Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 108 → Rev 109

0,0 → 1,4
@echo lang fix en >
@fasm cslide.asm cslide
0,0 → 1,4
@echo lang fix ru >
@fasm cslide.asm cslide
0,0 → 1,391
; ;
; Color Slider Control Demonstration ;
; ;
; Compile with FASM for Menuet ;
; ;
; Author: Jason Delozier ;
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd 0x1000 ; memory for app
dd 0x1000 ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include ''
START: ; start of execution
call draw_window ; at first, draw the window
call mouse_info
mov eax,23
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ?
je red
cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ?
je key
cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ?
je button
jmp still
red: ; redraw
call draw_window
jmp still
key: ; key
mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore
int 0x40
jmp still
button: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
shr eax,8
cmp eax,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne noclose
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
jmp still
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw
int 0x40
mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window
mov ebx,100*65536+200 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,100*65536+200 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,0x03ffffff ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl
mov esi,0x806688cc
mov edi,0x006688cc
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; color of text RRGGBB
mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length
int 0x40
call draw_slider_info
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebp, [App_Controls+ecx] ;get controls data location
or ebp,ebp
jz Draw_Controls_Done
call dword [App_Controls+ecx+4] ;call controls draw function
add ecx, 12
jmp Draw_Controls_Loop
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw
int 0x40
;* Mouse Stuff
mousey dw 0
mousex dw 0
mouseb dd 0
mov eax, 37 ;get mouse cordinates
mov ebx, 1 ;
int 0x40 ;
mov ecx, eax ;
push ecx ;
mov eax, 37 ;get mouse buttons
mov ebx, 2 ;
int 0x40 ;
cmp [mouseb], eax ;compare old mouse states to new states
jne redraw_mouse_info ;
cmp [mousey], cx ;
jne redraw_mouse_info ;
shr ecx, 16 ;
cmp [mousex], cx ;
jne redraw_mouse_info ;
pop ecx ;
ret ;return if no change in states
pop ecx
mov [mouseb], eax ;save new mouse states
mov dword [mousey], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebp, [App_Controls+ecx]
or ebp,ebp
jz Check_Mouse_Over_Controls_Loop_done
movzx eax,word [ebp+2]
cmp ax, [mousex]
ja mouse_not_on_control
movzx eax,word [ebp+6]
cmp ax, [mousey]
ja mouse_not_on_control
movzx eax,word [ebp]
add ax, [ebp+2]
cmp ax, [mousex]
jb mouse_not_on_control
movzx eax,word [ebp+4]
add ax, [ebp+6]
cmp ax, [mousey]
jb mouse_not_on_control
call dword [App_Controls+ecx+8]
add ecx, 12
jmp Check_Mouse_Over_Controls_Loop
;Repaint value background
mov eax, 13
mov ebx, 0x00960028
mov ecx, 0x00240010
mov edx, 0x00ffffff
int 0x40
;Draw Color Box
xor edx, edx
movzx ecx,word [slider_1+12]
mov dh, cl
movzx ecx,word [slider_2+12]
mov dl, cl
shl edx, 8
movzx ecx,word [slider_3+12]
mov dl,cl
mov ebx, 0x00860035
mov ecx, 0x00590040
mov eax, 13
int 0x40
;draw current value of slider
mov ecx, edx
mov eax, 47
mov ebx, 0x00060100
mov esi, 0
mov edx, 0x009A0029
int 0x40
;* App Controls
dd slider_1 , draw_slider, slider_mouse_over ;
dd slider_2 , draw_slider, slider_mouse_over ;
dd slider_3 , draw_slider, slider_mouse_over ;
dd 0 , 0 ; denotes last control do not delete
;* Slider data
dw 25 ;width +0
dw 10 ;x +2
dw 150 ;height +4
dw 30 ;y +6
dw 0 ;min +8
dw 255 ;max +10
dw 128 ;current +12
dw 1 ;small change +14
dw 5 ;big change +16
dw 25 ;width +0
dw 55 ;x +2
dw 150 ;height +4
dw 30 ;y +6
dw 0 ;min +8
dw 255 ;max +10
dw 128 ;current +12
dw 1 ;small change +14
dw 5 ;big change +16
dw 25 ;width +0
dw 100 ;x +2
dw 150 ;height +4
dw 30 ;y +6
dw 0 ;min +8
dw 255 ;max +10
dw 128 ;current +12
dw 1 ;small change +14
dw 5 ;big change +16
;* Slider Code
box_h dw 10 ;static slider box height
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
;Draw slider background
mov eax, 13 ;slider background
mov ebx, [ebp] ;x start/width
mov ecx, [ebp+4] ;y start/height
mov edx, 0x002288DD ;color
int 0x40 ;draw bar
;Draw line for slide rail
mov eax, 38 ;draw vertical slide line
movzx ebx,word [ebp] ;x
shr ebx, 1 ;
add bx,word [ebp+2];
push bx ;
shl ebx, 16 ;
pop bx ;
mov ecx, [ebp+4] ;y start / height
add ecx, 0x000A0000 ;
add ecx, [ebp+6] ;y start
sub ecx, 10 ;
mov edx, 0x00 ;color
int 0x40 ;
;Draw slider box
movzx eax,word [ebp+4] ;height
sub eax, 20 ;
movzx ebx,word [ebp+10] ;max value
sub bx,word [ebp+8] ;min value
movzx ecx,word [ebp+12] ;
call slider_fpu_calc ;EAX = ((EAX/EBX)*ECX)
mov ebx, [ebp] ;x start / width
movzx ecx,word [ebp+4] ;height
add cx, [ebp+6] ;y
sub ecx, 10 ;
movzx edx, [box_h] ;
shr edx, 1 ;
sub ecx, edx ;
sub ecx, eax ;*slide box y position
shl ecx, 16 ;
mov cx, [box_h] ;height
mov eax, 13 ;draw bar sys function
mov edx, 0x00 ;color
int 0x40 ;draw slider box
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
cmp [mouseb], 1
jne slider_mouse_over_done
movzx eax,word [ebp+4]
add ax, [ebp+6]
sub eax, 10
cmp [mousey], ax
ja slider_mouse_min
movzx eax,word [ebp+6]
add eax, 10
cmp [mousey], ax
jb slider_mouse_max
;determine new current value
movzx eax,word [ebp+10] ;slider max value
sub ax,word [ebp+8] ;slider min value
movzx ebx,word [ebp+4] ;slider height
sub ebx,20 ;rail size
movzx ecx,word [mousey] ;current mouse y pixel
sub cx,word [ebp+6] ;minus y start of slider
sub ecx, 10 ;minus pixels to top of rail
call slider_fpu_calc ;EAX = ((EAX/EBX)*ECX)
movzx ebx,word [ebp+10] ;slider max
sub ebx,eax ;*current calculated position
jmp slider_mouse_change;
slider_mouse_max: ;
movzx ebx,word [ebp+10] ;get maximum value
jmp slider_mouse_change ;
slider_mouse_min: ;
movzx ebx,word [ebp+8] ;get minimum value
slider_mouse_change: ;
mov [ebp+12],bx ;new slider current position
call draw_slider ;
call draw_slider_info ;
slider_mouse_over_done: ;
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
temp dd 0 ;temp varibles used in fpu computations
temp2 dd 0
temp3 dd 0
mov [temp], eax
mov [temp2], ebx
mov [temp3], ecx
finit ;initilize FPU
fld dword [temp] ;load value
fdiv dword [temp2] ;divide
fmul dword [temp3] ;multiply
fst dword [temp] ;store computed value
mov eax, [temp]
;* End Slider Code
labelt: db 'Color Slider'
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
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