Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 7736 → Rev 7136

692,4 → 692,8
include ""
include ""
include ""
include "xfs.asm"
; include "xfs.asm"
xor eax, eax
1,311 → 1,199
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2020. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2016. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. ;;
;; ;;
include ''
macro omit_frame_pointer_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist {
local loc
loc = (localbytes+3) and (not 3)
if localbytes
sub esp, loc
end if
irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \}
counter = 0
irps reg, reglist \{counter = counter+1 \}
parmbase@proc equ esp+counter*4+loc+4
localbase@proc equ esp
macro omit_frame_pointer_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist {
local loc
loc = (localbytes+3) and (not 3)
irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
if localbytes
lea esp, [esp+loc]
end if
if flag and 10000b
retn parmbytes
end if
prologue@proc equ omit_frame_pointer_prologue
epilogue@proc equ omit_frame_pointer_epilogue
macro movbe reg, arg {
movbe reg, arg
mov reg, arg
if reg in <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
bswap reg
else if ax eq reg
xchg al, ah
else if bx eq reg
xchg bl, bh
else if cx eq reg
xchg cl, ch
else if dx eq reg
xchg dl, dh
end if
end if
; This file contains XFS related code.
; For more information on XFS check links and source below.
; 1.
; 2. XFS Algorithms & Data Structures:
; git://
; 3. Linux source at
; git://
; /fs/xfs
; XFS external functions
; in:
; ebx -> parameter structure of sysfunc 70
; ebp -> XFS structure
; [esi]+[[esp+4]] = name
; out:
; eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
align 4
dd (xfs._.user_functions_end-xfs._.user_functions-4)/4
dd xfs_Read
dd xfs_free
dd (xfs_user_functions_end - xfs_user_functions - 4) / 4
dd xfs_ReadFile
dd xfs_ReadFolder
dd 0;xfs_Rewrite
dd 0;xfs_Write
dd 0;xfs_CreateFile
dd 0;xfs_WriteFile
dd 0;xfs_SetFileEnd
dd xfs_GetFileInfo
dd 0;xfs_SetFileInfo
dd 0
dd 0;xfs_Delete
dd 0;xfs_CreateFolder
; test partition type (valid XFS one?)
; alloc and fill XFS (see structure
; this function is called for each partition
; return 0 (not XFS or invalid) / pointer to partition structure
proc xfs_create_partition uses ebx esi edi
; check XFS signature
cmp [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_magicnum], XFS_SB_MAGIC
jnz .error_nofree
; test for supported feature flags and version in sb_versionnum
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_versionnum]
xchg al, ah
; allow only known and supported features
; return error otherwise
jnz .error_nofree
; version < 4 obsolete, not supported
; version = 4,5 supported
; version > 5 unknown
cmp al, 4
jb .error_nofree
cmp al, 5
ja .error_nofree
; if MOREBITS bit is set, additional feature flags are in sb_features2
jz @f
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_features2]
jnz .error_nofree
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_features_incompat]
jnz .error_nofree
; all presented features are either supported or don't affect reading
include ''
; Mount if it's a valid XFS partition.
; in:
; ebp -> PARTITION structure
; ebx -> boot sector
; out:
; eax -> XFS structure, 0 = not XFS
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
cmp dword [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.SectorSize], 512
jnz .error
cmp dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_magicnum], XFS_SB_MAGIC ; signature
jne .error
; TODO: check XFS.versionnum and XFS.features2
; print superblock params for debugging (waiting for bug reports)
movi eax, sizeof.XFS
call malloc
mov edi, eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
; standard partition initialization, common for all file systems
mov eax, dword[ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+DQ.lo]
mov dword[edi+XFS.FirstSector+DQ.lo], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+DQ.hi]
mov dword[edi+XFS.FirstSector+DQ.hi], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp+PARTITION.Length+DQ.lo]
mov dword[edi+XFS.Length+DQ.lo], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp+PARTITION.Length+DQ.hi]
mov dword[edi+XFS.Length+DQ.hi], eax
mov edi, eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword[edi + XFS.FirstSector], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector + 4]
mov dword[edi + XFS.FirstSector + 4], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length]
mov dword[edi + XFS.Length], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length + 4]
mov dword[edi + XFS.Length + 4], eax
mov eax, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov [edi+XFS.Disk], eax
mov [edi+XFS.FSUserFunctions], xfs._.user_functions
; here we initialize only one mutex (for the entire partition)
; XFS potentially allows parallel r/w access to different AGs, keep it in mind
mov [edi + XFS.FSUserFunctions], xfs_user_functions
; here we initialize only one mutex so far (for the entire partition)
; XFS potentially allows parallel r/w access to several AGs, keep it in mind for SMP times
lea ecx, [edi+XFS.Lock]
call mutex_init
; movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_sectsize]
; xchg al, ah
mov eax, [eax+DISK.MediaInfo.SectorSize]
mov [edi+XFS.sectsize], eax
; read superblock and fill just allocated XFS partition structure
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_blocksize]
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_blocksize]
bswap eax ; XFS is big endian
mov [edi+XFS.blocksize], eax
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_versionnum]
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_sectsize]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + XFS.sectsize], eax
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_versionnum]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi+XFS.versionnum], eax
mov [edi+XFS.version], eax
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_features2]
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_features2]
bswap eax
mov [edi+XFS.features2], eax
cmp [edi+XFS.version], 5
jz .v5
mov [edi+XFS.inode_core_size], sizeof.xfs_dinode_core
setnz al
movzx eax, al
mov [edi+XFS.ftype_size], eax
mov [edi+XFS.dir_block_magic], XFS_DIR2_BLOCK_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_data_magic], XFS_DIR2_DATA_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_leaf1_magic], XFS_DIR2_LEAF1_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_leafn_magic], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.da_node_magic], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.bmap_magic], XFS_BMAP_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_block_size], sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
mov [edi+XFS.bmbt_block_size], sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
mov [edi+XFS.da_blkinfo_size], sizeof.xfs_da_blkinfo
jmp .vcommon
mov [edi+XFS.inode_core_size], sizeof.xfs_dinode3_core
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_features_incompat]
mov [edi+XFS.features_incompat], eax
setnz al
movzx eax, al
mov [edi+XFS.ftype_size], eax
mov [edi+XFS.dir_block_magic], XFS_DIR3_BLOCK_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_data_magic], XFS_DIR3_DATA_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_leaf1_magic], XFS_DIR3_LEAF1_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_leafn_magic], XFS_DIR3_LEAFN_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.da_node_magic], XFS_DA3_NODE_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.bmap_magic], XFS_BMAP3_MAGIC
mov [edi+XFS.dir_block_size], sizeof.xfs_dir3_data_hdr
mov [edi+XFS.bmbt_block_size], sizeof.xfs_bmbt3_block
mov [edi+XFS.da_blkinfo_size], sizeof.xfs_da3_blkinfo
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_inodesize]
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inodesize]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi+XFS.inodesize], eax
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_inopblock]
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inopblock] ; inodes per block
xchg al, ah
mov [edi+XFS.inopblock], eax
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_blocklog]
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_blocklog] ; log2 of block size, in bytes
mov [edi+XFS.blocklog], eax
; movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_sectlog]
mov eax, [edi+XFS.sectsize]
bsf eax, eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_sectlog]
mov [edi+XFS.sectlog], eax
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_inodelog]
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inodelog]
mov [edi+XFS.inodelog], eax
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_inopblog]
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inopblog]
mov [edi+XFS.inopblog], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_dirblklog]
mov [edi + XFS.dirblklog], eax
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_rootino + 4] ;
bswap eax ; big
mov dword[edi + XFS.rootino + 0], eax ; endian
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_rootino + 0] ; 64bit
bswap eax ; number
mov dword[edi + XFS.rootino + 4], eax ;
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_dirblklog]
mov [edi+XFS.dirblklog], ecx
movi eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [edi+XFS.blkpdirblk], eax
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_rootino.hi]
mov [edi+XFS.rootino.lo], eax
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_rootino.lo]
mov [edi+XFS.rootino.hi], eax
mov eax, [edi+XFS.blocksize]
mov ecx, [edi+XFS.dirblklog]
shl eax, cl
mov [edi+XFS.dirblocksize], eax ; blocks are for files, dirblocks are for directories
mov [edi + XFS.dirblocksize], eax ; blocks for files, dirblocks for directories
; sector is always smaller than block
; so precalculate shift order to allow faster sector_num->block_num conversion
mov ecx, [edi+XFS.blocklog]
sub ecx, [edi+XFS.sectlog]
mov [edi+XFS.sectpblog], ecx
mov [edi + XFS.blockmsectlog], ecx
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [edi+XFS.sectpblock], eax
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_agblocks]
; shift order for inode_num->block_num conversion
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocklog]
sub eax, [edi + XFS.inodelog]
mov [edi + XFS.inodetoblocklog], eax
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_agblocks]
bswap eax
mov [edi+XFS.agblocks], eax
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_sb.sb_agblklog]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_agblklog]
mov [edi+XFS.agblklog], ecx
; get the mask for block numbers
; block numbers are AG relative!
; bitfield length may vary between partitions
mov eax, 1
xor edx, edx
shld edx, eax, cl
shl eax, cl
sub eax, 1
sbb edx, 0
mov [edi+XFS.agblockmask.lo], eax
mov [edi+XFS.agblockmask.hi], edx
dec eax
mov dword[edi + XFS.agblockmask + 0], eax
mov eax, 1
sub ecx, 32
jc @f
shl eax, cl
dec eax
mov dword[edi + XFS.agblockmask + 4], eax
; calculate magic offsets for directories
mov ecx, [edi+XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, XFS_DIR2_LEAF_OFFSET AND 0xffffffff ; lo
mov edx, XFS_DIR2_LEAF_OFFSET SHR 32 ; hi
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
mov [edi+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo], eax
mov [edi+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi], edx
mov [edi + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], eax
mov ecx, [edi+XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, XFS_DIR2_FREE_OFFSET AND 0xffffffff ; lo
mov edx, XFS_DIR2_FREE_OFFSET SHR 32 ; hi
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
mov [edi+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.lo], eax
mov [edi+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.hi], edx
mov [edi + XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks], eax
; mov ecx, [edi + XFS.dirblklog]
; mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
; shl eax, cl
; mov [edi + XFS.dirblocksize], eax
; allocate memory for temp block, dirblock, inode, etc
mov eax, [edi+XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
mov [edi+XFS.cur_block], eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_block], eax
mov eax, [edi+XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
mov [edi+XFS.cur_block_data], eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
; we do need XFS.blocksize bytes for single inode
; minimal file system structure is block, inodes are packed in blocks
mov eax, [edi+XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
mov [edi+XFS.cur_inode], eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_inode], eax
; temporary inode
; used for browsing directories
mov eax, [edi+XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
313,185 → 201,212
mov [edi+XFS.tmp_inode], eax
; current sector
; only for sector sized structures like AGF
; inodes usually fit this size, but not always!
; therefore never store inode here
; only for sector size structures like AGI
; inodes has usually the same size, but never store them here
mov eax, [edi+XFS.sectsize]
call malloc
mov [edi+XFS.cur_sect], eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_sect], eax
; current directory block
mov eax, [edi+XFS.dirblocksize]
call malloc
mov [edi+XFS.cur_dirblock], eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_dirblock], eax
; return pointer to allocated XFS partition structure
mov eax, edi
mov eax, edi ; return pointer to allocated XFS partition structure
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
mov eax, edi
xor eax, eax
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
; lock partition access mutex
proc xfs_lock
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_lock\n"
lea ecx, [ebp+XFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_lock
; unlock partition access mutex
proc xfs_unlock
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_unlock\n"
lea ecx, [ebp+XFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_unlock
; free all the allocated memory
; called on partition destroy
; or during failed initialization from xfs_create_partition
test eax, eax
jz .done
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
; freeing order must correspond the order of
; allocation in xfs_create_partition
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.cur_block]
test eax, eax
jz .done
proc xfs_free
push ebp
xchg ebp, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_sect]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
xchg ebp, eax
call free
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.cur_block_data]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call free
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call free
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.tmp_inode]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call free
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.cur_sect]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call free
mov eax, [ebx+XFS.cur_dirblock]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call free
mov eax, ebx
call free
pop ebx
pop ebp
; block number
; block number (AG relative)
; eax -- inode_lo
; edx -- inode_hi
; ebx -- buffer
proc xfs._.read_block
movi ecx, 1
call xfs._.read_blocks
push ebx esi
push edx
push eax
proc xfs._.blkrel2sectabs uses esi
push edx eax
; XFS block numbers are AG relative
; they come in bitfield form of concatenated AG and block numbers
; to get absolute block number for fs_read64_sys we should
; 1. get AG number and multiply it by the AG size in blocks
; 2. extract and add AG relative block number
; to get absolute block number for fs_read32_sys we should
; 1. extract AG number (using precalculated mask)
; 2. multiply it by the AG size in blocks
; 3. add AG relative block number
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.agblklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
mul [ebp+XFS.agblocks]
; 2.
pop ecx esi
and ecx, [ebp+XFS.agblockmask.lo]
and esi, [ebp+XFS.agblockmask.hi]
mul dword[ebp + XFS.agblocks]
pop ecx
pop esi
and ecx, dword[ebp + XFS.agblockmask + 0]
and esi, dword[ebp + XFS.agblockmask + 4]
; 3.
add eax, ecx
adc edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.sectpblog]
;DEBUGF 1,"read block: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
; there is no way to read file system block at once, therefore we
; 1. calculate the number of sectors first
; 2. and then read them in series
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blockmsectlog]
shld edx, eax, cl
shl eax, cl
mov esi, [ebp + XFS.sectpblock]
; 2.
push eax edx
call fs_read32_sys
mov ecx, eax
pop edx eax
test ecx, ecx
jnz .error
add eax, 1 ; be ready to fs_read64_sys
adc edx, 0
add ebx, [ebp + XFS.sectsize] ; update buffer offset
dec esi
jnz .next_sector
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx
mov eax, ecx
pop esi ebx
; start block number
; edx:eax -- block
; ebx -- buffer
; ecx -- count
; push buffer
; push startblock_hi
; push startblock_lo
; call xfs_read_dirblock
; test eax, eax
proc xfs._.read_blocks
push ecx
call xfs._.blkrel2sectabs
pop ecx
imul ecx, [ebp+XFS.sectpblock]
call fs_read64_sys
test eax, eax
;mov eax, [esp + 4]
;mov edx, [esp + 8]
;DEBUGF 1,"read dirblock at: %d %d\n",edx,eax
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblklog: %d\n",[ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
push ebx esi
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; startblock_lo
mov edx, [esp + 16] ; startblock_hi
mov ebx, [esp + 20] ; buffer
proc xfs._.read_dirblock uses ebx, _startblock:qword, _buffer
mov eax, dword[_startblock+DQ.lo]
mov edx, dword[_startblock+DQ.hi]
mov ebx, [_buffer]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blkpdirblk]
call xfs._.read_blocks
; dirblock >= block
; read dirblocks by blocks
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
mov esi, 1
shl esi, cl
push eax edx
call xfs_read_block
mov ecx, eax
pop edx eax
test ecx, ecx
jnz .error
add eax, 1 ; be ready to fs_read64_sys
adc edx, 0
add ebx, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
dec esi
jnz .next_block
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx
ret 12
mov eax, ecx
pop esi ebx
ret 12
; push buffer
; push inode_hi
; push inode_lo
; call xfs_read_inode
; test eax, eax
proc xfs_read_inode uses ebx, _inode_lo, _inode_hi, _buffer
mov eax, [_inode_lo]
mov edx, [_inode_hi]
mov ebx, [_buffer]
;DEBUGF 1,"reading inode: 0x%x%x\n",[esp+8],[esp+4]
push ebx
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; inode_lo
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; inode_hi
mov ebx, [esp + 16] ; buffer
; inodes are packed into blocks
; 1. calculate block number
; 2. read the block
; 3. add inode offset to block base address
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.inopblog]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.inodetoblocklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
; 2.
call xfs._.read_block
call xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; inode numbers should be first extracted from bitfields by mask
mov eax, [_inode_lo]
; note that inode numbers should be first extracted from bitfields using mask
mov eax, [esp + 8]
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.inopblog]
shl edx, cl
500,1625 → 415,2357
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.inodelog]
shl eax, cl
add ebx, eax
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_magic], XFS_DINODE_MAGIC
jz .quit
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
cmp word[ebx], XFS_DINODE_MAGIC ; test signature
jne .error
xor eax, eax
mov edx, ebx
pop ebx
ret 12
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
mov edx, ebx
pop ebx
ret 12
; skip ecx first entries
proc xfs._.dir_sf_skip _count
mov ecx, [_count]
; push encoding ; ASCII / UNICODE
; push src ; inode
; push dst ; bdfe
; push entries_to_read
; push start_number ; from 0
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir_get_bdfes: %d entries from %d\n",[esp+8],[esp+4]
sub esp, 4 ; local vars
push ecx edx esi edi
mov ebx, [esp + 36] ; src
mov edx, [esp + 32] ; dst
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start_number
; define directory ondisk format and jump to corresponding label
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL
jne .not_shortdir
jmp .shortdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_blockdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 1
jne .not_blockdir
jmp .blockdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_leafdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 4
ja .not_leafdir
jmp .leafdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_nodedir
jmp .nodedir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btreedir
jmp .btreedir
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
; short form directory (all the data fits into inode)
;DEBUGF 1,"shortdir\n",
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count]
test al, al ; is count zero?
jnz @f ; if not, use it (i8count must be zero then)
shr eax, 8 ; use i8count
add eax, 1 ; '..' and '.' are implicit
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], eax
; inode numbers are often saved as 4 bytes (iff they fit)
; compute the length of inode numbers
mov eax, 4 ; 4 by default
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.i8count], 0
je @f
add eax, eax ; 4+4=8, iff i8count != 0
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
add edx, 32
lea esi, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + eax]
dec ecx
js .quit
dec [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir]
js .quit
bts [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_self_done], 0
jc .parent
jmp .next
bts [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_parent_done], 0
jc .common
jmp .next
movzx eax, [esi+xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
add esi,
add esi, eax
add esi, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
add esi, [ebp+XFS.shortform_inodelen]
jmp .next
js .shortdir.fill
; skip some entries if the first entry to read is not 0
proc xfs._.dir_sf_read uses edi, _count
_dst dd ?
dec [_count]
js .quit
dec [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir]
js .quit
mov [_dst], edx
bts [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_self_done], 0
jc .parent
lea edi, []
mov dword[edi], '.'
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode], edx
jmp .common
bts [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_parent_done], 0
jc .not_special
lea edi, [] ; get file name offset
mov dword[edi], '..' ; terminator included
test ecx, ecx
jz .shortdir.skipped
movzx edi, byte[esi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
lea esi, [esi + + edi]
add esi, eax
dec ecx
jnz .shortdir.skip
mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jmp .shortdir.skipped
mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; total number
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
push ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"ecx: %d\n",ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40] ; get file name offset
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: ..\n"
mov dword[edi], '..'
mov edi, edx
lea edx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.parent]
call xfs._.get_inode_number_sf
push eax ebx edx esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + 4], dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent]
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.tmp_inode]
; test eax, eax
; jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ebx eax
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
jmp .common
movzx ecx, [esi+xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
mov ecx, [esp + 44] ; file name encding
mov [edx + 4], ecx
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
pop ecx
dec ecx
jz .quit
; push ecx
; lea edi, [edx + 40]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: .\n"
; mov dword[edi], '.'
; mov edi, edx
; push eax edx
; stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode], edi
; test eax, eax
; pop edx eax
; jnz .error
; mov ecx, [esp + 44]
; mov [edx + 4], ecx
; add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
; pop ecx
; dec ecx
; jz .quit
; we skipped some entries
; now we fill min(required, present) number of bdfe's
;DEBUGF 1,"ecx: %d\n",ecx
push ecx
movzx ecx, byte[esi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
add esi,
lea edi, []
stdcall xfs._.copy_filename
add esi, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
lea edi, [edx + 40] ; bdfe offset of file name
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
mov word[edi], 0 ; terminator (ASCIIZ)
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
; push edx ; for xfs_get_inode_info
mov edi, edx
mov edx, esi
call xfs._.get_inode_number_sf
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], [esi + 4], [esi]
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.tmp_inode]
; test eax, eax
; jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
add esi, [ebp+XFS.shortform_inodelen]
mov edx, [_dst]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.bdfe_nameenc]
mov [edx+bdfe.nameenc], eax
add edx, [ebp+XFS.bdfe_len]
inc [ebp+XFS.entries_read]
jmp .next
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [esp + 44] ; file name encoding
mov [edx + 4], ecx
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
add esi, eax
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz .shortdir.skipped
jmp .quit
proc xfs._.readdir_sf uses esi, _src, _dst
mov ebx, [_src]
mov edx, [_dst]
mov [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_self_done], 0
mov [ebp+XFS.dir_sf_parent_done], 0
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.count]
; '..' and '.' are implicit
add eax, 2
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], eax
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.total_cnt], eax
; inode numbers are often saved as 4 bytes (iff they fit)
; compute the length of inode numbers
; 8 iff i8count != 0, 4 otherwise
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.i8count], 0
setnz al
lea eax, [eax*4+4]
mov [ebp+XFS.shortform_inodelen], eax
add edx, sizeof.bdfe_hdr
lea esi, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.parent+eax]
stdcall xfs._.dir_sf_skip, [ebp+XFS.entries_to_skip]
stdcall xfs._.dir_sf_read, [ebp+XFS.requested_cnt]
proc xfs._.readdir_block _literal_area, _out_buf
mov ebx, [_literal_area]
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
mov eax, ebx
;DEBUGF 1,"blockdir\n"
push edx
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startoff : 0x%x%x\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startblock: 0x%x%x\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_blockcount: %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_state : %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_state]
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
test eax, eax
pop edx
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
stdcall xfs._.extent_unpack, eax
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], ebx
mov edx, [_out_buf]
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_block_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_block.hdr.magic], eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dirblocksize]
movbe ecx, [ebx+eax-sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail+xfs_dir2_block_tail.stale]
movbe eax, [ebx+eax-sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail+xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
mov ecx, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.stale]
mov eax, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
bswap ecx
bswap eax
sub eax, ecx ; actual number of entries = count - stale
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], eax
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.total_cnt], eax
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
;DEBUGF 1,"total entries: %d\n",eax
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], eax
;DEBUGF 1,"actually read entries: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
add ebx, xfs_dir2_block.u
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.dir_block_size]
add edx, sizeof.bdfe_hdr
mov [_out_buf], edx
lea edi, [_out_buf]
cmp [ebp+XFS.requested_cnt], 0
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start entry number
; also means how many to skip
test ecx, ecx
jz .blockdir.skipped
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .blockdir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 bytes for 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; align on 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .blockdir.skip
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
cmp [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], 0
jz .quit
stdcall xfs._.dir_entry_skip_read, edi
jz .next
proc xfs._.readdir_leaf_node uses esi, _inode_data, _out_buf
mov ebx, [_inode_data]
mov edx, [_out_buf]
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
stdcall xfs._.walk_extent_list, edx, eax, xfs._.extent_iterate_dirblocks, xfs._.leafn_calc_entries, 0
add edx, 32 ; set edx to the first bdfe
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_NULL
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .blockdir.next_entry
push ecx
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.entries_read]
mov edx, [_out_buf]
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.total_cnt], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], eax
add [_out_buf], sizeof.bdfe_hdr
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
lea ecx, [_out_buf]
push ecx
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], 0
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], 0
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, [ebx +]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
; call utf8_to_cp866
mov word[edi], 0 ; terminator
lea ebx, [esi + 2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add edx, 304
pop ecx
stdcall xfs._.walk_extent_list, edx, eax, xfs._.extent_iterate_dirblocks, xfs._.dir_btree_skip_read, ecx
; jnz .error
dec ecx
jnz .blockdir.next_entry
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: leaf\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
push ebx ecx edx
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0, edx, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
pop edx ecx ebx
jz .error
proc xfs._.dir_entry_skip_read uses esi edi, _arg
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_NULL
jnz @f
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
movzx ecx, word[eax + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
movzx eax, word[eax + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
xchg al, ah
sub eax, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"total count: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jz .leafdir.skipped
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne @f
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .leafdir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 for 'tag'
add ebx, 7
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .leafdir.skip
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
add edx, 32 ; first bdfe entry
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extry\n"
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne .leafdir.process_current_block
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
pop edx ecx
jmp .quit
cmp [ebp+XFS.entries_to_skip], 0
jz .read
dec [ebp+XFS.entries_to_skip]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, []
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
jmp .common
dec [ebp+XFS.requested_cnt]
inc [ebp+XFS.entries_read]
mov edi, [_arg]
mov edi, [edi]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber.hi]
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .leafdir.next_entry
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
mov edx, [_arg]
mov edx, [edx]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bdfe_nameenc]
mov [edx+bdfe.nameenc], ecx
lea edi, []
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, []
stdcall xfs._.copy_filename
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
pop ecx
mov word[edi], 0
lea ebx, [esi+2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
mov eax, [_arg]
mov edx, [eax]
add edx, [ebp+XFS.bdfe_len]
mov [eax], edx
sub ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
dec [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir]
cmp esp, esp
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
inc [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
dec ecx
jnz .leafdir.next_entry
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: node\n"
push edx
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"numfiles: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
proc xfs._.dir_btree_skip_read uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, _cur_dirblock, _offset_lo, _offset_hi, _arg
mov ebx, [_cur_dirblock]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_data_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_block.hdr.magic], eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
mov eax, ebx
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add eax, [ebp+XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp+XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
; add ebx, xfs_dir2_block.u
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.dir_block_size]
cmp [ebp+XFS.requested_cnt], 0
jz .quit
cmp [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], 0
jz .quit
cmp ebx, [ebp+XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jz .quit
stdcall xfs._.dir_entry_skip_read, [_arg]
jz .next
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jz .leafdir.skipped
jmp .leafdir.skip
proc xfs._.readdir_btree uses esi, _inode_data, _out_buf
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: btree\n"
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
push ebx edx
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents], eax
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
jecxz @f
shl ecx, 3
mov eax, ecx
lea edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_u]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
stdcall xfs._.walk_btree, edx, eax, xfs._.extent_iterate_dirblocks, xfs._.leafn_calc_entries, 0, 1
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4
;DEBUGF 1,"maxnumresc: %d\n",eax
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap eax
bswap edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block: %x %x ",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
pop edx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"ok\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
push edx
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.entries_read]
mov edx, [_out_buf]
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.total_cnt], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_left_in_dir], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_read], 0
add [_out_buf], sizeof.bdfe_hdr
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
jecxz @f
shl ecx, 3
mov eax, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"numfiles: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
lea edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_u]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], 0
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], 0
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [_out_buf]
push ecx
mov ecx, esp
stdcall xfs._.walk_btree, edx, eax, xfs._.extent_iterate_dirblocks, xfs._.dir_btree_skip_read, ecx, 1
pop ecx
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov dword[edx + 12], 0
mov dword[edx + 16], 0
mov dword[edx + 20], 0
mov dword[edx + 24], 0
mov dword[edx + 28], 0
proc xfs._.copy_filename uses eax
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.bdfe_nameenc]
cmp eax, 3
jz .utf8
cmp eax, 2
jz .utf16
call unicode.utf8.decode
call unicode.cp866.encode
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock] ; fsblock?
add eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jnz .cp866
mov byte[edi], 0
jmp .done
call unicode.utf8.decode
call unicode.utf16.encode
shr eax, 16
jz @f
jz .btreedir.skipped
; jmp .btreedir.skip
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne @f
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .btreedir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 for 'tag'
add ebx, 7
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .btreedir.skip
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jnz .utf16
jz .quit
add edx, 32
;mov eax, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extry: %d\n",eax
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne .btreedir.process_current_block
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
pop edx ecx
jmp .quit
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .btreedir.next_entry
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, [ebx +]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
pop ecx
mov word[edi], 0
jmp .done
rep movsb
mov byte[edi], 0
lea ebx, [esi + 2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add edx, 304
inc [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
dec ecx
jnz .btreedir.next_entry
jmp .quit
pop edi esi edx ecx
add esp, 4 ; pop vars
xor eax, eax
; mov ebx, [esp + 8]
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir_get_bdfes done: %d\n",ebx
ret 20
pop edi esi edx ecx
add esp, 4 ; pop vars
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
movi ebx, -1
ret 20
; src ; inode
; dst ; bdfe
; start_number ; from 0
; push inode_hi
; push inode_lo
; push name
proc xfs._.readdir uses ebx esi edi, _start_number, _entries_to_read, _dst, _src, _encoding
mov ecx, [_start_number]
mov [ebp+XFS.entries_to_skip], ecx
mov eax, [_entries_to_read]
mov [ebp+XFS.requested_cnt], eax
mov eax, [_encoding]
mov [ebp+XFS.bdfe_nameenc], eax
mov ecx, 304
cmp eax, 1 ; CP866
jbe @f
mov ecx, 560
mov [ebp+XFS.bdfe_len], ecx
mov edx, [_dst]
mov [ebp+XFS.bdfe_buf], edx
mov ebx, [_src]
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
; this function searches for the file in _current_ dir
; it is called recursively for all the subdirs /path/to/my/file
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.version], 1
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.zeroed+0x00], 0
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.zeroed+0x04], 0
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.zeroed+0x08], 0
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.zeroed+0x0c], 0
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.zeroed+0x10], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_get_inode_short: %s\n",[esp+4]
mov esi, [esp + 4] ; name
movzx eax, word[esi]
cmp eax, '.' ; current dir; it is already read, just return
je .quit
cmp eax, './' ; same thing
je .quit
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_format]
; switch directory ondisk format and jump to corresponding label
jnz @f
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
stdcall xfs._.readdir_sf, ebx, [_dst]
; read inode
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; inode_lo
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; inode_hi
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
; find file name in directory
; switch directory ondisk format
mov ebx, edx
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL
jne .not_shortdir
;DEBUGF 1,"dir: shortdir\n"
jmp .shortdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_blockdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 1
jne .not_blockdir
jmp .blockdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_leafdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 4
ja .not_leafdir
jmp .leafdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_nodedir
jmp .nodedir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btreedir
jmp .btreedir
jmp .error
; parent inode number in shortform directories is always implicit, check this case
mov eax, [esi]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
cmp eax, '..'
je .shortdir.parent2
cmp eax, '../'
je .shortdir.parent3
jmp .shortdir.common
inc esi
add esi, 2
add ebx, xfs_inode.di_u
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + 4], dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent]
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
; not a parent inode?
; search in the list, all the other files are stored uniformly
mov eax, 4
movzx edx, word[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count] ; read count (byte) and i8count (byte) at once
test dl, dl ; is count zero?
jnz @f
stdcall xfs._.readdir_btree, ebx, [_dst]
jmp .quit
shr edx, 8 ; use i8count
add eax, eax ; inode_num size
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
call xfs._.get_last_dirblock
test eax, eax
jnz @f
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
stdcall xfs._.readdir_block, ebx, [_dst]
jmp .quit
stdcall xfs._.readdir_leaf_node, ebx, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov edx, [_dst]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.entries_read]
mov [edx+bdfe_hdr.read_cnt], ebx
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + eax]
; returns edx:eax inode or 0
proc xfs._.lookup_sf _name, _len
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
mov esi, [_name]
mov ecx, [_len]
cmp ecx, 2
ja .common
jz .check_parent
cmp byte[esi], '.'
jnz .common
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_self.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.inode_self.hi]
jmp .quit
cmp word[esi], '..'
jnz .common
lea edx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.parent]
call xfs._.get_inode_number_sf
jmp .quit
movzx edx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.count]
movi eax, 0
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.i8count], 0
setnz al
lea eax, [eax*4+4]
lea edi, [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.parent+eax]
dec edx
jns @f
jmp .error
movzx ecx, [edi+xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
movzx ecx, byte[edi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
add edi,
mov esi, [_name]
cmp ecx, [_len]
jnz @f
repz cmpsb
jz .found
mov esi, [esp + 4]
;DEBUGF 1,"esi: %s\n",esi
;DEBUGF 1,"edi: %s\n",edi
repe cmpsb
jne @f
cmp byte[esi], 0 ; HINT: use adc here?
je .found
cmp byte[esi], '/'
je .found_inc
add edi, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
add edi, ecx
add edi, eax
jmp .next_name
dec edx
jnz .next_name
jmp .error
.found_inc: ; increment esi to skip '/' symbol
; this means esi always points to valid file name or zero terminator byte
inc esi
add edi, [ebp+XFS.ftype_size]
mov edx, edi
call xfs._.get_inode_number_sf
cmp esp, esp
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], [edi + 4], [edi]
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
proc xfs._.lookup_block uses esi, _name, _len
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
mov eax, ebx
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
stdcall xfs._.extent_unpack, eax
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], ebx
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_block_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_block.hdr.magic], eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_hashname, [_name+4], [_len]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov eax, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
; note that we don't subtract xfs_dir2_block_tail.stale here,
; since we need the number of leaf entries rather than file number
bswap eax
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.dirblocksize]
movbe ecx, [ebx-sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail+xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
lea edx, [ecx*sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry+sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail]
sub ebx, edx
stdcall xfs._.get_addr_by_hash, ebx, ecx
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
movbe edx, [ebx+eax*XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN+xfs_dir2_data_entry.inumber.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+eax*XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN+xfs_dir2_data_entry.inumber.hi]
; mov ecx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
imul ecx, eax, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
sub ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail
sub ebx, ecx
shr ecx, 3
push ecx ; for xfs_get_inode_by_hash
push ebx ; for xfs_get_inode_by_hash
proc xfs._.get_inode_by_addr uses ebx esi edi, _inode_buf
xor edx, edx
shld edx, eax, XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.dirblocksize]
dec esi
and esi, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocklog]
add ecx, [ebp+XFS.dirblklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dirblklog]
shld edx, eax, cl
shl eax, cl
mov ebx, [_inode_buf]
cmp [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jz .extents
cmp [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jz .btree
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
; bswap eax
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",eax
cmp eax, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, -1
jmp .error
movbe ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], edx
stdcall, ecx
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
jnz .error
jmp .common
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl ecx, 3
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.inodesize]
sub ecx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
stdcall xfs._.btree_read_block, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
shl eax, 3
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_data_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_block.hdr.magic], eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
movbe edx, [ebx+esi+xfs_dir2_data_entry.inumber.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+esi+xfs_dir2_data_entry.inumber.hi]
add ebx, eax
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0, edx, -1, -1
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
proc xfs._.lookup_leaf uses ebx esi edi, _name, _len
movbe ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], ecx
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], ecx
stdcall, ecx
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
movzx eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_leaf1_magic]
cmp [], ax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_hashname, [_name+4], [_len]
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
jz .v5
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
; note that we don't subtract xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale here,
; since we need the number of leaf entries rather than file number
xchg al, ah
add ebx, xfs_dir2_leaf.ents
jmp .vcommon
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir3_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, xfs_dir3_leaf.ents
stdcall xfs._.get_addr_by_hash, ebx, ecx
jnz .error
stdcall xfs._.get_inode_by_addr, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
; imul ecx, eax, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; shr ecx, 3
push eax ; for xfs_get_addr_by_hash: len
push ebx ; for xfs_get_addr_by_hash: base
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",eax
cmp eax, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, -1
jmp .error
proc xfs._.lookup_node uses ebx esi edi, _name, _len
.hash dd ?
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
stdcall xfs_hashname, [_name+4], [_len]
mov [.hash], eax
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
mov ebx, eax
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], esi
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], 0
stdcall, edx
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
jnz .error
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, eax
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3 ; 2^3 = 8 byte align
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
movzx eax, [ebp+XFS.da_node_magic]
cmp [], ax
jz .node
movzx eax, [ebp+XFS.dir_leafn_magic]
cmp [], ax
jz .leaf
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"lookupdir: node\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
jz .node.v5
lea eax, [ebx+sizeof.xfs_da_intnode]
movzx edx, [ebx+xfs_da_intnode.hdr.count]
jmp .node.vcommon
lea eax, [ebx+sizeof.xfs_da3_intnode]
movzx edx, [ebx+xfs_da3_intnode.hdr.count]
xchg dl, dh
stdcall xfs._.get_before_by_hashval, eax, edx, [.hash]
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
push edi edx
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], edi
pop edx edi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov esi, eax
jmp .begin
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
jz .leaf.v5
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, xfs_dir2_leaf.ents
jmp .leaf.vcommon
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir3_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, xfs_dir3_leaf.ents
mov eax, [.hash]
stdcall xfs._.get_addr_by_hash, ebx, ecx
jnz .error
stdcall xfs._.get_inode_by_addr, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
cmp esp, esp
test esp, esp
bswap ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, ecx
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3 ; 8 byte align
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
proc xfs._.lookup_btree uses ebx esi edi, _name, _len
.hash dd ?
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
DEBUGF 1,"lookupdir: btree\n"
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
stdcall xfs_hashname, [_name+4], [_len]
mov [.hash], eax
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.hi]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks.lo]
jmp .next_level.first
lea eax, [ebx+sizeof.xfs_da_intnode]
movzx edx, [ebx+xfs_da_intnode.hdr.count]
xchg dl, dh
stdcall xfs._.get_before_by_hashval, eax, edx, [.hash]
push ebx edx
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents], eax
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ; FIXME forkoff
;DEBUGF 1,"maxnumresc: %d\n",eax
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap eax
bswap edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block: %x %x ",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
pop edx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl ecx, 3
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.inodesize]
sub ecx, xfs_inode.di_u
;DEBUGF 1,"ok\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
add ebx, xfs_inode.di_u
stdcall xfs._.btree_read_block, ebx, ecx, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
jz .next_level
jz .leafn
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
push edi edx
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
;push eax
;mov eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
;DEBUGF 1,": 0x%x %d\n",eax,eax
;pop eax
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], edi
pop edx edi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [.hash]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, xfs_dir2_leaf.ents
stdcall xfs._.get_addr_by_hash, ebx, ecx
jnz .error
bswap ecx
DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, ecx
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
jmp .got_addr
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, xfs_dir2_leaf.ents
mov eax, [.hash]
stdcall xfs._.get_addr_by_hash, ebx, ecx
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs._.get_inode_by_addr, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
cmp esp, esp
ret 12
test esp, esp
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
ret 12
; search for the _name in _inode dir
; called for each /path/component/to/my/file
; out:
; ZF/zf = ok/fail
; edx:eax = inode/garbage:error
proc xfs._.get_inode_short uses esi, _inode:qword, _len, _name
mov esi, [_name]
mov eax, dword[_inode+DQ.lo]
mov edx, dword[_inode+DQ.hi]
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
; switch directory ondisk format
mov ebx, edx
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_format]
mov edi, xfs._.lookup_sf
jz .lookup
mov edi, xfs._.lookup_btree
jz .lookup
jnz .error
call xfs._.get_last_dirblock
test eax, eax
mov edi, xfs._.lookup_block
jz .lookup
cmp edx, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.hi]
mov edi, xfs._.lookup_node
ja .lookup
cmp eax, [ebp+XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks.lo]
jae .lookup
mov edi, xfs._.lookup_leaf
stdcall edi, [_name+4], [_len]
; push name
; call xfs_get_inode
; test eax, eax
; call xfs_get_inode_short until file is found / error returned
;DEBUGF 1,"getting inode of: %s\n",[esp+4]
push ebx esi edi
; ZF/zf = ok/fail
; edx:eax = inode/garbage:error
proc xfs_get_inode uses ebx esi edi, _name
; call *._.get_inode_short until file is found / error returned
; start from the root inode
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.rootino.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.rootino.hi]
mov esi, [_name]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.rootino + 4] ; hi
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.rootino + 0] ; lo
mov esi, [esp + 16] ; name
cmp byte[esi], '/'
cmp byte[esi], 0
je .found
;DEBUGF 1,"next_level: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode_short, esi, eax, edx
test edx, edx
jnz @f
inc esi
jmp @b
test eax, eax
jz .error
cmp byte[esi], 0
jz .found
push esi
inc esi
cmp byte[esi], 0
jz @f
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jz @f
inc esi
jmp @b
mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, [esp]
mov [ebp+XFS.inode_self.lo], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.inode_self.hi], edx
stdcall xfs._.get_inode_short, eax, edx, ecx ; esi pushed above
jz .next_dir
jmp .next_dir ; file name found, go to next directory level
pop edi esi ebx
ret 4
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
ret 4
; xfs_ReadFolder - XFS implementation of reading a folder
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
; out: [edx] -- f70.1 out structure
proc xfs_ReadFolder uses esi edi
call xfs._.lock
; to read folder
; 1. lock partition
; 2. find inode number
; 3. read this inode
; 4. get bdfe's
; 5. unlock partition
; 1.
call xfs_lock
push ecx edx esi edi
; 2.
push ebx esi edi
add esi, [esp + 32] ; directory name
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_ReadFolder: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
jnz .error
pop edi esi ebx
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
; 3.
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
stdcall xfs._.readdir, [ebx+f70s1arg.start_idx], [ebx+f70s1arg.count], [ebx+f70s1arg.buf], edx, [ebx+f70s1arg.encoding]
; 4.
mov eax, [ebx + 8] ; encoding
and eax, 1
stdcall xfs_dir_get_bdfes, [ebx + 4], [ebx + 12], [ebx + 16], edx, eax
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov edx, [ebx+f70s1arg.buf]
mov ecx, [ebx+f70s1arg.count]
cmp [edx+bdfe_hdr.read_cnt], ecx
jz .quit
mov ebx, [edx+bdfe_hdr.read_cnt]
;DEBUGF 1,"\n\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx
; 5.
call xfs_unlock
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"\n\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx
push eax
call xfs._.unlock
call xfs_unlock
pop eax
; edx -- pointer to inode number in big endian
; ZF -- must be set at exit
proc xfs._.get_inode_number_sf
cmp [ebx+xfs_dir2_sf.hdr.i8count], 0
jz .i4bytes
; push inode_num_hi
; push inode_num_lo
; push [count]
; call xfs_get_inode_number_sf
; inode numbers in short form directories may be 4 or 8 bytes long
; determine the length in run time and read inode number at given address
cmp byte[esp + 4 + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.i8count], 0 ; i8count == 0 means 4 byte per inode number
je .i4bytes
movbe eax, [edx+DQ.hi]
movbe edx, [edx+DQ.lo]
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; hi
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; lo
bswap edx ; big endian
bswap eax
ret 12
movbe eax, [edx+DQ.lo]
xor edx, edx
xor edx, edx ; no hi
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; hi = lo
bswap eax ; big endian
ret 12
proc xfs_get_inode_info uses ebx, _src, _dst
; push dest
; push src
; call xfs_get_inode_info
; get access time and other file properties
; useful for browsing directories
; called for each dir entry
;DEBUGF 1,"get_inode_info\n"
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [_src]
movzx ecx, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_mode]
mov edx, [esp + 4]
movzx ecx, word[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_mode]
xchg cl, ch
test ecx, S_IFDIR
;DEBUGF 1,"di_mode: %x\n",ecx
test ecx, S_IFDIR ; directory?
jz @f
movi eax, 0x10 ; set directory flag
mov eax, 0x10 ; set directory flag
mov edi, [_dst]
mov [edi+bdfe.attr], eax
movbe eax, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.lo]
mov [edi+bdfe.size.hi], eax
movbe eax, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.hi]
mov [edi+bdfe.size.lo], eax
mov edi, [esp + 8]
mov [edi + 0], eax
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[edi + 36], eax ; file size hi
;DEBUGF 1,"file_size hi: %d\n",eax
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[edi + 32], eax ; file size lo
;DEBUGF 1,"file_size lo: %d\n",eax
add edi, 8
movbe eax, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_ctime.t_sec]
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_ctime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
sub eax, 978307200 ; 01.01.1970-01.01.2001 = (365*31+8)*24*60*60
call fsTime2bdfe
pop edx
movbe eax, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_atime.t_sec]
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_atime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
sub eax, 978307200 ; 01.01.1970-01.01.2001 = (365*31+8)*24*60*60
sub eax, 978307200
call fsTime2bdfe
pop edx
movbe eax, [edx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_mtime.t_sec]
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_mtime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
sub eax, 978307200 ; 01.01.1970-01.01.2001 = (365*31+8)*24*60*60
sub eax, 978307200
call fsTime2bdfe
pop edx
cmp esp, esp
xor eax, eax
ret 8
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 8
proc xfs._.extent_unpack uses eax ebx ecx edx, _extent_data
; push extent_data
; call xfs_extent_unpack
; extents come as packet 128bit bitfields
; unpack them to access internal fields
; lets unpack them to access internal fields
; write result to the XFS.extent structure
mov ebx, [_extent_data]
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov ebx, [esp + 20]
xor eax, eax
movbe edx, [ebx+0]
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
bswap edx
test edx, 0x80000000 ; mask, see documentation
setnz al
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_state], eax
and edx, 0x7fffffff ; mask
movbe eax, [ebx+4]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap eax
shrd eax, edx, 9
shr edx, 9
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi], edx
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4], edx
movbe edx, [ebx+4]
movbe eax, [ebx+8]
movbe ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx + 4]
mov eax, [ebx + 8]
mov ecx, [ebx + 12]
bswap edx
bswap eax
bswap ecx
and edx, 0x000001ff ; mask
shrd ecx, eax, 21
shrd eax, edx, 21
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], ecx
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], ecx
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], eax
movbe eax, [ebx+12]
mov eax, [ebx + 12]
bswap eax
and eax, 0x001fffff ; mask
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
pop edx ecx ebx eax
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startoff : %d %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startblock: %d %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_blockcount: %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_state : %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_state]
ret 4
proc xfs_hashname uses ecx esi, _name, _len
; push namelen
; push name
; call xfs_hashname
xfs_hashname: ; xfs_da_hashname
; simple hash function
; never fails)
push ecx esi
xor eax, eax
mov esi, [_name]
mov ecx, [_len]
mov esi, [esp + 12] ; name
mov ecx, [esp + 16] ; namelen
;mov esi, '.'
;mov ecx, 1
;DEBUGF 1,"hashname: %d %s\n",ecx,esi
rol eax, 7
xor al, [esi]
add esi, 1
dec ecx
jnz @b
loop @b
pop esi ecx
ret 8
; push len
; push base
; eax -- hash value
proc xfs._.get_addr_by_hash uses ebx esi, _base, _len
; call xfs_get_addr_by_hash
; look for the directory entry offset by its file name hash
; allows fast file search for block, leaf and node directories
; binary (ternary) search
mov ebx, [_base]
mov edx, [_len]
;DEBUGF 1,"get_addr_by_hash\n"
push ebx esi
mov ebx, [esp + 12] ; left
mov edx, [esp + 16] ; len
mov ecx, edx
; jecxz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .not_found
jz .error
shr ecx, 1
movbe esi, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry+xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.hashval]
mov esi, [ebx + ecx*8 + xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.hashval]
bswap esi
;DEBUGF 1,"cmp 0x%x",esi
cmp eax, esi
jb .below
ja .above
movbe eax, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry+xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.address]
mov eax, [ebx + ecx*8 + xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.address]
pop esi ebx
ret 8
;DEBUGF 1,"b\n"
mov edx, ecx
jmp .next
lea ebx, [ebx+(ecx+1)*sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry]
;DEBUGF 1,"a\n"
lea ebx, [ebx + ecx*8 + 8]
sub edx, ecx
dec edx
jmp .next
test esp, esp
mov eax, -1
pop esi ebx
ret 8
; xfs_GetFileInfo: XFS implementation of getting file info
; xfs_GetFileInfo - XFS implementation of getting file info
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi = name
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
proc xfs_GetFileInfo uses ecx edx esi edi
call xfs._.lock
; lock partition
; get inode number by file name
; read inode
; get info
; unlock partition
push ecx edx esi edi
call xfs_lock
add esi, [esp + 20] ; name
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_GetFileInfo: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
jnz .error
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
jmp .error
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, [ebx+f70s5arg.buf]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, [ebx + 16]
call xfs._.unlock
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"quit\n\n"
push eax
call xfs._.unlock
pop eax
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"error\n\n"
proc xfs._.file.read_extent uses ebx ecx edx, _callback, _callback_data
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi]
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
cmp edx, edi
jb .hole
ja .try_head
cmp eax, esi
ja .try_head
jz .try_match
sub esi, eax
sbb edi, edx
movi ecx, -1
test edi, edi
jnz @f
mov ecx, esi
cmp ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_buffer]
xor eax, eax
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], ecx
sbb [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], ecx
add [ebp+XFS.file_buffer], ecx
add [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo], ecx
adc [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi], 0
rep stosb
cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
jz .quit
jmp .try_match
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
dec ecx
test eax, ecx
jz .try_match
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block_data]
stdcall xfs._.read_block
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.cur_block_data]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_buffer]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
dec ecx
and eax, ecx
add esi, eax
inc ecx
sub ecx, eax
cmp ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], ecx
sbb [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], ecx
add [ebp+XFS.file_buffer], ecx
add [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo], ecx
adc [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi], 0
rep movsb
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo], 1
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], 1
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], 0
dec [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
; cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
jz .quit
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
test eax, eax
jz .quit
cmp eax, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
jb .tail
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocklog]
shr eax, cl
cmp eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
jbe @f
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.file_buffer]
push ecx
stdcall xfs._.read_blocks
pop eax
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], 0
sub [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
imul eax, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], eax
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], eax
sbb [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], eax
add [ebp+XFS.file_buffer], eax
add [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi], 0
; cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
cmp [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount], 0
jz .quit
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block_data]
stdcall xfs._.read_block
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
jnz @f
cmp ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo]
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.cur_block_data]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_buffer]
mov eax, ecx
rep movsb
add [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], eax
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], eax
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], eax
sbb [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.file_buffer], eax
add [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo], 1
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi], 0
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], 1
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], 0
dec [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi]
cmp esp, esp
; xfs_ReadFile - XFS implementation of reading a file
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi = name
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
proc xfs_Read uses ecx edx esi edi
.offset_begin DQ ?
.offset_end DQ ?
call xfs._.lock
mov [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], 0
mov eax, [ebx+f70s0arg.count]
mov [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], eax
test eax, eax
jz .quit
mov eax, [ebx+f70s0arg.buf]
mov [ebp+XFS.file_buffer], eax
mov eax, [ebx+f70s0arg.offset.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi], eax
mov eax, [ebx+f70s0arg.offset.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo], eax
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
call xfs_lock
add esi, [esp + 24]
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
jnz .error
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
jmp .error
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
mov [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save], edx
mov ebx, edx
; precompute .offset_begin
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocklog]
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
mov [.offset_begin.lo], esi
mov [.offset_begin.hi], edi
; precompute .offset_end
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi]
add esi, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
adc edi, 0
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
dec ecx
add esi, ecx
adc edi, 0
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.blocklog]
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
mov [.offset_end.lo], esi
mov [.offset_end.hi], edi
movbe ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.hi]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], ecx
mov [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], edx
cmp byte[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_extent_list
jmp .extent_list
cmp byte[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btree
jmp .btree
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
mov ecx, [ebx + 12] ; bytes to read
mov edi, [ebx + 16] ; buffer for data
mov esi, [ebx + 8] ; offset_hi
mov ebx, [ebx + 4] ; offset_lo
sub ecx, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
sbb edx, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi]
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], eax ; lo
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], eax ; hi
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.left_extents], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_read], 0 ; actually read bytes
xor eax, eax ; extent offset in list
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.next_extent, eax: 0x%x\n",eax
;DEBUGF 1,"bytes_to_read: %d\n",ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"cur file offset: %d %d\n",esi,ebx
;DEBUGF 1,"esp: 0x%x\n",esp
cmp [ebp + XFS.left_extents], 0
jne @f
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
jb .error
mov [ebp+XFS.eof], 0
test edx, edx
jnz @f
cmp ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
jmp .error
push eax
lea eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_u + eax + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
pop eax
dec [ebp + XFS.left_extents]
add eax, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shrd ebx, esi, cl
shr esi, cl
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
jb .extent_list.to_hole ; handle sparse files
ja @f
cmp ebx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
jb .extent_list.to_hole ; handle sparse files
je .extent_list.to_extent ; read from the start of current extent
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
adc edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
;DEBUGF 1,"br_startoff: %d %d\n",edx,eax
cmp esi, edx
ja .extent_list.skip_extent
jb .extent_list.to_extent
cmp ebx, eax
jae .extent_list.skip_extent
jmp .extent_list.to_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.to_hole\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.read_hole
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.to_extent\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.read_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.skip_extent\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.next_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"hole: offt: 0x%x%x ",esi,ebx
push eax edx
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
push esi ebx
mov ebx, ecx
sub eax, ebx ; get hole_size, it is 64 bit
sbb edx, 0 ; now edx:eax contains the size of hole
;DEBUGF 1,"size: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jnz @f ; if hole size >= 2^32, write bytes_to_read zero bytes
cmp eax, ecx ; if hole size >= bytes_to_read, write bytes_to_read zeros
jae @f
mov [ebp+XFS.eof], ERROR_END_OF_FILE
mov [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
mov ecx, eax ; if hole is < than bytes_to_read, write hole size zeros
sub ebx, ecx ; bytes_to_read - hole_size = left_to_read
add dword[esp + 0], ecx ; update pushed file offset
adc dword[esp + 4], 0
xor eax, eax ; hole is made of zeros
rep stosb
mov ecx, ebx
pop ebx esi
cmp [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jz .btree
test ecx, ecx ; all requested bytes are read?
pop edx eax
jz .quit
jmp .extent_list.read_extent ; continue from the start of unpacked extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.read_extent\n"
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
mov ecx, [.offset_begin.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_begin.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_end.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_end.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
stdcall xfs._.walk_extent_list, edx, eax, xfs._.file.read_extent, 0, 0
jnz .error
jmp .hole_check
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
jecxz @f
shl ecx, 3
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
sub eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0] ; skip esi:ebx ?
sbb edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
sub [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
add dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], eax
adc dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.read_extent.next_block\n"
cmp [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount], 0 ; out of blocks in current extent?
jne @f
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.next_extent ; go to next extent
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
mov ecx, [.offset_begin.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_begin.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_end.lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo], ecx
mov ecx, [.offset_end.hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi], ecx
stdcall xfs._.walk_btree, edx, eax, xfs._.file.read_extent, 0, 0, 1
cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.hi], 0
jnz @f
cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_left_in_file.lo], 0
jz .hole_done
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4]
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read block: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
pop ebx
jz @f
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
cmp [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
jz .hole_done
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_inode_save]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_size.hi]
sub eax, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.lo]
sbb edx, [ebp+XFS.file_offset.hi]
jc .hole_done
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
test edx, edx
jnz .hole_read
cmp eax, [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read]
jae .hole_read
mov ecx, eax
jmp .hole_read
sub [ebp+XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
dec [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], 1
adc dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], 0
mov esi, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax ; get blocklog mask
and eax, ebx ; offset in current block
add esi, eax
neg eax
add eax, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ; pushed ecx, bytes_to_read
cmp ecx, eax ; is current block enough?
jbe @f ; if so, read bytes_to_read bytes
mov ecx, eax ; otherwise read the block up to the end
sub [esp + 8], ecx ; left_to_read
add [esp + 12], ecx ; update current file offset, pushed ebx
sub dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], ecx
sbb dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
jnc @f
add dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], ecx
mov ecx, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0]
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
add [ebp+XFS.bytes_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.file_buffer]
adc [esp + 0], dword 0 ; pushed esi
;DEBUGF 1,"read data: %d\n",ecx
rep movsb
mov ecx, [esp + 8]
;DEBUGF 1,"left_to_read: %d\n",ecx
xor ebx, ebx
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
cmp dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
jne .extent_list.read_extent.next_block
cmp dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], 0
jne .extent_list.read_extent.next_block
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .quit
mov ecx, [ebx + 12] ; bytes to read
mov [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx + 16] ; buffer for data
mov esi, [ebx + 8] ; offset_hi
mov ebx, [ebx + 4] ; offset_lo
mov dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ebx
mov dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], esi
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], eax ; lo
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], eax ; hi
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.left_extents], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_read], 0 ; actually read bytes
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov [ebp + XFS.eof], 0
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
add eax, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
adc edx, 0
sub eax, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0]
sbb edx, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4]
jc @f ; file_offset + bytes_to_read < file_size
jz @f ; file_offset + bytes_to_read = file_size
mov [ebp + XFS.eof], 1
cmp edx, 0
jne .error.eof
sub dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], eax
jc .error.eof
jz .error.eof
stdcall xfs_btree_read, 0, 0, 1
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
cmp [ebp + XFS.eof], 1
jne .quit
jmp .error.eof
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.eof]
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_read]
;DEBUGF 1,"quit: %d\n\n",ebx
push eax
call xfs._.unlock
pop eax
;DEBUGF 1,"error\n\n"
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.bytes_read]
proc xfs._.leafn_calc_entries uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, _cur_dirblock, _offset_lo, _offset_hi, _arg
mov edx, [_cur_dirblock]
movzx eax, [ebp+XFS.da_node_magic]
cmp [], ax
jz .quit
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
jnz @f
add edx, xfs_dir3_leaf.hdr.count-xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count
; push max_offset_hi
; push max_offset_lo
; push nextents
; push block_number_hi
; push block_number_lo
; push extent_list
; -1 / read block number
xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: ; skips holes
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock\n"
push ebx esi edi
;mov eax, [esp+28]
;DEBUGF 1,"nextents: %d\n",eax
;mov eax, [esp+20]
;mov edx, [esp+24]
;DEBUGF 1,"block_number: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
;mov eax, [esp+32]
;mov edx, [esp+36]
;DEBUGF 1,"max_addr : 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
mov ebx, [esp + 16]
mov esi, [esp + 20]
mov edi, [esp + 24]
; mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; nextents
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extent\n"
dec dword[esp + 28]
js .error
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, ebx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec ; next extent
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
cmp edx, [esp + 36] ; max_offset_hi
ja .error
jb @f
cmp eax, [esp + 32] ; max_offset_lo
jae .error
movzx eax, [edx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
movzx ecx, [edx+xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
xchg al, ah
xchg cl, ch
sub eax, ecx
add [ebp+XFS.entries_read], eax
cmp edi, edx
jb .hole
ja .check_count
cmp esi, eax
jb .hole
ja .check_count
jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"hole\n"
mov esi, eax
mov edi, edx
jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"check_count\n"
add eax, [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
adc edx, 0
cmp edi, edx
ja .next_extent
jb .read_block
cmp esi, eax
jae .next_extent
; jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block\n"
push esi edi
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
add esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0]
adc edi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4]
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, esi, edi, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
pop edx eax
cmp esp, esp
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: quit\n"
pop edi esi ebx
ret 24
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: error\n"
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov edx, eax
pop edi esi ebx
ret 24
proc xfs._.get_before_by_hashval uses ebx edx esi edi, _base, _count, _hash
mov edi, [_hash]
mov edx, [_count]
xor ecx, ecx
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_da_intnode.btree+ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry+xfs_da_node_entry.hashval]
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
; unfortunately, we need to set 'total entries' field
; this often requires additional effort, since there is no such a number in most directory ondisk formats
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles\n"
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_da3_intnode.btree+ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry+xfs_da_node_entry.hashval]
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
cmp eax, edi
ja .node.leaf_found
inc ecx
cmp ecx, edx
test esp, esp
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_da_intnode.btree+ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry+xfs_da_node_entry.before]
cmp [ebp+XFS.version], 5
jnz @f
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_da3_intnode.btree+ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry+xfs_da_node_entry.before]
jmp .quit
test esp, esp
cmp esp, esp
;DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .common
proc uses ebx esi edi, _ptr, _size
mov ebx, [_ptr]
mov esi, [_size]
sub esi, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr esi, 4
shl esi, 3
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_bmdr_block.bb_level]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_bmdr_block.bb_numrecs]
;DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
xchg al, ah
sub ecx, eax
add [ebp + XFS.entries_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
jmp .common
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.blocksize]
sub esi, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
shr esi, 4
shl esi, 3
movzx eax, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_level]
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
test edi, edi
jz .quit
mov esi, edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jz .leaf
dec ecx
js .error
movbe eax, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key+xfs_bmbt_key.br_startoff.lo]
cmp [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], eax
ja .node_found
jb .next_rec
movbe eax, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key+xfs_bmbt_key.br_startoff.hi]
cmp [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], eax
jae .node_found
jmp .next_rec
add ebx, esi
movbe edx, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_bmbt_ptr+xfs_bmbt_ptr.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+ecx*sizeof.xfs_bmbt_ptr+xfs_bmbt_ptr.hi]
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs._.read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
jmp .not_root
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 12
;DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 12
proc xfs._.walk_btree uses ebx esi edi, _ptr, _size, _callback_extent, _callback_block, _callback_data, _is_root
stdcall, [_ptr+4], [_size]
mov [_is_root], 0
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.bmap_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_magic], eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.bmbt_block_size]
stdcall xfs._.walk_extent_list, ecx, ebx, [_callback_extent+8], [_callback_block+4], [_callback_data]
jnz .error
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi]
cmp edi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi]
ja .quit
cmp esi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo]
jae .quit
sub ebx, [ebp+XFS.bmbt_block_size]
movbe edx, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_rightsib.lo]
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_rightsib.hi]
; push hash
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node\n"
push ebx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 20]
mov edx, [esp + 24]
mov esi, [esp + 28]
DEBUGF 1,"read dirblock: 0x%x %d\n",esi,esi
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
DEBUGF 1,"dirblock read: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,"checkpoint #1\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
DEBUGF 1,"checkpoint #2\n"
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [esp + 32] ; hash
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_da_intnode.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
mov [ebp + XFS.left_leaves], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree + ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry + xfs_da_node_entry.hashval]
bswap esi
cmp edi, esi
jbe .node.leaf_found
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [ebp + XFS.left_leaves]
jne .node.next_leaf
jmp .error
mov eax, [esp + 20]
mov edx, [esp + 24]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree + ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry + xfs_da_node_entry.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, esi, edi
test eax, eax
jz .quit
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs._.read_block
jnz .error
jmp .begin
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
lea esi, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.ents]
mov eax, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash, esi, ecx
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov ecx, eax
jmp .quit
DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 16
DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ebx
ret 16
proc xfs._.btree_read_block uses ebx esi edi, _tree, _size, _block_lo, _block_hi, _buf
mov eax, [_block_lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], eax
mov eax, [_block_hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], eax
stdcall, [_tree+4], [_size]
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles\n"
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
;DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp+XFS.cur_block]
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.bmap_magic]
cmp [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_magic], eax
jnz .error
movzx ecx, [ebx+xfs_bmbt_block.bb_numrecs]
jmp .common
;DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
add ebx, [ebp+XFS.bmbt_block_size]
mov eax, [_block_lo]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], eax
mov eax, [_block_hi]
mov [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], eax
stdcall, ecx
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], [_buf]
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
xchg al, ah
sub ecx, eax
add [ebp + XFS.entries_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
jmp .common
proc uses esi, _count
sub ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
inc [_count]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
dec [_count]
test edi, edi
jz .quit
stdcall xfs._.extent_unpack, ebx
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi]
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add eax, esi
adc edx, 0
mov esi, edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .quit
cmp edx, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi]
ja .low_found
jb .find_low
cmp eax, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo]
ja .low_found
jmp .find_low
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi]
mov esi, eax
sub esi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
jbe .quit
; same br_blockcount for block and dirblock?
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo], eax
mov [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi], edx
sub [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount], esi
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], esi
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], 0
jmp .quit
mov eax, [_count]
;DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 12
;DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 12
proc xfs._.extent_iterate_dirblocks _callback, _callback_data
cmp edi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi]
ja .quit
jb .read_dirblock
cmp esi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo]
jae .quit
stdcall xfs._.read_dirblock, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov edx, [ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov eax, [_callback]
stdcall eax, edx, esi, edi, [_callback_data]
; push is_root
; push block_hi
; push block_lo
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
cmp dword[esp + 32], 1 ; is root?
je .root
jmp .not_root
DEBUGF 1,".root\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
add ebx, xfs_inode.di_u
movzx edx, [ebx + xfs_bmdr_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg dl, dh
dec edx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
xor eax, eax
dec eax
DEBUGF 1,".root.next_key\n"
cmp [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
je .quit
inc eax
cmp eax, edx ; out of keys?
ja .root.key_found ; there is no length field, so try the last key
lea edi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
lea esi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap edi
bswap esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
cmp edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
ja .root.prev_or_hole
jb .root.next_key
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
ja .root.prev_or_hole
jb .root.next_key
jmp .root.key_found
DEBUGF 1,".root.prev_or_hole\n"
test eax, eax
jz .root.hole
dec eax
jmp .root.key_found
DEBUGF 1,".root.hole\n"
push eax edx esi edi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
cmp edi, 0 ; hole size >= 2^32
jne @f
cmp ecx, esi
jbe @f
mov ecx, esi
add dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ecx
adc dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], 0
sub [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos]
rep stosb
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
pop edi esi edx eax
jmp .root.next_key
DEBUGF 1,".root.key_found\n"
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
cmp [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff], 0
je @f
movzx eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl eax, XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG ; 3
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ;log2(sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr)
mov edx, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0] ; hi
mov eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4] ; hi
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_btree_read, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.blkpdirblk]
add esi, eax
adc edi, 0
add [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock.hi], 0
sub [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
jnz .check_high
jmp .root.next_key
DEBUGF 1,".root.not_root\n"
mov eax, [esp + 24] ; block_lo
mov edx, [esp + 28] ; block_hi
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
proc xfs._.walk_extent_list uses ebx esi edi, _count, _ptr, _callback_extent, _callback_block, _callback_data
mov ebx, [_ptr]
stdcall, [_count]
mov [_count], eax
dec [_count]
js .quit
jmp .next_extent.decoded
stdcall xfs._.extent_unpack, ebx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.lo], eax
adc [ebp+XFS.offset_begin.hi], 0
mov esi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
mov edi, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi]
stdcall [_callback_extent+8], [_callback_block+4], [_callback_data]
cmp [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_magic], XFS_BMAP_MAGIC
jne .error
cmp [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_level], 0 ; leaf?
je .leaf
jmp .node
; mov eax, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
; sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
; shr eax, 4 ; maxnumrecs
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0] ; lo
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4] ; hi
movzx edx, [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg dl, dh
dec edx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
xor eax, eax
dec eax
push eax ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 44] ; block_lo
mov edx, [esp + 48] ; block_hi
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
cmp edi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.hi]
ja .quit
jb @f
cmp esi, [ebp+XFS.offset_end.lo]
jae .quit
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
pop edi esi edx ecx eax
cmp [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
je .quit
inc eax
cmp eax, edx ; out of keys?
ja .node.key_found ; there is no length field, so try the last key
lea edi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
lea esi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap edi
bswap esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
cmp edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
ja .node.prev_or_hole
jb .node.next_key
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
ja .node.prev_or_hole
jb .node.next_key
jmp .node.key_found
test eax, eax
jz .node.hole
dec eax
jmp .node.key_found
push eax edx esi edi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
cmp edi, 0 ; hole size >= 2^32
jne @f
cmp ecx, esi
jbe @f
mov ecx, esi
dec [_count]
js .quit
jmp .next_extent
add dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ecx
adc dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], 0
sub [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos]
rep stosb
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
pop edi esi edx eax
jmp .node.next_key
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
cmp [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff], 0
je @f
movzx eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl eax, XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG ; 3
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ;log2(sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr)
mov edx, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0] ; hi
mov eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4] ; hi
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_btree_read, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .node.next_key
jmp .quit
proc xfs._.get_last_dirblock uses ecx
movbe eax, [ebx+xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
assert (sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec AND (sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec - 1)) = 0
shl eax, BSF sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
add eax, [ebp+XFS.inode_core_size]
lea eax, [ebx+eax-sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec]
stdcall xfs._.extent_unpack, eax
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
mov ecx, [ebp+XFS.dirblklog]
shr eax, cl
dec eax
add eax, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.lo]
adc edx, [ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff.hi]
jmp .quit
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 4
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 4
restore prologue@proc,epilogue@proc
restore movbe
; push nextents
; push extent_list
; push file_offset_hi
; push file_offset_lo
; push ebx 0 edx esi edi ; zero means actually_read_bytes
; .quit:
; pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
; xor eax, eax
; ret 24
; .error:
; pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
; ret 24
1,6 → 1,6
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2020. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
7,89 → 7,51
; file types from stat.h
S_IFMT = 0170000o ; These bits determine file type
S_IFDIR = 0040000o ; Directory
S_IFCHR = 0020000o ; Character device
S_IFBLK = 0060000o ; Block device
S_IFREG = 0100000o ; Regular file
S_IFIFO = 0010000o ; FIFO
S_IFLNK = 0120000o ; Symbolic link
S_IFSOCK = 0140000o ; Socket
; from stat.h
; distinguish file types
S_IFMT = 0170000o ; These bits determine file type.
S_IFDIR = 0040000o ; Directory.
S_IFCHR = 0020000o ; Character device.
S_IFBLK = 0060000o ; Block device.
S_IFREG = 0100000o ; Regular file.
S_IFIFO = 0010000o ; FIFO.
S_IFLNK = 0120000o ; Symbolic link.
S_IFSOCK = 0140000o ; Socket.
; end stat.h
; XFS null constant: empty fields must be all ones, not zeros!
; static sector numbers
; signatures of file system structures
; 'string' numbers are treated by fasm as big endian
XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC = 0xbefe ; those are little endian here
XFS_ATTR_LEAF_MAGIC = 0xeefb ; but big endian in docs
XFS_DIR2_LEAF1_MAGIC = 0xf1d2 ; pay attention!
XFS_DA3_NODE_MAGIC = 0xbe3e ; non-leaf blocks
XFS_DIR3_LEAF1_MAGIC = 0xf13d ; v3 dir single blks
XFS_DIR3_LEAFN_MAGIC = 0xff3d ; v3 dir multi blks
XFS_DIR3_BLOCK_MAGIC = 'XDB3' ; single block dirs
XFS_DIR3_DATA_MAGIC = 'XDD3' ; multiblock dirs
XFS_SB_VERSION_BORGBIT = 0x4000 ; ASCII only case-insensitive
XFS_SB_VERSION2_LAZYSBCOUNTBIT = 0x00000002 ; Superblk counters
XFS_SB_VERSION2_ATTR2BIT = 0x00000008 ; Inline attr rework
XFS_SB_VERSION2_PARENTBIT = 0x00000010 ; parent pointers in xattr
XFS_SB_VERSION2_PROJID32BIT = 0x00000080 ; 32 bit project id
XFS_SB_VERSION2_CRCBIT = 0x00000100 ; metadata CRCs
XFS_SB_VERSION2_FTYPE = 0x00000200 ; inode type in dir
XFS_SB_FEAT_INCOMPAT_FTYPE = 1 ; filetype in dirent
XFS_SB_FEAT_INCOMPAT_SPINODES = 2 ; sparse inode chunks
; bitfield lengths for packed extent
; MSB to LSB / left to right
97,27 → 59,36
; those constants are taken from linux source (xfs_dir2_leaf.h)
; they are magic infile offsets for directories
XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG = 3 ; i.e., 8 bytes
; data section magic constants for directories (xfs_dir2_data.h)
; valid inode formats
; enum xfs_dinode_fmt (xfs_dinode.h)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_DEV = 0 ; xfs_dev_t
XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL = 1 ; one inode is enough (shortdir)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS = 2 ; one or more extents (leafdir, nodedir, regular files)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE = 3 ; highly fragmented files or really huge directories
XFS_DINODE_FMT_UUID = 4 ; uuid_t
; size of the unlinked inode hash table in the agi
; possible extent states
; enum xfs_exntst_t (xfs_bmap_btree.h)
125,16 → 96,40
; values for inode core flags / di_flags (xfs_dinode.h)
XFS_DIFLAG_REALTIME_BIT = 0 ; file's blocks come from rt area
XFS_DIFLAG_PREALLOC_BIT = 1 ; file space has been preallocated
XFS_DIFLAG_NEWRTBM_BIT = 2 ; for rtbitmap inode, new format
XFS_DIFLAG_IMMUTABLE_BIT = 3 ; inode is immutable
XFS_DIFLAG_APPEND_BIT = 4 ; inode is append-only
XFS_DIFLAG_SYNC_BIT = 5 ; inode is written synchronously
XFS_DIFLAG_NOATIME_BIT = 6 ; do not update atime
XFS_DIFLAG_NODUMP_BIT = 7 ; do not dump
XFS_DIFLAG_RTINHERIT_BIT = 8 ; create with realtime bit set
XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT_BIT = 9 ; create with parents projid
XFS_DIFLAG_NOSYMLINKS_BIT = 10 ; disallow symlink creation
XFS_DIFLAG_EXTSIZE_BIT = 11 ; inode extent size allocator hint
XFS_DIFLAG_EXTSZINHERIT_BIT = 12 ; inherit inode extent size
XFS_DIFLAG_NODEFRAG_BIT = 13 ; do not reorganize/defragment
XFS_DIFLAG_FILESTREAM_BIT = 14 ; use filestream allocator
; superblock _ondisk_ structure (xfs_sb.h)
; this is _not_ the partition structure
; for XFS partition structure see XFS below
141,21 → 136,21
struct xfs_sb
sb_magicnum dd ? ; signature, must be XFS_SB_MAGIC
sb_blocksize dd ? ; block is the minimal file system unit, in bytes
sb_dblocks DQ ? ; number of data blocks
sb_rblocks DQ ? ; number of realtime blocks
sb_rextents DQ ? ; number of realtime extents
sb_dblocks dq ? ; number of data blocks
sb_rblocks dq ? ; number of realtime blocks (not supported yet!)
sb_rextents dq ? ; number of realtime extents (not supported yet!)
sb_uuid rb 16 ; file system unique identifier
sb_logstart DQ ? ; starting block of log (for internal journal)
sb_rootino DQ ? ; root inode number
sb_rbmino DQ ? ; bitmap inode for realtime extents
sb_rsumino DQ ? ; summary inode for rt bitmap
sb_logstart dq ? ; starting block of log (for internal journal; journals on separate devices are not supported!)
sb_rootino dq ? ; root inode number
sb_rbmino dq ? ; bitmap inode for realtime extents (ignored)
sb_rsumino dq ? ; summary inode for rt bitmap (ignored)
sb_rextsize dd ? ; realtime extent size, blocks
sb_agblocks dd ? ; size of an allocation group (the last one may be smaller!)
sb_agcount dd ? ; number of allocation groups
sb_rbmblocks dd ? ; number of rt bitmap blocks
sb_logblocks dd ? ; number of log blocks
sb_versionnum dw ? ; header version
sb_sectsize dw ? ; volume sector size in bytes
sb_versionnum dw ? ; header version == XFS_SB_VERSION
sb_sectsize dw ? ; volume sector size in bytes (only 512B sectors are supported)
sb_inodesize dw ? ; inode size, bytes
sb_inopblock dw ? ; inodes per block
sb_fname rb 12 ; inodes per block (aka label)
168,13 → 163,13
sb_inprogress db ? ; mkfs is in progress, don't mount
sb_imax_pct db ? ; max % of fs for inode space
; statistics
sb_icount DQ ? ; allocated inodes
sb_ifree DQ ? ; free inodes
sb_fdblocks DQ ? ; free data blocks
sb_frextents DQ ? ; free realtime extents
sb_icount dq ? ; allocated inodes
sb_ifree dq ? ; free inodes
sb_fdblocks dq ? ; free data blocks
sb_frextents dq ? ; free realtime extents
sb_uquotino DQ ? ; user quota inode
sb_gquotino DQ ? ; group quota inode
sb_uquotino dq ? ; user quota inode
sb_gquotino dq ? ; group quota inode
sb_qflags dw ? ; quota flags
sb_flags db ? ; misc. flags
sb_shared_vn db ? ; shared version number
186,18 → 181,43
sb_logsectsize dw ? ; sector size for the log, bytes
sb_logsunit dd ? ; stripe unit size for the log
sb_features2 dd ? ; additional feature bits
sb_bad_features2 dd ?
sb_features_compat dd ?
sb_features_ro_compat dd ?
sb_features_incompat dd ?
sb_features_log_incompat dd ?
sb_crc dd ? ; superblock crc
sb_spino_align dd ? ; sparse inode chunk alignment
sb_pquotino DQ ? ; project quota inode
sb_lsn DQ ? ; last write sequence
sb_meta_uuid rb 16 ; metadata file system unique id
; allocation group inode (xfs_ag.h)
struct xfs_agi
agi_magicnum dd ? ; magic number == XFS_AGI_MAGIC
agi_versionnum dd ? ; header version == XFS_AGI_VERSION
agi_seqno dd ? ; sequence number starting from 0
agi_length dd ? ; size in blocks of a.g.
agi_count dd ? ; count of allocated inodes
agi_root dd ? ; root of inode btree
agi_level dd ? ; levels in inode btree
agi_freecount dd ? ; number of free inodes
agi_newino dd ? ; new inode just allocated
agi_dirino dd ? ; last directory inode chunk
agi_unlinked rd XFS_AGI_UNLINKED_BUCKETS ; Hash table of inodes which have been unlinked but are still being referenced
; superblock structure of b+tree node/leaf (same structure, bb_level matters)
struct xfs_btree_sblock
bb_magic dd ?
bb_level dw ? ; distinguishes nodeds and leaves
bb_numrecs dw ?
bb_leftsib dd ?
bb_rightsib dd ?
; record of b+tree inode
struct xfs_inobt_rec
ir_startino dd ?
ir_freecount dd ?
ir_free dq ?
; structure to store create, access and modification time in inode core
struct xfs_timestamp
t_sec dd ?
204,6 → 224,7
t_nsec dd ? ; nanoseconds
; inode core structure: basic information about file
struct xfs_dinode_core
di_magic dw ? ; inode magic = XFS_DINODE_MAGIC
220,8 → 241,8
di_atime xfs_timestamp ; time last accessed
di_mtime xfs_timestamp ; time last modified
di_ctime xfs_timestamp ; time created/inode modified
di_size DQ ? ; number of bytes in file
di_nblocks DQ ? ; number of direct & btree blocks used
di_size dq ? ; number of bytes in file
di_nblocks dq ? ; number of direct & btree blocks used
di_extsize dd ? ; basic/minimum extent size for file
di_nextents dd ? ; number of extents in data fork
di_anextents dw ? ; number of extents in attribute fork
231,59 → 252,47
di_dmstate dw ? ; DMIG state info
di_flags dw ? ; random flags, XFS_DIFLAG_...
di_gen dd ? ; generation number
di_next_unlinked dd ? ; unlinked but still used inode (if any, XFS_NULL otherwise)
struct xfs_dinode3_core xfs_dinode_core
di_crc dd ? ; CRC of the inode
di_changecount DQ ? ; number of attribute changes
di_lsn DQ ? ; flush sequence
di_flags2 DQ ? ; more random flags
di_cowextsize dd ? ; basic cow extent size for file
di_pad2 rb 12 ; more padding for future expansion
; fields only written to during inode creation
di_crtime xfs_timestamp ; time created
di_ino DQ ? ; inode number
di_uuid rb 16 ; UUID of the filesystem
; shortform dir header
struct xfs_dir2_sf_hdr
count db ? ; the number of directory entries, used only if each inode number fits 4 bytes; zero otherwise
i8count db ? ; the number of directory entries, used only when count is zero
parent dq ? ; parent inode number: xfs_dir2_inou_t (4 or 8 bytes)
struct xfs_dir2_sf_hdr
count db ?
i8count db ?
parent DQ ? ; parent inode number, 4 or 8 bytes
; shortform dir entry
struct xfs_dir2_sf_entry
namelen db ? ; actual name length (ASCII)
offset rb 2 ; saved offset
name db ? ; name, variable size
inumber DQ ? ; 4 or 8 bytes
; inumber dq ? ; xfs_dir2_inou_t
struct xfs_dir2_sf
hdr xfs_dir2_sf_hdr
entries xfs_dir2_sf_entry
; active entry in a data block
; aligned to 8 bytes
; tag appears as the last 2 bytes
struct xfs_dir2_data_entry
inumber DQ ?
namelen db ?
name db ? ; name bytes array without terminator
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of the entry
inumber dq ? ; inode number
namelen db ? ; name length
name db ? ; name bytes, no null
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of us
; unused entry in a data block
; aligned to 8 bytes
; tag appears as the last 2 bytes
struct xfs_dir2_data_unused
freetag dw ? ; XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG aka XFS_NULL
freetag dw ? ; XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
length dw ? ; total free length
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of the entry
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of us
; generic data entry
struct xfs_dir2_data_union
292,6 → 301,7
; describe a free area in the data block
; the freespace will be formatted as a xfs_dir2_data_unused_t
struct xfs_dir2_data_free
299,6 → 309,7
length dw ? ; length of freespace
; header for the data blocks
; always at the beginning of a directory-sized block
; the code knows that XFS_DIR2_DATA_FD_COUNT is 3
309,14 → 320,6
bestfree3 xfs_dir2_data_free
struct xfs_dir3_data_hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr
magic3 dd ?
crc dd ?
blkno DQ ?
lsn DQ ?
uuid rb 16
owner DQ ?
; leaf block entry
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
324,6 → 327,7
address dd ? ; address of data entry
; the tail of directory block
struct xfs_dir2_block_tail
count dd ? ; count of leaf entries
330,14 → 334,24
stale dd ? ; count of stale leaf entries
; generic single-block structure, for xfs_db
struct xfs_dir2_block
hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr ; magic XFS_DIR2_DATA_MAGIC
hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr
u xfs_dir2_data_union
; leaf xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; tail xfs_dir2_block_tail
struct xfs_dir2_data
hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr ; magic XFS_DIR2_DATA_MAGIC
u xfs_dir2_data_union
struct xfs_da_blkinfo
forw dd ? ; previous block in list
back dd ? ; following block in list
345,43 → 359,33
pad dw ? ; unused
; leaf block header
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_hdr
info xfs_da_blkinfo
count dw ?
stale dw ?
info xfs_da_blkinfo ; header for da routines
count dw ? ; count of entries
stale dw ? ; count of stale entries
struct xfs_da3_blkinfo xfs_da_blkinfo
crc dd ? ; CRC of block
blkno DQ ? ; first block of the buffer
lsn DQ ? ; sequence number of last write
uuid rb 16 ; filesystem we belong to
owner DQ ? ; inode that owns the block
struct xfs_dir3_leaf_hdr
info xfs_da3_blkinfo
count dw ?
stale dw ?
pad dd ?
; leaf block tail
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_tail
bestcount dd ?
; leaf block
; bests and tail are at the end of the block for single-leaf only
struct xfs_dir2_leaf
hdr xfs_dir2_leaf_hdr
ents xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; bests dw ?
; tail xfs_dir2_leaf_tail
hdr xfs_dir2_leaf_hdr ; leaf header
ents xfs_dir2_leaf_entry ; entries
; bests dw ? ; best free counts
; tail xfs_dir2_leaf_tail ; leaf tail
struct xfs_dir3_leaf
hdr xfs_dir3_leaf_hdr
ents xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; bests
; tail
; header of 'free' block part
struct xfs_dir2_free_hdr
magic dd ? ; XFS_DIR2_FREE_MAGIC
firstdb dd ? ; db of first entry
389,6 → 393,16
nused dd ? ; count of used entries
; 'free' part of directiry block
struct xfs_dir2_free
hdr xfs_dir2_free_hdr ; block header
bests dw ? ; best free counts
; unused entries are -1 (XFS_NULL)
; b+tree node header
struct xfs_da_node_hdr
info xfs_da_blkinfo
count dw ?
395,63 → 409,54
level dw ?
; b+tree node
struct xfs_da_node_entry
hashval dd ? ; hash value for this descendant
before dd ? ; Btree block before this key
struct xfs_da_intnode
hdr xfs_da_node_hdr
btree xfs_da_node_entry
struct xfs_da3_node_hdr
info xfs_da3_blkinfo
count dw ?
level dw ?
pad dd ?
struct xfs_da3_intnode
hdr xfs_da3_node_hdr
btree xfs_da_node_entry
; packet extent
struct xfs_bmbt_rec
l0 DQ ?
l1 DQ ?
l0 dq ?
l1 dq ?
; unpacked extent
struct xfs_bmbt_irec
br_startoff DQ ?
br_startblock DQ ?
br_blockcount dd ?
br_state dd ?
br_startoff dq ? ; starting file offset
br_startblock dq ? ; starting block number
br_blockcount dd ? ; number of blocks
br_state dd ? ; extent state
struct xfs_dir2_bmx
bmx xfs_bmbt_rec
; bmap root header
; bmap root header, on-disk form only
struct xfs_bmdr_block
bb_level dw ? ; 0 is a leaf
bb_numrecs dw ? ; current number of data records
; key structure for non-leaf levels of the tree
struct xfs_bmbt_key
br_startoff DQ ? ; starting file offset
br_startoff dq ? ; starting file offset
struct xfs_bmdr_ptr DQ
struct xfs_bmbt_ptr DQ
sizeof.xfs_bmbt_ptr = 8 ; workaround
sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr = 8 ; workaround
; long form header: bmap btrees
; xfs_btree_lblock is xfs_bmbt_block (xfs_btree.h)
struct xfs_bmbt_block
458,165 → 463,66
bb_magic dd ? ; magic number for block type
bb_level dw ? ; 0 is a leaf
bb_numrecs dw ? ; current number of data records
bb_leftsib DQ ? ; left sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
bb_rightsib DQ ? ; right sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
bb_leftsib dq ? ; left sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
bb_rightsib dq ? ; right sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
struct xfs_bmbt3_block xfs_bmbt_block
bb_blkno DQ ?
bb_lsn DQ ?
bb_uuid rb 16
bb_owner DQ ?
bb_crc dd ?
bb_pad dd ?
; high level inode structure
struct xfs_inode
di_core xfs_dinode_core ; main info, aka core
di_next_unlinked dd ? ; unlinked but still used inode (if any, XFS_NULL otherwise)
di_u db ? ; data fork inode part
dir2_sf xfs_dir2_sf
bmx xfs_dir2_bmx
; di_a db ? ; data attribute
struct xfs_agf
agf_magicnum dd ? ; magic number == XFS_AGF_MAGIC
agf_versionnum dd ? ; header version == XFS_AGF_VERSION
agf_seqno dd ? ; sequence # starting from 0
agf_length dd ? ; size in blocks of AG
agf_roots dd ?
agf_levels dd ?
agf_flfirst dd ?
agf_fllast dd ?
agf_flcount dd ?
agf_freeblks dd ? ; free blocks in AG
; internal data for every XFS partition
; this _is_ XFS partition structure
; most fields are unpacked or bswap'ed values of the superblock, see xfs_sb structure above
; most fields are unpacked or bswap'ed values from the superblock, so see xfs_sb structure above
Lock MUTEX ? ; access mutex
blocksize dd ?
sectsize dd ?
blocksize dd ?
dirblocksize dd ?
inodesize dd ?
rootino DQ ?
rootino dq ?
cur_block dd ?
cur_inode dd ?
cur_sect dd ?
cur_dirblock dd ?
tmp_inode dd ?
versionnum dd ?
version dd ?
features2 dd ?
inodesize dd ?
inopblock dd ?
blkpdirblk dd ?
blocklog dd ?
sectlog dd ?
inodelog dd ?
inopblog dd ?
agblklog dd ?
sectpblog dd ?
dirblklog dd ? ; in fsblocks
blockmsectlog dd ?
inodetoblocklog dd ?
dirblklog dd ?
sectpblock dd ?
agblocks dd ?
dir2_leaf_offset_blocks DQ ?
dir2_free_offset_blocks DQ ?
agblockmask DQ ?
inode_core_size dd ?
features_incompat dd ?
ftype_size dd ?
dir_block_magic dd ?
dir_data_magic dd ?
dir_leaf1_magic dw ?
dir_leafn_magic dw ?
da_node_magic dw ?
bmap_magic dd ?
bmbt_block_size dd ?
dir_block_size dd ?
dir_data_size dd ?
dir_leaf1_size dd ?
dir_leafn_size dd ?
da_node_size dd ?
da_blkinfo_size dd ?
; helpers, temporary vars, etc
; should go to file descriptor and local vars?
cur_block dd ?
cur_block_data dd ?
cur_inode dd ?
cur_sect dd ?
cur_dirblock dd ?
tmp_inode dd ?
agblockmask dq ?
extent xfs_bmbt_irec
left_extents dd ?
left_leaves dd ?
bytes_to_read dd ?
bytes_read dd ?
bytes_left_in_file DQ ?
file_offset DQ ?
file_buffer dd ?
entries_read dd ?
requested_cnt dd ?
dir_sf_self_done dd ?
dir_sf_parent_done dd ?
entries_left_in_dir dd ?
entries_to_skip dd ?
file_offset dq ?
max_dirblockaddr dd ?
next_block_num dq ?
dir2_leaf_offset_blocks dd ?
dir2_free_offset_blocks dd ?
cur_inode_save dd ?
shortform_inodelen dd ?
bdfe_nameenc dd ?
bdfe_len dd ?
bdfe_process dd ?
inode_self DQ ?
bdfe_buf dd ?
bytes_left_in_file dq ?
ro_nextents dd ?
bb_ptrs dd ?
maxnumrecs dd ?
buffer_pos dd ?
eof dd ?
offset_begin DQ ?
offset_end DQ ?
struct f70s0arg
sf dd ?
offset DQ ?
count dd ?
buf dd ?
zero db ?
path dd ?
struct f70s1arg
sf dd ?
start_idx dd ?
encoding dd ?
count dd ?
buf dd ?
zero db ?
path dd ?
struct f70s5arg
sf dd ?
dd ?
xflags dd ? ; name flags is already used
dd ?
buf dd ?
zero db ?
path dd ?
struct bdfe_hdr
version dd ?
read_cnt dd ?
total_cnt dd ?
zeroed rd 5
struct bdfe
attr dd ?
nameenc dd ?
; nameenc db ?
; reserved db 3 dup(?)
ctime dd ?
cdate dd ?
atime dd ?
adate dd ?
mtime dd ?
mdate dd ?
size DQ ?
name db ?