ebp
stdcall [aPluginLoad],kfar_info
pop ebp
;set current directory, create folder
cmp [pathOut],0
jne @f
lea eax,[pathFold]
stdcall cpLastName, fInp, eax
lea eax,[pathFold]
mov [fsNewDir.path],eax
mcall 70, fsNewDir
mov ecx, [fsNewDir.path]
mcall 30,4,,1
jmp .n
mcall 30,4,pathOut,1
;open and read first 1KB
stdcall open, fInp, O_READ
mov [hFileZip], eax
mcall 70,fsZip
test eax,eax
jnz .errNotFound
mcall 70,fsZipRead
;open pack
push ebp
stdcall [aOpenFilePlugin],[hFileZip],bdvkPack,filedata_buffer,filedata_buffer_size ,0 ,0 , fInp
pop ebp
test eax,eax
jnz @f
cmp ebx,0 ;;/ ŠŽ‘’›‹œ!!!!
je .errNotFound ;;§­ ç¥­¨¥ ebx ¯®«ã祭® ®¯ëâ­ë¬ ¯ãâñ¬.
cmp ebx,400h ;;ª ª ®­® ¡ã¤¥â à ¡®â âì á ¤à㣨¬¨ ¢¥àá¨ï¬¨
je .errNotSupp ;;¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ - ­¥ ïá­®!
mov [hPlugin],eax
;get num of all files
; stdcall calcSizeArch,[hPlugin]
; push ebp
; stdcall [aReadFolder], [hPlugin]
; pop ebp
; push ebp
; stdcall [aOpen], [hPlugin], .str1, O_READ
; pop ebp
; push ebp
; stdcall [aSetpos],[hPlugin],0,POSEND
; pop ebp
; add [numbytes],eax
; void __stdcall GetFiles(HANDLE hPlugin, int NumItems, void* items[], void* addfile, void* adddir);
push ebp
stdcall [aGetFiles], [hPlugin], -1, 0, myAddFile, myAddDir
pop ebp
;jmp @f
; .str1 db '/LICENSE.txt',0
;HANDLE __stdcall open(HANDLE hPlugin, const char* filename, int mode);
;Žâªàëâì ä ©« filename.  à ¬¥âà mode § à¥§¥à¢¨à®¢ ­ ¨ ¢ ⥪ã饩 ¢¥àᨨ kfar ¢á¥£¤  à ¢¥­ 1.
; push ebp
; stdcall [aOpen], [hPlugin], .str1, O_READ
; pop ebp
; mov [hFile],eax
;unsigned __stdcall read(HANDLE hFile, void* buf, unsigned size);
;—⥭¨¥ size ¡ ©â ¢ ¡ãä¥à buf ¨§ ä ©«  hFile, à ­¥¥ ®âªàë⮣® ç¥à¥§ open.
;size ªà â¥­ 512 ¡ ©â
;‚®§¢à é ¥¬®¥ §­ ç¥­¨¥: ç¨á«® ¯à®ç¨â ­­ëå ¡ ©â, -1 ¯à¨ ®è¨¡ª¥.
; push ebp
; stdcall [aRead], [hFile], copy_buf, SIZE_COPY_BUF
; pop ebp
; mcall 70, fsWrite
;void __stdcall close(HANDLE hFile);
push ebp
stdcall [aClose], [hFile]
mov [bWinChild],0
pop ebp
push ebp
stdcall [aClosePlugin], [hPlugin]
mov [bWinChild],0
mov [fsRunNotifyOK.param],strUnpackOk
mcall 70,fsRunNotifyOK
pop ebp
; stdcall SimpleSayErr,strNotFound
mov [bWinChild],0
mov [fsRunNotifyOK.param],strUnpackFault
mcall 70,fsRunNotifyOK
mov eax,[fsNewDir.path]
mov [fsDelDir.path],eax
mcall 70, fsDelDir
mov [bWinChild],0
mov [fsRunNotifyOK.param],strUnpackFault
mcall 70,fsRunNotifyOK
mov [redInput],1
mov [bWinChild],0
proc Exception param1:dword
stdcall SimpleSayErr,strErrorExc
proc debugInt3
dps ' ­¨ª !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
proc calcSizeArch hPlugin:dword
bdwk rb 560
;int __stdcall ReadFolder(HANDLE hPlugin, unsigned dirinfo_start,
; unsigned dirinfo_size, void* dirdata);
push ebp
lea eax,[bdwk]
stdcall [aReadFolder], [hPlugin],1,560,eax
pop ebp
;SayErr int num_strings, const char* strings[],
; int num_buttons, const char* buttons[]);
proc SayErr num_strings:dword, strings:dword,num_buttons:dword, buttons:dword
cmp [num_strings],1
je @f
m2m [errmess0], strErrorExc
jmp .l1
mov ebx,[strings]
m2m [errmess0], dword [ebx]
mcall 51,1,threadSayErr,stackDlg
mov eax,1
proc SimpleSayErr str:dword
m2m [errmess0],[str]
mcall 51,1,threadSayErr,stackDlg
proc threadSayErr
mcall 40, 111b+0C000000h
mcall 12, 1
mcall 48, 3, sc, sizeof.system_colors
mov edx, []
or edx, 0x33000000
mcall 0, <220,WIN_W>, <220,110>, , , title
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mov edx,[errmess0]
mcall 4, <15,11>
mcall 8, <105,100>,<45,25>,1,[sc.work_button]
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mcall 4, <147,51>, , strOk
mcall 12, 2
mcall 10
cmp eax, 1
je .wm_redraw
cmp eax, 2
je .wm_key
cmp eax, 3
je .wm_button
jmp .still
mcall 17
cmp ah, 1
je .exit
jmp .still
mcall 2
jmp .still
mcall -1
; "enter password" dialog for KFar
; dd 1 ; use standard dialog colors
; dd -1 ; center window by x
; dd -1 ; center window by y
;.width dd ? ; width (will be filled according to current console width)
; dd 2 ; height
; dd 4, 2 ; border size
; dd aEnterPasswordTitle ; title
; dd ? ; colors (will be set by KFar)
; dd 0 ; used internally by dialog manager, ignored
; dd 0, 0 ; reserved for DlgProc
; dd 2 ; 2 controls
;; the string "enter password"
; dd 1 ; type: static
; dd 1,0 ; upper-left position
;.width1 dd ?,0 ; bottom-right position
; dd aEnterPassword ; data
; dd 0 ; flags
;; editbox for password
; dd 3 ; type: edit
; dd 1,1 ; upper-left position
;.width2 dd ?,0 ; bottom-right position
; dd password_data ; data
; dd 2Ch ; flags
proc DialogBox dlgInfo:dword
mov ebx,[dlgInfo]
mov eax,[ebx+19*4]
mov [forpassword],eax
mov byte[eax], 0
mov [stateDlg], 0
mcall 51,1,threadDialogBox,stackDlg
;wait thread...
@@: cmp [stateDlg],0
jne @f
mcall 5,1
jmp @b
cmp [stateDlg], 1
jne @f
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
proc threadDialogBox
mcall 40, 100111b+0C000000h
mov eax,[forpassword]
mov [edtPassword+4*9],eax
xor eax,eax
mov dword[edtPassword.size], eax
mov dword[edtPassword.pos], eax
mcall 12, 1
mcall 48, 3, sc, sizeof.system_colors
mov edx, []
or edx, 0x33000000
mcall 0, <200,320>, <200,140>, , , title
edit_boxes_set_sys_color edtPack,endEdits,sc
stdcall [edit_box_draw],edtPassword
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mcall 4, <56,12>, , strGetPass
mcall 8, <70,80>,<74,22>,2,[sc.work_button]
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mcall 4, <103,79>, , strOk
mcall 8, <165,80>,<74,22>,1,[sc.work_button]
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,90000000h
mcall 4, <182,79>, , strCancel
mcall 12, 2
mcall 10
cmp eax, 1
je .wm_redraw
cmp eax, 2
je .wm_key
cmp eax, 3
je .wm_button
cmp eax, 6
je .wm_mouse
jmp .still
mcall 2
stdcall [edit_box_key],edtPassword
jmp .still
mcall 17
cmp ah, 2 ;OK
jne @f
mov [stateDlg],1
jmp .exit
cmp ah, 1 ;Close window or Cancel
jne .still
mov [stateDlg],2
jmp .exit
stdcall [edit_box_mouse],edtPassword
jmp .still
mcall -1
;-- DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------
sc system_colors
title db 'uNZ v0.11 - Unarchiver of Zip and 7z',0
bWinChild db 0 ;1 - ¤®ç¥à­¥¥ ®ª­® ¥áâì, £« ¢­®¥ ®ª­® ­¥ ¤®«¦­® ॠ£¨à®¢ âì
redInput db 0 ;1 - ¯®¤á¢¥â¨âì ªà á­ë¬ ­ ¤¯¨áì
if lang eq ru
strGo db ' á¯ ª®¢ âì',0
strInp db ' €à娢',0
strPath db 'ˆ§¢«¥çì ¢',0
strError db 'Žè¨¡ª ',0
strErrorExc db '¥®¯®§­ ­­ ï ®è¨¡ª ',0
strOk db 'OK',0
strGetPass db ' à®«ì',0
strCancel db 'Žâ¬¥­ ',0
strUnpackOk db "'“ᯥ譮 à á¯ ª®¢ ­®' -O",0
strUnpackFault db "'Žè¨¡ª  à á¯ ª®¢ª¨' -E",0
strNotSupport db "'¥¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥¬ë© ä®à¬ â  à娢 ' -E",0
strNotFound db "'” ©« ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­' -E",0
strGo db 'Unpack',0
strInp db 'Archive',0
strPath db 'Extract to',0
strError db 'Error',0
strErrorExc db 'Unrecognized error',0
strOk db 'OK',0
strGetPass db 'Password',0
strCancel db 'Cancel',0
strUnpackOk db "'Unpacked successfuly' -O",0
strUnpackFault db "'Unpack failed' -E",0
strNotSupport db "'Archive format is not supported' -E",0
strNotFound db "'File not found' -E",0
end if
strNull db 0
strDots db '...',0
; int __stdcall SayErr(int num_strings, const char* strings[],
; int num_buttons, const char* buttons[]);
; int __stdcall DialogBox(DLGDATA* dlg);
forpassword rd 1
stateDlg dd 0 ;0 - in process, 1 - button ok, 2 - button cancel
errmess0 dd strErrorExc
dd .size
dd version_dword
dd open
dd open2
dd read
dd -1 ; write: to be implemented
dd seek
dd tell
dd -1 ; flush: to be implemented
dd filesize
dd close
dd xpgalloc
dd xpgrealloc
dd pgfree
dd getfreemem
dd debugInt3;libini_alloc
dd debugInt3;libini_realloc
dd debugInt3;libini_free
dd debugInt3;menu
dd debugInt3;menu_centered_in
dd DialogBox;DialogBox
dd SayErr ;SayErr
dd debugInt3;Message
dd 0 ;cur_width
.size = $ - kfar_info
iFiles dd 0 ;ª®«¨ç¥á⢮ ¢ë£à㦠¥¬ëå ä ©«®¢
endPointer dd buffer
.cmd dd 5
dd 0
dd 0
.size dd 0
.buf dd bdvkPack
db 0
dd fInp
.cmd dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
.size dd 1024
.buf dd filedata_buffer
db 0
dd fInp
.cmd dd 2 ;2 rewrite, 3 - write
.pos dd 0
.hpos dd 0
.size dd SIZE_COPY_BUF
.buf dd copy_buf
db 0
.path dd 0
.cmd dd 9
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
db 0
.path dd 0
.cmd dd 8
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
db 0
.path dd 0
.cmd dd 7
dd 0
.param dd strUnpackOk
.size dd 0
.buf dd 0
db '/sys/@notify',0
edtPack edit_box (WIN_W-100-60),100,10,0FFFFFFh,0xff,0x80ff,0h,0x90000000,\
255, fInp, mouse_dd,0,0,0
edtUnpPath edit_box (WIN_W-100-60),100,35,0FFFFFFh,0xff,0x80ff,0h,0x90000000,\
255, pathOut, mouse_dd,0,0,0
edtPassword edit_box 200,56,70,0FFFFFFh,0xff,0x80ff,0h,0x90000000,255,\
password, mouse_dd,0,0,0
.type dd 0 ;0-open, 1-save, 2-select folder
.procinfo dd RBProcInfo ;+4
.com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8
.com_area dd 0 ;+12
.opendir_pach dd temp_dir_pach ;+16
.dir_default_pach dd communication_area_default_pach ;+20
.start_path dd open_dialog_path ;+24
.draw_window dd winRedraw ;+28
.status dd 0 ;+32
.openfile_pach dd ODAreaPath; ;+36
.filename_area dd 0; ;+40
.filter_area dd Filter
.x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size
.x_start dw 100 ;+50 ; Window X position
.y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size
.y_start dw 100 ;+54 ; Window Y position
db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0
db '/sys/File managers/opendial',0
db '/sys',0
Filter dd 0
; int __stdcall ReadFolder(HANDLE hPlugin,
; unsigned dirinfo_start, unsigned dirinfo_size, void* dirdata);
; void __stdcall ClosePlugin(HANDLE hPlugin);
; bool __stdcall SetFolder(HANDLE hPlugin,
; const char* relative_path, const char* absolute_path);
; void __stdcall GetOpenPluginInfo(HANDLE hPlugin, OpenPluginInfo* info);
; void __stdcall GetFiles(HANDLE hPlugin, int NumItems, void* items[],
; void* addfile, void* adddir);
; bool __stdcall addfile(const char* name, void* bdfe_info, HANDLE hFile);
; bool __stdcall adddir(const char* name, void* bdfe_info);
; int __stdcall getattr(HANDLE hPlugin, const char* filename, void* info);
; HANDLE __stdcall open(HANDLE hPlugin, const char* filename, int mode);
; void __stdcall setpos(HANDLE hFile, __int64 pos);
; unsigned __stdcall read(HANDLE hFile, void* buf, unsigned size);
; void __stdcall close(HANDLE hFile);
library archiver, 'archiver.obj',\
box_lib ,'box_lib.obj',\
import archiver,\
aPluginLoad , 'plugin_load',\
aOpenFilePlugin , 'OpenFilePlugin',\
aClosePlugin , 'ClosePlugin',\
aReadFolder , 'ReadFolder',\
aSetFolder , 'SetFolder',\
aGetFiles , 'GetFiles',\
aGetOpenPluginInfo , 'GetOpenPluginInfo',\
aGetattr , 'getattr',\
aOpen , 'open',\
aRead , 'read',\
aSetpos , 'setpos',\
aClose , 'close',\
aDeflateUnpack , 'deflate_unpack',\
aDeflateUnpack2 , 'deflate_unpack2'
import proc_lib,\
OpenDialog_Init ,'OpenDialog_init',\
OpenDialog_Start ,'OpenDialog_start'
import box_lib,\
edit_box_draw ,'edit_box',\
edit_box_key ,'edit_box_key',\
edit_box_mouse ,'edit_box_mouse'
;-- UDATA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
align 16
;params db 'unz -o "fil epar1" -f "arch1.txt" -f "ar ch2.txt" file1',0
;params db 'unz -o "fil epar1" -f arch1.txt -f "ar ch2.txt" file1',0
;params db '/hd0/1/unz/',0
;rb 4096
fInp rb 1024
pathOut rb 1024
files rd 256
password rb 256
fZipInfo rb 40
mouse_dd rd 1
RBProcInfo rb 1024
temp_dir_pach rb 1024
ODAreaPath rb 1024
copy_buf rb SIZE_COPY_BUF
execdata rb 1024
filedata_buffer_size = 1024
filedata_buffer rb filedata_buffer_size
CopyDestEditBuf rb 12+512+1
.length = $ - CopyDestEditBuf - 13
bdvkPack rb 560
buffer rb 4096 ;for string of file name or extract
params rb 4096
rb 1024
rb 1024
rb 1024