Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 6618 → Rev 6619

12,7 → 12,9
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
push edi
; clear Zbuffer temporally used as image buffer
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax ;SIZE_X*SIZE_Y
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
67,11 → 69,12
mov eax,.new_y
or eax,eax
jl .skip
cmp eax,SIZE_Y
movzx ebx,word[size_y_var]
cmp eax,ebx ;SIZE_Y
jg .skip
; mov edx,SIZE_X
; mul edx
shl eax,9
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
mul edx
; shl eax,9
add eax,dword .x
lea ebx,[eax*3]
mov eax,[esi]
79,17 → 82,24
add esi,3
inc dword .x
cmp dword .x,SIZE_X
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
cmp dword .x,edx ;SIZE_X
jl .again
mov dword .x,0
inc dword .y
cmp dword .y,SIZE_Y
movzx edx,word[size_y_var]
cmp dword .y,edx ;SIZE_Y
jl .again
; copy from temporary buffer -> Zbuffer to screen
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4
rep movsd
112,11 → 122,11
jl @f
or bx,bx
jl @f
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
cmp ax,[size_y_var] ;SIZE_Y
jge @f
cmp bx,SIZE_X
cmp bx,[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
jge @f
mov edx,SIZE_X ; SIZE_X not only power of 2 -> 256,512,...
movzx edx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ; SIZE_X not only power of 2 -> 256,512,...
mul edx
add eax,ebx
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
130,7 → 140,100
do_emboss: ; sse2 version only
if Ext >= SSE2
movzx ecx,[bumps_deep_flag]
inc ecx
call blur_screen ;blur n times
mov eax,[size_y_var] ;load both x, y
mov ebx,eax
shr ebx,16
mul ebx
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,ebx
sub ecx,ebx
mov esi,[screen_ptr]
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
mov edx,esi
add esi,ebx
lea ebx,[ebx+esi]
pxor xmm0,xmm0
push eax
movlps xmm1,[esi+3]
movhps xmm1,[esi+6]
punpcklbw xmm1,xmm0
movlps xmm2,[esi-3]
movhps xmm2,[esi]
punpcklbw xmm2,xmm0
movlps xmm3,[ebx]
movhps xmm3,[ebx+3]
movlps xmm4,[edx]
movhps xmm4,[edx+3]
punpcklbw xmm3,xmm0
punpcklbw xmm4,xmm0
psubsw xmm1,xmm2
paddw xmm1,[.bias]
psubsw xmm3,xmm4
paddw xmm3,[.bias]
pmulhw xmm1,xmm3
movaps xmm7,xmm1
movaps xmm6,xmm1
psrlq xmm7,2*8
psrlq xmm6,4*8
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm7
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm6
if 0
movaps xmm7,xmm3
movaps xmm6,xmm3
psrlq xmm7,2*8
psrlq xmm6,4*8
pmaxsw xmm3,xmm7
pmaxsw xmm3,xmm6
end if
pmaxsw xmm1,xmm3
movd eax,xmm1
movzx eax,al
lea eax,[eax*3+envmap_cub]
mov eax,[eax]
mov [edi],eax ;xmm1
psrldq xmm1,8
movd eax,xmm1
movzx eax,al
lea eax,[eax*3+envmap_cub]
mov eax,[eax]
mov [edi+4],eax
add edi,8
add esi,6
add ebx,6
add edx,6
sub ecx,2
jnc @b
pop ecx ;,eax
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
dec edi
loop @b
end if
align 16
dw 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128
if 0 ; old emb proc
; emboss - after drawing all,
; transfer screen buffer into bump map
; and draw two bump triangles
227,6 → 330,7
pop ebp
end if
;********************************EMBOSS DONE*******************************
97,11 → 97,12
test edx,80000000h ; Check only X
jne .loop23_done
cmp .x1,SIZE_X ; {
mov dx,[size_x_var]
cmp .x1,dx ;SIZE_X ; {
jg .loop23_done
cmp .x2,SIZE_X ; This can be optimized with effort
cmp .x2,dx ;SIZE_X ; This can be optimized with effort
jg .loop23_done
cmp .x3,SIZE_X
cmp .x3,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .loop23_done ; {
462,7 → 463,8
mov ecx,.y
or ecx,ecx
jl .bl_end
cmp ecx,SIZE_Y
movzx edx,word[size_y_var]
cmp ecx,edx ;SIZE_Y
jge .bl_end
cmp eax,ebx
497,8 → 499,10
push eax
push ebx ;store x1, x2
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
lea eax,[eax*3]
mov eax,SIZE_X*3
; mov eax,SIZE_X*3
mov ebx,.y
mul ebx
mov ecx,.x1
780,7 → 780,9
mov ecx,.y
or ecx,ecx
jl .bl_end
cmp ecx,SIZE_Y
; mov dx,[size_x_var]
; dec dx
cmp cx,[size_y_var] ;SIZE_Y
jge .bl_end
cmp eax,ebx
828,8 → 830,9
push eax
push ebx ;store x1, x2
cmp .x1,SIZE_X
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
dec edx
cmp .x1,edx ;SIZE_X
jge .bl_end
cmp .x2,0
jle .bl_end
919,11 → 922,13
imul ebx
add .ey1,eax
cmp .x2,SIZE_X
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
dec edx
cmp .x2,edx ;SIZE_X
jl @f
mov .x2,SIZE_X
mov .x2,edx ;SIZE_X
mov eax,SIZE_X ;calc memory begin in buffers
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ;calc memory begin in buffers
mov ebx,.y
mul ebx
mov ebx,.x1
1279,7 → 1279,8
mov ecx,.y
or ecx,ecx
jl .bl_end
cmp ecx,SIZE_Y
movzx edx,word[size_y_var]
cmp ecx,edx ;SIZE_Y
jge .bl_end
cmp eax,ebx
1380,7 → 1381,9
push eax
push ebx ;store x1, x2
cmp dword .x1,SIZE_X
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
; mov eax,.x1
cmp dword .x1,ebx ;dword .x1,SIZE_X
jge .bl_end
cmp dword .x2,0
jle .bl_end
1532,11 → 1535,14
add .ty1,eax
cmp dword .x2,SIZE_X
; mov ebx,.x2
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
; cmp dword .x2,SIZE_X
cmp dword .x2,eax ; eax,ebx
jl @f
mov dword .x2,SIZE_X
mov dword .x2,eax ;SIZE_X
mov eax,SIZE_X ;calc memory begin in buffers
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ;calc memory begin in buffers
mul .y
add eax,.x1
lea esi,[4*eax]
747,16 → 747,29
shufps xmm5,xmm5,0
push ecx
mov edi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X*3/4
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/16
if 1
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
movzx ecx,word[size_y_var]
sub ecx,3
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,4
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
; mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/16
movaps xmm0,[edi+SIZE_X*3]
movaps xmm1,[edi-SIZE_X*3]
push ecx
movups xmm0,[edi+ebx]
mov ecx,edi
sub ecx,ebx
movups xmm1,[ecx]
movups xmm2,[edi-3]
movups xmm3,[edi+3]
766,14 → 779,17
psubusb xmm0,xmm5 ; importand if fire
movaps [edi],xmm0
movups [edi],xmm0
add edi,16
add esi,16
pop ecx
loop .blr
end if
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
rep stosd
pop ecx
loop .again_blur
790,17 → 806,25
movq mm4,[esp]
push ecx
mov edi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X*3/4
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; pxor mm5,mm5
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/8
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
movzx ecx,word[size_y_var]
sub ecx,3
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,3
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
; mov ecx,(SIZE_X*(SIZE_Y-3))*3/8
movq mm0,[edi+SIZE_X*3]
movq mm1,[edi-SIZE_X*3]
movq mm0,[edi+ebx]
movq mm1,[edi-ebx]
movq mm2,[edi-3]
movq mm3,[edi+3]
817,7 → 841,10
loop .blr
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
mov ecx,[size_x_var]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
; SIZE_X*3/4
rep stosd
pop ecx
loop .again_blur
833,7 → 860,7
push dword 0x01010101
push ecx
mov edi,screen
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
pxor mm5,mm5
xor eax,eax
12,8 → 12,8
xobs dw 0 ;SIZE_X / 2 ;200 ;observer = camera
yobs dw 0 ;SIZE_Y / 2 ;200 ;coordinates
zobs dw -500
size_x dw SIZE_X
size_y dw SIZE_Y
; size_x dw SIZE_X
; size_y dw SIZE_Y
re_alloc_flag db 0
angle_counter dw 0
80,7 → 80,7
db 8
db 'culling '
db 2
culling_flag db 1
culling_flag db 0
dd onoff_f
db 9
314,7 → 314,7
if Ext=SSE2
db ' (SSE2)'
end if
db ' 0.065',0
db ' 0.066',0
STRdata db '-1 '
436,6 → 436,10
screen_ptr dd ?
Zbuffer_ptr dd ?
; edges_ptr dd ?
dw ?
dw ?
47,11 → 47,12
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .end_triangle
cmp word[.x1],SIZE_X ; {
mov dx,[size_x_var]
cmp word[.x1],dx ;SIZE_X ; {
jg .end_triangle
cmp word[.x2],SIZE_X ; This can be optimized with effort
cmp word[.x2],dx ;SIZE_X ; This can be optimized with effort
jg .end_triangle
cmp word[.x3],SIZE_X
cmp word[.x3],dx ;SIZE_X
jg .end_triangle ; }
shr eax,16
176,10 → 177,13
jcxz .end_hor_l
; or edx,edx
; jl .end_hor_l
cmp edx,SIZE_Y
movzx esi,word[size_y_var]
cmp edx,esi ;SIZE_Y
jg .end_hor_l
push eax
mov eax,SIZE_X*3
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
lea eax,[eax*3]
; mov eax,SIZE_X*3
mul edx
add edi,eax ; calculate line begin adress
;add edi,ebx
291,10 → 291,10
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .fl_quit
;; mov bx,[size_y]
;; dec bx
cmp ax,[size_y]
cmp ax,SIZE_Y-1
mov bx,[size_y_var]
dec bx
cmp ax,bx ;[size_y_var]
; cmp ax,SIZE_Y-1
jg .fl_quit
; cmp .x1,0
318,9 → 318,9
xchg edx,.z2
mov .z1,edx
;; mov bx,[size_x]
;; dec bx
cmp .x1,SIZE_X-1
mov bx,[size_x_var]
dec bx
cmp .x1,bx ;SIZE_X-1
jg .fl_quit
cmp .x2,0
jle .fl_quit
343,11 → 343,12
add .z1,eax
mov .x1,0
cmp .x2,SIZE_X
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
cmp .x2,dx ;[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
jl @f
mov .x2,SIZE_X
mov .x2,dx ;[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
mov edx,SIZE_X
; movzx edx,[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
movsx eax,.y
mul edx ; edi = edi + (SIZE_X * y + x1)*3
movsx edx,.x1
78,14 → 78,17
or edx,ecx
test edx,80000000h
jne .gt_loop2_end
mov dx,[size_x_var]
dec dx
shr eax,16
cmp ax,SIZE_X-1
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_X-1
jg .gt_loop2_end
shr ebx,16
cmp bx,SIZE_X-1
cmp bx,dx ;SIZE_X-1
jg .gt_loop2_end
shr ecx,16
cmp cx,SIZE_X-1
cmp cx,dx ;SIZE_X-1
jg .gt_loop2_end
443,7 → 446,9
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .gl_quit
cmp ax,SIZE_Y-1
mov dx,[size_y_var]
dec dx
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_Y-1
jg .gl_quit
mov ax,.x1
479,7 → 484,9
; jl .gl_quit
movsx ecx,.y
mov eax,SIZE_X*3
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
lea eax,[eax*3]
; mov eax,SIZE_X*3
mul ecx
movsx ebx,word .x1
lea ecx,[ebx*2+eax]
514,7 → 514,9
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .gl_quit
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
mov bx,[size_y_var]
dec bx
cmp ax,bx ;SIZE_Y
jge .gl_quit
mov eax,dword[.x1]
531,7 → 533,9
xchg eax,.z2
mov .z1,eax
cmp word[.x1],SIZE_X
mov bx,[size_x_var]
dec bx
cmp word[.x1],bx ;SIZE_X
jge .gl_quit
cmp word[.x2],0
jle .gl_quit
594,12 → 598,14
add word[.c1b],ax
cmp word[.x2],SIZE_X
mov bx,[size_x_var]
dec bx
cmp word[.x2],bx ;SIZE_X
jl @f
mov word[.x2],SIZE_X
mov word[.x2],bx ;SIZE_X
sub esp,16 ; calculate memory begin
mov edx,SIZE_X ; in buffers
movzx edx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ; in buffers
movzx eax,.y
mul edx
movzx edx,word[.x1]
41,7 → 41,15
.ccoord equ ebp-60 ;current coordinate
.czbuf equ ebp-64
.cscr equ ebp-68
;.lasty equ ebp-72
.xres equ ebp-72
.yres equ ebp-76
.xresm1 equ ebp-80
.yresm1 equ ebp-84
.xresp1 equ ebp-88
.yresp1 equ ebp-92
.xres3 equ ebp-96
.xres4 equ ebp-100
macro .update_cur_var
if Ext=NON
126,15 → 134,35
or eax,ebx
test eax,80008000h
jne .end_line
cmp word[.x1],SIZE_X
movzx edx,word [size_x_var]
mov [.xres],edx
movzx ecx,word [size_y_var]
mov [.yres],ecx
cmp word[.x1],dx ;SIZE_X
jg .end_line
cmp word[.x2],SIZE_X
cmp word[.x2],dx ;SIZE_X
jg .end_line
cmp word[.y1],SIZE_Y
cmp word[.y1],cx ;SIZE_Y
jg .end_line
cmp word[.y2],SIZE_Y
cmp word[.y2],cx ;SIZE_Y
jg .end_line
mov edx,[.xres]
shl edx,2
mov [.xres4],edx
shr edx,2
lea edx,[edx*3]
mov [.xres3],edx
mov edx,[.xres]
mov ecx,[.yres]
dec edx
dec ecx
mov [.xresm1],edx
mov [.yresm1],ecx
add edx,2
add ecx,2
mov [.xresp1],edx
mov [.yresp1],ecx
mov [.screen],edi
mov cx,[.x1]
181,7 → 209,7
call .calc_delta
mov eax,SIZE_X
movzx eax,word [size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1]
mul ebx
add esi,eax
247,7 → 275,7
call .calc_delta
mov eax,SIZE_X
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1]
mul ebx
add esi,eax
290,8 → 318,8
add edi,SIZE_X*3
add esi,SIZE_X*4
add edi,[.xres3]
add esi,[.xres4]
318,7 → 346,7
call .calc_delta
mov eax,SIZE_X
mov eax,[.xres]
movsx ebx,word[.y1] ;calc begin values in screen and Z buffers
mul ebx
lea ebx,[3*eax]
359,12 → 387,16
cmp dword[.delta_y],0
jl @f
add edi,SIZE_X*3+3
add esi,SIZE_X*4+4
add edi,[.xres3] ;SIZE_X*3+3
add edi,3
add esi,[.xres4] ;SIZE_X*4+4
add esi,4
jmp .d45_1
sub edi,(SIZE_X*3)-3
sub esi,(SIZE_X*4)-4
sub edi,[.xres3] ;(SIZE_X*3)-3
sub edi,3
sub esi,[.xres4] ;(SIZE_X*4)-4
sub esi,4
395,7 → 427,7
call .calc_delta
mov eax,SIZE_X
mov eax,[.xres] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1] ;calc begin values in screen and Z buffers
mul ebx
lea ebx,[3*eax]
446,9 → 478,11
mov eax,[.delta]
mov ebx,[.xres3]
add [.ccoord],eax
add dword[.cscr],SIZE_X*3 ;
add dword[.czbuf],SIZE_X*4
mov eax,[.xres4]
add dword[.cscr],ebx ;SIZE_X*3 ;
add dword[.czbuf],eax ;SIZE_X*4
518,7 → 552,7
mov esi,[.czbuf]
mov eax,[.ccoord] ; ccoord - cur y coordinate
sar eax,ROUND
mov ebx,SIZE_X
mov ebx,[.xres] ;SIZE_X
mul ebx
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
742,7 → 742,7
or cx,cx
jl .quit_l
cmp cx,SIZE_Y
cmp cx,word[size_y_var] ;SIZE_Y
jge .quit_l
cmp ax,bx
805,7 → 805,7
or bx,bx
jle .quit_l
cmp ax,SIZE_X
cmp ax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
jge .quit_l
push ax
880,7 → 880,7
imul ebx
add .tex_y1,eax
mov edx,SIZE_X
movsx edx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
cmp .x2,dx
jl @f
mov .x2,dx
1,4 → 1,8
View3ds 0.065 - Feb 2015
1. Asc files support.
View3ds 0.064 - Nov 2012
1. Bug fixes.
29,9 → 33,9
View3ds 0.058 - June 2011.
1. Blur function optimization on SSE and SSE2 (buttons 'blur' and 'fire').
1. Blur function optimization on SSE and SSE2 (buttons 'blur' and 'fire').
View3ds 0.057 - April 2011.
1. By opening file bigger then ~18 KB, and choosing env mode program terminate.
I remove this bug
89,7 → 93,7
1. Two shading models: smooth + texture, spherical environment mapping + texture.
Version only with z coordinate interpolation.
2. Bit changed rotary. I took attempt in SSE instuctions. ( matrix multiplication )
3. Color position depend drawing model instead spot light ( I hope,spot light come
3. Color position depend drawing model instead spot light ( I hope,spot light come
back in future ).
1,7 → 1,10
View3ds 0.065 - tiny viewer to .3ds and .asc files.
View3ds 0.066 - tiny viewer to .3ds and .asc files with several graphics
effects implementation.
What's new?
1. Asc files support.
1. App window size according to current screen resolution;
2, New emboss procedure.
Buttons description:
1. rotary: choosing rotary axle: x, y, x+y.
13,14 → 16,13
mapping), grdl (Gouraud lines - edges only).
3. speed: idle, full.
4,5. zoom in, out: no comment.
6. catmull: on( use z buffer ( z coordinate interpolation), off( depth sorting, painters
alghoritm).Txgrd, 2tex and bumptex models only with catmull = on.
6. catmull: on -> use z buffer ( z coordinate interpolation), off -> depth sorting, painters
alghoritm).Txgrd, 2tex and bumptex models only with catmull = on.
7. culling: backface culling on/ off.
8. rand. light: Randomize 3 unlinear lights( so called Phong's illumination).
9. Blur: blur N times; N=0,1,2,3,4,5
10.11,12,13. loseless operations (rotary 90, 180 degrees).
12. emboss: Do emboss effect( flat bumps ), use blur to do edges more deep.
carefull with emboss + fire - it looks annoying.
12. emboss: Do emboss effect( flat bumps ), use 'bumps deep' button to do edges more deep.
13. fire: do motion blur ( looks like fire ).
14. move: changes meaning x,y,z +/- buttons -> obj: moving object, camr: moving camera, wave: x,y +/- increase,
decrease wave effect frequency and amplitude.
27,10 → 29,10
15. generate: Generates some objects: node, Thorn Crown, heart...
16. bumps: random, according to texture.
17. bumps deep -> create bumps deeper or lighter.
18. re-map tex -> re-map texture and bump map coordinates, to change spherical mapping
18. re-map tex -> re-map texture and bump map coordinates, to change spherical mapping
around axle use 'xchg' and 'mirror' buttons, then press 're-map tex' button.
19. bright + -> increase picture brightness.
20. bright - -> decrease picture brightness.
21. wav effect -> do effect based sine function.
Maciej Guba Feb 2015
Maciej Guba X 2016
82,37 → 82,37
or edx,ecx
test edx,80008000h
jne .tt_end
mov dx,[size_x_var]
; or ax,ax
; jl .tt_end
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
jg .tt_end
; cmp ax,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror eax,16
; or ax,ax
; jl .tt_end
cmp ax,SIZE_X
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol eax,16
; or bx,bx
; jl .tt_end
cmp bx,SIZE_Y
jg .tt_end
; cmp bx,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror ebx,16
; or bx,bx
; jl .tt_end
cmp bx,SIZE_X
cmp bx,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol ebx,16
; or cx,cx
; jl .tt_end
cmp cx,SIZE_Y
jg .tt_end
; cmp cx,SIZE_Y
; jg .tt_end
ror ecx,16
; or cx,cx
; jl .tt_end
cmp cx,SIZE_X
cmp cx,dx ;SIZE_X
jg .tt_end
rol ecx,16 ; uff.. parameters was checked
432,7 → 432,8
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .tl_quit
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
mov dx,[size_y_var]
cmp ax,dx ;SIZE_Y
jg .tl_quit
mov ax,.x1
465,7 → 466,9
mov ebx,edi
movsx edi,.y
mov eax,SIZE_X*3
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
lea eax,[eax*3]
; mov eax,SIZE_X*3
mul edi
mov edi,eax
movsx eax,.x1
95,22 → 95,22
and edx,eax
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .tt_loop2_end
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
jl @f
cmp bx,SIZE_Y
jl @f
cmp cx,SIZE_Y
jl @f
; cmp ax,SIZE_Y
; jl @f
; cmp bx,SIZE_Y
; jl @f
; cmp cx,SIZE_Y
; jl @f
ror eax,16
ror ebx,16
ror ecx,16
cmp ax,SIZE_X
jl @f
cmp bx,SIZE_X
jl @f
cmp cx,SIZE_X
jl @f
jmp .tt_loop2_end
; cmp ax,SIZE_X
; jl @f
; cmp bx,SIZE_X
; jl @f
; cmp cx,SIZE_X
; jl @f
; jmp .tt_loop2_end
mov eax,dword[.tex_x1] ; texture coords must be in [0..TEX_X(Y)]
mov ebx,dword[.tex_x2]
440,7 → 440,9
mov ax,.y
or ax,ax
jl .tl_quit
cmp ax,SIZE_Y
mov bx,[size_y_var]
dec bx
cmp ax,bx ;SIZE_Y
jge .tl_quit
mov ax,.x1
472,7 → 474,9
mov .z1,eax
cmp .x1,SIZE_X
mov cx,[size_x_var]
dec cx
cmp .x1,cx ;SIZE_X
jge .tl_quit
cmp .x2,0
jle .tl_quit
517,13 → 521,13
add dword[.tex_x1],eax
cmp .x2,SIZE_X
cmp .x2,cx ;SIZE_X
jl @f
mov .x2,SIZE_X
mov .x2,cx ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,.y ; calc mem begin in buffers
mov eax,SIZE_X
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
mul ebx
movsx ebx,.x1
add eax,ebx
32,58 → 32,58
;---------------------- pointer io Z buffer-----
;-- Z-buffer - filled with coordinates as dword --------
;-- (Z coor. as word) shl CATMULL_SHIFT ----------------
.b_x1 equ ebp+4 ; procedure don't save registers !!!
.b_y1 equ ebp+6 ; each coordinate as word
.b_x2 equ ebp+8
.b_y2 equ ebp+10 ; b - first texture
.b_x3 equ ebp+12
.b_y3 equ ebp+14 ; e - second texture
.e_x1 equ ebp+16
.e_y1 equ ebp+18
.e_x2 equ ebp+20
.e_y2 equ ebp+22
.e_x3 equ ebp+24
.e_y3 equ ebp+26
.z1 equ word[ebp+28]
.z2 equ word[ebp+30]
.z3 equ word[ebp+32]
.z_buff equ dword[ebp+34] ; pointer to Z-buffer
.b_x1 equ ebp+4 ; procedure don't save registers !!!
.b_y1 equ ebp+6 ; each coordinate as word
.b_x2 equ ebp+8
.b_y2 equ ebp+10 ; b - first texture
.b_x3 equ ebp+12
.b_y3 equ ebp+14 ; e - second texture
.e_x1 equ ebp+16
.e_y1 equ ebp+18
.e_x2 equ ebp+20
.e_y2 equ ebp+22
.e_x3 equ ebp+24
.e_y3 equ ebp+26
.z1 equ word[ebp+28]
.z2 equ word[ebp+30]
.z3 equ word[ebp+32]
.z_buff equ dword[ebp+34] ; pointer to Z-buffer
.t_bmap equ dword[ebp-4] ; pointer to b. texture
.t_emap equ dword[ebp-8] ; pointer to e. texture
.x1 equ word[ebp-10]
.y1 equ word[ebp-12]
.x2 equ word[ebp-14]
.y2 equ word[ebp-16]
.x3 equ word[ebp-18]
.y3 equ word[ebp-20]
.t_bmap equ dword[ebp-4] ; pointer to b. texture
.t_emap equ dword[ebp-8] ; pointer to e. texture
.x1 equ word[ebp-10]
.y1 equ word[ebp-12]
.x2 equ word[ebp-14]
.y2 equ word[ebp-16]
.x3 equ word[ebp-18]
.y3 equ word[ebp-20]
.dx12 equ dword[ebp-24]
.dbx12 equ dword[ebp-28]
.dby12 equ dword[ebp-32]
.dby12q equ [ebp-32]
.dby12q equ [ebp-32]
.dex12 equ dword[ebp-36]
.dey12 equ dword[ebp-40]
.dey12q equ [ebp-40]
.dey12q equ [ebp-40]
.dz12 equ dword[ebp-44]
.dx13 equ dword[ebp-48]
.dbx13 equ dword[ebp-52]
.dby13 equ dword[ebp-56]
.dby13q equ [ebp-56]
.dby13q equ [ebp-56]
.dex13 equ dword[ebp-60]
.dey13 equ dword[ebp-64]
.dey13q equ [ebp-64]
.dey13q equ [ebp-64]
.dz13 equ dword[ebp-68]
.dx23 equ dword[ebp-72]
.dbx23 equ dword[ebp-76]
.dby23 equ dword[ebp-80]
.dby23q equ [ebp-80]
.dby23q equ [ebp-80]
.dex23 equ dword[ebp-84]
.dey23 equ dword[ebp-88]
.dey23q equ [ebp-88]
.dey23q equ [ebp-88]
.dz23 equ dword[ebp-92]
.cx1 equ dword[ebp-96] ; current variables
106,10 → 106,10
end if
mov ebp,esp
push edx esi ; store bump map
push edx esi ; store bump map
; push esi ; store e. map
; sub esp,120
.sort3: ; sort triangle coordinates...
.sort3: ; sort triangle coordinates...
cmp ax,bx
jle .sort1
xchg eax,ebx
123,30 → 123,30
xchg dx,.z2
mov .z1,dx
cmp bx,cx
jle .sort2
xchg ebx,ecx
mov edx,dword[.b_x2]
xchg edx,dword[.b_x3]
mov dword[.b_x2],edx
mov edx,dword[.e_x2]
xchg edx,dword[.e_x3]
mov dword[.e_x2],edx
cmp bx,cx
jle .sort2
xchg ebx,ecx
mov edx,dword[.b_x2]
xchg edx,dword[.b_x3]
mov dword[.b_x2],edx
mov edx,dword[.e_x2]
xchg edx,dword[.e_x3]
mov dword[.e_x2],edx
mov dx,.z2
xchg dx,.z3
mov .z2,dx
jmp .sort3
jmp .sort3
push eax ebx ecx ; store triangle coords in variables
push eax ebx ecx ; store triangle coords in variables
; push ebx
; push ecx
mov edx,80008000h ; eax,ebx,ecx are ANDd together into edx which means that
and edx,ebx ; if *all* of them are negative a sign flag is raised
and edx,ecx
and edx,eax
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .loop23_done
mov edx,80008000h ; eax,ebx,ecx are ANDd together into edx which means that
and edx,ebx ; if *all* of them are negative a sign flag is raised
and edx,ecx
and edx,eax
test edx,80008000h ; Check both X&Y at once
jne .loop23_done
; mov edx,eax ; eax,ebx,ecx are ORd together into edx which means that
; or edx,ebx ; if any *one* of them is negative a sign flag is raised
; or edx,ecx
161,44 → 161,44
; jg .loop23_done ; {
mov bx,.y2 ; calc delta 12
sub bx,.y1
jnz .bt_dx12_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
mov bx,.y2 ; calc delta 12
sub bx,.y1
jnz .bt_dx12_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx12_done
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx12_done
mov ax,.x2
sub ax,.x1
mov ax,.x2
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dx12,eax
push eax
push eax
if Ext=SSE
sub esp,16
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx ;rcps
sub esp,16
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx ;rcps
; mov eax,255
cvtsi2ss xmm4,[i255d] ;eax
divss xmm3,xmm4
rcpss xmm3,xmm3
divss xmm3,xmm4
rcpss xmm3,xmm3
; mulss xmm3,xmm4
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
movd mm0,[.b_x1]
movd mm1,[.b_x2]
movd mm2,[.e_x1]
movd mm3,[.e_x2]
movd mm0,[.b_x1]
movd mm1,[.b_x2]
movd mm2,[.e_x1]
movd mm3,[.e_x2]
; psubsw mm3,mm2
; psubsw mm1,mm0
pxor mm4,mm4
pxor mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm0,mm4
punpcklwd mm1,mm4
punpcklwd mm2,mm4
208,12 → 208,12
; pslld mm2,ROUND
; pslld mm3,ROUND
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm2
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm3
subps xmm1,xmm0
subps xmm1,xmm0
; pxor mm4,mm4
; movq mm5,mm1
241,13 → 241,13
; movlhps xmm0,xmm0
; cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm3
; divps xmm1,xmm3
mulps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
mulps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
cvtps2pi mm1,xmm1
movq .dey12q,mm0
movq .dby12q,mm1
movq .dey12q,mm0
movq .dby12q,mm1
; movd .dex12,mm0
; psrlq mm0,32
259,75 → 259,75
; movd .dby12,mm0
mov ax,word[.b_x2]
sub ax,word[.b_x1]
mov ax,word[.b_x2]
sub ax,word[.b_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dbx12,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.b_y2]
sub ax,word[.b_y1]
mov ax,word[.b_y2]
sub ax,word[.b_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dby12,eax
push eax
push eax
; mov eax,.dbx12
; mov ebx,.dby12
; int3
mov ax,word[.e_x2]
sub ax,word[.e_x1]
mov ax,word[.e_x2]
sub ax,word[.e_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dex12,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.e_y2]
sub ax,word[.e_y1]
mov ax,word[.e_y2]
sub ax,word[.e_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dey12,eax
push eax
push eax
end if
mov ax,.z2
sub ax,.z1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov ax,.z2
sub ax,.z1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta13
sub bx,.y1
jnz .bt_dx13_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta13
sub bx,.y1
jnz .bt_dx13_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx13_done
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx13_done
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x1
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x1
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dx13,eax
push eax
push eax
if Ext=SSE
334,18 → 334,18
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx
; mov eax,255
cvtsi2ss xmm4,[i255d]
divss xmm3,xmm4
rcpss xmm3,xmm3
divss xmm3,xmm4
rcpss xmm3,xmm3
; mulss xmm3,xmm4
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
sub esp,16
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
sub esp,16
movd mm0,[.b_x1]
movd mm1,[.b_x3]
movd mm2,[.e_x1]
movd mm3,[.e_x3]
movd mm0,[.b_x1]
movd mm1,[.b_x3]
movd mm2,[.e_x1]
movd mm3,[.e_x3]
pxor mm4,mm4
pxor mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm0,mm4
punpcklwd mm1,mm4
punpcklwd mm2,mm4
352,59 → 352,59
punpcklwd mm3,mm4
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm2
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm3
subps xmm1,xmm0
subps xmm1,xmm0
; divps xmm1,xmm3
mulps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
mulps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
cvtps2pi mm1,xmm1
movq .dey13q,mm0
movq .dby13q,mm1
movq .dey13q,mm0
movq .dby13q,mm1
mov ax,word[.b_x3]
sub ax,word[.b_x1]
mov ax,word[.b_x3]
sub ax,word[.b_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dbx13,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.b_y3]
sub ax,word[.b_y1]
mov ax,word[.b_y3]
sub ax,word[.b_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dby13,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.e_x3]
sub ax,word[.e_x1]
mov ax,word[.e_x3]
sub ax,word[.e_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dex13,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.e_y3]
sub ax,word[.e_y1]
mov ax,word[.e_y3]
sub ax,word[.e_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dey13,eax
push eax
push eax
end if
418,25 → 418,25
push eax
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta23
sub bx,.y2
jnz .bt_dx23_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
mov bx,.y3 ; calc delta23
sub bx,.y2
jnz .bt_dx23_make
mov ecx,6
xor edx,edx
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx23_done
push edx ;dword 0
loop @b
jmp .bt_dx23_done
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x2
mov ax,.x3
sub ax,.x2
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
movsx ebx,bx
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dx23,eax
push eax
push eax
if Ext=SSE
443,16 → 443,16
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx
; mov eax,255
cvtsi2ss xmm4,[i255d] ;eax
divss xmm3,xmm4
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
sub esp,16
divss xmm3,xmm4
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
sub esp,16
movd mm0,[.b_x2]
movd mm1,[.b_x3]
movd mm2,[.e_x2]
movd mm3,[.e_x3]
movd mm0,[.b_x2]
movd mm1,[.b_x3]
movd mm2,[.e_x2]
movd mm3,[.e_x3]
pxor mm4,mm4
pxor mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm0,mm4
punpcklwd mm1,mm4
punpcklwd mm2,mm4
459,58 → 459,58
punpcklwd mm3,mm4
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
cvtpi2ps xmm0,mm2
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm3
subps xmm1,xmm0
subps xmm1,xmm0
divps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
divps xmm1,xmm3
shufps xmm1,xmm1,10110001b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
cvtps2pi mm1,xmm1
movq .dey23q,mm0
movq .dby23q,mm1
movq .dey23q,mm0
movq .dby23q,mm1
mov ax,word[.b_x3]
sub ax,word[.b_x2]
mov ax,word[.b_x3]
sub ax,word[.b_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dbx23,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.b_y3]
sub ax,word[.b_y2]
mov ax,word[.b_y3]
sub ax,word[.b_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dby23,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.e_x3]
sub ax,word[.e_x2]
mov ax,word[.e_x3]
sub ax,word[.e_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dex23,eax
push eax
push eax
mov ax,word[.e_y3]
sub ax,word[.e_y2]
mov ax,word[.e_y3]
sub ax,word[.e_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
idiv ebx
; mov .dey23,eax
push eax
push eax
end if
mov ax,.z3
sub ax,.z2
522,203 → 522,203
push eax
; sub esp,40
movsx eax,.x1
shl eax,ROUND
movsx eax,.x1
shl eax,ROUND
; mov .cx1,eax
; mov .cx2,eax
push eax eax
push eax eax
; push eax
movsx eax,word[.b_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cbx1,eax
mov .cbx2,eax
movsx eax,word[.b_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cbx1,eax
mov .cbx2,eax
; push eax eax
; push eax
movsx eax,word[.b_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cby1,eax
mov .cby2,eax
movsx eax,word[.b_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cby1,eax
mov .cby2,eax
; push eax eax
; push eax
movsx eax,word[.e_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cex1,eax
mov .cex2,eax
movsx eax,word[.e_x1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cex1,eax
mov .cex2,eax
; push eax eax
;push eax
movsx eax,word[.e_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cey1,eax
mov .cey2,eax
sub esp,32
movsx eax,word[.e_y1]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cey1,eax
mov .cey2,eax
sub esp,32
; push eax eax
;push eax
movsx eax,.z1
movsx eax,.z1
; mov .cz1,eax
; mov .cz2,eax
push eax eax
;push eax
movsx ecx,.y1
cmp cx,.y2
jge .loop12_done
movsx ecx,.y1
cmp cx,.y2
jge .loop12_done
call .call_line
call .call_line
mov eax,.dx13
add .cx1,eax
mov ebx,.dx12
add .cx2,ebx
mov eax,.dx13
add .cx1,eax
mov ebx,.dx12
add .cx2,ebx
if Ext>= SSE2
movups xmm0,.cey1
movups xmm1,.cey2
movups xmm2,.dey12q
movups xmm3,.dey13q
paddd xmm0,xmm3
paddd xmm1,xmm2
movups .cey1,xmm0
movups .cey2,xmm1
movups xmm0,.cey1
movups xmm1,.cey2
movups xmm2,.dey12q
movups xmm3,.dey13q
paddd xmm0,xmm3
paddd xmm1,xmm2
movups .cey1,xmm0
movups .cey2,xmm1
else if (Ext = MMX) | (Ext=SSE)
movq mm0,.cby2 ; with this optimization object
movq mm1,.cby1 ; looks bit annoying
movq mm2,.cey2
movq mm3,.cey1
paddd mm0,.dby12q
paddd mm1,.dby13q
paddd mm2,.dey12q
paddd mm3,.dey13q
movq .cby2,mm0
movq .cby1,mm1
movq .cey1,mm3
movq .cey2,mm2
movq mm0,.cby2 ; with this optimization object
movq mm1,.cby1 ; looks bit annoying
movq mm2,.cey2
movq mm3,.cey1
paddd mm0,.dby12q
paddd mm1,.dby13q
paddd mm2,.dey12q
paddd mm3,.dey13q
movq .cby2,mm0
movq .cby1,mm1
movq .cey1,mm3
movq .cey2,mm2
mov edx,.dbx13
add .cbx1,edx
mov eax,.dbx12
add .cbx2,eax
mov ebx,.dby13
add .cby1,ebx
mov edx,.dby12
add .cby2,edx
mov edx,.dbx13
add .cbx1,edx
mov eax,.dbx12
add .cbx2,eax
mov ebx,.dby13
add .cby1,ebx
mov edx,.dby12
add .cby2,edx
mov eax,.dex13
add .cex1,eax
mov ebx,.dex12
add .cex2,ebx
mov edx,.dey13
add .cey1,edx
mov eax,.dey12
add .cey2,eax
mov eax,.dex13
add .cex1,eax
mov ebx,.dex12
add .cex2,ebx
mov edx,.dey13
add .cey1,edx
mov eax,.dey12
add .cey2,eax
end if
mov ebx,.dz13
add .cz1,ebx
mov edx,.dz12
add .cz2,edx
mov ebx,.dz13
add .cz1,ebx
mov edx,.dz12
add .cz2,edx
inc ecx
cmp cx,.y2
jl .loop12
inc ecx
cmp cx,.y2
jl .loop12
movsx ecx,.y2
cmp cx,.y3
jge .loop23_done
movsx ecx,.y2
cmp cx,.y3
jge .loop23_done
movsx eax,.z2
mov .cz2,eax
movsx eax,.z2
mov .cz2,eax
movsx eax,.x2
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cx2,eax
movsx eax,.x2
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cx2,eax
movzx eax,word[.b_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cbx2,eax
movzx eax,word[.b_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cbx2,eax
movzx eax,word[.b_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cby2,eax
movzx eax,word[.b_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cby2,eax
movzx eax,word[.e_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cex2,eax
movzx eax,word[.e_x2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cex2,eax
movzx eax,word[.e_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cey2,eax
movzx eax,word[.e_y2]
shl eax,ROUND
mov .cey2,eax
call .call_line
call .call_line
;if Ext = NON
mov eax,.dx13
add .cx1,eax
mov ebx,.dx23
add .cx2,ebx
mov eax,.dx13
add .cx1,eax
mov ebx,.dx23
add .cx2,ebx
if Ext>= SSE2
movups xmm0,.cey1
movups xmm1,.cey2
movups xmm2,.dey23q
movups xmm3,.dey13q
paddd xmm0,xmm3
paddd xmm1,xmm2
movups .cey1,xmm0
movups .cey2,xmm1
movups xmm0,.cey1
movups xmm1,.cey2
movups xmm2,.dey23q
movups xmm3,.dey13q
paddd xmm0,xmm3
paddd xmm1,xmm2
movups .cey1,xmm0
movups .cey2,xmm1
else if (Ext = MMX) | ( Ext = SSE)
movq mm0,.cby2 ; with this mmx optimization object looks bit
movq mm1,.cby1 ; annoying
movq mm2,.cey2
movq mm3,.cey1
paddd mm0,.dby23q
paddd mm1,.dby13q
paddd mm2,.dey23q
paddd mm3,.dey13q
movq .cby2,mm0
movq .cby1,mm1
movq .cey2,mm2
movq .cey1,mm3
movq mm0,.cby2 ; with this mmx optimization object looks bit
movq mm1,.cby1 ; annoying
movq mm2,.cey2
movq mm3,.cey1
paddd mm0,.dby23q
paddd mm1,.dby13q
paddd mm2,.dey23q
paddd mm3,.dey13q
movq .cby2,mm0
movq .cby1,mm1
movq .cey2,mm2
movq .cey1,mm3
mov edx,.dbx13
add .cbx1,edx
mov eax,.dbx23
add .cbx2,eax
mov ebx,.dby13
add .cby1,ebx
mov edx,.dby23
add .cby2,edx
mov edx,.dbx13
add .cbx1,edx
mov eax,.dbx23
add .cbx2,eax
mov ebx,.dby13
add .cby1,ebx
mov edx,.dby23
add .cby2,edx
mov eax,.dex13
add .cex1,eax
mov ebx,.dex23
add .cex2,ebx
mov edx,.dey13
add .cey1,edx
mov eax,.dey23
add .cey2,eax
mov eax,.dex13
add .cex1,eax
mov ebx,.dex23
add .cex2,ebx
mov edx,.dey13
add .cey1,edx
mov eax,.dey23
add .cey2,eax
end if
mov ebx,.dz13
add .cz1,ebx
mov edx,.dz23
add .cz2,edx
mov ebx,.dz13
add .cz1,ebx
mov edx,.dz23
add .cz2,edx
; movq mm0,.db13q
; movq mm1,.cbx1q
inc ecx
cmp cx,.y3
jl .loop23
inc ecx
cmp cx,.y3
jl .loop23
mov esp,ebp
mov esp,ebp
ret 34
725,27 → 725,27
push .cz1
push .cz2
push .z_buff
push .t_bmap
push .t_emap
push dword .cey2
push .cex2
push dword .cey1
push .cex1
push dword .cby2
push .cbx2
push dword .cby1
push .cbx1
push ecx
push .cz1
push .cz2
push .z_buff
push .t_bmap
push .t_emap
push dword .cey2
push .cex2
push dword .cey1
push .cex1
push dword .cby2
push .cbx2
push dword .cby1
push .cbx1
push ecx
mov eax,.cx1
sar eax,ROUND
mov ebx,.cx2
sar ebx,ROUND
mov eax,.cx1
sar eax,ROUND
mov ebx,.cx2
sar ebx,ROUND
call two_tex_line_z
call two_tex_line_z
754,92 → 754,93
;-------------- ebx - x2
;-------------- edi - pointer to screen buffer
;stack - another parameters :
.y equ dword [ebp+4]
.bx1 equ [ebp+8] ; ---
.by1 equ [ebp+12] ; |
.bx2 equ [ebp+16] ; |
.by2 equ [ebp+20] ; |> b. texture and e. texture coords
.ex1 equ [ebp+24] ; |> shifted shl ROUND
.ey1 equ [ebp+28] ; |
.ex2 equ [ebp+32] ; |
.ey2 equ [ebp+36] ; ---
.emap equ [ebp+40] ; b texture offset
.bmap equ [ebp+44] ; e texture offset
.y equ dword [ebp+4]
.bx1 equ [ebp+8] ; ---
.by1 equ [ebp+12] ; |
.bx2 equ [ebp+16] ; |
.by2 equ [ebp+20] ; |> b. texture and e. texture coords
.ex1 equ [ebp+24] ; |> shifted shl ROUND
.ey1 equ [ebp+28] ; |
.ex2 equ [ebp+32] ; |
.ey2 equ [ebp+36] ; ---
.emap equ [ebp+40] ; b texture offset
.bmap equ [ebp+44] ; e texture offset
.z_buff equ dword [ebp+48]
.z2 equ dword [ebp+52] ; -- |> z coords shifted
.z1 equ dword [ebp+56] ; -- shl CATMULL_SHIFT
.z2 equ dword [ebp+52] ; -- |> z coords shifted
.z1 equ dword [ebp+56] ; -- shl CATMULL_SHIFT
.x1 equ dword [ebp-4]
.x2 equ dword [ebp-8]
.dbx equ [ebp-12]
.dex equ [ebp-16]
.dby equ [ebp-20]
.dey equ [ebp-24]
.dz equ dword [ebp-28]
.cbx equ [ebp-32]
.cex equ [ebp-36]
.cby equ [ebp-40]
.cey equ [ebp-44]
.cz equ dword [ebp-48]
.x1 equ dword [ebp-4]
.x2 equ dword [ebp-8]
.dbx equ [ebp-12]
.dex equ [ebp-16]
.dby equ [ebp-20]
.dey equ [ebp-24]
.dz equ dword [ebp-28]
.cbx equ [ebp-32]
.cex equ [ebp-36]
.cby equ [ebp-40]
.cey equ [ebp-44]
.cz equ dword [ebp-48]
.czbuff equ dword [ebp-52]
mov ebp,esp
mov ebp,esp
mov ecx,.y
or ecx,ecx
jl .bl_end
cmp ecx,SIZE_Y
jge .bl_end
mov ecx,.y
or ecx,ecx
jl .bl_end
cmp cx,word[size_y_var] ;SIZE_Y
jge .bl_end
cmp eax,ebx
jl @f
je .bl_end
cmp eax,ebx
jl @f
je .bl_end
xchg eax,ebx
xchg eax,ebx
if Ext=NON
mov edx,.bx1
xchg edx,.bx2
mov .bx1,edx
mov edx,.by1
xchg edx,.by2
mov .by1,edx
mov edx,.bx1
xchg edx,.bx2
mov .bx1,edx
mov edx,.by1
xchg edx,.by2
mov .by1,edx
mov edx,.ex1
xchg edx,.ex2
mov .ex1,edx
mov edx,.ey1
xchg edx,.ey2
mov .ey1,edx
mov edx,.ex1
xchg edx,.ex2
mov .ex1,edx
mov edx,.ey1
xchg edx,.ey2
mov .ey1,edx
movq mm0,.bx1
movq mm1,.ex1
movq mm2,.bx2
movq mm3,.ex2
movq .bx2,mm0
movq .ex2,mm1
movq .bx1,mm2
movq .ex1,mm3
movq mm0,.bx1
movq mm1,.ex1
movq mm2,.bx2
movq mm3,.ex2
movq .bx2,mm0
movq .ex2,mm1
movq .bx1,mm2
movq .ex1,mm3
end if
mov edx,.z1
xchg edx,.z2
mov .z1,edx
mov edx,.z1
xchg edx,.z2
mov .z1,edx
push eax ebx
; push ebx ;store x1, x2
push eax ebx ;store x1, x2
mov ebx,.x1
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
cmp ebx,edx
; cmp bx,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
jg .bl_end
cmp .x2,0
jle .bl_end
cmp .x1,SIZE_X
jge .bl_end
cmp .x2,0
jle .bl_end
mov ebx,.x2
sub ebx,.x1
mov ebx,.x2
sub ebx,.x1
if Ext>=SSE
sub esp,16
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx ;rcps
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
sub esp,16
cvtsi2ss xmm3,ebx ;rcps
shufps xmm3,xmm3,0
; movq mm0,.bx1q
; movq mm1,.bx2q
852,107 → 853,117
; cvtpi2ps xmm1,mm3
cvtpi2ps xmm0,.bx1 ;mm0 ; bx1; by1
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
movlhps xmm0,xmm0
cvtpi2ps xmm0,.ex1 ;mm2 ; ex1; ey1
cvtpi2ps xmm1,.bx2 ;mm1 ; bx2; by2
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1
cvtpi2ps xmm1,.ex2 ;mm3 ; ex2; ey2
subps xmm1,xmm0
; hi lo
divps xmm1,xmm3 ; xmm1 -> dby; dbx; dey; dex
subps xmm1,xmm0
; hi lo
divps xmm1,xmm3 ; xmm1 -> dby; dbx; dey; dex
shufps xmm1,xmm1,11011000b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
shufps xmm1,xmm1,11011000b
cvtps2pi mm0,xmm1 ; mm0 -> 2 delta dwords
movhlps xmm1,xmm1
cvtps2pi mm1,xmm1
movq .dex,mm0 ; hi - lo -> dbx, dex
movq .dey,mm1 ; hi - lo -> dby, dey
movq .dex,mm0 ; hi - lo -> dbx, dex
movq .dey,mm1 ; hi - lo -> dby, dey
mov eax,.bx2 ; calc .dbx
sub eax,.bx1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.bx2 ; calc .dbx
sub eax,.bx1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.ex2 ; calc .dby
sub eax,.ex1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.ex2 ; calc .dby
sub eax,.ex1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.by2 ; calc .dex
sub eax,.by1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.by2 ; calc .dex
sub eax,.by1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.ey2 ; calc .dey
sub eax,.ey1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.ey2 ; calc .dey
sub eax,.ey1
idiv ebx
push eax
end if
mov eax,.z2 ; calc .dz
sub eax,.z1
idiv ebx
push eax
mov eax,.z2 ; calc .dz
sub eax,.z1
idiv ebx
push eax
cmp .x1,0 ; set correctly begin variable
; cutting triangle exceedes screen
mov ebx,.x1
neg ebx
imul ebx ; eax = .dz * abs(.x1)
add .z1,eax
mov .x1,0
cmp .x1,0 ; set correctly begin variable
; cutting triangle exceedes screen
mov ebx,.x1
neg ebx
imul ebx ; eax = .dz * abs(.x1)
add .z1,eax
mov .x1,0
mov eax,.dbx
imul ebx
add .bx1,eax
mov eax,.dbx
imul ebx
add .bx1,eax
mov eax,.dby
imul ebx
add .by1,eax
mov eax,.dby
imul ebx
add .by1,eax
mov eax,.dex
imul ebx
add .ex1,eax
mov eax,.dex
imul ebx
add .ex1,eax
mov eax,.dey
imul ebx
add .ey1,eax
mov eax,.dey
imul ebx
add .ey1,eax
cmp .x2,SIZE_X
jl @f
mov .x2,SIZE_X
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X ;word[size_x_var]
mov ebx,.x2
cmp eax,ebx
jg @f
mov .x2,eax
mov eax,SIZE_X ;calc memory begin in buffers
mov ebx,.y
mul ebx
mov ebx,.x1
add eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax ; edi - screen
mov esi,.z_buff ; z-buffer filled with dd variables
shl ebx,2
add esi,ebx ; esi - Z buffer
; movd mm0,eax
; movd mm1,.x2
; pminsw mm0,mm1
; movd .x2,mm0
; cmp .x2,SIZE_X ;eax |
; jl @f |> this dont work idk cause
; mov .x2,SIZE_X ;eax |
; movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;calc memory begin in buffers
mov ebx,.y
mul ebx
mov ebx,.x1
add eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax ; edi - screen
mov esi,.z_buff ; z-buffer filled with dd variables
shl ebx,2
add esi,ebx ; esi - Z buffer
mov ecx,.x2
sub ecx,.x1
; init current variables
push dword .bx1 ;.by1 .ex1 .ey1 .z1 esi
push dword .ex1
push dword .by1
push dword .ey1
mov ecx,.x2
sub ecx,.x1
; init current variables
push dword .bx1 ;.by1 .ex1 .ey1 .z1 esi
push dword .ex1
push dword .by1
push dword .ey1
push .z1 ; current z shl CATMULL_SHIFT
push esi
push .z1 ; current z shl CATMULL_SHIFT
push esi
if Ext >= MMX
pxor mm0,mm0
971,104 → 982,104
; if TEX = SHIFTING ;bump drawing only in shifting mode
if Ext=NON
mov esi,.czbuff ; .czbuff current address in buffer
mov ebx,.cz ; .cz - cur z position
cmp ebx,dword[esi]
mov esi,.czbuff ; .czbuff current address in buffer
mov ebx,.cz ; .cz - cur z position
cmp ebx,dword[esi]
mov ebx,.cz
cmp ebx,dword[edx]
mov ebx,.cz
cmp ebx,dword[edx]
end if
jge .skip
jge .skip
if Ext=NON
mov eax,.cby
mov esi,.cbx
sar eax,ROUND
sar esi,ROUND
shl eax,TEX_SHIFT ;-
add esi,eax
lea esi,[esi*3] ;- ; esi - current b. texture addres
add esi,.bmap
mov eax,.cby
mov esi,.cbx
sar eax,ROUND
sar esi,ROUND
shl eax,TEX_SHIFT ;-
add esi,eax
lea esi,[esi*3] ;- ; esi - current b. texture addres
add esi,.bmap
mov ebx,.cex ;.cex - current env map X
mov eax,.cey ;.cey - current env map y
sar ebx,ROUND
sar eax,ROUND
mov ebx,.cex ;.cex - current env map X
mov eax,.cey ;.cey - current env map y
sar ebx,ROUND
sar eax,ROUND
shl eax,TEX_SHIFT
add ebx,eax
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
add ebx,.emap
shl eax,TEX_SHIFT
add ebx,eax
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
add ebx,.emap
movq mm5,mm4 ;.cey
psrad mm5,ROUND
pslld mm5,TEX_SHIFT
movq mm6,mm3 ;.cex
psrad mm6,ROUND
paddd mm5,mm6
movq mm6,mm5
paddd mm5,mm5
paddd mm5,mm6
paddd mm5,.emap
movd esi,mm5
psrlq mm5,32
movd ebx,mm5
movq mm5,mm4 ;.cey
psrad mm5,ROUND
pslld mm5,TEX_SHIFT
movq mm6,mm3 ;.cex
psrad mm6,ROUND
paddd mm5,mm6
movq mm6,mm5
paddd mm5,mm5
paddd mm5,mm6
paddd mm5,.emap
movd esi,mm5
psrlq mm5,32
movd ebx,mm5
end if
if Ext>=MMX
movd mm1,[esi]
movd mm2,[ebx]
punpcklbw mm1,mm0
punpcklbw mm2,mm0
pmullw mm1,mm2
psrlw mm1,8
packuswb mm1,mm0
movd [edi],mm1
mov ebx,.cz
mov dword[edx],ebx
movd mm1,[esi]
movd mm2,[ebx]
punpcklbw mm1,mm0
punpcklbw mm2,mm0
pmullw mm1,mm2
psrlw mm1,8
packuswb mm1,mm0
movd [edi],mm1
mov ebx,.cz
mov dword[edx],ebx
cld ; esi - tex e.
lodsb ; ebx - tex b.
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
inc ebx
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
inc ebx
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
mov ebx,.cz
mov esi,.czbuff
mov dword[esi],ebx
jmp .no_skip
cld ; esi - tex e.
lodsb ; ebx - tex b.
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
inc ebx
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
inc ebx
mov dl,[ebx]
mul dl
shr ax,8
mov ebx,.cz
mov esi,.czbuff
mov dword[esi],ebx
jmp .no_skip
end if
add edi,3
add edi,3
if Ext = NON
add .czbuff,4
mov eax,.dbx
add .cbx,eax
mov eax,.dby
add .cby,eax
mov eax,.dex
add .cex,eax
mov eax,.dey
add .cey,eax
add .czbuff,4
mov eax,.dbx
add .cbx,eax
mov eax,.dby
add .cby,eax
mov eax,.dex
add .cex,eax
mov eax,.dey
add .cey,eax
add edx,4
paddd mm3,.dex
paddd mm4,.dey
add edx,4
paddd mm3,.dex
paddd mm4,.dey
; movq mm5,mm3
; movq mm6,mm4
; psrad mm5,ROUND
1076,16 → 1087,16
; movq .cex,mm3
; movq .cey,mm4
end if
mov eax,.dz
add .cz,eax
mov eax,.dz
add .cz,eax
if Ext = NON
dec ecx
jnz .draw
dec ecx
jnz .draw
loop .draw
loop .draw
end if
mov esp,ebp
mov esp,ebp
ret 56
1,12 → 1,13
; application : View3ds ver. 0.065 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer.
; application : View3ds ver. 0.066 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer
; with a few graphics effects demonstration.
; compiler : FASM
; system : KolibriOS
; author : Macgub aka Maciej Guba
; email :
; web :
; Fell free to use this intro in your own distribution of KolibriOS/MenuetOS.
; Special greetings to all MenuetOS maniax in the world.
; web :
; Fell free to use this intro in your own distribution of KolibriOS.
; Special greetings to KolibriOS team .
; I hope because my intros Christian Belive will be near to each of You.
16,22 → 17,22
; can be:
; 1) Read from a file (*.3DS standard)
; 2) Written in manually (at the end of the code)
;include ''
SIZE_X equ 512
SIZE_Y equ 512 ; ///// I want definitely
TIMEOUT equ 10 ; ------ say:
ROUND equ 10 ; \ @ @/ keep smiling every
TEX_X equ 512 ; texture width ; \ ./ / day.
TEX_Y equ 512 ; height ; \/ /
TEX_SHIFT equ 9 ; texture width shifting ; __||__ /
FLUENTLY = 0 ; / | |
SHIFTING = 1 ; ------
CATMULL_SHIFT equ 8 ; | |
LIGHT_SIZE equ 22 ; | |
NON = 0 ; -/ \-
SIZE_Y equ 512 ; ///// I want definitely
TIMEOUT equ 10 ; ------ say:
ROUND equ 10 ; \ @ @/ keep smiling every
TEX_X equ 512 ; texture width ; \ ./ / day.
TEX_Y equ 512 ; height ; \/ /
TEX_SHIFT equ 9 ; texture width shifting ; __||__ /
FLUENTLY = 0 ; / | |
SHIFTING = 1 ; ------
CATMULL_SHIFT equ 8 ; | |
LIGHT_SIZE equ 22 ; | |
NON = 0 ; -/ \-
MMX = 1
SSE = 2
SSE2 = 3
53,6 → 54,27
START: ; start of execution
mov eax,14
int 0x40
sub eax,150 shl 16 + 150
mov [size_y_var],ax
shr ax,1
mov [vect_y],ax
shr ax,1
movzx ebx,ax
push ebx
fild dword[esp]
fstp [rsscale]
pop ebx
shr eax,16
mov [size_x_var],ax
shr ax,1
mov [vect_x],ax
call alloc_buffer_mem
call read_param
call read_from_disk ; read, if all is ok eax = 0
150,9 → 172,9
jne .next_m6
cmp [dr_flag],2
jne @f
; call init_envmap2 ; <----! this don't works in env mode
; and more than ~18 kb objects
; call init_envmap_cub2
; call init_envmap2 ; <----! this don't works in env mode
; and more than ~18 kb objects
; call init_envmap_cub2
cmp [dr_flag],4
jne @f
179,19 → 201,19
fstp [rsscale]
cmp ah,9 ; lights random ; 'flat' 0
cmp ah,9 ; lights random ; 'flat' 0
jne .next_m5 ; 'grd ' 1
call make_random_lights ; 'env ' 2
call normalize_all_light_vectors ; 'bump' 3
call do_color_buffer ; intit color_map ; 'tex ' 4
; cmp [emboss_flag],1 ; 'pos ' 5
; je @f ; 'dots' 6
; cmp [dr_flag],8
; jge @f
; cmp [dr_flag],2 ; 'txgr' 7
; jl .next_m5 ; '2tex' 8
; cmp [dr_flag],3 ; 'btex' 9
; jg .next_m5
call do_color_buffer ; intit color_map ; 'tex ' 4
; cmp [emboss_flag],1 ; 'pos ' 5
; je @f ; 'dots' 6
; cmp [dr_flag],8
; jge @f
; cmp [dr_flag],2 ; 'txgr' 7
; jl .next_m5 ; '2tex' 8
; cmp [dr_flag],3 ; 'btex' 9
; jg .next_m5
; @@:
call init_envmap2 ; update env map if shading model = environment or bump
213,15 → 235,15
cmp [emboss_flag],1
call init_envmap2
; cmp ah,17
; jne .next_m
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; call draw_window ; redraw other labels to navigation buttons
; cmp ah,17
; jne .next_m
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; call draw_window ; redraw other labels to navigation buttons
; @@:
; cmp [move_flag],0
; jne .next_m
; call draw_window ; redraw other labels to navigation buttons
; cmp [move_flag],0
; jne .next_m
; call draw_window ; redraw other labels to navigation buttons
cmp ah,18
jne .next_m2
276,8 → 298,8
jne .next
cmp [move_flag],0
jne @f
; cmp [move_flag],2
; je .set_light1
; cmp [move_flag],2
; je .set_light1
sub [vect_y],10
jmp .next
288,19 → 310,19
sub [sin_amplitude],10
; .set_light1: ; r -
; movzx ebx,[light_no_flag] ; * 22
; mov ecx,ebx
; shl ebx,4
; shl ecx,1
; add ebx,ecx
; shl ecx,1
; add ebx,ecx
; add ebx,lights+6 ; 6 -> light vector size
; .set_light1: ; r -
; movzx ebx,[light_no_flag] ; * 22
; mov ecx,ebx
; shl ebx,4
; shl ecx,1
; add ebx,ecx
; shl ecx,1
; add ebx,ecx
; add ebx,lights+6 ; 6 -> light vector size
; movzx ecx,[light_comp_flag]
; lea ecx,[ecx*3}
; add ebx,ecx ; ebx -> color to set
; movzx ecx,[light_comp_flag]
; lea ecx,[ecx*3}
; add ebx,ecx ; ebx -> color to set
361,7 → 383,7
jne .next5
cmp [move_flag],0
jne @f
; call add_vector
; call add_vector
add [vect_y],10
jmp .next5
434,9 → 456,9
movzx ecx,[points_count_var]
call translate_points
; cmp [dr_flag],5
; jne @f
; call calc_attenuation_light
; cmp [dr_flag],5
; jne @f
; call calc_attenuation_light
; @@:
cmp [fire_flag],0
jne @f
493,8 → 515,11
je .no_inc_bright
movzx ebx,[inc_bright_flag]
shl ebx,4
mov esi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3
mov esi,[screen_ptr]
movzx ecx,word[size_y_var]
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
mul ecx
lea ecx,[eax*3]
if (Ext = MMX)|(Ext = SSE)
mov bh,bl
push bx
538,7 → 563,7
movaps [esi],xmm1
add esi,16
sub ecx,16
jnz .oop
jnc .oop
end if
548,9 → 573,12
je .no_dec_bright
movzx ebx,[dec_bright_flag]
shl ebx,4
mov esi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3
if (Ext = MMX)|(Ext = SSE)
mov esi,[screen_ptr]
movzx eax,word[size_x_var]
movzx ecx,word[size_y_var]
mul ecx
lea ecx,[eax*3]
if (Ext = MMX)|(Ext = SSE)
mov bh,bl
push bx
shl ebx,16
590,7 → 618,7
movaps [esi],xmm1
add esi,16
sub ecx,16
jnz .oop1
jnc .oop1
end if
600,7 → 628,7
je .no_max
;movzx ebx,[max_flag]
; push ecx
; push ecx
mov edi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
; ; pxor mm5,mm5
633,7 → 661,7
if Ext >= SSE
cmp [min_flag],0
je .no_min
; push ecx
; push ecx
mov edi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*3/4
; ; pxor mm5,mm5
680,18 → 708,29
mov eax,7 ; put image
mov ebx,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y
mov ecx,[size_y_var]
; mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y
mov edx,5 shl 16 + 25
int 0x40
mov eax,13
mov ebx,530*65536+60
mov ecx,510*65536+9
mov eax,13
mov bx,[size_x_var]
add ebx,18
shl ebx,16
mov bx,60
mov cx,[size_y_var]
sub cx,2
shl ecx,16
mov cx,9
xor edx,edx
int 40h
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,530*65536+510 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov bx,[size_x_var]
add ebx,18
shl ebx,16
mov bx,[size_y_var]
sub bx,2 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00888888
mov edx,STRdata ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,10 ; text length
726,16 → 765,18
movzx ecx,[size_x]
movzx eax,[size_y]
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
mul ecx
lea ecx,[eax*3]
add ecx,16
and ecx,0xfffffff0
push ecx
shl eax,2
add ecx,eax
add ecx,MEM_END
mov ebx,1
mov eax,64 ; allocate mem - resize app mem
mov eax,64 ; allocate mem - resize app mem
int 0x40
mov [screen_ptr],MEM_END
mov [Zbuffer_ptr],MEM_END
745,7 → 786,7
; updates flags and writing flag description
; in ah - button number
; in ah - button number
push ax
mov edi,menu
765,7 → 806,7
jne .ch_another
; clreol {pascal never dies}
; * eax = 13 - function number
; * eax = 13 - function number
; * ebx = [coordinate on axis x]*65536 + [size on axis x]
; * ecx = [coordinate on axis y]*65536 + [size on axis y]
; * edx = color 0xRRGGBB or 0x80RRGGBB for gradient fill
777,8 → 818,10
lea ecx,[ecx*5]
add ecx,28
shl ecx,16
add ecx,14 ; ecx = [coord y]*65536 + [size y]
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12+70)*65536+25 ; [x start] *65536 + [size x]
add ecx,14 ; ecx = [coord y]*65536 + [size y]
mov bx,[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(12+70)*65536+25 ; [x start] *65536 + [size x]
mov edx,0x00000000 ; color 0x00RRGGBB
int 0x40
787,7 → 830,10
sub bl,2
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
lea ebx,[ebx*5]
add ebx,(SIZE_X+12+70)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov cx,[size_x_var]
shl ecx,16
add ebx,ecx
add ebx,(12+70)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
movzx edx,byte[edi+12] ; current flag
shl edx,2 ; * 4 = text length
802,7 → 848,7
mov edi,lights
call normalize_vector ;
call normalize_vector ;
add edi,LIGHT_SIZE
cmp edi,lightsend ;ecx
jl @b
810,14 → 856,14
calc_bumpmap_coords: ; map texture, bump
;macro .comment222
; ; planar mapping
; mov esi,points
; mov edi,tex_points
; ; planar mapping
; mov esi,points
; mov edi,tex_points
; @@:
; add esi,2
; movsd
; cmp dword[esi],dword -1
; jne @b
; add esi,2
; movsd
; cmp dword[esi],dword -1
; jne @b
; .Pi2 equ dword[ebp-4]
831,8 → 877,8
mov edi,tex_points
movzx ecx,[points_count_var]
inc ecx
; cmp [map_tex_flag],1
; jne .cylindric
; cmp [map_tex_flag],1
; jne .cylindric
; spherical mapping around y axle
839,7 → 885,7
fld dword[esi] ; x coord
fld dword[esi+8] ; z coord
fpatan ; arctg(st1/st)
; fdiv .Pi2
; fdiv .Pi2
fdiv st0,st1
fimul [tex_x_div2]
fiadd [tex_x_div2]
866,26 → 912,26
add edi,4
loop @b
ffree st0
; jmp .end_map
; jmp .end_map
; .cylindric:
; fld dword[esi] ; around y axle
; fld dword[esi+8]
; fpatan
; fdiv st0,st1
; fimul [tex_x_div2]
; fiadd [tex_x_div2]
; fistp word[edi]
; fld dword[esi] ; around y axle
; fld dword[esi+8]
; fpatan
; fdiv st0,st1
; fimul [tex_x_div2]
; fiadd [tex_x_div2]
; fistp word[edi]
; fld dword[esi+4]
; fimul [tex_y_div2]
; fiadd [tex_y_div2]
; fistp word[edi+2]
; fld dword[esi+4]
; fimul [tex_y_div2]
; fiadd [tex_y_div2]
; fistp word[edi+2]
; add esi,12
; add edi,4
; loop .cylindric
; ffree st0
;; mov esp,ebp
; add esi,12
; add edi,4
; loop .cylindric
; ffree st0
;; mov esp,ebp
; .end_map:
905,9 → 951,9
mov edi,envmap
mov dx,- TEX_Y / 2 ;256 ; dx - vertical coordinate = y
mov dx,- TEX_Y / 2 ;256 ; dx - vertical coordinate = y
mov cx,- TEX_X / 2 ;256 ; cx - horizontal coord = x
mov cx,- TEX_X / 2 ;256 ; cx - horizontal coord = x
xor ebx,ebx
mov dword .col_b, 0
979,8 → 1025,8
mov al,byte[esi+15] ; r
push ax
push eax ; earlier - dot pr
; fstp .dot_product
; push .dot_product
; fstp .dot_product
; push .dot_product
call calc_one_col
pop ebp
; eax-0x00rrggbb
1021,7 → 1067,7
do_color_buffer: ; do color buffer for Gouraud, flat shading
;env_map 512 x 512 x 3 bytes ; many lights using
;env_map 512 x 512 x 3 bytes ; many lights using
.temp equ word [ebp-2]
.nz equ dword [ebp-6] ; dword
.ny equ dword [ebp-10]
1036,9 → 1082,9
mov edi,color_map
mov dx,- TEX_Y / 2 ;-256 ; dx - vertical coordinate = y
mov dx,- TEX_Y / 2 ;-256 ; dx - vertical coordinate = y
mov cx,- TEX_X / 2 ;256 ; cx - horizontal coord = x
mov cx,- TEX_X / 2 ;256 ; cx - horizontal coord = x
mov .temp,cx
fild .temp
1103,8 → 1149,8
mov al,byte[esi+15] ; r
push ax
push eax ; earlier - dot pr
; fstp .dot_product
; push .dot_product
; fstp .dot_product
; push .dot_product
call calc_one_col
pop ebp
; eax-0x00rrggbb
1203,7 → 1249,7
push esi
mov esi,ecx
lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[triangles_normals+esi*4]
; lea esi,[triangles_normals+esi*4]
shl esi,2
add esi,[triangles_normals_ptr]
1257,7 → 1303,7
mov ebx,vectors
movzx esi,word[ebp] ; first point index
lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[points+esi*2] ; esi - pointer to 1st 3d point
; lea esi,[points+esi*2] ; esi - pointer to 1st 3d point
shl esi,2
add esi,[points_ptr]
movzx edi,word[ebp+2] ; first point index
1264,9 → 1310,9
lea edi,[edi*3]
shl edi,2
add edi,[points_ptr]
; movzx edi,word[ebp+2] ; second point index
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[points+edi*2] ; edi - pointer to 2nd 3d point
; movzx edi,word[ebp+2] ; second point index
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[points+edi*2] ; edi - pointer to 2nd 3d point
call make_vector_r
add ebx,12
mov esi,edi
1274,7 → 1320,7
lea edi,[edi*3]
shl edi,2
add edi,[points_ptr]
; lea edi,[points+edi*2]
; lea edi,[points+edi*2]
call make_vector_r
mov edi,ebx ; edi - pointer to 2nd vector
mov esi,ebx
1311,7 → 1357,7
mov ax,cx
; cwd
; idiv word[i3]
; idiv word[i3]
movsd ; store vertex coordinates
stosw ; middle vertex coordinate 'z' in triangles_with_z list
1320,8 → 1366,8
movsd ; copy end mark
mov eax,4
lea edx,[edi-8-trizdd]
; lea edx, [edi-8]
; sub edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; lea edx, [edi-8]
; sub edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
mov [high],edx
call quicksort
mov eax,4
1337,10 → 1383,10
lea ecx,[eax+edx]
shr ecx,4
lea ecx,[ecx*8-4];
; mov edi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov ebx,[edi+eax]
; mov esi,[edi+ecx]
; mov edi,[edi+edx]
; mov edi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov ebx,[edi+eax]
; mov esi,[edi+ecx]
; mov edi,[edi+edx]
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]; trizdd[l]
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]; trizdd[i]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx]; trizdd[h]
1356,13 → 1402,13
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
; pop ebx
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm0
1382,17 → 1428,17
mov ebx,[trizdd+eax]
mov edi,[trizdd+edx]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+eax-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+eax-4],mm1
movq mm0,[trizdq+eax-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4]
movq [trizdq+edx-4],mm0
movq [trizdq+eax-4],mm1
; pop ebx
; pop ebx
xchg ebx,edi
end if
1406,13 → 1452,13
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],edi
mov [trizdd+edx-4],esi
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop ebx
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+edx-4]
; movq [ebx+edx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+edx-4]
1433,13 → 1479,13
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ebp-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ebp-4],mm1
; pop ebx
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[ebx+ebp-4]
; movq mm1,[ebx+ecx-4]
; movq [ebx+ecx-4],mm0
; movq [ebx+ebp-4],mm1
; pop ebx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ebp-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ecx-4]
1448,20 → 1494,20
end if
mov ecx,edx ; i; direction
mov ebx,[trizdd+ebp]; trizdd[j]
; mov ebx, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx, ebp
; mov ebx, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx, ebp
; push eax
; mov eax, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
; push eax
; mov eax, [triangles_w_z_ptr]
sub ecx,8 ; direction
cmp [trizdd+ecx],ebx
; cmp [eax+ecx],ebx
; cmp [eax+ecx],ebx
jl .loop ; direction
add ebp,8 ; direction
cmp [trizdd+ebp],ebx
; cmp [eax+ebp],ebx
; cmp [eax+ebp],ebx
jg @b ; direction
cmp ebp,ecx
jge @f ; direction
1475,10 → 1521,10
mov [trizdd+ebp-4],edi
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
; movq mm0,[eax+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[eax+ebp-4]
; movq [eax+ebp-4],mm0
; movq [eax+ecx-4],mm1
; movq mm0,[eax+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[eax+ebp-4]
; movq [eax+ebp-4],mm0
; movq [eax+ecx-4],mm1
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+ebp-4]
movq [trizdq+ebp-4],mm0
1485,7 → 1531,7
movq [trizdq+ecx-4],mm1
end if
jmp .loop
; pop eax
; pop eax
if Ext=NON
mov esi,[trizdd+ecx]
1497,13 → 1543,13
mov [trizdd+eax+4],edi
mov [trizdd+ecx-4],esi
; push edx
; mov edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[edx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[edx+eax+4]; dir
; movq [edx+eax+4],mm0; dir
; movq [edx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop edx
; push edx
; mov edx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[edx+ecx-4]
; movq mm1,[edx+eax+4]; dir
; movq [edx+eax+4],mm0; dir
; movq [edx+ecx-4],mm1
; pop edx
movq mm0,[trizdq+ecx-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+eax+4]; dir
1525,25 → 1571,25
cmp esi,edx
ja .exit
mov ebx,[trizdd+esi]
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx,esi
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; add ebx,esi
if Ext=NON
mov ecx,[trizdd+esi-4]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm1,[ebx+esi-4]
; push ebx
; mov ebx,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm1,[ebx+esi-4]
movq mm1,[trizdq+esi-4]
; pop ebx
; pop ebx
end if
mov edi,esi
cmp edi,eax
jna @f
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; cmp [eax+edi-8],ebx
; pop eax
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; cmp [eax+edi-8],ebx
; pop eax
cmp [trizdd+edi-8],ebx
jg @f ; direction
if Ext=NON
1552,13 → 1598,13
mov ebp,[trizdd+edi-12]
mov [trizdd+edi-4],ebp
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[eax+edi-12]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm0
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq mm0,[eax+edi-12]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm0
movq mm0,[trizdq+edi-12]
movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm0
; pop eax
; pop eax
end if
sub edi,8
jmp @b
1567,11 → 1613,11
mov [trizdd+edi],ebx
mov [trizdd+edi-4],ecx
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm1
; push eax
; mov eax,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; movq [eax+edi-4],mm1
movq [trizdq+edi-4],mm1
; pop eax
; pop eax
end if
jmp .start
1579,8 → 1625,8
; translate triangles_with_z to sorted_triangles
mov esi,triangles_with_z
; mov esi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov edi,sorted_triangles
; mov esi,[triangles_w_z_ptr]
; mov edi,sorted_triangles
mov edi,[triangles_ptr]
if Ext=NON
1596,7 → 1642,7
cmp dword[esi],-1
jne again_copy
; if Ext=MMX
; emms
; emms
; end if
movsd ; copy end mark too
1603,11 → 1649,15
mov edi,screen
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
shr ecx,2
xor eax,eax
if Ext=NON
rep stosd
else if Ext = MMX
pxor mm0,mm0
movq [edi+00],mm0
1617,7 → 1667,24
add edi,32
sub ecx,8
jnc @b
push ecx
mov ecx,edi
and ecx,0x0000000f
rep stosb
pop ecx
and ecx,0xfffffff0
xorps xmm0,xmm0
movaps [edi],xmm0
movaps [edi+16],xmm0
movaps [edi+32],xmm0
movaps [edi+48],xmm0
add edi,64
sub ecx,16
jnz @b
end if
1657,7 → 1724,7
mov [point_index3],ax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add eax,eax
; push ebp
; push ebp
add ebp,eax
mov eax,[ebp]
mov dword[xx3],eax
1666,8 → 1733,8
mov eax,dword[esi] ; don't know MMX
mov dword[point_index1],eax
; shr eax,16
; mov [point_index2],ax
; shr eax,16
; mov [point_index2],ax
mov ax,word[esi+4]
mov [point_index3],ax
movq mm0,[esi]
1686,7 → 1753,7
movq qword[xx1],mm0
movq qword[xx2],mm1
movq qword[xx3],mm2
; emms
; emms
end if ; *********************************
push esi ;
fninit ; DO culling AT FIRST
1699,7 → 1766,7
lea eax,[eax*3]
shl eax,2
add eax,[points_normals_rot_ptr]
; lea eax,[eax+point_normals_rotated]
; lea eax,[eax+point_normals_rotated]
fld dword[eax+8] ; *****************************
fstsw ax ; NORMAL VECTOR
1775,44 → 1842,44
jnz .again_grd_draw
jmp .both_draw
; movzx edi,[point_index3] ;gouraud shading according to light vector
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; movzx edi,[point_index3] ;gouraud shading according to light vector
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; movzx edi,[point_index2]
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; movzx edi,[point_index2]
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; movzx edi,[point_index1]
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; movzx edi,[point_index1]
; lea edi,[edi*3]
; lea edi,[4*edi+point_normals_rotated] ; edi - normal
; mov esi,light_vector
; call dot_product
; fabs
; fimul [orginal_color_r]
; fistp [temp_col]
; and [temp_col],0x00ff
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
; push [temp_col]
cmp [catmull_flag],1 ; put on stack z coordinate if necessary
jne @f
1852,7 → 1919,7
lea edi,[screen]
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; lea esi,[Z_buffer]
; lea esi,[Z_buffer]
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
call gouraud_triangle_z
jmp .end_draw
1898,17 → 1965,17
; mov ax,[zz1] ; z position depend draw
; add ax,[zz2]
; add ax,[zz3]
; cwd
; idiv [i3] ; = -((a+b+c)/3+130)
; add ax,130
; neg al
; xor edx,edx
; mov ah,al ;set color according to z position
; shl eax,8
; mov edx,eax
; mov ax,[zz1] ; z position depend draw
; add ax,[zz2]
; add ax,[zz3]
; cwd
; idiv [i3] ; = -((a+b+c)/3+130)
; add ax,130
; neg al
; xor edx,edx
; mov ah,al ;set color according to z position
; shl eax,8
; mov edx,eax
mov eax,dword[xx1]
ror eax,16
1916,11 → 1983,11
ror ebx,16
mov ecx,dword[xx3]
ror ecx,16
; mov edi,screen
; mov edi,screen
lea edi,[screen]
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; lea esi,[Z_buffer]
; lea esi,[Z_buffer]
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
push word[zz3]
push word[zz2]
1948,17 → 2015,17
shl eax,2
add eax,[points_normals_rot_ptr] ;point_normals_rotated
; #
; fld dword[eax]
; fmul dword[eax+4]
; fld1
; fld1
; faddp
; fmulp
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi]
; mov word[edi+2],0
;; fistp word[edi+2]
; fld dword[eax]
; fmul dword[eax+4]
; fld1
; fld1
; faddp
; fmulp
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi]
; mov word[edi+2],0
;; fistp word[edi+2]
; # last change
; texture x=(rotated point normal -> x * 255)+255
fld dword[eax]
1985,7 → 2052,7
mov esi,envmap
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; mov edx,Z_buffer
; mov edx,Z_buffer
mov edx,[Zbuffer_ptr]
call tex_triangle_z
jmp .end_draw
2021,18 → 2088,18
fiadd [correct_tex]
fistp word[edi]
mov word[edi+2],0
; fistp word[edi+2]
; fistp word[edi+2]
; # last change
; ; texture x=(rotated point normal -> x * 255)+255
; fld dword[eax]
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi]
; ; texture y=(rotated point normal -> y * 255)+255
; fld dword[eax+4]
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi+2]
; ; texture x=(rotated point normal -> x * 255)+255
; fld dword[eax]
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi]
; ; texture y=(rotated point normal -> y * 255)+255
; fld dword[eax+4]
; fimul [correct_tex]
; fiadd [correct_tex]
; fistp word[edi+2]
; # end of last ch.
add edi,4
add esi,2
2044,11 → 2111,11
ror ebx,16
mov ecx,dword[xx3]
ror ecx,16
mov edi,screen
mov edi,[screen_ptr]
mov esi,envmap_cub
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; mov edx,Z_buffer
; mov edx,Z_buffer
mov edx,[Zbuffer_ptr]
call tex_triangle_z
jmp .end_draw
2062,7 → 2129,7
; fninit
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; push Z_buffer
; push Z_buffer
push [Zbuffer_ptr]
push [zz3]
push [zz2]
2099,17 → 2166,17
movzx esi,[point_index2]
shl esi,2
add esi,tex_points
; lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2]
; lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2]
push dword[esi]
; push dword[xx2]
; push dword[xx2]
movzx esi,[point_index1]
shl esi,2
add esi,tex_points
; lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2]
; lea esi,[esi*3]
; lea esi,[points+2+esi*2]
push dword[esi]
; push dword[xx1]
; push dword[xx1]
mov eax,dword[xx1]
ror eax,16
2161,47 → 2228,47
mov esi,texmap
cmp [catmull_flag],0
je @f
; mov edx,Z_buffer
; mov edx,Z_buffer
mov edx,[Zbuffer_ptr]
call tex_triangle_z
; call tex_plus_grd_trianlgle
; call tex_plus_grd_trianlgle
jmp .end_draw
call tex_triangle
jmp .end_draw
; .ray:
; grd_triangle according to points index
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz3] ; spot light with attenuation
; grd_triangle according to points index
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz3] ; spot light with attenuation
; @@:
; movzx eax,[point_index3] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0x00rr00gg00bb..
; lea eax,[3*eax+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz2]
; movzx eax,[point_index3] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0x00rr00gg00bb..
; lea eax,[3*eax+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz2]
; @@:
; movzx eax,[point_index2] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0x00rr00gg00bb..
; lea eax,[eax*3+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz1]
; movzx eax,[point_index2] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0x00rr00gg00bb..
; lea eax,[eax*3+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; cmp [catmull_flag],0
; je @f
; push [zz1]
; @@:
; movzx eax,[point_index1] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0xrr00gg00bb00..
; lea eax,[eax*3+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; jmp .both_draw
; movzx eax,[point_index1] ; env_map - points color list
; shl eax,1 ; each color as word, 0xrr00gg00bb00..
; lea eax,[eax*3+bumpmap]
; push word[eax]
; push word[eax+2]
; push word[eax+4]
; jmp .both_draw
.grd_tex: ; smooth shading + texture
push ebp
2386,9 → 2453,9
add esi,2
loop @b
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 1 ; emap coords
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 1
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 127
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 1 ; emap coords
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 1
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 127
movzx esi,[point_index3] ; bump map coords
shl esi,2
2404,9 → 2471,9
add esi,tex_points
push dword[esi]
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 127
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 127
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 1 ; bump coords
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 127
; push dword 127 shl 16 + 127
; push dword 1 shl 16 + 1 ; bump coords
mov eax,dword[xx1]
ror eax,16
2455,11 → 2522,11
dec ecx
jnz .again_line_param
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter] ; I mean chosing overlapped edges.
; mov bl,[eax] ;
; test bl,00000001b ;
; jz @f ;
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter] ; I mean chosing overlapped edges.
; mov bl,[eax] ;
; test bl,00000001b ;
; jz @f ;
mov edi,screen
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
2489,11 → 2556,11
call smooth_line
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter]
; mov bl,[eax]
; test bl,00000010b
; jz @f
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter]
; mov bl,[eax]
; test bl,00000010b
; jz @f
mov edi,screen
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
2525,11 → 2592,11
call smooth_line
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter] ;
; mov bl,[eax] ;
; test bl,00000100b ;
; jz @f ;
; mov eax,[edges_ptr] ; this not works correctly
; add eax,[edges_counter] ;
; mov bl,[eax] ;
; test bl,00000100b ;
; jz @f ;
mov edi,screen
mov esi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
2572,13 → 2639,35
mov eax,0x70000000
; mov edi,Z_buffer
mov edi,[Zbuffer_ptr]
mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx ebx,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,ebx
if Ext>=SSE2
movd xmm0,eax
shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
push ecx
mov ecx,edi
and edi,0xffffff00
and ecx,0x000000ff
mov edx,ecx
rep stosd
pop ecx
sub ecx,edx
movaps [edi],xmm0
movaps [edi+16],xmm0
movaps [edi+32],xmm0
movaps [edi+48],xmm0
add edi,64
sub ecx,16
jnc @b
rep stosd
end if
read_tp_variables: ; read [triangles_count_var] and [points_count_var]
read_tp_variables: ; read [triangles_count_var] and [points_count_var]
; and allocate memory
xor ebx,ebx
xor ebp,ebp
2650,7 → 2739,7
add ebx,6
add esi,12
; dec ecx
; dec ecx
loop @b
2668,7 → 2757,7
add esi,8
dec ecx
jnz @b
; xor ecx,ecx
; xor ecx,ecx
add ebp,edx
jmp .find4k
mov eax,-1 ;<---mark if OK
2689,11 → 2778,11
end if
cmp [esi],word 4D4Dh
jne .exit ;Must be legal .3DS file
; cmp dword[esi+2],EndFile-SourceFile
; jne .exit ;This must tell the length
; cmp dword[esi+2],EndFile-SourceFile
; jne .exit ;This must tell the length
mov eax,dword[esi+2]
; cmp eax,[fsize]
; jne .exit
; cmp eax,[fsize]
; jne .exit
add eax,esi
mov [EndFile],eax ;
2750,12 → 2839,12
push dword[esi+0]
pop dword[edi+ebx*2+8]
pop edi
; fld dword[esi+4]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+0] ; x
; fld dword[esi+8]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+4] ; y
; fld dword[esi+0]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+8] ; z
; fld dword[esi+4]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+0] ; x
; fld dword[esi+8]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+4] ; y
; fld dword[esi+0]
; fstp dword[real_points+ebx*2+8] ; z
add ebx,6
add esi,12
2762,7 → 2851,7
dec ecx
jnz @b
; mov dword[points+ebx],-1
; mov dword[points+ebx],-1
push edi
mov edi,[points_ptr]
mov dword[edi+ebx*2],-1 ; end mark (not always in use)
2776,7 → 2865,7
movzx ecx,word[esi+6]
add [triangles_count_var],cx
add esi,8
;mov edi,triangles
;mov edi,triangles
2812,28 → 2901,28
int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to triangles
mov [triangles_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
; mov eax, 68
; movzx ecx, [triangles_count_var]
; inc ecx
; mov edx,[edges_ptr]
; int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to edges
; mov [edges_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
; mov eax, 68
; movzx ecx, [triangles_count_var]
; inc ecx
; mov edx,[edges_ptr]
; int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to edges
; mov [edges_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
; mov eax,-1 ; fill edges list
; movzx ecx,[triangles_count_var] ; importand if object generated
; shr ecx,2
; inc ecx
; mov edi,[edges_ptr]
; cld
; rep stosd
; mov eax,-1 ; fill edges list
; movzx ecx,[triangles_count_var] ; importand if object generated
; shr ecx,2
; inc ecx
; mov edi,[edges_ptr]
; cld
; rep stosd
; mov eax, 68
; mov ebx, 12
; movzx ecx, [triangles_count_var]
; shl ecx, 4
; int 0x40
; mov [triangles_w_z_ptr], eax ; for trainagles_with_z list
; mov eax, 68
; mov ebx, 12
; movzx ecx, [triangles_count_var]
; shl ecx, 4
; int 0x40
; mov [triangles_w_z_ptr], eax ; for trainagles_with_z list
; ststic memory
mov eax, 68
2853,7 → 2942,7
mov [points_normals_ptr], eax
mov eax, 68
; mov ebx, 12
; mov ebx, 12
movzx ecx, [points_count_var]
lea ecx,[3+ecx*3]
shl ecx, 2
2927,7 → 3016,7
; mov ecx,ebx
; add ecx,MEM_END
; mov ebx,1
; mov eax,64 ; allocate mem - resize app mem
; mov eax,64 ; allocate mem - resize app mem
; for points and triangles
int 0x40
2958,8 → 3047,10
buttons: ; draw some buttons (all but navigation and close )
mov edi,menu
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov bx,[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(10)*65536+62 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ecx,byte[edi] ; button id = position+2
sub cl,2
lea ecx,[ecx*5]
2976,7 → 3067,10
sub bl,2 ; button id, according to position
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
lea ebx,[ebx*5]
add ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov cx,[size_x_var]
shl ecx,16
add ebx,ecx
add ebx,(12)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
lea edx,[edi+1] ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,10 ; text length
2984,14 → 3078,14
cmp byte[edi+11],255 ; if max_flag=255
je @f ; skip
; flag description
; mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
; movzx ebx,byte[edi]
; sub bl,2
; lea ebx,[ebx*3]
; lea ebx,[ebx*5]
; add ebx,(SIZE_X+12+70)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
; mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
; movzx ebx,byte[edi]
; sub bl,2
; lea ebx,[ebx*3]
; lea ebx,[ebx*5]
; add ebx,(SIZE_X+12+70)*65536+28 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
add ebx,70*65536
; mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
; mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
movzx edx,byte[edi+12] ; current flag
shl edx,2 ; * 4 = text length
add edx,dword[edi+13] ; pointer to text beginning
3013,11 → 3107,11
mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window
mov ebx,100*65536;+SIZE_X;+80+30 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,100*65536;+SIZE_Y;+30 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov bx,[size_x]
mov ebx,50*65536;+SIZE_X;+80+30 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,50*65536;+SIZE_Y;+30 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov bx,[size_x_var]
add bx,115
mov cx,[size_y]
mov cx,[size_y_var]
add cx,30
mov edx,0x14000000 ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl
mov edi,labelt ; WINDOW LABEL
3027,20 → 3121,24
.Y_ADD equ 1 ;-> offset of 'add vector' buttons
; ADD VECTOR LABEL ; add vector buttons - 30 ++
; ADD VECTOR LABEL ; add vector buttons - 30 ++
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(168+15*(13+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(12)*65536+(168+15*(13+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelvector ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelvectorend-labelvector ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+30)*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,30*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(165+15*(14+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,30 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3047,18 → 3145,22
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+32)*65536+(168+15*(14+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(32)*65536+(168+15*(14+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelyminus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelyminusend-labelyminus ; text length
cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+51)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(51)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(165+15*(14+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,31 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3065,19 → 3167,23
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+53)*65536+(168+15*(14+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(53)*65536+(168+15*(14+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelzplus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelzplusend-labelzplus ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(10)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(165+15*(15+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,32 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3084,18 → 3190,22
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(168+15*(15+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(12)*65536+(168+15*(15+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelxminus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelxminusend-labelxminus ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+51)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(51)*65536+21 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(165+15*(15+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,33 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3102,18 → 3212,22
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+53)*65536+(168+15*(15+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(53)*65536+(168+15*(15+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelxplus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelxplusend-labelxplus ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(10)*65536+62-41 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(25+140+15*(16+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,34 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3120,18 → 3234,22
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+12)*65536+(168+15*(16+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(12)*65536+(168+15*(16+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelzminus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelzminusend-labelzminus ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+10+20)*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(10+20)*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,(165+15*(16+.Y_ADD))*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,35 ; button id
mov esi,0x6688dd ; button color RRGGBB
3138,13 → 3256,15
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,(SIZE_X+32)*65536+(168+15*(16+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
movzx ebx,word[size_x_var]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,(32)*65536+(168+15*(16+.Y_ADD)) ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x00ddeeff ; font 1 & color ( 0xF0RRGGBB )
mov edx,labelyplus ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labelyplusend-labelyplus ; text length
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; cmp [move_flag],2
; jne @f
; add edx,navigation_size
; @@:
int 0x40
3154,8 → 3274,8
; DATA AREA ************************************
; DATA AREA ************************************
include 'DATA.INC'
align 16