Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 8068 → Rev 8069

19,30 → 19,30
fld dword[ebx+GLVertex.pc+offs_X] ;st0 = v.pc.X
fmul st0,st1
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_scale+offs_X]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_trans+offs_X]
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.scale+offs_X]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.trans+offs_X]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp] ;v.zp.x = st0, st0 = st1
fld dword[ebx+GLVertex.pc+offs_Y] ;st0 = v.pc.Y
fmul st0,st1
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Y]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Y]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_y] ;v.zp.y = st0, st0 = st1
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.scale+offs_Y]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.trans+offs_Y]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.y] ;v.zp.y = st0, st0 = st1
fld dword[ebx+GLVertex.pc+offs_Z] ;st0 = v.pc.Z
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Z]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Z]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_z] ;v.zp.z = st0, st0 = st1
fmul dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.scale+offs_Z]
fadd dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.trans+offs_Z]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.z] ;v.zp.z = st0, st0 = st1
; color
cmp dword[eax+GLContext.lighting_enabled],0 ;if (context.lighting_enabled)
je @f
lea ecx,[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_b]
lea ecx,[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.b]
push ecx
add ecx,offs_zbup_g-offs_zbup_b
add ecx,ZBufferPoint.g-ZBufferPoint.b
push ecx
add ecx,offs_zbup_r-offs_zbup_g
add ecx,ZBufferPoint.r-ZBufferPoint.g
push ecx
stdcall RGBFtoRGBI, dword[ebx+GLVertex.color],dword[ebx+GLVertex.color+4],dword[ebx+GLVertex.color+8]
jmp .end_if
50,11 → 50,11
; no need to convert to integer if no lighting : take current color
mov ecx,[eax+GLContext.longcurrent_color]
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_r],ecx
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.r],ecx
mov ecx,[eax+GLContext.longcurrent_color+4]
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_g],ecx
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.g],ecx
mov ecx,[eax+GLContext.longcurrent_color+8]
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_b],ecx
mov dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.b],ecx
; texture
66,12 → 66,12
fild dword[eax+offs_text_images+offs_imag_s_bound]
fmul dword[ebx+GLVertex.tex_coord+offs_X]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_s]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.s]
;v.zp.s=(int)(v.tex_coord.X * im.s_bound)
fild dword[eax+offs_text_images+offs_imag_t_bound]
fmul dword[ebx+GLVertex.tex_coord+offs_Y]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_t]
fistp dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.t]
;v.zp.t=(int)(v.tex_coord.Y * im.t_bound)
117,7 → 117,7
mov eax,[context]
cmp dword[eax+GLContext.render_mode],GL_SELECT
jne .els
stdcall gl_add_select, eax,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_z],dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_z] ;p0.zp.z,p0.zp.z
stdcall gl_add_select, eax,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.z],dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.z] ;p0.zp.z,p0.zp.z
jmp @f
align 4
286,8 → 286,8
;if ( (p1.clip_code | p2.clip_code) == 0)
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.render_mode],GL_SELECT ;if (context.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
jne .els_1
stdcall gl_add_select1, edx,dword[edi+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_z],\
stdcall gl_add_select1, edx,dword[edi+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.z],\
jmp .end_f
align 4
425,20 → 425,20
stdcall gl_transform_to_viewport, edx,eax
sub eax,sizeof.GLVertex ;eax = &q1
lea ebx,[eax+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_b]
lea ebx,[eax+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.b]
push ebx
add ebx,offs_zbup_g-offs_zbup_b
add ebx,ZBufferPoint.g-ZBufferPoint.b
push ebx
add ebx,offs_zbup_r-offs_zbup_g
add ebx,ZBufferPoint.r-ZBufferPoint.g
push ebx
stdcall RGBFtoRGBI, dword[eax+GLVertex.color],dword[eax+GLVertex.color+4],dword[eax+GLVertex.color+8]
add eax,sizeof.GLVertex ;eax = &q2
lea ebx,[eax+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_b]
lea ebx,[eax+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.b]
push ebx
add ebx,offs_zbup_g-offs_zbup_b
add ebx,ZBufferPoint.g-ZBufferPoint.b
push ebx
add ebx,offs_zbup_r-offs_zbup_g
add ebx,ZBufferPoint.r-ZBufferPoint.g
push ebx
stdcall RGBFtoRGBI, dword[eax+GLVertex.color],dword[eax+GLVertex.color+4],dword[eax+GLVertex.color+8]
637,11 → 637,11
or eax,eax ;if (q.clip_code==0)
jnz @f
stdcall gl_transform_to_viewport,[context],edi
lea eax,[edi+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_b]
lea eax,[edi+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.b]
push eax
add eax,offs_zbup_g-offs_zbup_b
add eax,ZBufferPoint.g-ZBufferPoint.b
push eax
add eax,offs_zbup_r-offs_zbup_g
add eax,ZBufferPoint.r-ZBufferPoint.g
push eax
stdcall RGBFtoRGBI, dword[edi+GLVertex.color],dword[edi+GLVertex.color+4],dword[edi+GLVertex.color+8]
672,21 → 672,21
;or edi,___ - было выше
jnz .els_0
;if (co==0)
mov edi,dword[edx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_x]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_x]
mov edi,dword[edx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov dword[norm],edi ;p2.x-p0.x
fild dword[norm]
mov edi,dword[ecx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_y]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_y]
mov edi,dword[ecx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov dword[norm],edi ;p1.y-p0.y
fimul dword[norm]
mov edi,dword[ecx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_x]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_x]
mov edi,dword[ecx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov dword[norm],edi ;p1.x-p0.x
fild dword[norm]
mov edi,dword[edx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_y]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+offs_zbup_y]
mov edi,dword[edx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub edi,dword[ebx+GLVertex.zp+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov dword[norm],edi ;p2.y-p0.y
fimul dword[norm]
78,7 → 78,7
jge @f
mov eax,120 ;min size
sub eax,42
sub eax,43
mov ebx,dword[]
cmp ebx,200
jge @f
91,16 → 91,23
align 16
call draw_3d
cmp dword[stop],1
je @f
stdcall Fps, 365,4
stdcall Fps, 365,4
mov dword[esp-4],eax
fild dword[esp-4]
fmul dword[a2]
fadd dword[a1]
fadd dword[angle]
fstp dword[angle]
mov dword[esp-4],eax
fild dword[esp-4]
fmul dword[a2]
fadd dword[a1]
fadd dword[angle]
fstp dword[angle]
jmp .end0
align 4
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
156,7 → 163,7
mcall SF_CREATE_WINDOW,(50 shl 16)+409,(30 shl 16)+425,0x33404040,,title1
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,(338 shl 16)+4,0xc0c0c0,fps, fps.end-fps
179,7 → 186,7
fld dword[scale]
fdiv dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,61 ;=
jne @f
186,7 → 193,7
fld dword[scale]
fdiv dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,45 ;-
jne @f
193,14 → 200,19
fld dword[scale]
fmul dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,112 ;P
jne @f
xor dword[stop],1
jmp still
cmp ah,178 ;Up
jne @f
fld dword[view_rotx]
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[view_rotx]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,177 ;Down
jne @f
207,7 → 219,7
fld dword[view_rotx]
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[view_rotx]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,176 ;Left
jne @f
214,7 → 226,7
fld dword[view_roty]
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[view_roty]
call draw_3d
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
221,7 → 233,7
fld dword[view_roty]
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[view_roty]
call draw_3d
jmp still
jmp still
237,10 → 249,10
align 4
title1: db 'TinyGL in KolibriOS'
.end: db 0
title2: db 'F full screen'
;title2: db 'F full screen'
;.end: db 0
title3: db 'ESC - exit, Arrow keys - rotate, +/- zoom, P - pause'
.end: db 0
title3: db 'ESC - exit Arrow keys - rotate +/- zoom'
.end: db 0
fps: db 'FPS:'
.end: db 0
248,19 → 260,19
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
call [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glScalef], [scale], [scale], [scale]
stdcall [glRotatef], [view_rotx], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
stdcall [glRotatef], [view_roty], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
stdcall [glRotatef], [view_rotz], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
call [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glTranslatef], -3.0, -2.0, 0.0
stdcall [glRotatef], [angle], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glCallList],[gear1]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
call [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glTranslatef], 3.1, -2.0, 0.0
push dword 1.0
push dword 0.0
277,9 → 289,9
sub esp,4
call [glRotatef] ;, -2.0*angle-9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glCallList],[gear2]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
call [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glTranslatef], -3.1, 4.2, 0.0
push dword 1.0
push dword 0.0
296,11 → 308,11
sub esp,4
call [glRotatef] ;, -2.0*angle-25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glCallList],[gear3]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
; count++;
; if (count==limit) {
330,6 → 342,7
limit dd ?
count dd 1
stop dd 0 ;пауза
; Draw a gear wheel. You'll probably want to call this function when
33,7 → 33,7
align 16
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
71,6 → 71,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
79,6 → 80,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
;jmp still
jmp still
32,7 → 32,7
align 16
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
70,6 → 70,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
78,6 → 79,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
;jmp still
jmp still
114,7 → 116,7
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.636,-0.636, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.9, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.636, 0.636, 0.1
stdcall [glEnd]
call [glEnd]
stdcall [glBegin],GL_LINE_LOOP
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.0, 1.1, 0.1
125,7 → 127,7
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.778, -0.778, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -2.1, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.778, 0.778, 0.1
stdcall [glEnd]
call [glEnd]
call [glPopMatrix]
62,7 → 62,7
align 16
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
100,6 → 100,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
108,6 → 109,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
;jmp still
jmp still
134,7 → 136,7
stdcall [glCallList],[obj1]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
align 4
34,7 → 34,7
align 16
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
72,6 → 72,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
80,6 → 81,7
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
;jmp still
jmp still
126,9 → 128,9
stdcall [glColor3f],1.0, 1.0, 1.0
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.25, 0.433, 0.1
stdcall [glEnd]
call [glEnd]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
angle_z dd 15.0
1,16 → 1,13
org 0x0
org 0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x1
dd start
dd i_end
dd mem,stacktop
dd 0,cur_dir_path
dd 1,start,i_end,mem,stacktop,0,cur_dir_path
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../../programs/develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../'
include '../../../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../../../'
include '../'
19,10 → 16,10
load_library name_tgl, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_path, \
err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, import_lib_tinygl, err_message_import, head_f_i
cmp eax,-1
jz button.exit
mcall 40,0x27
stdcall [kosglMakeCurrent], 10,10,300,225,ctx1
stdcall [glEnable], GL_DEPTH_TEST
37,9 → 34,9
call draw_window
align 4
align 16
mcall 10
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
51,19 → 48,19
align 4
mcall 12,1
mov edx,0x33ffffff ;0x73ffffff
mcall 0,(50 shl 16)+330,(30 shl 16)+275,,,caption
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
mcall SF_CREATE_WINDOW,(50 shl 16)+330,(30 shl 16)+275,,,caption
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
mcall 12,2
align 4
mcall 2
mcall SF_GET_KEY
cmp ah,27 ;Esc
je button.exit
74,7 → 71,8
fadd dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,45 ;-
jne @f
82,7 → 80,8
fsub dword[delt_sc]
fstp dword[scale]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,178 ;Up
jne @f
90,7 → 89,8
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_y]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,177 ;Down
jne @f
98,7 → 98,8
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_y]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,176 ;Left
jne @f
106,7 → 107,8
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
114,7 → 116,8
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
call [kosglSwapBuffers]
;jmp still
jmp still
121,19 → 124,16
align 4
mcall 17
cmp ah,1
jne still
stdcall [gluDeleteQuadric], [qObj]
mcall -1
align 4
caption db 'Test gluSphere, [Esc] - exit, [<-],[->],[Up],[Down] - rotate',0
align 4
ctx1 db 28 dup (0) ;TinyGLContext or KOSGLContext
;sizeof.TinyGLContext = 28
align 4
141,7 → 141,7
stdcall [glColor3f], 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
call [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glTranslatef], 0.0,0.0,0.5
stdcall [glScalef], [scale], [scale], [scale]
156,9 → 156,10
stdcall [glColor3f], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glTranslatef], 3.2,0.0,0.0
stdcall [gluSphere], [qObj], 0.55, 8,8
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
call [glPopMatrix]
align 4
qObj dd 0
scale dd 0.4
186,14 → 187,18
system_path db '/sys/lib/'
name_tgl db 'tinygl.obj',0
err_message_found_lib db 'Sorry I cannot load library tinygl.obj',0
head_f_l db 'System error',0
err_message_import db 'Error on load import library tinygl.obj',0
head_f_l db '"System error',0
err_message_import db 'Error on load import library ',39,'tinygl.obj',39,'" -tE',0
err_message_found_lib db 'Sorry I cannot load library ',39,'tinygl.obj',39,'" -tE',0
align 16
rb 1024
ctx1 db 28 dup (0) ;TinyGLContext or KOSGLContext
;sizeof.TinyGLContext = 28
rb 2048
rb 4096
41,13 → 41,13
; viewport
xor eax,eax
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xmin],eax
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ymin],eax
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbuf_xsize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xsize],eax
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbuf_ysize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ysize],eax
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_updated],1
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xmin],eax
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ymin],eax
mov eax,[ecx+ZBuffer.xsize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize],eax
mov eax,[ecx+ZBuffer.ysize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize],eax
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.updated],1
; shared state
stdcall initSharedState,edx
40,22 → 40,16
align 4
proc gl_resize_viewport uses ebx ecx edx edi esi, context:dword, xsize_ptr:dword, ysize_ptr:dword
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,[xsize_ptr] ; ecx = &xsize
mov edi,[ecx] ; edi = xsize
mov esi,[ysize_ptr] ; esi = &ysize
mov esi,[esi] ; esi = ysize
; we ensure that xsize and ysize are multiples of 2 for the zbuffer.
; TODO: find a better solution
and edi, not 3
and esi, not 3
cmp edi,0
jne @f
cmp esi,0
jne @f
xor eax,eax
or edi,edi
jnz @f
or esi,esi
jnz @f
mov eax,-1
jmp .end_f
68,10 → 62,10
mov ebx,[context]
mov edx,[ebx+GLContext.opaque] ; edx = (TinyGLContext *)context.opaque
mov [edx+4],edi
mov [edx+12],edi ;d_x = xsize
mov [edx+8],esi
mov [edx+16],esi ;d_y = ysize
mov [edx+TinyGLContext.xsize],edi
mov [edx+TinyGLContext.d_x],edi
mov [edx+TinyGLContext.ysize],esi
mov [edx+TinyGLContext.d_y],esi
; resize the Z buffer
stdcall ZB_resize, dword[ebx+GLContext.zb],0,edi,esi
87,13 → 81,13
jne .end_f
; create the TinyGL context
mov ecx,[win_x0]
mov [ebx+20],ecx ;ctx.x = win_x0
mov [ebx+TinyGLContext.x],ecx
mov ecx,[win_y0]
mov [ebx+24],ecx ;ctx.y = win_y0
mov [ebx+TinyGLContext.y],ecx
mov ecx,[win_x]
mov [ebx+12],ecx ;ctx.d_x = win_x
mov [ebx+TinyGLContext.d_x],ecx
mov ecx,[win_y]
mov [ebx+16],ecx ;ctx.d_y = win_y
mov [ebx+TinyGLContext.d_y],ecx
; currently, we only support 16 bit rendering
xor eax,eax
116,8 → 110,8
mov dword[eax+GLContext.gl_resize_viewport],gl_resize_viewport
; set the viewport : we force a call to gl_resize_viewport
dec dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xsize]
dec dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ysize]
dec dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize]
dec dword[eax+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize]
stdcall glViewport, 0, 0, [win_x], [win_y]
132,15 → 126,15
; retrieve the current TinyGLContext
call gl_get_context
mov ebx,[eax+GLContext.zb]
mov ebx,[ebx+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
mov ebx,[ebx+ZBuffer.pbuf]
mov esi,[eax+GLContext.opaque] ;esi = &context.opaque
mov eax,7
mov ecx,[esi+12] ;d_x
mov eax,SF_PUT_IMAGE
mov ecx,[esi+TinyGLContext.d_x]
shl ecx,16
mov cx,[esi+16] ;d_y
mov edx,[esi+20] ;x
mov cx,word[esi+TinyGLContext.d_y]
mov edx,[esi+TinyGLContext.x]
shl edx,16
mov dx,[esi+24] ;y
mov dx,word[esi+TinyGLContext.y]
int 0x40
5,7 → 5,6
db 'gl',`a,' ',c,0
include ''
purge ADD_OP
;указатели на функции ;static void (*op_table_func[])(GLContext *,GLParam *)=
align 4
15,7 → 14,6
dd glop#a
include ''
purge ADD_OP
;число параметров в функциях
align 4
25,7 → 23,6
dd b+1
include ''
purge ADD_OP
;коды функций у которых нет входных параметров
align 4
36,7 → 33,6
end if
include ''
purge ADD_OP
332,19 → 328,13
align 4
proc glEndList uses eax ebx
p dd ?
proc glEndList uses eax
call gl_get_context
; assert(c->compile_flag == 1);
; end of list
mov dword[p],OP_EndList
mov ebx,ebp
sub ebx,4 ;=sizeof(dd)
stdcall gl_compile_op,eax,ebx
stdcall gl_compile_op,eax,op_EndList
mov dword[eax+GLContext.compile_flag],0
mov dword[eax+GLContext.exec_flag],1
23,16 → 23,16
; we may need to resize the zbuffer
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ysize],ecx
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize],ecx
jne @f
mov ecx,[xmin]
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xmin],ecx
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xmin],ecx
jne @f
mov ecx,[ymin]
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ymin],ecx
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ymin],ecx
jne @f
mov ecx,[xsize]
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xsize],ecx
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize],ecx
jne @f
jmp .end_f
70,15 → 70,15
stdcall dbg_print,sz_glViewport,err_5
mov ecx,[xmin]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xmin],ecx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xmin],ecx
mov ecx,[ymin]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ymin],ecx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ymin],ecx
mov ecx,[xsize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_xsize],ecx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.xsize],ecx
mov ecx,[ysize]
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_ysize],ecx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.ysize],ecx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_updated],1
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.updated],1
2,8 → 2,9
public EXPORTS
section '.flat' code readable align 16
include '../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
DEBUG equ 0
85,23 → 86,22
align 4
mov ecx,0x0a ;задается система счисления изменяются регистры ebx,eax,ecx,edx входные параметры eax - число
;преревод числа в ASCII строку входные данные ecx=система счисленя edi адрес куда записывать, будем строку, причем конец переменной
cmp eax,ecx ;сравнить если в eax меньше чем в ecx то перейти на @@-1 т.е. на pop eax
mov ecx,10
cmp eax,ecx
jb @f
xor edx,edx ;очистить edx
div ecx ;разделить - остаток в edx
push edx ;положить в стек
call .str ;перейти на саму себя т.е. вызвать саму себя и так до того момента пока в eax не станет меньше чем в ecx
xor edx,edx
div ecx
push edx
call .str
pop eax
@@: ;cmp al,10 ;проверить не меньше ли значение в al чем 10 (для системы счисленя 10 данная команда - лишная))
cmp edi,esi
jge @f
or al,0x30 ;данная команда короче чем две выше
stosb ;записать элемент из регистра al в ячеку памяти es:edi
mov byte[edi],0 ;в конец строки ставим 0, что-бы не вылазил мусор
or al,0x30
mov byte[edi],0
ret ;пока в стеке храниться кол-во вызовов то столько раз мы и будем вызываться
end if
; ***
156,8 → 156,8
align 4
proc dbg_print, fun:dword, mes:dword
mov eax,63
mov ebx,1
mov eax,SF_BOARD
mov esi,[fun]
85,31 → 85,31
fadd st1,st0 ;st1 = 2.0
fdiv st0,st1 ;st0 = 0.5
fild dword[eax+offs_vpor_xsize]
fild dword[eax+GLViewport.xsize]
fsub st0,st1
fdiv st0,st2
fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_X]
fiadd dword[eax+offs_vpor_xmin]
fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_X]
fst dword[eax+GLViewport.scale+offs_X]
fiadd dword[eax+GLViewport.xmin]
fstp dword[eax+GLViewport.trans+offs_X]
fild dword[eax+offs_vpor_ysize]
fild dword[eax+GLViewport.ysize]
fsub st0,st1
fdiv st0,st2
fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Y]
fst dword[eax+GLViewport.scale+offs_Y]
fiadd dword[eax+offs_vpor_ymin]
fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Y]
fiadd dword[eax+GLViewport.ymin]
fstp dword[eax+GLViewport.trans+offs_Y]
fld dword[zsize]
fsub st0,st1
fdiv st0,st2
fst dword[eax+offs_vpor_scale+offs_Z]
fst dword[eax+GLViewport.scale+offs_Z]
mov dword[zsize],(1 shl ZB_POINT_Z_FRAC_BITS) / 2
fiadd dword[zsize]
fstp dword[eax+offs_vpor_trans+offs_Z]
fstp dword[eax+GLViewport.trans+offs_Z]
197,10 → 197,10
; viewport
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_updated],0 ;if (context.viewport.updated)
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.updated],0 ;if (context.viewport.updated)
je @f
stdcall gl_eval_viewport,edx
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+offs_vpor_updated],0
mov dword[edx+GLContext.viewport+GLViewport.updated],0
; triangle drawing functions
cmp dword[edx+GLContext.render_mode],GL_SELECT
20,15 → 20,13
mov edi,eax
mov eax,[ysize]
mov [edi+offs_zbuf_ysize],eax
mov [edi+ZBuffer.ysize],eax
mov eax,[xsize]
mov [edi+offs_zbuf_xsize],eax
mov [edi+ZBuffer.xsize],eax
imul eax,PSZB
add eax,3
and eax,not 3
mov [edi+offs_zbuf_linesize],eax
mov [edi+ZBuffer.linesize],eax
mov eax,[mode]
mov [edi+offs_zbuf_mode],eax
mov [edi+ZBuffer.mode],eax
cmp eax,ZB_MODE_RGBA
41,7 → 39,7
cmp eax,ZB_MODE_5R6G5B
jne @f
mov dword[edi+offs_zbuf_nb_colors],0
mov dword[edi+ZBuffer.nb_colors],0
jmp .end_s
@@: ;default:
stdcall dbg_print,f_zb_opn,err_3
48,12 → 46,12
jmp .error
mov ecx,[edi+offs_zbuf_xsize]
imul ecx,[edi+offs_zbuf_ysize]
mov ecx,[edi+ZBuffer.xsize]
imul ecx,[edi+ZBuffer.ysize]
shl ecx,1 ;*= sizeof(unsigned short)
stdcall gl_malloc, ecx
mov [edi+offs_zbuf_zbuf],eax
mov [edi+ZBuffer.zbuf],eax
cmp eax,0
jne @f
stdcall dbg_print,f_zb_opn,err_2
60,10 → 58,10
jmp .error
mov dword[edi+offs_zbuf_frame_buffer_allocated],0
mov dword[edi+offs_zbuf_pbuf],0 ;NULL
mov dword[edi+ZBuffer.frame_buffer_allocated],0
mov dword[edi+ZBuffer.pbuf],0 ;NULL
mov dword[edi+offs_zbuf_current_texture],0 ;NULL
mov dword[edi+ZBuffer.current_texture],0 ;NULL
mov eax,edi
jmp .end_f
87,45 → 85,41
proc ZB_resize uses eax ebx ecx edi esi, zb:dword, frame_buffer:dword, xsize:dword, ysize:dword
mov ebx,[zb]
; xsize must be a multiple of 4
mov edi,[xsize]
and edi,not 3
mov esi,[ysize]
mov [ebx+offs_zbuf_xsize], edi
mov [ebx+offs_zbuf_ysize], esi
mov [ebx+ZBuffer.xsize], edi
mov [ebx+ZBuffer.ysize], esi
mov eax,edi
imul eax,PSZB
add eax,3
and eax,not 3
mov [ebx+offs_zbuf_linesize],eax ;zb.linesize = (xsize * PSZB + 3) & ~3
mov [ebx+ZBuffer.linesize],eax ;zb.linesize = (xsize * PSZB + 3) & ~3
mov ecx,edi
imul ecx,esi
shl ecx,1 ;*= sizeof(unsigned short)
stdcall gl_free,dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
stdcall gl_free,dword[ebx+ZBuffer.zbuf]
stdcall gl_malloc,ecx
mov [ebx+offs_zbuf_zbuf],eax
mov [ebx+ZBuffer.zbuf],eax
cmp dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_frame_buffer_allocated],0
cmp dword[ebx+ZBuffer.frame_buffer_allocated],0
je @f
stdcall gl_free,dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
stdcall gl_free,dword[ebx+ZBuffer.pbuf]
cmp dword[frame_buffer],0
jne .els_0
inc esi
imul esi,dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul esi,dword[ebx+ZBuffer.linesize]
stdcall gl_malloc,esi
mov dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_pbuf],eax
mov dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_frame_buffer_allocated],1
mov dword[ebx+ZBuffer.pbuf],eax
mov dword[ebx+ZBuffer.frame_buffer_allocated],1
jmp @f
mov eax,[frame_buffer]
mov dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_pbuf],eax
mov dword[ebx+offs_zbuf_frame_buffer_allocated],0
mov dword[ebx+ZBuffer.pbuf],eax
mov dword[ebx+ZBuffer.frame_buffer_allocated],0
434,11 → 428,12
; count must be a multiple of 4 and >= 4
; count - число пикселей RGB для закраски
; edi, esi
; eax, ecx, edi, esi
align 16
proc memset_RGB24 uses eax ecx, adr:dword, r:dword, g:dword, b:dword, count:dword
proc memset_RGB24, adr:dword, r:dword, g:dword, b:dword, count:dword
mov esi,[adr]
mov eax,[r] ;копируем в буфер первые 12 байт (минимальное число кратное 3 и 4)
mov byte[esi],al
461,17 → 456,20
cmp ecx,1
jle .end_f ;если ширина буфера меньше 12 байт, то выходим
dec ecx
mov edi,esi
add edi,12
lea edi,[esi+12]
mov eax,[esi]
cmp eax,[esi+4]
jne @f
;если r=g и g=b и b=r
mov esi,ecx
shl ecx,2
sub ecx,esi ;ecx*=3
lea ecx,[ecx+2*ecx] ;ecx*=3
rep stosd
mov ecx,[count]
and ecx,3
cmp ecx,0
je .end_f
lea ecx,[ecx+2*ecx] ;ecx*=3
rep stosb
jmp .end_f
align 16
@@: ;если r!=g или g!=b или b!=r
480,6 → 478,12
sub esi,12
loop @b
mov ecx,[count]
and ecx,3
cmp ecx,0
je .end_f
lea ecx,[ecx+2*ecx] ;ecx*=3
rep movsb
494,14 → 498,19
mov eax,[zb]
cmp dword[clear_z],0
je @f
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
imul ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_ysize]
stdcall memset_s, [eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf],[z],ebx
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
imul ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.ysize]
stdcall memset_s, [eax+ZBuffer.zbuf],[z],ebx
cmp dword[clear_color],0
je @f
;color = RGB_TO_PIXEL(r, g, b)
;memset_l(ebx, color, zb->xsize)
end if
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
imul ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.ysize]
push ebx
mov ebx,[b]
shr ebx,8
512,22 → 521,8
mov ebx,[r]
shr ebx,8
push ebx
add esp,16
stdcall memset_RGB24, [eax+ZBuffer.pbuf]
end if
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
mov ecx,[eax+offs_zbuf_ysize]
align 4
;color = RGB_TO_PIXEL(r, g, b)
;memset_l(ebx, color, zb->xsize)
end if
sub esp,16
stdcall memset_RGB24,ebx
end if
add ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
loop .cycle_0
63,6 → 63,7
xsize dd ? ;int
ysize dd ? ;int
linesize dd ? ;int ;line size, in bytes
dd ? ;fix old error offset
mode dd ? ;int
zbuf dd ? ;*unsigned short
78,21 → 79,6
t_bound dd ? ;unsigned int
offs_zbuf_xsize equ 0
offs_zbuf_ysize equ 4
offs_zbuf_linesize equ 8
offs_zbuf_mode equ 16
offs_zbuf_zbuf equ 20
offs_zbuf_pbuf equ 24
offs_zbuf_frame_buffer_allocated equ 28
offs_zbuf_nb_colors equ 32
offs_zbuf_dctable equ 36
offs_zbuf_ctable equ 40
offs_zbuf_current_texture equ 44
offs_zbuf_s_log2 equ 48
offs_zbuf_s_bound equ 52
offs_zbuf_t_bound equ 56
struct ZBufferPoint
x dd ? ;int ;integer coordinates in the zbuffer
y dd ? ;int
107,17 → 93,6
tz dd ? ;float
offs_zbup_x equ 0
offs_zbup_y equ 4
offs_zbup_z equ 8
offs_zbup_s equ 12
offs_zbup_t equ 16
offs_zbup_r equ 20
offs_zbup_g equ 24
offs_zbup_b equ 28
offs_zbup_sz equ 32
offs_zbup_tz equ 36
; ztriangle.c
97,14 → 97,6
updated dd ? ;int
offs_vpor_xmin equ 0
offs_vpor_ymin equ 4
offs_vpor_xsize equ 8
offs_vpor_ysize equ 12
offs_vpor_scale equ 16
offs_vpor_trans equ 28
offs_vpor_updated equ 40
struct GLParamBuffer
next dd ? ;struct GLParamBuffer*
3,27 → 3,27
proc ZB_plot uses eax ebx ecx edx edi, zb:dword, p:dword
mov eax,[zb]
mov ebx,[p]
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
imul ecx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
add ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
imul ecx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
add ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
shl ecx,1
add ecx,[eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edi,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
add ecx,[eax+ZBuffer.zbuf]
mov edx,[eax+ZBuffer.linesize]
imul edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov edi,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
imul edi,PSZB
add edx,edi
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
mov edi,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
add edx,[eax+ZBuffer.pbuf]
mov edi,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
cmp di,word[ecx]
jl .end_f
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
mov byte[edx],ah
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
mov byte[edx+1],ah
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov byte[edx+2],ah
; *pp = RGB_TO_PIXEL(p->r, p->g, p->b);
60,7 → 60,7
push edi
mov ecx,80
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.x]
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
69,7 → 69,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
77,7 → 77,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
85,7 → 85,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
93,10 → 93,10
pop edi
end if
mov ebx,[p1]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,[p2]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
; choose if the line should have its color interpolated or not
cmp ecx,eax
115,7 → 115,7
push edi
mov ecx,80
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.x]
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
124,7 → 124,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
132,7 → 132,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
140,7 → 140,7
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
148,10 → 148,10
pop edi
end if
mov ebx,[p1]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,[p2]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g],dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
; choose if the line should have its color interpolated or not
cmp ecx,eax
24,12 → 24,12
mov eax,[p1]
mov ebx,[p2]
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
cmp [eax+offs_zbup_y], ecx ;if (p1.y > p2.y)
mov ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
cmp [eax+ZBufferPoint.y], ecx ;if (p1.y > p2.y)
jg @f
jl .end_0 ;if (p1.y != p2.y)
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
cmp [eax+offs_zbup_x], ecx ;if (p1.x > p2.x)
mov ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
cmp [eax+ZBufferPoint.x], ecx ;if (p1.x > p2.x)
jle .end_0 ;if (p1.x <= p2.x)
@@: ;if (p1.y > p2.y || (p1.y == p2.y && p1.x > p2.x))
mov [p1],ebx
37,42 → 37,42
mov eax,[zb]
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
mov edx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
mov [sx],edx
mov ecx,[p1]
mov edi,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul edi,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
mov edi,[eax+ZBuffer.linesize]
imul edi,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
imul edx,PSZB
add edi,edx
add edi,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf] ;edi = (zb.pbuf + zb.linesize*p1.y + p1.x*PSZB)
add edi,[eax+ZBuffer.pbuf] ;edi = (zb.pbuf + zb.linesize*p1.y + p1.x*PSZB)
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
imul edx,[sx]
add edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
add edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
shl edx,1
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
add edx,[eax+ZBuffer.zbuf]
mov [pz],edx ;pz = zb.zbuf + (p1.y*sx + p1.x)
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_z]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.z]
mov [z],edx ;z = p1.z
end if
mov ebx,[p2]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
sub eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [d_x],eax ;d_x = p2.x - p1.x
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [d_y],eax ;d_y = p2.y - p1.y
; for 24 bits, we store the colors in different variables
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
shr eax,8
mov [r],eax ;r = p2.r >> 8
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
shr eax,8
mov [g],eax ;g = p2.g >> 8
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
shr eax,8
mov [b],eax ;b = p2.b >> 8
end if
123,12 → 123,12
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov ebx,[p1]
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_z]
cmp eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.z]
cmp eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
jg .mz_0
je .mz_1
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
neg eax
inc eax
xor edx,edx
137,7 → 137,7
inc eax
jmp .mz_2
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
xor edx,edx
div dword[n]
jmp .mz_2
25,12 → 25,12
mov eax,[p1]
mov ebx,[p2]
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
cmp [eax+offs_zbup_y], ecx ;if (p1.y > p2.y)
mov ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
cmp [eax+ZBufferPoint.y], ecx ;if (p1.y > p2.y)
jg @f
jl .end_0 ;if (p1.y != p2.y)
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
cmp [eax+offs_zbup_x], ecx ;if (p1.x > p2.x)
mov ecx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
cmp [eax+ZBufferPoint.x], ecx ;if (p1.x > p2.x)
jle .end_0 ;if (p1.x <= p2.x)
@@: ;if (p1.y > p2.y || (p1.y == p2.y && p1.x > p2.x))
mov [p1],ebx
38,41 → 38,41
mov eax,[zb]
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
mov edx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
mov [sx],edx
mov ecx,[p1]
mov edi,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul edi,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
mov edi,[eax+ZBuffer.linesize]
imul edi,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
imul edx,PSZB
add edi,edx
add edi,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf] ;edi = (zb.pbuf + zb.linesize*p1.y + p1.x*PSZB)
add edi,[eax+ZBuffer.pbuf] ;edi = (zb.pbuf + zb.linesize*p1.y + p1.x*PSZB)
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
imul edx,[sx]
add edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
add edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
shl edx,1
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
add edx,[eax+ZBuffer.zbuf]
mov [pz],edx ;pz = zb.zbuf + (p1.y*sx + p1.x)
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_z]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.z]
mov [z],edx ;z = p1.z
end if
mov ebx,[p2]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
sub eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [d_x],eax ;d_x = p2.x - p1.x
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [d_y],eax ;d_y = p2.y - p1.y
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.r]
shl eax,8
mov [r],eax ;r = p1.r << 8
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.g]
shl eax,8
mov [g],eax ;g = p1.g << 8
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.b]
shl eax,8
mov [b],eax ;b = p1.b << 8
134,12 → 134,12
mov ebx,[p1]
mov ecx,[p2]
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_z]
cmp eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.z]
cmp eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
jg .mz_0
je .mz_1
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
neg eax
inc eax
xor edx,edx
148,7 → 148,7
inc eax
jmp .mz_2
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
xor edx,edx
div dword[n]
jmp .mz_2
159,12 → 159,12
end if
;ebx=&p1, ecx=&p2
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_r]
cmp eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.r]
cmp eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
jg .mr_0
je .mr_1
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
neg eax
inc eax
shl eax,8
174,7 → 174,7
inc eax
jmp .mr_2
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
shl eax,8
xor edx,edx
div dword[n]
184,12 → 184,12
mov [rinc],eax ;rinc=((p2.r-p1.r)<<8)/n
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_g]
cmp eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.g]
cmp eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
jg .mg_0
je .mg_1
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
neg eax
inc eax
shl eax,8
199,7 → 199,7
inc eax
jmp .mg_2
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
shl eax,8
xor edx,edx
div dword[n]
209,12 → 209,12
mov [ginc],eax ;ginc=((p2.g-p1.g)<<8)/n
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_b]
cmp eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.b]
cmp eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
jg .mb_0
je .mb_1
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
neg eax
inc eax
shl eax,8
224,7 → 224,7
inc eax
jmp .mb_2
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
shl eax,8
xor edx,edx
div dword[n]
38,12 → 38,12
mov ecx,[p2]
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_r]
mov [colorR],ah ;colorR=p2.r>>8
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.r]
mov [colorB],ah ;colorB=p2.r>>8
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.g]
mov [colorG],ah ;colorG=p2.g>>8
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_b]
mov [colorB],ah ;colorB=p2.b>>8
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov [colorR],ah ;colorR=p2.b>>8
end if
52,6 → 52,9
macro PUT_PIXEL _a
local .end_0
if _a eq 0
mov ebx,[dzdx]
end if
mov eax,[z]
cmp ax,word[esi+2*_a] ;if (zz >= pz[_a])
59,17 → 62,15
;edi = pp
mov word[esi+2*_a],ax ;пишем в буфер глубины новое значение
mov ax,word[colorB] ;сохраняем colorB и colorG
mov word[edi+3*_a],ax
mov al,[colorR]
mov ah,[colorG]
mov word[edi+3*_a],ax
mov al,[colorB]
mov byte[edi+3*_a +2],al
end if
mov eax,[dzdx]
add [z],eax
add [z],ebx
align 16
76,9 → 77,9
proc ZB_fillTriangleFlat, zb:dword, p0:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword
colorR db ?
colorB db ?
colorG db ?
colorB db ? ;unsigned char
colorR db ? ;unsigned char
color dd ? ;int
end if
106,9 → 107,8
;edi = pp
mov word[esi+2*_a],ax ;пишем в буфер глубины новое значение
mov ebx,[or1]
mov eax,[og1]
mov al,bh
mov al,byte[or1+1]
mov word[edi+3*_a],ax
mov eax,[ob1]
mov byte[edi+3*_a +2],ah
117,12 → 117,14
;pp[_a] = RGB_TO_PIXEL(or1, og1, ob1)
;end if
mov eax,[dzdx]
add [z],eax
mov eax,[dgdx]
add [og1],eax
mov eax,[drdx]
add [or1],eax
if _a eq 0
mov ebx,[dzdx]
mov ecx,[dgdx]
mov edx,[drdx]
end if
add [z],ebx
add [og1],ecx
add [or1],edx
mov eax,[dbdx]
add [ob1],eax
137,13 → 139,13
s_bound:dword, t_bound:dword, s_log2:dword
mov eax,[zb]
mov ebx,[texture]
mov dword[eax+offs_zbuf_current_texture],ebx
mov dword[eax+ZBuffer.current_texture],ebx
mov ebx,[s_log2]
mov dword[eax+offs_zbuf_s_log2],ebx
mov dword[eax+ZBuffer.s_log2],ebx
mov ebx,[s_bound]
mov dword[eax+offs_zbuf_s_bound],ebx
mov dword[eax+ZBuffer.s_bound],ebx
mov ebx,[t_bound]
mov dword[eax+offs_zbuf_t_bound],ebx
mov dword[eax+ZBuffer.t_bound],ebx
153,13 → 155,13
mov eax,[zb]
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_current_texture]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.current_texture]
mov [texture],ebx
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_s_log2]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.s_log2]
mov [s_log2],ebx ;s_log2 = zb.s_log2
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_s_bound]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.s_bound]
mov [s_bound],ebx ;s_bound = zb.s_bound
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_t_bound]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.t_bound]
mov [t_bound],ebx ;t_bound = zb.t_bound
181,7 → 183,7
and eax,[s_bound]
or ebx,eax
imul ebx,3
lea ebx,[ebx+2*ebx]
add ebx,[texture] ;ptr = texture + (((t & 0x3fc00000) | s) >> 14) * 3
mov ax,word[ebx]
mov word[edi+3*_a],ax ;pp[3 * _a]= ptr[0,1]
222,13 → 224,13
mov eax,[zb]
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_current_texture]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.current_texture]
mov [texture],ebx
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_s_log2]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.s_log2]
mov [s_log2],ebx ;s_log2 = zb.s_log2
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_s_bound]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.s_bound]
mov [s_bound],ebx ;s_bound = zb.s_bound
mov ebx,[eax+offs_zbuf_t_bound]
mov ebx,[eax+ZBuffer.t_bound]
mov [t_bound],ebx ;t_bound = zb.t_bound
mov dword[esp-4],NB_INTERP
fild dword[esp-4]
261,7 → 263,7
and eax,[s_bound]
or ebx,eax
imul ebx,3
lea ebx,[ebx+2*ebx]
add ebx,[texture] ;ptr = texture + (((t & 0x3fc00000) | (s & 0x003FC000)) >> 14) * 3
mov ax,word[ebx]
mov word[edi+3*_a],ax ;pp[3 * _a]= ptr[0,1]
119,18 → 119,18
mov ebx,[p0]
mov ecx,[p1]
mov edx,[p2]
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_y]
cmp [ecx+offs_zbup_y],eax ;(2-1)
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.y]
cmp [ecx+ZBufferPoint.y],eax ;(2-1)
jle @f
xchg edx,ecx
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
cmp [ebx+offs_zbup_y],eax ;(1-0)
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
cmp [ebx+ZBufferPoint.y],eax ;(1-0)
jle @f
xchg ecx,ebx
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_y]
cmp [ecx+offs_zbup_y],eax ;(2-1)
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.y]
cmp [ecx+ZBufferPoint.y],eax ;(2-1)
jle @f
xchg edx,ecx
139,18 → 139,18
mov [p2],edx
; we compute dXdx and dXdy for all interpolated values
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [fdx1],eax ;p1.x - p0.x
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [fdy1],eax ;p1.y - p0.y
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_x]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [fdx2],eax ;p2.x - p0.x
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [fdy2],eax ;p2.y - p0.y
fild dword[fdx1]
183,11 → 183,11
fstp dword[fdy2] ;fdy2 *= fz
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_z]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.z]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.z - p0.z
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.z - p0.z
198,11 → 198,11
end if
if INTERP_RGB eq 1
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_r]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.r]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_r]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.r]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.r - p0.r
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.r - p0.r
211,11 → 211,11
;drdy = (int) (fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1)
calc_d1d2 fi, drdx, drdy
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_g]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.g]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_g]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.g]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.g - p0.g
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.g - p0.g
224,11 → 224,11
;dgdy = (int) (fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1)
calc_d1d2 fi, dgdx, dgdy
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_b]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.b]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_b]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.b]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.b - p0.b
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.b - p0.b
239,11 → 239,11
end if
if INTERP_ST eq 1
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_s]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_s]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.s]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.s]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_s]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_s]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.s]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.s]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.s - p0.s
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.s - p0.s
252,11 → 252,11
;dsdy = (int) (fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1)
calc_d1d2 fi, dsdx, dsdy
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_t]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_t]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.t]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.t]
mov [d1],eax
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_t]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_t]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.t]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.t]
mov [d2],eax
fild dword[d1] ;d1 = p1.t - p0.t
fild dword[d2] ;d2 = p2.t - p0.t
267,43 → 267,43
end if
if INTERP_STZ eq 1
fild dword[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
fild dword[ebx+offs_zbup_s]
fild dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.z]
fild dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.s]
fmul st0,st1
fstp dword[ebx+offs_zbup_sz] ; = (float) p0.s * p0.z
fild dword[ebx+offs_zbup_t]
fstp dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.fsz] ; = (float) p0.s * p0.z
fild dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.t]
fstp dword[ebx+offs_zbup_tz] ; = (float) p0.t * p0.z
fstp dword[] ; = (float) p0.t * p0.z
fild dword[ecx+offs_zbup_z]
fild dword[ecx+offs_zbup_s]
fild dword[ecx+ZBufferPoint.z]
fild dword[ecx+ZBufferPoint.s]
fmul st0,st1
fstp dword[ecx+offs_zbup_sz] ; = (float) p1.s * p1.z
fild dword[ecx+offs_zbup_t]
fstp dword[ecx+ZBufferPoint.fsz] ; = (float) p1.s * p1.z
fild dword[ecx+ZBufferPoint.t]
fstp dword[ecx+offs_zbup_tz] ; = (float) p1.t * p1.z
fstp dword[] ; = (float) p1.t * p1.z
fild dword[edx+offs_zbup_z]
fild dword[edx+offs_zbup_s]
fild dword[edx+ZBufferPoint.z]
fild dword[edx+ZBufferPoint.s]
fmul st0,st1
fstp dword[edx+offs_zbup_sz] ; = (float) p2.s * p2.z
fild dword[edx+offs_zbup_t]
fstp dword[edx+ZBufferPoint.fsz] ; = (float) p2.s * p2.z
fild dword[edx+ZBufferPoint.t]
fstp dword[edx+offs_zbup_tz] ; = (float) p2.t * p2.z
fstp dword[] ; = (float) p2.t * p2.z
fld dword[ecx+offs_zbup_sz]
fsub dword[ebx+offs_zbup_sz] ;d1 = -
fld dword[edx+offs_zbup_sz]
fsub dword[ebx+offs_zbup_sz] ;d2 = -
fld dword[ecx+ZBufferPoint.fsz]
fsub dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.fsz] ;d1 = -
fld dword[edx+ZBufferPoint.fsz]
fsub dword[ebx+ZBufferPoint.fsz] ;d2 = -
;dszdx = (fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2)
;dszdy = (fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1)
calc_d1d2 f, dszdx, dszdy
fld dword[ecx+offs_zbup_tz]
fsub dword[ebx+offs_zbup_tz] ;d1 = -
fld dword[edx+offs_zbup_tz]
fsub dword[ebx+offs_zbup_tz] ;d2 = -
fld dword[]
fsub dword[] ;d1 = -
fld dword[]
fsub dword[] ;d2 = -
;dtzdx = (fdy2*d1 - fdy1*d2)
;dtzdy = (fdx1*d2 - fdx2*d1)
312,14 → 312,14
; screen coordinates
mov eax,[zb]
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
mov edx,[eax+ZBuffer.linesize]
imul edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
add edx,[eax+ZBuffer.pbuf]
mov [pp1],edx ;pp1 = zb.pbuf + zb.linesize * p0.y
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
imul edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[eax+ZBuffer.xsize]
imul edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
shl edx,1
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
add edx,[eax+ZBuffer.zbuf]
mov [pz1],edx ;pz1 = zb.zbuf + zb.xsize * p0.y
349,8 → 349,8
mov [l2],ecx
mov [pr2],edx
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [nb_lines],eax ;nb_lines = p1.y - p0.y
jmp .end_0
align 4
374,8 → 374,8
mov [l1],ecx
mov [l2],edx
mov eax,[edx+offs_zbup_y]
sub eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
mov eax,[edx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
inc eax
mov [nb_lines],eax ;nb_lines = p2.y - p1.y + 1
385,11 → 385,11
je .end_upd_l
mov ebx,[l1]
mov ecx,[l2]
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
sub edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [dy1],edx ;dy1 = l2.y - l1.y
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
sub eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [dx1],eax ;dx1 = l2.x - l1.x
cmp edx,0 ;if (dy1 > 0)
jle .els_3
412,7 → 412,7
xor eax,eax
mov edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov [x1],edx ;x1 = l1.x
mov dword[error],0 ;error = 0
mov dword[derror],eax
424,7 → 424,7
if INTERP_Z eq 1
mov eax,[l1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_z]
mov eax,[eax+ZBufferPoint.z]
mov [z1],eax ;z1 = l1.z
mov eax,[dzdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
435,7 → 435,7
end if
if INTERP_RGB eq 1
mov ebx,[l1]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.r]
mov [r1],eax ;r1 = l1.r
mov eax,[drdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
444,7 → 444,7
add eax,[drdx]
mov [drdl_max],eax ;drdl_max = drdl_min +drdx
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.g]
mov [g1],eax ;g1 = l1.g
mov eax,[dgdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
453,7 → 453,7
add eax,[dgdx]
mov [dgdl_max],eax ;dgdl_max = dgdl_min +dgdx
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.b]
mov [b1],eax ;b1 = l1.b
mov eax,[dbdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
464,7 → 464,7
end if
if INTERP_ST eq 1
mov ebx,[l1]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_s]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.s]
mov [s1],eax ;s1 = l1.s
mov eax,[dsdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
473,7 → 473,7
add eax,[dsdx]
mov [dsdl_max],eax ;dsdl_max = dsdl_min +dsdx
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_t]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.t]
mov [t1],eax ;t1 = l1.t
mov eax,[dtdx]
imul eax,[dxdy_min]
484,7 → 484,7
end if
if INTERP_STZ eq 1
mov ebx,[l1]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_sz]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.fsz]
mov [sz1],eax ;sz1 = - преобразований нет, потому без сопроцессора
fild dword[dxdy_min]
fmul dword[dszdx]
493,7 → 493,7
fadd dword[dszdx]
fstp dword[dszdl_max] ;dszdl_max = dszdl_min +dszdx
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_tz]
mov eax,[]
mov [tz1],eax ;tz1 = - преобразований нет, потому без сопроцессора
fild dword[dxdy_min]
fmul dword[dtzdx]
510,14 → 510,14
je .end_upd_r
mov ebx,[pr1]
mov ecx,[pr2]
mov edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
mov eax,[ecx+offs_zbup_x]
mov edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.x]
mov eax,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.x]
sub eax,edx
;mov [dx2],eax ;dx2 = pr2.x - pr1.x
shl edx,16
mov [x2],edx ; x2 = pr1.x << 16
mov edx,[ecx+offs_zbup_y]
sub edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edx,[ecx+ZBufferPoint.y]
sub edx,[ebx+ZBufferPoint.y]
mov [dy2],edx ;dy2 = pr2.y - pr1.y
cmp edx,0 ;if (dy2 > 0)
jle .els_4
763,9 → 763,9
; screen coordinates
mov ebx,[zb]
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbuf_linesize]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBuffer.linesize]
add [pp1],eax
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbuf_xsize]
mov eax,[ebx+ZBuffer.xsize]
shl eax,1
add [pz1],eax
jmp .beg_w_lin