Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 30 → Rev 31

0,0 → 1,835
lang equ ru ; ru en fr ge fi
; Assembler
; Libary
; Ver 0.14 By Pavlushin Evgeni (RUSSIA)
;Please compile aplications on FASM ver1.54 or higer!!!
;0.01 scank,putpix,puttxt
;0.02 label,random,colors
;0.03 window,startwd,endwd,attributes
;0.04 close,delay,scevent ~30.04.2004
;0.05 small random, ~04.05.2004
;0.06 wtevent ~09.05.2004
;0.07 timeevent ~23.05.2004
;0.08 txtput ~14.06.2004
;0.09 opendialog,savedialog ~20.06.2004
;0.10 wordstoreg by halyavin, add at ~30.08.2004
; random bug deleted eax is use.
;0.11 loadfile from me +puttxt bug del ~07.09.2004
;0.12 open/save dialog ~13.09.2004
;0.13 dialogs bugs deleted
;0.14 drawlbut ~03.10.2004
; (SYNTAX) LOADFILE 'full_path_to_file',file_load_area,file_temp_area
; (SAMPLE) LOADFILE '/rd/1/clock.bmp',load_area,temp_area
macro loadfile file_name,file_load_area,file_temp_area
local open,fileinfo,string
jmp open
dd 0
dd 0
dd 1
dd file_load_area
dd file_temp_area
db file_name,0
mov dword [fileinfo+8],1 ; how many blocks to read (1)
mov eax,58
mov ebx,fileinfo
int 0x40
mov eax,[file_load_area+2]
shr eax,9 ; ¯®¤¥«¨¬ ­  512 ¨ ¯à¨¡ ¢¨¬ 1 - ¯®«ã稬 ç¨á«® ¡«®ª®¢
inc eax
mov dword [fileinfo+8],eax
mov eax,58
mov ebx,fileinfo
int 0x40
macro wordstoreg reg,hiword,loword
if hiword eqtype 0 & loword eqtype 0
mov reg,hiword*65536+loword
else if hiword eqtype 12 & loword eqtype eax
mov reg,hiword*65536
add reg,loword
else if hiword eqtype 12 & loword eqtype [123]
mov reg,hiword*65536
add reg,loword
mov reg,hiword
shl reg,16
add reg,loword
end if
; DRAW BUTTON with label
macro drawlbut x,y,xs,ys,text,id,bcolor,tcolor
local asd,lab
jmp asd
lab db text ;arg label
wordstoreg ebx,x,xs
wordstoreg ecx,y,ys
mov edx,id
mov esi,bcolor
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov eax,asd-lab ;calc size
mov ebx,6
mul ebx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,xs
sub eax,esi
shr eax,1
add eax,x
mov edx,ys
sub edx,7
shr edx,1
add edx,y
mov ebx,eax
shl ebx,16
add ebx,edx
mov ecx,tcolor ;arg4 color
mov edx,lab
mov esi,asd-lab ;calc size
mov eax,4
int 0x40
macro opendialog redproc,openoff,erroff,path
local new_d, get_loops, dlg_pid_get, DLGPID, num_of_proc
local run_fileinfo, param
local getmesloop, loox, mred, mkey, mbutton, mgetmes
local dlg_is_work, ready, procinfo
; STEP 1 Run SYSXTREE with parametrs MYPID 4 bytes in dec,
; 1 byte space, 1 byte type of dialog (O - Open ,S - Save)
;; mov esi,path
mov edi,path
mov eax,0
mov ecx,200
rep stosb
;mov [get_loops],0
mov [dlg_pid_get],0
; Get my PID in dec format 4 bytes
mov eax,9
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,-1
int 0x40
; convert eax bin to param dec
mov eax,dword [procinfo+30] ;offset of myPID
mov edi,param+4-1 ;offset to 4 bytes
mov ecx,4
mov ebx,10
xor edx,edx
div ebx
add dl,'0'
mov [edi],dl
dec edi
loop new_d
; wirite 1 byte space to param
mov [param+4],byte 32 ;Space for next parametr
; and 1 byte type of dialog to param
mov [param+5],byte 'O' ;Get Open dialog (Use 'S' for Save dialog)
; STEP2 prepare IPC area for get messages
; prepare IPC area
mov [path],dword 0
mov [path+4],dword 8
; define IPC memory
mov eax,60
mov ebx,1 ; define IPC
mov ecx,path ; offset of area
mov edx,150 ; size 150 bytes
int 0x40
; change wanted events list 7-bit IPC event
mov eax,40
mov ebx,01000111b
int 0x40
; STEP 3 run SYSTEM XTREE with parameters
mov eax,58
mov ebx,run_fileinfo
int 0x40
call redproc
mov [get_loops],0
mov eax,23
mov ebx,50 ;0.5 sec
int 0x40
cmp eax,1
je mred
cmp eax,2
je mkey
cmp eax,3
je mbutton
cmp eax,7
je mgetmes
; Get number of procces
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,-1
mov eax,9
int 0x40
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,9
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,ebp
int 0x40
mov eax,[DLGPID]
cmp [procinfo+30],eax ;IF Dialog find
je dlg_is_work ;jmp to dlg_is_work
dec ebp
jnz loox
jmp erroff
cmp [procinfo+50],word 9 ;If slot state 9 - dialog is terminated
je erroff ;TESTODP2 terminated too
cmp [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
je getmesloop
inc [get_loops]
cmp [get_loops],4 ;2 sec if DLG_PID not get, TESTOP2 terminated
jae erroff
jmp getmesloop
call redproc
jmp getmesloop
mov eax,2
int 0x40 ; read (eax=2)
jmp getmesloop
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne getmesloop
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
; If dlg_pid_get then second message get jmp to still
cmp [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
je ready
; First message is number of PID SYSXTREE dialog
; convert PID dec to PID bin
movzx eax,byte [path+16]
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+1]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+2]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+3]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
mov [DLGPID],eax
; Claear and prepare IPC area for next message
mov [path],dword 0
mov [path+4],dword 8
mov [path+8],dword 0
mov [path+12],dword 0
mov [path+16],dword 0
; Set dlg_pid_get for get next message
mov [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
call redproc ;show DLG_PID
jmp getmesloop
; The second message get
; Second message is 100 bytes path to SAVE/OPEN file
; shl path string on 16 bytes
mov esi,path+16
mov edi,path
mov ecx,200
rep movsb
mov [edi],byte 0
jmp openoff
get_loops dd 0
dlg_pid_get dd 0
dd 0 ; My dec PID
dd 0,0 ; Type of dialog
dd 16
dd 0
dd param
dd 0
dd procinfo ; 0x10000
db '/RD/1/SYSXTREE',0
times 256 db 0
macro savedialog redproc,openoff,erroff,path
local new_d, get_loops, dlg_pid_get, DLGPID, num_of_proc
local run_fileinfo, run_filepath, param
local getmesloop, loox, mred, mkey, mbutton, mgetmes
local dlg_is_work, ready, procinfo
; STEP 1 Run SYSXTREE with parametrs MYPID 4 bytes in dec,
; 1 byte space, 1 byte type of dialog (O - Open ,S - Save)
;; mov esi,path
mov edi,path
mov eax,0
mov ecx,200
rep stosb
;mov [get_loops],0
mov [dlg_pid_get],0
; Get my PID in dec format 4 bytes
mov eax,9
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,-1
int 0x40
; convert eax bin to param dec
mov eax,dword [procinfo+30] ;offset of myPID
mov edi,param+4-1 ;offset to 4 bytes
mov ecx,4
mov ebx,10
xor edx,edx
div ebx
add dl,'0'
mov [edi],dl
dec edi
loop new_d
; wirite 1 byte space to param
mov [param+4],byte 32 ;Space for next parametr
; and 1 byte type of dialog to param
mov [param+5],byte 'S' ;Get Open dialog (Use 'S' for Save dialog)
; STEP2 prepare IPC area for get messages
; prepare IPC area
mov [path],dword 0
mov [path+4],dword 8
; define IPC memory
mov eax,60
mov ebx,1 ; define IPC
mov ecx,path ; offset of area
mov edx,120 ; size 150 bytes
int 0x40
; change wanted events list 7-bit IPC event
mov eax,40
mov ebx,01000111b
int 0x40
; STEP 3 run SYSTEM XTREE with parameters
mov eax,58
mov ebx,run_fileinfo
int 0x40
call redproc
mov [get_loops],0
mov eax,23
mov ebx,50 ;0.5 sec
int 0x40
cmp eax,1
je mred
cmp eax,2
je mkey
cmp eax,3
je mbutton
cmp eax,7
je mgetmes
; Get number of procces
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,-1
mov eax,9
int 0x40
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,9
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,ebp
int 0x40
mov eax,[DLGPID]
cmp [procinfo+30],eax ;IF Dialog find
je dlg_is_work ;jmp to dlg_is_work
dec ebp
jnz loox
jmp erroff
cmp [procinfo+50],word 9 ;If slot state 9 - dialog is terminated
je erroff ;TESTODP2 terminated too
cmp [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
je getmesloop
inc [get_loops]
cmp [get_loops],4 ;2 sec if DLG_PID not get, TESTOP2 terminated
jae erroff
jmp getmesloop
call redproc
jmp getmesloop
int 0x40 ; read (eax=2)
jmp getmesloop
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne getmesloop
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
; If dlg_pid_get then second message get jmp to still
cmp [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
je ready
; First message is number of PID SYSXTREE dialog
; convert PID dec to PID bin
movzx eax,byte [path+16]
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+1]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+2]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
imul eax,10
movzx ebx,byte [path+16+3]
add eax,ebx
sub eax,48
mov [DLGPID],eax
; Claear and prepare IPC area for next message
mov [path],dword 0
mov [path+4],dword 8
mov [path+8],dword 0
mov [path+12],dword 0
mov [path+16],dword 0
; Set dlg_pid_get for get next message
mov [dlg_pid_get],dword 1
call redproc ;show DLG_PID
jmp getmesloop
; The second message get
; Second message is 100 bytes path to SAVE/OPEN file
; shl path string on 16 bytes
mov esi,path+16
mov edi,path
mov ecx,200
rep movsb
mov [edi],byte 0
jmp openoff
get_loops dd 0
dlg_pid_get dd 0
rb 4 ; My dec PID
rb 6 ; Type of dialog
dd 16
dd 0
dd param
dd 0
dd procinfo
db '/RD/1/SYSXTREE',0
times 256 db 0
; RANDOM - generate random count (small)
; (SYNTAX) RANDOM MaxCount,OutArgument
; (SAMPLE) RANDOM 10000,eax
; ( NOTE ) Maxint<65536 ; use random 65536,eax for more combinations
randomuse = 0
macro random arg1,arg2
local rxproc
randomuse = randomuse + 1
jmp rxproc
if defined randomuse & randomuse = 1
jmp rnj
rsx1 dw 0x4321
rsx2 dw 0x1234
; mov eax,arg1
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
mov cx,ax
mov ax,word ptr rsx1
mov bx,word ptr rsx2
mov si,ax
mov di,bx
mov dl,ah
mov ah,al
mov al,bh
mov bh,bl
xor bl,bl
rcr dl,1
rcr ax,1
rcr bx,1
add bx,di
adc ax,si
add bx,0x62e9
adc ax,0x3619
mov word ptr rsx1,bx
mov word ptr rsx2,ax
xor dx,dx
cmp ax,0
je nodiv
cmp cx,0
je nodiv
div cx
mov ax,dx
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
and eax,0000ffffh
; mov arg2,0
; mov arg2,eax
end if
mov eax,arg1
call randomproc
mov arg2,eax
macro scank
mov eax,10
int 0x40
macro putpix x,y,color
mov ebx,x
mov ecx,y
mov edx,color
mov eax,1
int 0x40
macro puttxt x,y,offs,size,color
; mov ebx,x
; shl ebx,16
; add ebx,y
wordstoreg ebx,x,y
mov ecx,color
mov edx,offs
mov esi,size
mov eax,4
int 0x40
macro outcount data, x, y, color, numtype
mov ecx,data
mov ebx,numtype
mov bl,0
; mov edx,x*65536+y
wordstoreg edx,x,y
mov esi,color
mov eax,47
int 0x40
; SCEVENT - Scan event
macro scevent red,key,but
mov eax,11
int 0x40
dec eax
jz red
dec eax
jz key
dec eax
jz but
; WTEVENT - Wait event
macro wtevent red,key,but
mov eax,10
int 0x40
dec eax
jz red
dec eax
jz key
dec eax
jz but
; TIMEEVENT - Wite for event with timeout
macro timeevent xfps,noevent,red,key,but
mov eax,23
mov ebx,xfps
int 0x40
cmp eax,0
je noevent
dec eax
jz red
dec eax
jz key
dec eax
jz but
; CLOSE - Close program
macro close
mov eax,-1
int 0x40
; DELAY - Create delay 1/100 sec
; (SYNTAX) Delay time
; (SAMPLE) Delay 100 ;delay 2 sec 1/100*200=2 sec
macro delay arg1
mov eax,5
mov ebx,arg1
int 0x40
; WINDOW - Draw window
; (SYNTAX) WINDOW Xstart,Ystart,'Text',Color
; (SAMPLE) WINDOW 10,10,640+8,480+24,window_Skinned
macro window arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5
; mov ebx,arg1*65536+arg3
; mov ecx,arg2*65536+arg4
wordstoreg ebx,arg1,arg3
wordstoreg ecx,arg2,arg4
mov edx,arg5
mov eax,0
int 0x40
macro colorwindow arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7
mov ebx,arg1*65536+arg3
mov ecx,arg2*65536+arg4
mov edx,arg5
mov esi,arg6
mov edi,arg7
mov eax,0
int 0x40
; STARTWD - Start of window draw
macro startwd
mov eax,12
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
; ENDWD - End window draw
macro endwd
mov eax,12
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
; LABEL - Put text to frame
; (SYNTAX) LABEL Xstart,Ystart,'Text',Color
; (SAMPLE) LABEL 10,12,'Hello World!',cl_Green+font_Big
macro label arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4
local asd,lab
jmp asd
lab db arg3 ;arg label
; mov ebx,arg1 ;arg1=y arg2=x
; shl ebx,16
; add ebx,arg2
wordstoreg ebx,arg1,arg2
mov ecx,arg4 ;arg4 color
mov edx,lab
mov esi,asd-lab ;calc size
mov eax,4
int 0x40
key_Up equ 178
key_Down equ 177
key_Right equ 179
key_Left equ 176
key_Esc equ 27
key_Space equ 32
key_Enter equ 13
key_Bspace equ 8
key_F1 equ 50
key_F2 equ 51
key_F3 equ 52
key_F4 equ 53
key_F5 equ 54
key_F6 equ 55
key_F7 equ 56
key_F8 equ 57
key_F9 equ 48
key_F10 equ 49
key_F11 equ 68
key_F12 equ 255
key_Home equ 180
key_End equ 181
key_PgUp equ 184
key_PgDown equ 183
;Window Attributes
window_Skinned equ 0x03000000
window_Type2 equ 0x02000000
window_Type1 equ 0x00000000
window_Reserve equ 0x01000000
;Font Attributes
font_Big equ 0x10000000
cl_White equ 0x00ffffff
cl_Black equ 0x00000000
cl_Grey equ 0x00888888
cl_Red equ 0x00ff0000
cl_Lime equ 0x0000ff00
cl_Green equ 0x0000af00
cl_Blue equ 0x000000ff
cl_Purple equ 0x008080ff
cl_Violet equ 0x008040ff
cl_Cyan equ 0x0040e0ff
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,4
@echo lang fix en >
@fasm copyr.asm copyr
0,0 → 1,4
@echo lang fix ru >
@fasm copyr.asm copyr
0,0 → 1,341
; ;
; FILE COPY - system module for copy ;
; files.Prog for SYS X-TREE BROWSER v22 ;
; ;
; Create by Pavlushin Evgeni ;
; homepage ;
; ;
; On base SYSTREE FILE COPIER 1.02 ;
; Ivan Poddubny ;
; ;
;„ ­­ ï ¯à®£  ¥é¥ áëà ï ¨ £«îç­ ï ­® 㦥 ª®¥ ª ª à ¡®â ¥â
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd 0x20000 ; memory for app
dd 0x10000 ; esp
dd param_area , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include ''
include '' ; very useful stuff for MeOS
include ''
STRLEN = 48 ; maximal length of filename
START: ; start of execution
;  à ¬¥âàë:
; ®â 0 ¤® 100 ¯ãâì ª ¨áâ®ç­¨ªã
; ®â 100 ¤® 200 ¯ãâì ª ¯à¨¥¬­¨ªã
;get param
mov eax,15
cmp byte [param_area],0
je err_exit ;source not found
mov eax,16
cmp byte [param_area+100],0
je err_exit ;dest not found
mov ecx,199
mov al,[param_area+ecx]
cmp al,byte 32
jne nor
mov al,byte 0
mov al,[param_area+ecx]
dec ecx
jns cdf
mov ecx,STRLEN - 4
mov al,[param_area+ecx]
mov [source+ecx],al
dec ecx
jns copysp
mov [source+42],byte 0
mov ecx,STRLEN - 4
mov al,[param_area+ecx+100]
mov [destination+ecx],al
dec ecx
jns copydp
mov [destination+42],byte 0
call draw_window
call copy_file
wtevent red,key,button
jmp dexit
call draw_window
jmp dexit
push eax
call draw_window
pop eax
jmp copy_error
; print message now
mov ebp,43
mul ebp
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,4
mov ebx,20*65536+70
mov ecx,0x10ff0000
mov edx,errors ;*8]
add edx,ebp
mov esi,43 ;[errors+edi*8+4]
int 0x40
jmp dexit
; or eax,-1 ; close program
; int 0x40
; copy_file
; This piece of code copies src file to dst file,
; then it pass the control to copy_error routine,
; which returns to the main cycle of the app.
; It's NOT a function! It's reached by direct jump
; from the button handler.
; at first we must get the size of the source file
mov [source_info.blocks],1 ; load only 512 bytes
mov eax,58
mov ebx,source_info
int 0x40
; now eax contains error code
; and ebx contains file size in bytes
test eax,eax ; check if eax is equal to zero (success)
je .ok_getsize ; eax = 0 => continue
cmp eax,6
jna @f
mov eax,7 ; if error code is above 6, it will be 7
cmp eax,5 ; file might be copied successfully altrough
; the system reports an error 5
jne copy_error ; print error code now
; allocate memory
push ebx ; save file size
mov ecx,ebx
add ecx,0x20000 ; size of memory needed = 0x20000+filesize
mov eax,64 ; func 64
mov ebx,1 ; resize application memory
int 0x40
pop ebx ; restore filesize
; check if alloc function failed
test eax,eax ; non-zero value means error
je .ok_memory
mov eax,5 ; error 5 - out of memory
jmp copy_error ; print error code now
; save number of blocks to source_info
shr ebx,9 ; divide by 512
inc ebx ; blocks++
mov [source_info.blocks],ebx
; read the source file
mov eax,58
mov ebx,source_info
int 0x40
; ebx = file size
; save loaded file
mov [dest_info.bytes2write],ebx ; file size in bytes
mov eax,58
mov ebx,dest_info
int 0x40
; check if 58 function failed
test eax,eax
je .ok_write
add eax,7 ; error number += 7
cmp eax,6+7
jna copy_error
mov eax,7+7
jmp copy_error
; return to the initial amount of memory
mov eax,64
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,0x20000
int 0x40
xor eax,eax ; eax = message number (0-OK)
; print strings (source & destination)
mov eax,13
mov ebx,107*65536+STRLEN*6
mov ecx,[ya]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,9
mov edx,0xf2f2f2
int 0x40
mov eax,4
mov ebx,109*65536
add ebx,[ya]
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,[addr]
mov esi,STRLEN
int 0x40
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw
int 0x40
xor eax,eax ; function 0 : define and draw window
mov ebx,160*65536+415 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx,160*65536+90 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx,0x03DDDDDD ; color of work area RRGGBB
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov ecx,0x10ffffff ; color of text RRGGBB
mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length
int 0x40
mov eax,8
mov ebx,105*65536+290
mov ecx,33*65536+12
mov edx,4
mov esi,0xEBEBEB
int 0x40
mov ebx,105*65536+290
mov ecx,49*65536+12
mov edx,5
mov esi,0xEBEBEB
int 0x40
mov esi,source
mov edi,text+14
mov ecx,STRLEN
rep movsb
mov esi,destination
mov edi,text+STRLEN+59-45+14
mov ecx,STRLEN
rep movsb
mov ebx,25*65536+36 ; print filenames
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,text
mov esi,STRLEN+59-45
mov eax,4
int 0x40
add ebx,16
add edx,STRLEN+59-45
cmp [edx],byte 'x'
jnz newline
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw
int 0x40
align 4
times 256 db 0
source_info: ; SOURCE FILEINFO
.mode dd 0 ; read file
.start_block dd 0x0 ; block to read
.blocks dd 0x700 ; num of blocks
.address dd 0x20000
.workarea dd 0x10000
times (STRLEN) db 32
db 0
.mode dd 1 ; write
.notused dd 0x0 ; not used
.bytes2write dd 0 ; bytes to write
.address dd 0x20000
.workarea dd 0x10000
times (STRLEN) db 32
db 0
align 4
addr dd 0x0
ya dd 0x0
temp dd 0
db ' Ž’Š“„€: |®áá¨ï, ‘¥«ï⨭®, ŒŠ Œ®áª¢  , 1 Šãàá '
db ' Š“„€: |  ¢«î設 …¢£¥­¨©, '
db ' '
db 'ŠŽˆŽ‚€ˆ… ”€‰‹€'
db "ä ©« ᪮¯¨à®¢ ­ ãᯥ譮 "
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ­¥ § ¤ ­  ¡ §  ¦¤ "
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ä ©«®¢ ï á¨á⥬  ­¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï"
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ­¥¨§¢¥áâ­ ï ä ©«®¢ ï á¨á⥬  "
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ­¥ § ¤ ­ à §¤¥« ¦¤ "
db "­¥¤®áâ â®ç­® ¯ ¬ï⨠"
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ª®­¥æ ä ©«  "
db "(ç⥭¨¥) ­¥¨§¢¥áâ­ ï ®è¨¡ª  "
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ­¥ § ¤ ­ à §¤¥« ¦¤ "
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ä ©«®¢ ï á¨á⥬  ­¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï"
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ­¥¨§¢¥áâ­ ï ä ©«®¢ ï á¨á⥬  "
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ­¥ § ¤ ­ à §¤¥« ¦¤ "
db "oh shit! "
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ä ©« ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­ "
db "(§ ¯¨áì) ­¥¨§¢¥áâ­ ï ®è¨¡ª  "
db "ãâì ª ¨áâ®ç­¨ªã ¨ ¯à¨¥¬­¨ªã ­¥ 㪠§ ­ë!!! "
db "ãâì ª ¯à¨¥¬­¨ªã ­¥ 㪠§ ­!!! "
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,266
; new application structure
macro meos_app_start
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x01
dd __start
dd __end
dd __memory
dd __stack
if used __params & ~defined __params
dd __params
dd 0x0
end if
dd 0x0
MEOS_APP_START fix meos_app_start
macro code
CODE fix code
macro data
DATA fix data
macro udata
if used __params & ~defined __params
db 0
rb 255
end if
UDATA fix udata
macro meos_app_end
align 32
rb 2048
MEOS_APP_END fix meos_app_end
; macro for defining multiline text data
struc mstr [sstring]
local ssize
virtual at 0
db sstring
ssize = $
end virtual
dd ssize
db sstring
dd -1
; strings
macro sz name,[data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld]
if used name
label name
end if
if used name
db data
end if
if used name
.size = $-name
end if
macro lsz name,[lng,data] { ; from MFAR [mike.dld]
if used name
label name
end if
if (used name)&(lang eq lng)
db data
end if
if used name
.size = $-name
end if
; easy system call macro
macro mpack dest, hsrc, lsrc
if (hsrc eqtype 0) & (lsrc eqtype 0)
mov dest, (hsrc) shl 16 + lsrc
if (hsrc eqtype 0) & (~lsrc eqtype 0)
mov dest, (hsrc) shl 16
add dest, lsrc
mov dest, hsrc
shl dest, 16
add dest, lsrc
end if
end if
macro __mov reg,a,b { ; mike.dld
if (~a eq)&(~b eq)
mpack reg,a,b
else if (~a eq)&(b eq)
mov reg,a
end if
macro mcall a,b,c,d,e,f { ; mike.dld
__mov eax,a
__mov ebx,b
__mov ecx,c
__mov edx,d
__mov esi,e
__mov edi,f
int 0x40
; optimize the code for size
__regs fix <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
macro add arg1,arg2
if (arg2 eqtype 0)
if (arg2) = 1
inc arg1
add arg1,arg2
end if
add arg1,arg2
end if
macro sub arg1,arg2
if (arg2 eqtype 0)
if (arg2) = 1
dec arg1
sub arg1,arg2
end if
sub arg1,arg2
end if
macro mov arg1,arg2
if (arg1 in __regs) & (arg2 eqtype 0)
if (arg2) = 0
xor arg1,arg1
else if (arg2) = 1
xor arg1,arg1
inc arg1
else if (arg2) = -1
or arg1,-1
else if (arg2) > -128 & (arg2) < 128
push arg2
pop arg1
mov arg1,arg2
end if
mov arg1,arg2
end if
macro struct name
virtual at 0
name name
sizeof.#name = $ - name
end virtual
; structures used in MeOS
struc process_information
.cpu_usage dd ? ; +0
.window_stack_position dw ? ; +4
.window_stack_value dw ? ; +6
.not_used1 dw ? ; +8
.process_name rb 12 ; +10
.memory_start dd ? ; +22
.used_memory dd ? ; +26
.PID dd ? ; +30
.x_start dd ? ; +34
.y_start dd ? ; +38
.x_size dd ? ; +42
.y_size dd ? ; +46
.slot_state dw ? ; +50
rb (1024-52)
struct process_information
struc system_colors
.frame dd ?
.grab dd ?
.grab_button dd ?
.grab_button_text dd ?
.grab_text dd ?
.work dd ?
.work_button dd ?
.work_button_text dd ?
.work_text dd ?
.work_graph dd ?
struct system_colors
; constants
; events
EV_KEY = 2
EV_IPC = 7
; event mask bits for function 40
EVM_KEY = 10b
EVM_EXIT = 1000b
EVM_MOUSE = 100000b
EVM_IPC = 1000000b
EVM_STACK = 10000000b
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property