Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 6292 → Rev 6291

121,7 → 121,6
newMftRecord dd ? ; number of fileRecord in MFT
fileDataStart dd ? ; starting cluster
fileDataSize dd ? ; in clusters
fileDataBuffer dd ?
fileRealSize dd ? ; in bytes
indexOffset dd ?
nodeLastRead dd ?
2094,19 → 2093,18
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
push esi
push ecx
mov edx, [ebx+12]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], edx
mov edx, [ebx+16]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataBuffer], edx
mov edx, ecx
cmp dword [edi], 'INDX'
jz .indexRecord
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer] ; indexRoot
mov ecx, [esi+recordRealSize]
mov edx, [esi+recordRealSize]
add edx, ecx
cmp [esi+recordAllocatedSize], edx
jc .growTree
jnc @f
add esp, 12
jmp ntfsUnsupported ; indexAllocation required
@@: ; index fits in the indexRoot
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edx
mov ecx, edx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
2122,167 → 2120,27
sub eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
add eax, edi
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
add edi, edx
sub edi, 4
jmp .common
add esp, 16
jmp ntfsUnsupported
sub eax, rootNode
sub eax, [edi+rootNode+indexOffset]
push eax
; create indexRecord
mov ecx, 10
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
mov cl, [esi+attributeOffset]
add esi, ecx
mov eax, [esi+indexRecordSizeClus]
cmp eax, 128
jnc @b
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], eax
mov eax, [esi+indexRecordSize]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
jc @b
shr eax, 9
inc eax
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov dword[edi], 'INDX'
mov byte [edi+updateSequenceOffset], 28h
mov [edi+updateSequenceSize], al
add edi, recordNode
shl eax, 1
add eax, 28h-recordNode+7
and eax, not 7
mov [edi+indexOffset], eax
mov ecx, [esi+indexRecordSize]
sub ecx, recordNode
mov [edi+nodeAllocatedSize], ecx
add esi, rootNode
push esi
mov ecx, [esi+nodeRealSize]
sub ecx, [esi+indexOffset]
add eax, ecx
mov [edi+nodeRealSize], eax
shr ecx, 2
add esi, [esi+indexOffset]
add edi, [edi+indexOffset]
rep movsd ; copy root indexes
; clear root node
mov cl, 10
mov edi, [esp]
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
mov byte [edi+indexOffset], 16
mov byte [edi+nodeRealSize], 28h
mov byte [edi+nodeAllocatedSize], 28h
mov byte [edi+nonLeafFlag], 1
mov byte [edi+16+indexAllocatedSize], 18h
mov byte [edi+16+indexFlags], 3
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
add edi, 28h
mov eax, edi
sub eax, esi
mov word [esi+sizeWithoutHeader], 38h
xchg [esi+sizeWithHeader], eax
cmp byte [esi+eax], -1
jnz @b
mov cl, 32
xor eax, eax
push edi
rep stosd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
jnc @f
add esp, 20
jmp ntfsDiskFull
@@: ; create $IndexAllocation
pop edi
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 0xA0
mov byte [edi+nonResidentFlag], 1
mov byte [edi+nameLength], 4
mov byte [edi+nameOffset], 40h
mov byte [edi+dataRunsOffset], 48h
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 50h
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
dec eax
mov [edi+lastVCN], eax
inc eax
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl eax, 9
mov [edi+attributeAllocatedSize], eax
mov [edi+attributeRealSize], eax
mov [edi+initialDataSize], eax
mov dword[edi+40h], 490024h ; unicode $I30
mov dword[edi+40h+4], 300033h
push edi
mov esi, edi
add edi, 48h
call createMcbEntry
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
pop edi
mov al, [esi+newAttributeID]
mov [edi+attributeID], al
add edi, 50h
inc eax
; create $Bitmap
mov [edi+attributeID], al
inc eax
mov [esi+newAttributeID], al
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 0xB0
mov byte [edi+nameLength], 4
mov byte [edi+nameOffset], 18h
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 20h
mov byte [edi+sizeWithoutHeader], 8
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 28h
mov dword[edi+18h], 490024h ; unicode $I30
mov dword[edi+18h+4], 300033h
mov byte [edi+20h], 1
mov dword[edi+28h], -1
add edi, 30h
sub edi, esi
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edi
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_buf], esi
call writeRecord ; fileRecord
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ebp+NTFS.LastRead], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_buf], eax
call writeRecord ; indexRecord
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov ax, [ebx+6]
dec eax
shl eax, 9
call ntfs_restore_usa
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
pop eax
add eax, recordNode
add eax, [edi+recordNode+indexOffset]
mov edx, [esp]
add edi, recordNode
add edx, [edi+nodeRealSize]
mov edx, [edi+nodeRealSize]
add edx, ecx
cmp [edi+nodeAllocatedSize], edx
jnc @f
add esp, 12
jmp ntfsUnsupported ; new node required
@@: ; index fits in the node
mov [edi+nodeRealSize], edx
add edi, edx
sub edi, 4
mov esi, edi
sub esi, [esp]
mov ecx, esi
sub ecx, eax ; eax = pointer in the record
sub ecx, eax ; eax = pointer in the node
shr ecx, 2
inc ecx
2305,15 → 2163,15
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov eax, [eax+reuseCounter]
mov [edi+directoryReferenceReuse], ax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
shr eax, 8
mov eax, [ebx+12]
add ecx, 30h+48h+8+18h+8
add ecx, eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize]
add ecx, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize], eax
mov [edi+fileRealSize], eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.frs_size], ecx
jc @f
mov eax, [ebx+16]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
2349,12 → 2207,12
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapStart]
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
jc ntfsDiskFull
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileRealSize]
add ecx, 511
shr ecx, 9
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataBuffer]
mov ebx, [ebx+16]
call fs_write64_app
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
2457,22 → 2315,19
rep stosd
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
; record header
mov [edi+2ah], ax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
mov [edi+recordAllocatedSize], eax
shr eax, 9
inc eax
mov [edi+updateSequenceSize], al
shl eax, 1
add eax, 2ah+7
and eax, not 7
mov dword[edi], 'FILE'
mov byte [edi+updateSequenceOffset], 2ah
mov byte [edi+hardLinkCounter], 1
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 30h
mov byte [edi+newAttributeID], 3
mov [edi+attributeOffset], al
add edi, eax
mov [edi+2ah], ax
add edi, 30h
; $StandardInformation
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 10h
mov byte [edi+sizeWithHeader], 48h
2526,7 → 2381,7
mov [edi+sizeWithoutHeader], ecx
mov byte [edi+attributeOffset], 18h
push edi
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataBuffer]
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
add edi, 18h
rep movsb
2538,7 → 2393,7
mov [edi+sizeWithHeader], eax
add edi, eax
mov al, 1
jmp .end
jmp @f
mov byte [edi+attributeType], 90h
2551,16 → 2406,9
mov byte [edi+20h+indexedAttributesType], 30h
mov byte [edi+20h+collationRule], 1
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov dl, 1
shl eax, 8
shl eax, 1
shl edx, 1
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
jc @b
shr edx, 1
shl eax, 9
mov [edi+20h+indexRecordSize], eax
mov [edi+20h+indexRecordSizeClus], dl
mov byte [edi+20h+indexRecordSizeClus], 1
mov byte [edi+30h+indexOffset], 16
mov byte [edi+30h+nodeRealSize], 32
mov byte [edi+30h+nodeAllocatedSize], 32
2568,7 → 2416,7
mov byte [edi+40h+indexFlags], 2
add edi, 50h
mov al, 3
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov dword [edi], -1
mov dword [edi+4], 0
2578,6 → 2426,8
mov [esi+recordFlags], al
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edi
call writeRecord
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
; write MFT bitmap
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.newMftRecord]
shr eax, 3+9
2588,10 → 2438,33
mov ecx, 1
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_sys
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
; 5. Write partition bitmap
cmp [ebp+NTFS.bFolder], 1
jz @f
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
add ecx, eax
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
shr eax, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
test eax, eax
jnz ntfsDevice
mov edi, [ebp+NTFS.indexOffset]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.newMftRecord]
mov [edi+fileRecordReference], eax
; 5. Write directory node
; 6. Write directory node
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.nodeLastRead]
mov [ebp+NTFS.LastRead], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
2753,7 → 2626,6
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
jc .err1
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
pop edi
pop edx
cmp edx, eax
2776,23 → 2648,44
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
call createMcbEntry
pop [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
pop [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
pop ecx
pop eax
jc .err2
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], ecx
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
add ecx, eax
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
shr eax, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
call fs_write64_app
test eax, eax
jnz @f
pop eax
movi eax, ERROR_DEVICE
add esp, 24
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
add esp, 20
2839,6 → 2732,12
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
add esp, 20
test edx, edx
jnz .nonResident
2892,7 → 2791,8
push ecx
call ntfsSpaceAlloc
pop ecx
jc .err2
jc .err10
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
2920,7 → 2820,11
pop ecx
shr ecx, 9
call fs_write64_app
stdcall kernel_free, ebx
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
call kernel_free
test ebx, ebx
jnz .err4
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.attr_offs]
add esi, [esi+sizeWithHeader]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
2971,9 → 2875,11
sub edi, esi
mov [esi+recordRealSize], edi
pop edx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
sub [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize], edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart]
add [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], edx
jmp .writeBitmap
.makeResident: ; convert non-resident to empty resident
movzx eax, byte [esi+dataRunsOffset]
3030,14 → 2936,13
; allocate disk space
; find and mark block of free space in bitmap buffer
; in:
; edi = offset in bitmap to start search from
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize] = block size in clusters
; out:
; [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart] = allocated block starting cluster
; eax = allocated block starting cluster
; CF=1 -> disk full
push eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add edi, ecx
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
3050,7 → 2955,7
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
shr eax, 5
jz .small
mov ebx, eax ; bitmap dwords
push eax ; bitmap dwords
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
add ecx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapSize]
3063,13 → 2968,13
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
cmp ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, [esp]
jnc @f
call bitmapBuffering
jmp @b
sub edi, 4
mov ecx, ebx
mov ecx, [esp]
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
repz scasd ; check following dwords
3102,9 → 3007,11
.small: ; less than 32 clusters
mov eax, -1
repz scasd ; search for zero bits
push ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
call bitmapBuffering
pop eax
jmp .small
sub edi, 4
3111,7 → 3018,7
mov eax, [edi]
not eax
bsf ebx, eax ; first 0
bsf ecx, eax ; first 0
jz .again
not eax
shr eax, cl
3118,10 → 3025,10
shl eax, cl
bsf edx, eax ; next 1
jz @f
sub edx, ebx
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; fits inside
bsf ebx, eax
bsf ecx, eax
not eax
shr eax, cl
shl eax, cl
3131,15 → 3038,16
bsf edx, eax
jz .got ; empty
add edx, 32
sub edx, ebx
sub edx, ecx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
jnc .got ; share between dwords
add edi, 4
pop ecx
jmp .small
push ebx ; starting bit
push ecx ; starting bit
push edi ; starting dword
.done: ; mark space
mov ecx, [esp+4]
3180,24 → 3088,12
or [edi], eax
pop eax
pop ecx
sub eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
shl eax, 3
add eax, ecx
pop ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.fileDataSize]
mov [ebp+NTFS.fileDataStart], eax
add ecx, eax
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 3+9
shr eax, 3+9
sub ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 9
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapLocation]
add ebx, [ebp+NTFS.BitmapBuffer]
xor edx, edx
jmp fs_write64_app
pop edx
add eax, edx
pop edx
; free disk space
3312,7 → 3208,9
mov ecx, 8
call release_pages
add esp, 12 ; ret
pop ebx
pop eax ; ret
pop eax