Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 7894 → Rev 8725

0,0 → 1,6
if tup.getconfig("NO_FASM") ~= "" then return end
HELPERDIR = (tup.getconfig("HELPERDIR") == "") and "../../.." or tup.getconfig("HELPERDIR")
tup.include(HELPERDIR .. "/use_fasm.lua")
tup.rule("chip8.asm", FASM .. " %f %o " .. tup.getconfig("KPACK_CMD"), "chip8")
0,0 → 1,0
fasm chip8.asm chip8
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,114
; Author: rgimad (2021)
; License: GNU GPL v2
format binary as ""
org 0
db 'MENUET01' ; signature
dd 1 ; header version
dd start ; entry point
dd _i_end ; end of image
dd _mem ; required memory size
dd _stacktop ; address of stack top
dd cmdline ; buffer for command line arguments
dd 0 ; buffer for path
include ''
; application's entry point
align 4
stdcall chip8_init ; initialize
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "app started, args = %s\n", cmdline
; xor ecx, ecx
; @@:
; mov al, byte [chip8_fontset + ecx]
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "%x ", al
; cmp ecx, 79
; je @f
; inc ecx
; jmp @b
; @@:
mov dword [fread_struct.filename], cmdline
stdcall chip8_loadgame, fread_struct
jz .file_not_found
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "file was read. bytes: %x %x %x..\n", [memory + 0x200], [memory + 0x200 + 4], [memory + 0x200 + 8]
; mov byte [gfx + 5], 1
; mov byte [gfx + 64], 1
; mov byte [gfx + 65], 1
; mov byte [gfx + 64*2 + 3], 1
mcall 23, CLOCK_RATE ; wait for event with CLOCK_RATE timeout
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "evenp loop iter i\n"
cmp eax, 1
je .event_redraw
cmp eax, 2
je .event_key
cmp eax, 3
je .event_button
jmp .event_default
stdcall draw_main_window
jmp .event_default
mcall 2
stdcall keyboard_update, eax
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "key scancode %x\n", eax:4
jmp .event_default
mcall 17
cmp ah, 1
jne .event_default
mcall -1
stdcall chip8_emulatecycle
cmp byte [chip8_draw_flag], 0
jz @f
; mov byte [gfx + 64*2 + 3], 1 ; DBG
stdcall draw_screen
mov byte [chip8_draw_flag], 0
stdcall chip8_tick
jmp .event_loop
DEBUGF DBG_ERR, "Unable to open game file! eax = %u\n", eax
jmp .exit
mov eax, -1
int 0x40
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
rb 4096 ; reserve for main thread stack
align 16
0,0 → 1,29
; constants for formatted debug
__DEBUG__ = 1 ; 0 - disable debug output / 1 - enable debug output
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ = DBG_ERR ; set the debug level
DBG_ALL = 0 ; all messages
DBG_INFO = 1 ; info and errors
DBG_ERR = 2 ; only errors
; emulator constants
MAX_GAME_SIZE = 0x1000 - 0x200
MEM_SIZE = 4096
CLOCK_RATE = 1 ; in 10^-2 seconds
include '../../'
purge mov, add, sub
include '../../'
include '../../'
0,0 → 1,57
; initialized data
include_debug_strings ; for debug-fdo
chip8_fontset db \
0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, \ ; 0
0x20, 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x70, \ ; 1
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, \ ; 2
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, \ ; 3
0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x10, \ ; 4
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, \ ; 5
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, \ ; 6
0xF0, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, \ ; 7
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, \ ; 8
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, \ ; 9
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, \ ; A
0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, \ ; B
0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xF0, \ ; C
0xE0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xE0, \ ; D
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, \ ; E
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80 ; F
opcode dw 0 ; operation code
V db 16 dup(0) ; 16 8-bit registers
I dw 0 ; additional register (usually used for storing addresses)
P_C dw 0 ; program counter
S_P dw 0 ; stack pointer
delay_timer db 0
sound_timer db 0
stackmem dw STACK_SIZE dup(0) ; stack memory
key db KEY_SIZE dup (0) ; keyboard
chip8_draw_flag db 0
next_rand dd 1
align 4
.subfunction dd 0 ; + 0
.offset_low dd 0 ; + 4
.offset_high dd 0 ; + 8
.size dd MAX_GAME_SIZE ; + 12
.buffer dd memory + 0x200 ; + 16
db 0 ; + 20
.filename: dd 0 ; + 24
sys_colors system_colors
main_window_title db 'CHIP-8 Emulator',0
align 16
; uninitialized data
cmdline rb 1024 ; reserve for command line arguments
memory rb MEM_SIZE
gfx rb GFX_SIZE
;tmp_buf rb 128
0,0 → 1,779
; initalize the emulator
align 4
proc chip8_init stdcall
; destroys: nothing, mb flags
push eax ecx
mov word [P_C], 0x200
mov word [opcode], 0
mov word [I], 0
mov word [S_P], 0
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "ESP = %x\n", esp
stdcall _memset, memory, 0, MEM_SIZE
stdcall _memset, V, 0, 16
stdcall _memset, gfx, 0, GFX_SIZE
stdcall _memset, stackmem, 0, 2*STACK_SIZE ; 2 = sizeof(dw)
stdcall _memset, key, 0, KEY_SIZE
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "ESP = %x\n", esp
mcall 66, 1 ; set scancode keyboard mode
xor ecx, ecx
cmp ecx, 80
jge @f
mov al, byte [chip8_fontset + ecx]
mov byte [memory + FONTSET_ADDRESS + ecx], al
inc ecx
jmp @b
mov byte [chip8_draw_flag], 1
mov byte [delay_timer], 0
mov byte [sound_timer], 0
stdcall _getseed
stdcall _srand, eax
stdcall _rand
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "rand() = %u\n", eax
;stdcall _rand
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "rand() = %u\n", eax
;stdcall _rand
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "rand() = %u\n", eax
;stdcall _rand
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "rand() = %u\n", eax
;stdcall _rand
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "rand() = %u\n", eax
;mov word [opcode], 0xBFAF
;movzx eax, word [opcode]
;mov eax, 0xABCDEF92
;stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "testprint\n"
pop ecx eax
; load game from file to memory
align 4
proc chip8_loadgame stdcall, struct_ptr: dword
; in: struct_ptr - pointer to structure for sysfn70
; out: ZF = 1 file loaded successfully
; ZF = 0 error
; destroys: only flags
push eax ebx
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, [struct_ptr]
int 0x40
cmp eax, 0
je @f
cmp eax, 6
je @f
jmp .load_fail
mov eax, 1
jmp .ret
xor eax, eax
test eax, eax
pop ebx eax
; emulate one cycle
align 4
proc chip8_emulatecycle stdcall
; destroys: ?
x db ?
y db ?
n db ?
kk db ?
nnn dw ?
; fetch:
movzx ecx, word [P_C]
movzx ax, byte [memory + ecx]
shl ax, 8
movzx bx, byte [memory + 1 + ecx]
or ax, bx
mov word [opcode], ax
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "opcode = 0x%x, ax = 0x%x\n", [opcode]:4, ax
shr ax, 8
and ax, 0x000F
mov byte [x], al
mov ax, word [opcode]
shr ax, 4
and ax, 0x000F
mov byte [y], al
mov ax, word [opcode]
and ax, 0x000F
mov byte [n], al
mov ax, word [opcode]
and ax, 0x00FF
mov byte [kk], al
mov ax, word [opcode]
and ax, 0x0FFF
mov word [nnn], ax
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "P_C: 0x%x Op: 0x%x\n", [P_C], [opcode]:4 ; was word word
; TODO test this and watch values of x, y, n, kk, nnn
; decode & execute
; sw1
mov ax, word [opcode]
and ax, 0xF000
cmp ax, 0x0000
je .sw1_case_0000
cmp ax, 0x1000
je .sw1_case_1000
cmp ax, 0x2000
je .sw1_case_2000
cmp ax, 0x3000
je .sw1_case_3000
cmp ax, 0x4000
je .sw1_case_4000
cmp ax, 0x5000
je .sw1_case_5000
cmp ax, 0x6000
je .sw1_case_6000
cmp ax, 0x7000
je .sw1_case_7000
cmp ax, 0x8000
je .sw1_case_8000
cmp ax, 0x9000
je .sw1_case_9000
cmp ax, 0xA000
je .sw1_case_A000
cmp ax, 0xB000
je .sw1_case_B000
cmp ax, 0xC000
je .sw1_case_C000
cmp ax, 0xD000
je .sw1_case_D000
cmp ax, 0xE000
je .sw1_case_E000
cmp ax, 0xF000
je .sw1_case_F000
jmp .sw1_default
; sw2
cmp byte [kk], 0xE0
je .sw2_case_E0
cmp byte [kk], 0xEE
je .sw2_case_EE
jmp .sw2_default
.sw2_case_E0: ; clear the screen
stdcall _memset, gfx, 0, GFX_SIZE
mov byte [chip8_draw_flag], 1
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw2_end
.sw2_case_EE: ; TODO check!!; ret
dec word [S_P]
movzx ecx, word [S_P]
mov ax, word [stackmem + ecx*2]
mov word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw2_end
movzx eax, word [opcode]
stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_1000: ; TODO check; 1nnn: jump to address nnn
mov ax, word [nnn]
mov word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_2000: ; TODO check; 2nnn: call address nnn
mov ax, word [P_C]
add ax, 2
movzx ecx, word [S_P]
mov word [stackmem + ecx*2], ax
inc word [S_P]
mov ax, word [nnn]
mov word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_3000: ; 3xkk: skip next instr if V[x] = kk
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [kk]
mov cx, 2
cmp al, bl
jne @f
mov cx, 4
add word [P_C], cx
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_4000: ; 4xkk: skip next instr if V[x] != kk
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [kk]
mov cx, 2
cmp al, bl
je @f
mov cx, 4
add word [P_C], cx
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_5000: ; 5xy0: skip next instr if V[x] == V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
movzx ecx, byte [y]
mov bl, byte [V + ecx]
mov cx, 2
cmp al, bl
jne @f
mov cx, 4
add word [P_C], cx
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_6000: ; 6xkk: set V[x] = kk
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov bl, byte [kk]
mov byte [V + ecx], bl
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_7000: ; 7xkk: set V[x] = V[x] + kk
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov bl, byte [kk]
add byte [V + ecx], bl
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_8000: ; 8xyn: Arithmetic stuff
; sw3
cmp byte [n], 0x0
je .sw3_case_0
cmp byte [n], 0x1
je .sw3_case_1
cmp byte [n], 0x2
je .sw3_case_2
cmp byte [n], 0x3
je .sw3_case_3
cmp byte [n], 0x4
je .sw3_case_4
cmp byte [n], 0x5
je .sw3_case_5
cmp byte [n], 0x6
je .sw3_case_6
cmp byte [n], 0x7
je .sw3_case_7
cmp byte [n], 0xE
je .sw3_case_E
jmp .sw3_default
.sw3_case_0: ; V[x] = V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
mov al, byte [V + edx]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_1: ; V[x] = V[x] | V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
or al, byte [V + edx]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_2: ; V[x] = V[x] & V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
and al, byte [V + edx]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_3: ; V[x] = V[x] ^ V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
xor al, byte [V + edx]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_4: ; V[x] = V[x] + V[y]; if carry, move 1 to V[0xF]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
movzx ax, byte [V + ecx]
movzx bx, byte [V + edx]
add ax, bx
mov byte [V + ecx], al
xor cl, cl
cmp ax, 255
jbe @f
inc cl
mov byte [V + 0xF], cl
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_5: ;TODO check; V[x] = V[x] - V[y]; if no borrow, move 1 to V[0xF]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [y]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [V + edx]
sub al, bl
mov byte [V + ecx], al
xor cl, cl
cmp al, bl
jbe @f
inc cl
mov byte [V + 0xF], cl
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_6: ; TODO check; V[x] = V[x] SHR 1 ; V[0xF] = least-significant bit of V[x] before shift
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
and al, 0x01
mov byte [V + 0xF], al
shr byte [V + ecx], 1
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_7: ; TODO check; V[x] = V[y] - V[x]; if no borrow, move 1 to V[0xF]
movzx ecx, byte [y]
movzx edx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [V + edx]
sub al, bl
mov byte [V + ecx], al
xor cl, cl
cmp al, bl
jbe @f
inc cl
mov byte [V + 0xF], cl
jmp .sw3_end
.sw3_case_E: ; TODO check; V[0xF] = most-significant bit of V[x] before shift
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
shr al, 7
and al, 0x01
mov byte [V + 0xF], al
shl byte [V + ecx], 1
jmp .sw3_end
movzx eax, word [opcode]
stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_9000: ; TODO check; 9xy0: skip instruction if V[x] != V[y]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
movzx ecx, byte [y]
mov bl, byte [V + ecx]
mov cx, 2
cmp al, bl
je @f
mov cx, 4
add word [P_C], cx
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_A000: ; Annn: set I to address nnn
mov ax, word [nnn]
mov word [I], ax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_B000: ; Bnnn: jump to location nnn + V[0]
mov ax, word [nnn]
movzx bx, byte [V]
add ax, bx
mov word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_C000: ; TODO check; Cxkk: V[x] = random byte AND kk
stdcall _rand
and al, byte [kk]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_D000: ; TODO check; Dxyn: Display an n-byte sprite starting at memory location I at (Vx, Vy) on the screen, VF = collision
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx eax, byte [V + ecx]
movzx ecx, byte [y]
movzx ebx, byte [V + ecx]
movzx ecx, byte [n]
stdcall chip8_draw_sprite, eax, ebx, ecx
mov byte [chip8_draw_flag], 1
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_E000: ; TODO check; key-pressed events
cmp byte [kk], 0x9E
je .sw5_case_9E
cmp byte [kk], 0xA1
je .sw5_case_A1
jmp .sw5_default
.sw5_case_9E: ; skip next instruction if key V[X] is pressed
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx edx, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [key + edx]
mov ax, 2
cmp bl, 1
jne .sw5_case_9E_endcheck
mov ax, 4
mov byte [key + edx], 0 ; release pressed key
add word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw5_end
.sw5_case_A1: ; skip next instruction if key V[X] is NOT pressed
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx eax, byte [V + ecx]
mov bl, byte [key + eax]
mov ax, 4
cmp bl, 1
jne .sw5_case_A1_endcheck
mov ax, 2
mov byte [key + edx], 0 ; release pressed key
add word [P_C], ax
jmp .sw5_end
movzx eax, word [opcode]
stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
jmp .sw1_end
.sw1_case_F000: ; misc
cmp byte [kk], 0x07
je .sw4_case_07
cmp byte [kk], 0x0A
je .sw4_case_0A
cmp byte [kk], 0x15
je .sw4_case_15
cmp byte [kk], 0x18
je .sw4_case_18
cmp byte [kk], 0x1E
je .sw4_case_1E
cmp byte [kk], 0x29
je .sw4_case_29
cmp byte [kk], 0x33
je .sw4_case_33
cmp byte [kk], 0x55
je .sw4_case_55
cmp byte [kk], 0x65
je .sw4_case_65
jmp .sw4_default
.sw4_case_07: ; TODO check; V[X] = delay timer
mov al, byte [delay_timer]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_0A: ; TODO check; wait for key instruction
;mcall 2
;stdcall keyboard_update, eax
xor ecx, ecx
cmp ecx, KEY_SIZE
jae .sw4_case_0A_loop_end ;
cmp byte [key + ecx], 1
jne .sw4_case_0A_loop2_endcheck
movzx edx, byte [x]
mov byte [V + edx], cl
mov byte [key + ecx], 0 ; release pressed key
;jmp .sw4_case_0A_loop_end
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
inc ecx
jmp .sw4_case_0A_loop2
;jmp .sw4_case_0A_loop
;add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_15: ; TODO check; delay_timer = V[X]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov byte [delay_timer], al
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_18: ; TODO check; sound_timer = V[X]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov byte [sound_timer], al
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_1E: ; I = I + V[X]
; V[0xF] = (I + V[x] > 0xfff) ? 1 : 0; (TODO?? (no this line in other chip8 emulators))
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx ax, byte [V + ecx]
add word [I], ax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_29: ; TODO check; I = location of font for character V[X]
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx ax, byte [V + ecx]
mul bx
mov word [I], ax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_33: ; TODO check; Store BCD for V[X] starting at address I
movzx ecx, byte [x]
movzx ebx, byte [V + ecx]
stdcall mod_div, ebx, 1000, 100
movzx ecx, word [I]
mov byte [memory + ecx], al
stdcall mod_div, ebx, 100, 10
mov byte [memory + ecx + 1], al
stdcall mod_div, ebx, 10, 1
mov byte [memory + ecx + 2], al
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_55: ; TODO check; Copy sprite from registers 0 to X into memory at address I
movzx edx, word [I]
xor ecx, ecx
movzx eax, byte [x]
cmp ecx, eax
ja .for_sw4_1_end
mov al, byte [V + ecx]
mov byte [memory + ecx + edx], al
inc ecx
jmp .for_sw4_1
movzx ax, byte [x]
inc ax
add word [I], ax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
.sw4_case_65: ; TODO check; Copy sprite from memory at address X into registers 0 to I
movzx edx, word [I]
xor ecx, ecx
movzx eax, byte [x]
cmp ecx, eax
ja .for_sw4_2_end
mov al, byte [memory + ecx + edx]
mov byte [V + ecx], al
inc ecx
jmp .for_sw4_2
movzx ax, byte [x]
inc ax
add word [I], ax
add word [P_C], 2
jmp .sw4_end
movzx eax, word [opcode]
stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
jmp .sw1_end
movzx eax, word [opcode]
stdcall unknown_opcode, eax
; tick the timers
align 4
proc chip8_tick stdcall
; destroys: flags
cmp byte [delay_timer], 0
jz @f
dec byte [delay_timer]
cmp byte [sound_timer], 0
jz .ret
dec byte [sound_timer]
cmp byte [sound_timer], 0
jnz @f
; print unknown opcode error & exit
align 4
proc unknown_opcode stdcall, op:word
DEBUGF DBG_ERR, "Error: unknown opcode 0x%x\n", [op]:4
mov eax, -1
int 0x40
; draw sprite from memory to gfx; TODO check;
; if collision then V[0xF] = 1
align 4
proc chip8_draw_sprite stdcall, col: dword, row: dword, n: dword
byte_index dd ?
bit_index dd ?
pixelp dd ?
temp dd ?
_byte db ?
_bit db ?
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "draw_sprite x = %u, y = %u, n = %u\n", [col], [row], [n]
movzx eax, word [I]
mov ebx, dword [memory + eax]
mov ecx, dword [memory + eax + 4]
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "I = %x, at I: %x, at I + 4: %x\n", eax, ebx, ecx
mov byte [V + 0xF], 0
mov dword [byte_index], 0
movzx eax, byte [n]
cmp dword [byte_index], eax
jae .for1_end
movzx ecx, word [I]
add ecx, dword [byte_index]
mov al, byte [memory + ecx]
mov byte [_byte], al
mov dword [bit_index], 0
cmp dword [bit_index], 8
jae .for2_end
mov ecx, dword [bit_index]
mov al, byte [_byte]
shr al, cl
and al, 1
mov byte [_bit], al
mov eax, dword [row]
add eax, dword [byte_index]
imul eax, GFX_COLS
add eax, dword [col]
add eax, 7
sub eax, dword [bit_index]
add eax, gfx
mov dword [pixelp], eax
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "gfx = %x, pixelp = %x\n", gfx, edx
cmp byte [_bit], 1
jne .if2_end
mov eax, dword [pixelp]
cmp byte [eax], 1
jne .if2_end
mov byte [V + 0xF], 1
mov ebx, dword [pixelp]
mov al, byte [ebx]
xor al, byte [_bit]
mov byte [ebx], al
inc dword [bit_index]
jmp .for2
inc dword [byte_index]
jmp .for1
0,0 → 1,65
; draw main window
align 4
proc draw_main_window stdcall
mcall 12, 1 ; notify about draw beginning
mcall 48, 3, sys_colors, sizeof.system_colors
mov edx, [] ; background color
or edx, 0x74000000 ; window type
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "mainwindow w, h = %u, %u", GFX_COLS*GFX_PIX_SIZE + 8, GFX_ROWS*GFX_PIX_SIZE + 28
mcall 0, <50, GFX_COLS*GFX_PIX_SIZE + 8>, <50, GFX_ROWS*GFX_PIX_SIZE + 28>, , , main_window_title ;
stdcall draw_screen
mcall 12, 2 ; notify about draw ending
; draw screen
align 4
proc draw_screen stdcall
row_ind dd ?
col_ind dd ?
color dd ?
xor esi, esi
cmp esi, GFX_SIZE
jae .loop1_end
xor edx, edx
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, GFX_COLS
div ecx ; eax = row index, edx = col index
mov dword [row_ind], eax
mov dword [col_ind], edx
mov dword [color], 0x80FFFFFF ; white
cmp byte [esi + gfx], 0 ; check if cell is 0 or not 0
jne @f
mov dword [color], 0x80000000 ; black
mov ebx, dword [col_ind]
imul ebx, GFX_PIX_SIZE
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, GFX_PIX_SIZE
mov ecx, dword [row_ind]
imul ecx, GFX_PIX_SIZE
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, GFX_PIX_SIZE
mov eax, 13
mov edx, dword [color]
int 0x40
inc esi
jmp .loop1
0,0 → 1,12
CHIP-8 Emulator for KolibriOS.
Author: rgimad
Year: 2021
How to use:
Open shell in current directory (in Eolite Ctrl+G).
Type for example:
chip8 roms/ibm.chip8
P.S. ROMs from
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,112
; note: proc that defines without stdcall, call using "call"
; note: by stdcall convention callee is responsible for cleaning up the stack,
; arguments are pushed onto the stack in right-to-left order
align 4
proc _memset stdcall, dest:dword, val:byte, cnt:dword ; doesnt clobber any registers
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "memset(%x, %u, %u)\n", [dest], [val], [cnt]
push eax ecx edi
mov edi, dword [dest]
mov al, byte [val]
mov ecx, dword [cnt]
rep stosb
pop edi ecx eax
align 4
proc _srand stdcall, seed:dword
push eax
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "_srand: next_rand = %u\n", [next_rand]
mov eax, dword [seed]
mov dword [next_rand], eax
pop eax
align 4
proc _rand stdcall
push ebx edx
;DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "_rand: next_rand = %u\n", [next_rand]
mov eax, dword [next_rand]
mov ebx, 214013
mul ebx
add eax, 2531011
mov dword [next_rand], eax
shr eax, 16
and eax, 0x7fff
pop edx ebx
align 4
proc _getseed stdcall
push edx
xor eax, edx
pop edx
; calculate (num % num_mod) / num_div
align 4
proc mod_div stdcall, num: dword, num_mod: dword, num_div:dword ; TODO check
; in: num - number
; num_mod - first divisor
; num_div - second divisor
; out: eax - the result
; destroys: mb flags
push ecx edx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, dword [num]
mov ecx, dword [num_mod]
div ecx
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, dword [num_div]
div ecx
pop edx ecx
; update key map; TODO impl;
align 4
proc keyboard_update stdcall, _code: dword
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov eax, dword [_code]
mov edx, eax
and edx, 0xF000
mov ebx, eax
and ebx, 0x0F00
shr ebx, 8
xor ecx, ecx
cmp edx, 0x6000
jne .if1_end
mov ecx, 0x9
add ebx, ecx
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "keynum %x\n", ebx
cmp ebx, KEY_SIZE
jae .ret
DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "keynum %x\n", ebx
mov byte [key + ebx], 1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
; ; get seconds count
; align 4
; proc get_clock stdcall
; ; out: eax - time from system start in 10^-2 secs
; push ebx
; mov eax, 26
; mov ebx, 9
; int 0x40
; pop ebx
; ret
; endp