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Ignore whitespace Rev 1587 → Rev 1599

7,14 → 7,17
;; ;;
;; AMD HyperTransport bus control ;;
;; ;;
;; art_zh <> ;;
;; art_zh <> ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 1554 $
NB_MISC_INDEX equ 0xF0000060 ; NB Misc indirect access
NB_MISC_DATA equ 0xF0000064
PCIEIND_INDEX equ 0xF00000E0 ; PCIe Core indirect config space access
HTIU_NB_INDEX equ 0xF0000094 ; HyperTransport indirect config space access
; This code is a part of Kolibri-A and will only work with AMD RS760+ chipsets
44,6 → 47,10
align 4
; params: al = nbconfig register#
; ebx = register content
and eax, 0x0FC ; leave register# only
or eax, 0x80000000 ; bdf = 0:0.0
56,6 → 63,138
; Function
; rs7xx_unlock_bar3: unlocks the BAR3 register of nbconfig that
; makes pcie config address space visible
; -----------------------
; in: nothing out: nothing destroys: eax ebx edx
align 4
mov eax, NB_MISC_INDEX
mov ebx, 0x080 ; reg#0; write-enable
call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; set index
mov eax, NB_MISC_DATA
call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci ; read data
mov ebx, eax
and ebx, 0xFFFFFFF7 ; clear bit3
mov eax, NB_MISC_DATA
call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; write it back
mov eax, NB_MISC_INDEX
xor ebx, ebx ; reg#0; write-locked
call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; set index
align 4
; in: eax(al) - reg# out: eax = NBMISCIND data
push edx
mov edx, NB_MISC_INDEX
and eax, 0x07F
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov eax, [edx]
pop edx
align 4
; in: eax(al) - reg# ebx = NBMISCIND data
push edx
mov edx, NB_MISC_INDEX
and eax, 0x07F
or eax, 0x080 ; set WE
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov [edx], ebx
sub dl, 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edx], eax ; safety last
pop edx
align 4
; in: ah = bridge#, al = reg# out: eax = PCIEIND data
push edx
xor edx, edx
mov ah, dl ; bridge# : 0 = Core+GFX; 0x10 = Core+SB
and dl, 15 ; 0x20 = Core+GPP; 2..12 = a PortBridge
shl edx, 15 ; device#
add edx, PCIEIND_INDEX ; full bdf-address
and eax, 0x30FF
or al, al
jnz @f
shl eax, 4 ; set bits 17..16 for a Core bridge
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov eax, [edx]
pop edx
align 4
; in: ah = bridge#, al = reg#, ebx = PCIEIND data
push edx
xor edx, edx
mov ah, dl ; bridge# : 0 = Core+GFX; 0x10 = Core+SB
and dl, 15 ; 0x20 = Core+GPP; 2..12 = a PortBridge
shl edx, 15 ; device#
add edx, PCIEIND_INDEX ; full bdf-address
and eax, 0x30FF
or al, al
jnz @f
shl eax, 4 ; set bits 17..16 for a Core bridge
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov [edx], ebx
sub dl, 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edx], eax ; safety last
pop edx
align 4
; in: al = reg# | out: eax = HTIU data
push edx
mov edx, HTIU_NB_INDEX
and eax, 0x07F
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov eax, [edx]
pop edx
align 4
; in: al = reg#; ebx = data
push edx
mov edx, HTIU_NB_INDEX
and eax, 0x07F
or eax, 0x100
mov [edx], eax
add dl, 4
mov [edx], ebx
sub dl, 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edx], eax
pop edx
; Function
; rs7xx_pcie_init:
; Description
66,6 → 205,7
align 4
call rs7xx_unlock_bar3
mov al, 0x7C ; NB_IOC_CFG_CNTL
call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci
mov ebx, eax
120,7 → 260,6
xor dx, dx ; PDEs counter
mov dword[ebx], eax ; map 4 buses
invlpg [ecx] ; next PgDir entry
add bx, 4 ; new PDE
add eax, 0x400000 ; +4M phys.
add ecx, 0x400000 ; +4M lin.
128,6 → 267,8
jnc .pcie_cfg_mapped
inc dl
jmp @b
mov eax, cr3
mov cr3, eax ; flush TLB
mov esi, boot_pcie_ok
call boot_log
135,13 → 276,11
mov esi, boot_rs7xx_fail
call boot_log
jmp $
mov esi, boot_rs7xx_blkd
call boot_log
call pci_ext_config
jmp .addr_found
jmp $
0,0 → 1,131
$Revision: 1598 $
SMBUS_PCIE_ADDR equ 0xF00A0000 ; bdf0:20.0 = SB7xx SMBus PCI Config Registers
LPC_PCIE_ADDR equ 0xF00A3000 ; bdf0:20.3 = SB7xx LPC ISA bridge Config Registers
SB_SIO_INDEX equ 0x2e
align 4
; in: dl = reg# | out: eax = data
and edx, 0x0FC
mov eax, dword [ebx+edx]
align 4
; in: dl = reg#; eax = data
and edx, 0x0FC
mov dword [ebx+edx], eax
align 4
; in: dl = reg# | out: eax = data
mov ebx, LPC_PCIE_ADDR
and edx, 0x0FC
mov eax, dword [ebx+edx]
align 4
; in: dl = reg#; eax = data
mov ebx, LPC_PCIE_ADDR
and edx, 0x0FC
mov dword [ebx+edx], eax
align 4
; in: al = reg# | out: al = data
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
align 4
; in: al = reg#; ah = data
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
out dx, al
inc dl
xchg al, ah
out dx, al
xchg al, ah
align 4
; the magic sequence to unlock the port
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
mov eax, 0x55550187 ; low byte first
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
; ATTENTION: the functions assume that RESET# signals use pins 84 and 34
; of IT8712F SuperIO chip. These signals may be (and will be!) different
; for every particular motherboard and SIO. Please refer to your m/board
; documentation to define the correct pins and GPIO lines!
; Note this example DOES NOT PRETEND to be 100% correct implementation
; of PCIe hotplug techniques !!
align 4
call enter_sio_cfg_mode
mov ax, 0x0707 ; LDN = 07
call write_sio_cfg
mov al, 0x25
call read_sio_cfg ; ah = reg25h (Multy-function pin selector)
or ah, 3 ; set bits 0, 1 (GPIO)
call write_sio_cfg
mov al, 0x2A
call read_sio_cfg ; ah = reg2Ah (Extended fn pin selector)
or ah, 3 ; set bits 0, 1 (GPIO)
call write_sio_cfg
mov al, 0xB8
call read_sio_cfg ; ah = regB8h (internal pull-up enable)
or ah, 3 ; set bits 0, 1
call write_sio_cfg
mov al, 0xC0
call read_sio_cfg ; ah = regC0h (simple IO enable)
or ah, 3 ; set bits 0, 1
call write_sio_cfg
mov ax, 0x0202 ; Lock SIO config ports
call write_sio_cfg
align 4
call enter_sio_cfg_mode
mov ax, 0x0707 ; LDN = 07
call write_sio_cfg
mov al, 0xB0
call read_sio_cfg ; ah = regB0h (Pin polarity)
and ah, 0xFC ; invert bits 0, 1
call write_sio_cfg
or ah, 3 ; restore bits 0, 1
call write_sio_cfg
mov ax, 0x0202 ; Lock SIO config ports
call write_sio_cfg
Property changes:
Added: tsvn:logminsize
\ No newline at end of property
94,3 → 94,14
call boot_log
ret ; <<<<<<<<< FAILURE >>>>>>>>>
; this routine is platform-specific and used to change some BIOS settengs
; pcie_init_gfx
; sets the GPP mode of GFX bus
; this option disables external graphics
1,6 → 1,6
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2010. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
8,11 → 8,13
;; ;;
;; 32 bit PCI driver code ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 0.4 February 2nd, 2010 ;;
;; Version 0.3 April 9, 2007 ;;
;; Version 0.2 December 21st, 2002 ;;
;; ;;
;; Author: Victor Prodan, ;;
;; Mihailov Ilia, ;;
;; Artem Jerdev, ;;
;; Credits: ;;
;; Ralf Brown ;;
;; Mike Hibbett, ;;
30,116 → 32,64
; Description
; entry point for system PCI calls
mmio_pci_addr equ 0x400 ; set actual PCI address here to activate user-MMIO
mmio_pci_addr dw 0x400 ; default PCI device bdf-address
align 4
dd pci_api.0
dd pci_api.1
dd pci_api.2
dd pci_api.not_support ;3
dd pci_read_reg ;4 byte
dd pci_read_reg ;5 word
dd pci_read_reg ;6 dword
dd pci_api.not_support ;7
dd pci_write_reg ;8 byte
dd pci_write_reg ;9 word
dd pci_write_reg ;10 dword
if defined mmio_pci_addr
dd pci_mmio_init ;11
dd pci_mmio_map ;12
dd pci_mmio_unmap ;13
end if
dd pci_read_reg.0 ;4 byte
dd pci_read_reg.1 ;5 word
dd pci_read_reg.2 ;6 dword
dd pci_read_reg_2.0 ;4 byte
dd pci_read_reg_2.1 ;5 word
dd pci_read_reg_2.2 ;6 dword
dd pci_write_reg.0 ;4 byte
dd pci_write_reg.1 ;5 word
dd pci_write_reg.2 ;6 dword
dd pci_write_reg_2.0 ;4 byte
dd pci_write_reg_2.1 ;5 word
dd pci_write_reg_2.2 ;6 dword
align 4
movzx eax,bl
cmp [pci_access_enabled],1
jne .no_pci_access_for_applications
jne no_pci_access_for_applications
if defined mmio_pci_addr
cmp eax, 13
jb .not_support
cmp eax, 10
jb .not_support
end if
call dword [f62call+eax*4]
mov dword [esp+32],eax
; or al,al
; jnz pci_fn_1
or al,al
jnz pci_fn_1
; PCI function 0: get pci version (AH.AL)
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VAR+0x9022]
movzx eax,word [BOOT_VAR+0x9022]
; cmp al,1
; jnz pci_fn_2
cmp al,1
jnz pci_fn_2
; PCI function 1: get last bus in AL
movzx eax, byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9021]
mov al,[BOOT_VAR+0x9021]
; cmp al,2
; jne pci_fn_3
cmp al,2
jne pci_fn_3
; PCI function 2: get pci access mechanism
movzx eax, byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9020]
mov al,[BOOT_VAR+0x9020]
; cmp al,4
; jz pci_read_reg ;byte
; cmp al,5
; jz pci_read_reg ;word
; cmp al,6
; jz pci_read_reg ;dword
cmp al,4
jz pci_read_reg ;byte
cmp al,5
jz pci_read_reg ;word
cmp al,6
jz pci_read_reg ;dword
; cmp al,8
; jz pci_write_reg ;byte
; cmp al,9
; jz pci_write_reg ;word
; cmp al,10
; jz pci_write_reg ;dword
cmp al,8
jz pci_write_reg ;byte
cmp al,9
jz pci_write_reg ;word
cmp al,10
jz pci_write_reg ;dword
;if defined mmio_pci_addr
; cmp al,11 ; user-level MMIO functions
; jz pci_mmio_init
; cmp al,12
; jz pci_mmio_map
; cmp al,13
; jz pci_mmio_unmap
;end if
cmp al,11 ; user-level MMIO functions
jz pci_mmio_init
cmp al,12
jz pci_mmio_map
cmp al,13
jz pci_mmio_unmap
or eax,-1
or eax,-1
148,20 → 98,20
; Description
; creates a command dword for use with the PCI bus
; bus # in bh;ah
; device+func in ch;bh (dddddfff)
; register in cl;bl
; bus # in ah
; device+func in bh (dddddfff)
; register in bl
; command dword returned in ebx;eax ( 10000000 bbbbbbbb dddddfff rrrrrr00 )
; command dword returned in eax ( 10000000 bbbbbbbb dddddfff rrrrrr00 )
align 4
shl ebx,8;eax,8 ; move bus to bits 16-23
mov bx,cx;ax,bx ; combine all
and ebx,0xffffff;eax,0xffffff
or ebx,0x80000000;eax,0x80000000
shl eax,8 ; move bus to bits 16-23
mov ax,bx ; combine all
and eax,0xffffff
or eax,0x80000000
178,16 → 128,12
align 4
cmp byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9020],2 ;what mechanism will we use?
je pci_read_reg_2
; mechanism 1
; push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,ebx;eax
push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,eax
and esi,3
call pci_make_config_cmd
mov eax,ebx;ebx,eax
mov ebx,eax
; get current state
mov dx,0xcf8
in eax, dx
201,25 → 147,24
and bl,3
or dl,bl ; add to port address first 2 bits of register address
; or esi,esi
; jz pci_read_byte1
; cmp esi,1
; jz pci_read_word1
; cmp esi,2
; jz pci_read_dword1
; jmp pci_fin_read1
jmp dword [f62_rcall+esi*4]
or esi,esi
jz pci_read_byte1
cmp esi,1
jz pci_read_word1
cmp esi,2
jz pci_read_dword1
jmp pci_fin_read1
in al,dx
jmp .pci_fin_read1
jmp pci_fin_read1
in ax,dx
jmp .pci_fin_read1
jmp pci_fin_read1
in eax,dx
; jmp pci_fin_read1
jmp pci_fin_read1
; restore configuration control
xchg eax,[esp]
mov dx,0xcf8
226,77 → 171,15
out dx,eax
pop eax
;pop esi
pop esi
test ch,128;bh,128 ;mech#2 only supports 16 devices per bus
jnz pci_api.not_support
; push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,ebx;eax
and esi,3
push ebx;eax
mov eax,ebx
;store current state of config space
mov dx,0xcf8
in al,dx
mov ah,al
mov dl,0xfa
in al,dx
xchg eax,[esp]
; out 0xcfa,bus
mov al,ah
out dx,al
; out 0xcf8,0x80
mov dl,0xf8
mov al,0x80
out dx,al
; compute addr
shr ch,3;bh,3 ; func is ignored in mechanism 2
or ch,0xc0;bh,0xc0
mov dx,cx;bx
; or esi,esi
; jz pci_read_byte2
; cmp esi,1
; jz pci_read_word2
; cmp esi,2
; jz pci_read_dword2
; jmp pci_fin_read2
jmp dword [f62_rcall2+esi*4]
in al,dx
jmp .pci_fin_read2
in ax,dx
jmp .pci_fin_read2
in eax,dx
; jmp pci_fin_read2
; restore configuration space
xchg eax,[esp]
mov dx,0xcfa
out dx,al
mov dl,0xf8
mov al,ah
out dx,al
pop eax
; pop esi
xor eax,eax
dec eax
; or dword [esp+32],-1
; ret
; Function
; pci_write_reg:
312,17 → 195,12
align 4
cmp byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9020],2 ;what mechanism will we use?
je pci_write_reg_2
push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,eax
and esi,3
; mechanism 1
; push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,ebx;eax
and esi,3 ;not need
call pci_make_config_cmd
mov eax,ebx;ebx,eax
mov ecx,edx ;cross registers
mov ebx,eax
; get current state into ecx
mov dx,0xcf8
in eax, dx
337,24 → 215,24
or dl,bl
mov eax,ecx
; or esi,esi
; jz pci_write_byte1
; cmp esi,1
; jz pci_write_word1
; cmp esi,2
; jz pci_write_dword1
; jmp pci_fin_write1
jmp dword [f62_wcall+esi*4]
or esi,esi
jz pci_write_byte1
cmp esi,1
jz pci_write_word1
cmp esi,2
jz pci_write_dword1
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx,al
jmp .pci_fin_write1
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx,ax
jmp .pci_fin_write1
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx,eax
jmp pci_fin_write1
; restore configuration control
pop eax
mov dl,0xf8
361,97 → 239,32
out dx,eax
xor eax,eax
;pop esi
pop esi
test ch,128;bh,128 ;mech#2 only supports 16 devices per bus
jnz pci_api.not_support
; push esi ; save register size into ESI
mov esi,eax
and esi,3 ;not need
push eax
mov ecx,edx ;cross registers
;store current state of config space
mov dx,0xcf8
in al,dx
mov ah,al
mov dl,0xfa
in al,dx
xchg eax,[esp]
; out 0xcfa,bus
mov al,ah
out dx,al
; out 0xcf8,0x80
mov dl,0xf8
mov al,0x80
out dx,al
; compute addr
shr bh,3 ; func is ignored in mechanism 2
or bh,0xc0
mov dx,bx
; write register
mov eax,ecx
; or esi,esi
; jz pci_write_byte2
; cmp esi,1
; jz pci_write_word2
; cmp esi,2
; jz pci_write_dword2
; jmp pci_fin_write2
jmp dword [f62_wcall2+esi*4]
out dx,al
jmp .pci_fin_write2
out dx,ax
jmp .pci_fin_write2
out dx,eax
; restore configuration space
pop eax
mov dx,0xcfa
out dx,al
mov dl,0xf8
mov al,ah
out dx,al
xor eax,eax
;pop esi
dec eax
; xor eax,eax
; dec eax
; ret
if defined mmio_pci_addr ; must be set above
; Function
; pci_mmio_init
; pci_mmio_init
; Description
; IN: cx = device's PCI bus address (bbbbbbbbdddddfff)
; Returns eax = user heap space available (bytes)
; IN: bx = device's PCI bus address (bbbbbbbbdddddfff)
; Returns eax = phys. address of user-accessible DMA block
; Error codes
; eax = -1 : PCI user access blocked,
; eax = -2 : device not registered for uMMIO service
; eax = -3 : user heap initialization failure
cmp cx, mmio_pci_addr
jz @f
mov eax,-2
mov [mmio_pci_addr],bx
call init_heap ; (if not initialized yet)
or eax,eax
jz @f
mov eax, [UserDMAaddr]
mov eax,-3
460,15 → 273,14
; Function
; pci_mmio_map
; pci_mmio_map
; Description
; maps a block of PCI memory to user-accessible linear address
; WARNING! This VERY EXPERIMENTAL service is for one chosen PCI device only!
; The target device address should be set in kernel var mmio_pci_addr
; IN: ah = BAR#;
; IN: ah = BAR#; or
; IN: ah = 0xDA for DMA-mapping requests;
; IN: ebx = block size (bytes);
; IN: ecx = offset in MMIO block (in 4K-pages, to avoid misaligned pages);
484,17 → 296,21
mov eax,ebx
mov ebx,ecx
mov ecx,edx
and edx,0x0ffff
cmp ah, 0xDA
jz .dma_map
cmp ah,6
jc .bar_0_5
jz .bar_rom
jb .bar_0_5
jz .bar_rom
mov eax,-2
push ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov eax,[UserDMAaddr]
jmp .allocate_block
mov ah, 8 ; bar6 = Expansion ROM base address
506,7 → 322,7
shl bl, 1
shl bl, 1
add bl, 0x10 ; now bl = BAR offset in PCI config. space
mov ax, mmio_pci_addr
mov ax, [mmio_pci_addr]
mov bh, al ; bh = dddddfff
mov al, 2 ; al : DW to read
call pci_read_reg
523,7 → 339,9
pop ecx ; ecx = block size, bytes (expanded to whole page)
mov ebx, ecx ; user_alloc destroys eax, ecx, edx, but saves ebx
and eax, 0xFFFFFFF0
push eax ; store MMIO physical address + keep 2DWords in the stack
push eax ; store MMIO physical address + keep the stack 2x4b deep
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
or eax, eax
jnz mmio_map_over
542,9 → 360,7
pop edx ; edx = MMIO shift (pages)
shl edx, 12 ; edx = MMIO shift (bytes)
add eax, edx ; eax = uMMIO physical address
or eax, PG_SHARED
or eax, PG_UW
or eax, PG_NOCACHE
mov edi, ebx
call commit_pages
mov eax, edi
552,7 → 368,7
; Function
; pci_mmio_unmap_page
; pci_mmio_unmap_page
; Description
; unmaps the linear space previously tied to a PCI memory block
566,11 → 382,9
stdcall user_free, ecx;ebx
stdcall user_free, ebx
end if
align 4
11,43 → 11,43
align 4
proc alloc_page
push ebx
push ebx
cmp [pg_data.pages_free], 1
jle .out_of_memory
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov ecx, [page_end]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov ecx, [page_end]
bsf eax,[ebx];
jnz .found
add ebx,4
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .l1
pop ebx
xor eax,eax
bsf eax,[ebx];
jnz .found
add ebx,4
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .l1
pop ebx
xor eax,eax
dec [pg_data.pages_free]
jz .out_of_memory
btr [ebx], eax
mov [page_start],ebx
sub ebx, sys_pgmap
lea eax, [eax+ebx*8]
shl eax, 12
btr [ebx], eax
mov [page_start],ebx
sub ebx, sys_pgmap
lea eax, [eax+ebx*8]
shl eax, 12
;//- dec [pg_data.pages_free]
pop ebx
pop ebx
mov [pg_data.pages_free], 1
mov [pg_data.pages_free], 1
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
57,84 → 57,84
align 4
proc alloc_pages stdcall, count:dword
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [count]
add eax, 7
shr eax, 3
mov [count], eax
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [count]
add eax, 7
shr eax, 3
mov [count], eax
mov ebx, [pg_data.pages_free]
sub ebx, 9
js .out_of_memory
shr ebx, 3
cmp eax, ebx
jg .out_of_memory
mov ebx, [pg_data.pages_free]
sub ebx, 9
js .out_of_memory
shr ebx, 3
cmp eax, ebx
jg .out_of_memory
mov ecx, [page_start]
mov ebx, [page_end]
mov ecx, [page_start]
mov ebx, [page_end]
mov edx, [count]
mov edi, ecx
mov edx, [count]
mov edi, ecx
cmp byte [ecx], 0xFF
jne .next
dec edx
jz .ok
inc ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jb .match
cmp byte [ecx], 0xFF
jne .next
dec edx
jz .ok
inc ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jb .match
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop ebx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .find
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .find
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
sub ecx, edi
inc ecx
push esi
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
sub esi, sys_pgmap
shl esi, 3+12
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, [count]
shl ebx, 3
sub [pg_data.pages_free], ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
sub ecx, edi
inc ecx
push esi
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
sub esi, sys_pgmap
shl esi, 3+12
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, [count]
shl ebx, 3
sub [pg_data.pages_free], ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
align 4
proc map_page stdcall,lin_addr:dword,phis_addr:dword,flags:dword
push ebx
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, [flags]
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
push ebx
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, [flags]
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
align 4
141,70 → 141,70
map_space: ;not implemented
align 4
proc free_page
;arg: eax page address
shr eax, 12 ;page index
bts dword [sys_pgmap], eax ;that's all!
adc [pg_data.pages_free], 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, not 3 ;dword offset from page_map
add eax, sys_pgmap
cmp [page_start], eax
ja @f
shr eax, 12 ;page index
bts dword [sys_pgmap], eax ;that's all!
adc [pg_data.pages_free], 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, not 3 ;dword offset from page_map
add eax, sys_pgmap
cmp [page_start], eax
ja @f
mov [page_start], eax
mov [page_start], eax
proc map_io_mem stdcall, base:dword, size:dword, flags:dword
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, -4096
mov [size], eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, -4096
mov [size], eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
mov edi, 0x1000
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx,[size]
mov edx, [base]
shr eax, 12
shr ecx, 12
and edx, -4096
or edx, [flags]
mov edi, 0x1000
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx,[size]
mov edx, [base]
shr eax, 12
shr ecx, 12
and edx, -4096
or edx, [flags]
mov [page_tabs+eax*4], edx
; push eax
invlpg [ebx]
; pop eax
inc eax
add ebx, edi
add edx, edi
loop @B
mov [page_tabs+eax*4], edx
; push eax
invlpg [ebx]
; pop eax
inc eax
add ebx, edi
add edx, edi
loop @B
pop eax
mov edx, [base]
and edx, 4095
add eax, edx
pop eax
mov edx, [base]
and edx, 4095
add eax, edx
pop edi
pop ebx
pop edi
pop ebx
; param
214,31 → 214,31
align 4
push edi
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
push edi
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
mov edi, ebx
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov edi, ebx
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov edx, 0x1000
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 12
mov edx, 0x1000
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
; push eax
invlpg [edi]
; pop eax
add edi, edx
add eax, edx
inc ebx
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [pg_data.pg_mutex],ecx
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
; push eax
invlpg [edi]
; pop eax
add edi, edx
add eax, edx
inc ebx
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [pg_data.pg_mutex],ecx
pop edi
pop edi
; param
248,49 → 248,49
align 4
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov esi, eax
mov edi, eax
mov esi, eax
mov edi, eax
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
mov ebp, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov edx, sys_pgmap
mov ebp, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov edx, sys_pgmap
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi]
push eax
invlpg [edi]
pop eax
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi]
push eax
invlpg [edi]
pop eax
test eax, 1
jz .next
test eax, 1
jz .next
shr eax, 12
bts [edx], eax
adc ebp, 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, -4
add eax, edx
cmp eax, ebx
jae .next
shr eax, 12
bts [edx], eax
adc ebp, 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, -4
add eax, edx
cmp eax, ebx
jae .next
mov ebx, eax
mov ebx, eax
add edi, 0x1000
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [pg_data.pages_free], ebp
and [pg_data.pg_mutex],0
add edi, 0x1000
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [pg_data.pages_free], ebp
and [pg_data.pg_mutex],0
; param
; eax= base
299,196 → 299,187
align 4
push edi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov edx, eax
mov edi, eax
mov edx, eax
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
invlpg [edx]
add edx, 0x1000
loop @b
invlpg [edx]
add edx, 0x1000
loop @b
pop edi
pop edi
align 4
proc map_page_table stdcall, lin_addr:dword, phis_addr:dword
push ebx
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 22
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, PG_UW ;+PG_NOCACHE
mov dword [master_tab+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
shr eax, 10
add eax, page_tabs
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
push ebx
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 22
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, PG_UW ;+PG_NOCACHE
mov dword [master_tab+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
shr eax, 10
add eax, page_tabs
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
align 4
proc init_LFB
pg_count dd ?
; cmp dword [LFBAddress], -1
; jne @f
; mov esi, boot_framebuf
; call boot_log
; mov [BOOT_VAR+0x901c],byte 2
; stdcall alloc_pages, (0x280000 / 4096)
; push eax
; call alloc_page
; stdcall map_page_table, LFB_BASE, eax
; pop eax
; or eax, PG_UW
; mov ebx, LFB_BASE
; mov ecx, 0x280000 / 4096
; call commit_pages
; mov [LFBAddress], dword LFB_BASE
; ret
call init_mtrr
cmp dword [LFBAddress], -1
jne @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+0x901c],byte 2
stdcall alloc_pages, (0x280000 / 4096)
mov edx, LFB_BASE
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, 0x00C00000 ; 12Mb
mov dword [exp_lfb+4], edx
push eax
call alloc_page
stdcall map_page_table, LFB_BASE, eax
pop eax
or eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, LFB_BASE
mov ecx, 0x280000 / 4096
call commit_pages
mov [LFBAddress], dword LFB_BASE
test [SCR_MODE],word 0100000000000000b
jnz @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+0x901c],byte 2
call init_mtrr
shr edi, 12 ; C00
; mov [pg_count], edi
shr edi, 10 ; 3
mov edx, LFB_BASE
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, 0x00C00000
mov dword [exp_lfb+4], edx
shr edi, 12
mov [pg_count], edi
shr edi, 10
mov edx, sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)
mov edx, sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)
mov [edx], esi
add edx, 4
add esi, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
mov [edx], esi
add edx, 4
add esi, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
align 4
proc init_userDMA
stdcall alloc_pages, 4096 ; 16M <<<<<<<<<<+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
add eax, 0x007FFFF0
stdcall alloc_pages, 4096 ; 16M <<<<<<<<<<+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
add eax, 0x007FFFF0 ; terrible mess, sorry ...
and eax, 0xFF800000 ; align at 8M boundary
mov [UserDMAaddr], eax
; or eax, PG_UW + PG_NOCACHE
; mov ebx, USER_DMA_BUFFER
; mov ecx, 2048 ; 8M, to be sure
; call commit_pages
; mov eax, [UserDMAaddr]
mov ebx, sys_pgdir + (USER_DMA_BUFFER shr 20)
mov [ebx], eax
mov ebx, sys_pgdir + (USER_DMA_BUFFER shr 20)
mov [ebx], eax
add ebx, 4
add eax, 0x00400000
mov [ebx], eax
add eax, 0x00400000
mov [ebx], eax
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
align 4
proc new_mem_resize stdcall, new_size:dword
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov edi, [new_size]
add edi,4095
and edi,not 4095
mov [new_size], edi
mov edi, [new_size]
add edi,4095
and edi,not 4095
mov [new_size], edi
mov edx,[current_slot]
cmp [edx+APPDATA.heap_base],0
jne .exit
mov edx,[current_slot]
cmp [edx+APPDATA.heap_base],0
jne .exit
mov esi, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
add esi, 4095
and esi, not 4095
mov esi, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
add esi, 4095
and esi, not 4095
cmp edi, esi
jae .expand
cmp edi, esi
jae .expand
shr edi, 12
shr esi, 12
shr edi, 12
shr esi, 12
mov eax, [app_page_tabs+edi*4]
test eax, 1
jz .next
mov dword [app_page_tabs+edi*4], 2
mov ebx, edi
shl ebx, 12
push eax
invlpg [ebx]
pop eax
call free_page
mov eax, [app_page_tabs+edi*4]
test eax, 1
jz .next
mov dword [app_page_tabs+edi*4], 2
mov ebx, edi
shl ebx, 12
push eax
invlpg [ebx]
pop eax
call free_page
.next: add edi, 1
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
.next: add edi, 1
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
mov ebx, [new_size]
call update_mem_size
mov ebx, [new_size]
call update_mem_size
xor eax, eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
xor eax, eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
push esi
push edi
push esi
push edi
add edi, 0x3FFFFF
and edi, not(0x3FFFFF)
add esi, 0x3FFFFF
and esi, not(0x3FFFFF)
add edi, 0x3FFFFF
and edi, not(0x3FFFFF)
add esi, 0x3FFFFF
and esi, not(0x3FFFFF)
cmp esi, edi
jae .grow
cmp esi, edi
jae .grow
xchg esi, edi
xchg esi, edi
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit_pop
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit_pop
stdcall map_page_table, edi, eax
stdcall map_page_table, edi, eax
push edi
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
push edi
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
add edi, 0x00400000
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
add edi, 0x00400000
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
pop edi
499,38 → 490,38
cmp esi, edi
jle .out_of_memory
pop edi
pop esi
pop edi
pop esi
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,esi,eax,dword PG_UW
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,esi,eax,dword PG_UW
push edi
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 1024
rep stosd
pop edi
push edi
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 1024
rep stosd
pop edi
add esi, 0x1000
cmp esi, edi
jb @B
add esi, 0x1000
cmp esi, edi
jb @B
jmp .update_size
jmp .update_size
pop edi
pop esi
pop edi
pop esi
xor eax, eax
inc eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
xor eax, eax
inc eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
538,31 → 529,31
; ebx = new memory size
; destroys eax,ecx,edx
mov [APPDATA.mem_size+edx],ebx
mov [APPDATA.mem_size+edx],ebx
;search threads and update
;application memory size infomation
mov ecx,[APPDATA.dir_table+edx]
mov eax,2
mov ecx,[APPDATA.dir_table+edx]
mov eax,2
;eax = current slot
;ebx = new memory size
;ecx = page directory
cmp eax,[TASK_COUNT]
jg .search_threads_end
mov edx,eax
shl edx,5
cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+edx+TASKDATA.state],9 ;if slot empty?
jz .search_threads_next
shl edx,3
cmp [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.dir_table],ecx ;if it is our thread?
jnz .search_threads_next
mov [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.mem_size],ebx ;update memory size
cmp eax,[TASK_COUNT]
jg .search_threads_end
mov edx,eax
shl edx,5
cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+edx+TASKDATA.state],9 ;if slot empty?
jz .search_threads_next
shl edx,3
cmp [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.dir_table],ecx ;if it is our thread?
jnz .search_threads_next
mov [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.mem_size],ebx ;update memory size
inc eax
jmp .search_threads
inc eax
jmp .search_threads
; param
; eax= linear address
572,10 → 563,10
align 4
shr eax, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+eax*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
shr eax, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+eax*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
align 4
582,39 → 573,39
; Now it is called from core/sys32::exc_c (see stack frame there)
proc page_fault_handler
.err_addr equ ebp-4
.err_addr equ ebp-4
push ebx ;save exception number (#PF)
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, cr2
push ebx ;that is locals: .err_addr = cr2
inc [pg_data.pages_faults]
push ebx ;save exception number (#PF)
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, cr2
push ebx ;that is locals: .err_addr = cr2
inc [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov eax, [pf_err_code]
mov eax, [pf_err_code]
cmp ebx, OS_BASE ;ebx == .err_addr
jb .user_space ;ñòðàíèöà â ïàìÿòè ïðèëîæåíèÿ ;
cmp ebx, OS_BASE ;ebx == .err_addr
jb .user_space ;ñòðàíèöà â ïàìÿòè ïðèëîæåíèÿ ;
cmp ebx, page_tabs
jb .kernel_space ;ñòðàíèöà â ïàìÿòè ÿäðà
cmp ebx, page_tabs
jb .kernel_space ;ñòðàíèöà â ïàìÿòè ÿäðà
cmp ebx, kernel_tabs
jb .alloc;.app_tabs ;òàáëèöû ñòðàíèö ïðèëîæåíèÿ ;
;ïðîñòî ñîçäàäèì îäíó
cmp ebx, kernel_tabs
jb .alloc;.app_tabs ;òàáëèöû ñòðàíèö ïðèëîæåíèÿ ;
;ïðîñòî ñîçäàäèì îäíó
if 0 ;ïîêà ýòî ïðîñòî ëèøíåå
cmp ebx, LFB_BASE
jb .core_tabs ;òàáëèöû ñòðàíèö ÿäðà
cmp ebx, LFB_BASE
jb .core_tabs ;òàáëèöû ñòðàíèö ÿäðà
;îáëàñòü LFB
jmp .fail
;îáëàñòü LFB
jmp .fail
end if
.fail: ;simply return to caller
mov esp, ebp
pop ebx ;restore exception number (#PF)
.fail: ;simply return to caller
mov esp, ebp
pop ebx ;restore exception number (#PF)
; xchg bx, bx
; add esp,12 ;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
622,143 → 613,143
; iretd
test eax, PG_MAP
jnz .err_access ;Ñòðàíèöà ïðèñóòñòâóåò
;Îøèáêà äîñòóïà ?
test eax, PG_MAP
jnz .err_access ;Ñòðàíèöà ïðèñóòñòâóåò
;Îøèáêà äîñòóïà ?
shr ebx, 12
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 10
mov edx, [master_tab+ecx*4]
test edx, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;òàáëèöà ñòðàíèö íå ñîçäàíà
;íåâåðíûé àäðåñ â ïðîãðàììå
shr ebx, 12
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 10
mov edx, [master_tab+ecx*4]
test edx, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;òàáëèöà ñòðàíèö íå ñîçäàíà
;íåâåðíûé àäðåñ â ïðîãðàììå
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test eax, 2
jz .fail ;àäðåñ íå çàðåçåðâèðîâàí äëÿ ;
;èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ. Îøèáêà
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test eax, 2
jz .fail ;àäðåñ íå çàðåçåðâèðîâàí äëÿ ;
;èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ. Îøèáêà
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page,[.err_addr],eax,PG_UW
stdcall map_page,[.err_addr],eax,PG_UW
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
;cld ;caller is duty for this
rep stosd
.exit: ;iret with repeat fault instruction
add esp,12 ;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
rep stosd
.exit: ;iret with repeat fault instruction
add esp,12 ;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
; access denied? this may be a result of copy-on-write protection for DLL
; check list of HDLLs
and ebx, not 0xFFF
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.fd]
and ebx, not 0xFFF
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.fd]
cmp esi, eax
jz .fail
mov edx, ebx
sub edx, [esi+HDLL.base]
cmp edx, [esi+HDLL.size]
jb .fault_in_hdll
cmp esi, eax
jz .fail
mov edx, ebx
sub edx, [esi+HDLL.base]
cmp edx, [esi+HDLL.size]
jb .fault_in_hdll
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
; allocate new page, map it as rw and copy data
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page,ebx,eax,PG_UW
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 1024
sub ebx, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.parent]
mov esi, []
add esi, ebx
rep movsd
jmp .exit
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page,ebx,eax,PG_UW
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 1024
sub ebx, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.parent]
mov esi, []
add esi, ebx
rep movsd
jmp .exit
test eax, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;ñòðàíèöà íå ïðèñóòñòâóåò
test eax, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;ñòðàíèöà íå ïðèñóòñòâóåò
test eax,12 ;U/S (+below)
jnz .fail ;ïðèëîæåíèå îáðàòèëîñü ê ïàìÿòè
test eax,12 ;U/S (+below)
jnz .fail ;ïðèëîæåíèå îáðàòèëîñü ê ïàìÿòè
;test eax, 8
;jnz .fail ;óñòàíîâëåí çàðåçåðâèðîâàííûé áèò
;â òàáëèöàõ ñòðàíèö. äîáàâëåíî â P4/Xeon
;â òàáëèöàõ ñòðàíèö. äîáàâëåíî â P4/Xeon
;ïîïûòêà çàïèñè â çàùèù¸ííóþ ñòðàíèöó ÿäðà
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0
jb .fail
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0
jb .fail
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0+8192
jae .fail
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0+8192
jae .fail
; io permission map
; copy-on-write protection
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
stdcall map_page,[.err_addr],eax,dword PG_SW
pop eax
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, -4096
lea esi, [edi+(not tss._io_map_0)+1]; -tss._io_map_0
push eax
stdcall map_page,[.err_addr],eax,dword PG_SW
pop eax
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, -4096
lea esi, [edi+(not tss._io_map_0)+1]; -tss._io_map_0
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov edx, [current_slot]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map+ebx*4], eax
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov edx, [current_slot]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map+ebx*4], eax
add esi, [default_io_map]
mov ecx, 4096/4
add esi, [default_io_map]
mov ecx, 4096/4
;cld ;caller is duty for this
rep movsd
jmp .exit
rep movsd
jmp .exit
; returns number of mapped bytes
proc map_mem stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page,[ipc_pdir],eax,PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [ipc_pdir]
mov edi, [ipc_ptab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,edi,eax,PG_UW
stdcall map_page,[ipc_pdir],eax,PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [ipc_pdir]
mov edi, [ipc_ptab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,edi,eax,PG_UW
; inc ebx
; add edi, 0x1000
; mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
767,90 → 758,90
; and eax, 0xFFFFF000
; stdcall map_page, edi, eax
@@: mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
@@: mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [ipc_ptab]
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [ipc_ptab]
stdcall safe_map_page,[slot],[req_access],[ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 4096
add [ofs], 4096
dec ecx
jz .exit
add edi, 0x1000
inc edx
cmp edx, 0x400
jnz .map
inc ebx
mov eax, [ipc_pdir]
mov eax, [eax+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,esi,eax,PG_UW
xor edx, edx
jmp .map
stdcall safe_map_page,[slot],[req_access],[ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 4096
add [ofs], 4096
dec ecx
jz .exit
add edi, 0x1000
inc edx
cmp edx, 0x400
jnz .map
inc ebx
mov eax, [ipc_pdir]
mov eax, [eax+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,esi,eax,PG_UW
xor edx, edx
jmp .map
pop eax
pop eax
proc map_memEx stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page,[proc_mem_pdir],eax,PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [proc_mem_pdir]
mov edi, [proc_mem_tab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,edi,eax,PG_UW
stdcall map_page,[proc_mem_pdir],eax,PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [proc_mem_pdir]
mov edi, [proc_mem_tab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page,edi,eax,PG_UW
@@: mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
@@: mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [proc_mem_tab]
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [proc_mem_tab]
stdcall safe_map_page,[slot],[req_access],[ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 0x1000
add edi, 0x1000
add [ofs], 0x1000
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .map
stdcall safe_map_page,[slot],[req_access],[ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 0x1000
add edi, 0x1000
add [ofs], 0x1000
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .map
pop eax
pop eax
; in: esi+edx*4 = pointer to page table entry
866,7 → 857,7
jz .resolve_readonly
; normal case: writable page, just map with requested access
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
923,7 → 914,7
jz .no_hdll
or al, PG_UW
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
push esi edi
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 4096/4
948,24 → 939,24
dec ebx
jnz @f
mov eax,[current_slot]
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start],ecx ;set fields in extended information area
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size],edx
mov eax,[current_slot]
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start],ecx ;set fields in extended information area
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size],edx
add edx, ecx
add edx, 4095
and edx, not 4095
add edx, ecx
add edx, 4095
and edx, not 4095
.touch: mov eax, [ecx]
add ecx, 0x1000
cmp ecx, edx
jb .touch
add ecx, 0x1000
cmp ecx, edx
jb .touch
mov [esp+32], ebx ;ebx=0
mov [esp+32], ebx ;ebx=0
973,13 → 964,13
dec ebx
jnz @f
stdcall sys_ipc_send, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall sys_ipc_send, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+32], eax
or eax,-1
mov [esp+32], eax
mov [esp+32], eax
;align 4
;proc set_ipc_buff
1005,311 → 996,311
proc sys_ipc_send stdcall, PID:dword, msg_addr:dword, msg_size:dword
dst_slot dd ?
dst_offset dd ?
buf_size dd ?
used_buf dd ?
dst_slot dd ?
dst_offset dd ?
buf_size dd ?
used_buf dd ?
mov eax, [PID]
call pid_to_slot
test eax,eax
jz .no_pid
mov eax, [PID]
call pid_to_slot
test eax,eax
jz .no_pid
mov [dst_slot], eax
shl eax,8
mov edi,[eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa0] ;is ipc area defined?
test edi,edi
jz .no_ipc_area
mov [dst_slot], eax
shl eax,8
mov edi,[eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa0] ;is ipc area defined?
test edi,edi
jz .no_ipc_area
mov ebx, edi
and ebx, 0xFFF
mov [dst_offset], ebx
mov ebx, edi
and ebx, 0xFFF
mov [dst_offset], ebx
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa4]
mov [buf_size], esi
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa4]
mov [buf_size], esi
mov ecx, [ipc_tmp]
cmp esi, 0x40000-0x1000 ; size of [ipc_tmp] minus one page
jbe @f
push esi edi
add esi,0x1000
stdcall alloc_kernel_space,esi
mov ecx, eax
pop edi esi
mov ecx, [ipc_tmp]
cmp esi, 0x40000-0x1000 ; size of [ipc_tmp] minus one page
jbe @f
push esi edi
add esi,0x1000
stdcall alloc_kernel_space,esi
mov ecx, eax
pop edi esi
mov [used_buf], ecx
stdcall map_mem, ecx, [dst_slot],\
edi, esi, PG_SW
mov [used_buf], ecx
stdcall map_mem, ecx, [dst_slot],\
edi, esi, PG_SW
mov edi, [dst_offset]
add edi, [used_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 0
jnz .ipc_blocked ;if dword [buffer]<>0 - ipc blocked now
mov edi, [dst_offset]
add edi, [used_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 0
jnz .ipc_blocked ;if dword [buffer]<>0 - ipc blocked now
mov edx, dword [edi+4]
lea ebx, [edx+8]
add ebx, [msg_size]
cmp ebx, [buf_size]
ja .buffer_overflow ;esi<0 - not enough memory in buffer
mov edx, dword [edi+4]
lea ebx, [edx+8]
add ebx, [msg_size]
cmp ebx, [buf_size]
ja .buffer_overflow ;esi<0 - not enough memory in buffer
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
mov eax,[TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax+0x04] ;eax - our PID
add edi, edx
mov [edi], eax
mov ecx, [msg_size]
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
mov eax,[TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax+0x04] ;eax - our PID
add edi, edx
mov [edi], eax
mov ecx, [msg_size]
mov [edi+4], ecx
add edi, 8
mov esi, [msg_addr]
mov [edi+4], ecx
add edi, 8
mov esi, [msg_addr]
; add esi, new_app_base
rep movsb
rep movsb
mov ebx, [ipc_tmp]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_tmp]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_pdir]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_pdir]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_ptab]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_ptab]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov eax, [dst_slot]
shl eax, 8
or [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xA8],dword 0x40
cmp dword [check_idle_semaphore],20
jge .ipc_no_cis
mov eax, [dst_slot]
shl eax, 8
or [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xA8],dword 0x40
cmp dword [check_idle_semaphore],20
jge .ipc_no_cis
mov dword [check_idle_semaphore],5
mov dword [check_idle_semaphore],5
push 0
jmp .ret
push 0
jmp .ret
mov eax, 4
mov eax, 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
push 2
jmp .ret
push 2
jmp .ret
push 3
push 3
mov eax, [used_buf]
cmp eax, [ipc_tmp]
jz @f
stdcall free_kernel_space,eax
mov eax, [used_buf]
cmp eax, [ipc_tmp]
jz @f
stdcall free_kernel_space,eax
pop eax
pop eax
align 4
; add ecx, new_app_base
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
; add ecx, new_app_base
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_count]
mov [ecx], eax
shl eax, 12
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov [ecx+4], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [heap_size]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov eax, [heap_free]
mov [ecx+16], eax
mov eax, [heap_blocks]
mov [ecx+20], eax
mov eax, [free_blocks]
mov [ecx+24], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_count]
mov [ecx], eax
shl eax, 12
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov [ecx+4], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [heap_size]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov eax, [heap_free]
mov [ecx+16], eax
mov eax, [heap_blocks]
mov [ecx+20], eax
mov eax, [free_blocks]
mov [ecx+24], eax
or dword [esp+32], -1
or dword [esp+32], -1
align 4
dd f68.11 ; init_heap
dd f68.12 ; user_alloc
dd f68.13 ; user_free
dd f68.14 ; get_event_ex
dd ;moved to f68.24
dd f68.16 ; get_service
dd f68.17 ; call_service
dd ;moved to f68.25
dd f68.19 ; load_dll
dd f68.20 ; user_realloc
dd f68.21 ; load_driver
dd f68.22 ; shmem_open
dd f68.23 ; shmem_close
dd f68.24
dd f68.25
dd f68.11 ; init_heap
dd f68.12 ; user_alloc
dd f68.13 ; user_free
dd f68.14 ; get_event_ex
dd ;moved to f68.24
dd f68.16 ; get_service
dd f68.17 ; call_service
dd ;moved to f68.25
dd f68.19 ; load_dll
dd f68.20 ; user_realloc
dd f68.21 ; load_driver
dd f68.22 ; shmem_open
dd f68.23 ; shmem_close
dd f68.24
dd f68.25
align 4
cmp ebx,4
jbe sys_sheduler
cmp ebx,4
jbe sys_sheduler
cmp ebx, 11
jb .fail
cmp ebx, 11
jb .fail
cmp ebx, 25
ja .fail
cmp ebx, 25
ja .fail
jmp dword [f68call+ebx*4-11*4]
jmp dword [f68call+ebx*4-11*4]
call init_heap
mov [esp+32], eax
call init_heap
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_free, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_free, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov edi,ecx
call get_event_ex
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov edi,ecx
call get_event_ex
mov [esp+32], eax
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall get_service, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall get_service, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
call srv_handlerEx ;ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
call srv_handlerEx ;ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_library, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_library, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, edx
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, ecx
call user_realloc ;in: eax = pointer, ebx = new size
mov [esp+32], eax
call user_realloc ;in: eax = pointer, ebx = new size
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp ebx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp ebx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov edi, edx
stdcall load_PE, ecx
mov esi, eax
test eax, eax
jz @F
mov edi, edx
stdcall load_PE, ecx
mov esi, eax
test eax, eax
jz @F
push edi
call eax
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jz @F
push edi
call eax
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jz @F
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
mov [esp+32], eax
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall shmem_open, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall shmem_open, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall shmem_close, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall shmem_close, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
xchg ecx, [eax+APPDATA.exc_handler]
xchg edx, [eax+APPDATA.except_mask]
mov [esp+32], ecx ; reg_eax+8
mov [esp+20], edx ; reg_ebx+8
mov eax, [current_slot]
xchg ecx, [eax+APPDATA.exc_handler]
xchg edx, [eax+APPDATA.except_mask]
mov [esp+32], ecx ; reg_eax+8
mov [esp+20], edx ; reg_ebx+8
cmp ecx,32
jae .fail
mov eax, [current_slot]
btr [eax+APPDATA.except_mask],ecx
setc byte[esp+32]
jecxz @f
bts [eax+APPDATA.except_mask],ecx
cmp ecx,32
jae .fail
mov eax, [current_slot]
btr [eax+APPDATA.except_mask],ecx
setc byte[esp+32]
jecxz @f
bts [eax+APPDATA.except_mask],ecx
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
proc load_pe_driver stdcall, file:dword
stdcall load_PE, [file]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall load_PE, [file]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, eax
stdcall eax, DRV_ENTRY
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, eax
stdcall eax, DRV_ENTRY
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
1316,193 → 1307,193
align 4
proc init_mtrr
cmp [BOOT_VAR+0x901c],byte 2
je .exit
cmp [BOOT_VAR+0x901c],byte 2
je .exit
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_MTRR
jnc .exit
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_MTRR
jnc .exit
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x60000000 ;disable caching
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;invalidate cache
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x60000000 ;disable caching
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;invalidate cache
mov ecx, 0x2FF
rdmsr ;
mov ecx, 0x2FF
rdmsr ;
; has BIOS already initialized MTRRs?
test ah, 8
jnz .skip_init
test ah, 8
jnz .skip_init
; rarely needed, so mainly placeholder
; main memory - cached
push eax
push eax
mov eax, [MEM_AMOUNT]
mov eax, [MEM_AMOUNT]
; round eax up to next power of 2
dec eax
bsr ecx, eax
mov ebx, 2
shl ebx, cl
dec ebx
dec eax
bsr ecx, eax
mov ebx, 2
shl ebx, cl
dec ebx
; base of memory range = 0, type of memory range = MEM_WB
xor edx, edx
mov eax, MEM_WB
mov ecx, 0x200
xor edx, edx
mov eax, MEM_WB
mov ecx, 0x200
; mask of memory range = 0xFFFFFFFFF - (size - 1), ebx = size - 1
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
; clear unused MTRRs
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
; enable MTRRs
pop eax
or ah, 8
and al, 0xF0 ; default memtype = UC
mov ecx, 0x2FF
pop eax
or ah, 8
and al, 0xF0 ; default memtype = UC
mov ecx, 0x2FF
stdcall set_mtrr, [LFBAddress],[LFBSize],MEM_WC
stdcall set_mtrr, [LFBAddress],[LFBSize],MEM_WC
wbinvd ;again invalidate
wbinvd ;again invalidate
mov eax, cr0
and eax, not 0x60000000
mov cr0, eax ; enable caching
mov eax, cr0
and eax, not 0x60000000
mov cr0, eax ; enable caching
align 4
proc set_mtrr stdcall, base:dword,size:dword,mem_type:dword
; find unused register
mov ecx, 0x201
mov ecx, 0x201
dec ecx
test ah, 8
jz .found
mov al, 0 ; clear memory type field
cmp eax, [base]
jz .ret
add ecx, 3
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
dec ecx
test ah, 8
jz .found
mov al, 0 ; clear memory type field
cmp eax, [base]
jz .ret
add ecx, 3
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
; no free registers, ignore the call
; found, write values
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [base]
or eax, [mem_type]
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [base]
or eax, [mem_type]
mov ebx, [size]
dec ebx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
mov ebx, [size]
dec ebx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
align 4
proc stall stdcall, delay:dword
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
push eax
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
push eax
mov eax, [delay]
mul [stall_mcs]
mov ebx, eax ;low
mov ecx, edx ;high
add ebx, eax
adc ecx,edx
mov eax, [delay]
mul [stall_mcs]
mov ebx, eax ;low
mov ecx, edx ;high
add ebx, eax
adc ecx,edx
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, ecx
jb @B
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, ecx
jb @B
pop eax
pop ebx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
pop ebx
pop edx
pop ecx
align 4
proc create_ring_buffer stdcall, size:dword, flags:dword
buf_ptr dd ?
buf_ptr dd ?
mov eax, [size]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov eax, [size]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
add eax, eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
add eax, eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push ebx
push ebx
mov [buf_ptr], eax
mov [buf_ptr], eax
mov ebx, [size]
shr ebx, 12
push ebx
mov ebx, [size]
shr ebx, 12
push ebx
stdcall alloc_pages, ebx
pop ecx
stdcall alloc_pages, ebx
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .mm_fail
test eax, eax
jz .mm_fail
push edi
push edi
or eax, [flags]
mov edi, [buf_ptr]
mov ebx, [buf_ptr]
mov edx, ecx
shl edx, 2
shr edi, 10
or eax, [flags]
mov edi, [buf_ptr]
mov ebx, [buf_ptr]
mov edx, ecx
shl edx, 2
shr edi, 10
mov [page_tabs+edi], eax
mov [page_tabs+edi+edx], eax
invlpg [ebx]
invlpg [ebx+0x10000]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [page_tabs+edi], eax
mov [page_tabs+edi+edx], eax
invlpg [ebx]
invlpg [ebx+0x10000]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov eax, [buf_ptr]
pop edi
pop ebx
mov eax, [buf_ptr]
pop edi
pop ebx
stdcall free_kernel_space, [buf_ptr]
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
stdcall free_kernel_space, [buf_ptr]
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
99,7 → 99,7
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0;sys_pci ; 62-PCI functions
dd sys_pci ; 62-PCI functions
dd sys_msg_board ; 63-System message board
170,7 → 170,7
dd undefined_syscall ; 59-reserved
dd sys_IPC ; 60-Inter Process Communication
dd sys_gs ; 61-Direct graphics access
dd pci_api;cross_order ; 62-PCI functions
dd cross_order ; 62-PCI functions
dd cross_order ; 63-System message board
dd sys_resize_app_memory ; 64-Resize application memory usage
dd sys_putimage_palette ; 65-PutImagePalette
47,33 → 47,33
boot_memdetect db 'Determining amount of memory',0
boot_fonts db 'Fonts loaded',0
boot_tss db 'Setting TSSs',0
boot_cpuid db 'Reading CPUIDs',0
boot_devices db 'Detecting devices',0
boot_timer db 'Setting timer',0
boot_irqs db 'Reprogramming IRQs',0
boot_setmouse db 'Setting mouse',0
boot_windefs db 'Setting window defaults',0
boot_bgr db 'Calculating background',0
boot_resirqports db 'Reserving IRQs & ports',0
boot_memdetect db 'Determining amount of memory',0
boot_fonts db 'Fonts loaded',0
boot_tss db 'Setting TSSs',0
boot_cpuid db 'Reading CPUIDs',0
boot_devices db 'Detecting devices',0
boot_timer db 'Setting timer',0
boot_irqs db 'Reprogramming IRQs',0
boot_setmouse db 'Setting mouse',0
boot_windefs db 'Setting window defaults',0
boot_bgr db 'Calculating background',0
boot_resirqports db 'Reserving IRQs & ports',0
; boot_setrports db 'Setting addresses for IRQs',0
boot_setostask db 'Setting OS task',0
boot_allirqs db 'Unmasking all IRQs',0
boot_tsc db 'Reading TSC',0
boot_cpufreq db 'CPU frequency is ',' ',' MHz',0
boot_setostask db 'Setting OS task',0
boot_allirqs db 'Unmasking all IRQs',0
boot_tsc db 'Reading TSC',0
boot_cpufreq db 'CPU frequency is ',' ',' MHz',0
; boot_pal_ega db 'Setting EGA/CGA 320x200 palette',0
; boot_pal_vga db 'Setting VGA 640x480 palette',0
boot_failed db 'Failed to start first app',0
boot_mtrr db 'Setting MTRR',0
boot_uDMA_ok db 'Set user DMA OK',0
boot_pcie_ok db 'PCIe config set OK',0
boot_pcie_fail db 'PCIe config XXX failed XXX',0
boot_failed db 'Failed to start first app',0
boot_mtrr db 'Setting MTRR',0
boot_uDMA_ok db 'Set user DMA OK',0
boot_pcie_ok db 'PCIe config set OK',0
boot_pcie_fail db 'PCIe config XXX failed XXX',0
boot_rs7xx_fail db 'RS7xx config XXX failed XXX',0
boot_rs7xx_blkd db 'RS7xx config ---------- FAILED -----------',0
if preboot_blogesc
boot_tasking db 'All set - press ESC to start',0
boot_tasking db 'All set - press ESC to start',0
end if
;new_process_loading db 'K : New Process - loading',13,10,0
84,8 → 84,8
msg_module db 'in module ',0
msg_version db 'incompatible driver version',13,10,0
msg_www db 'please visit',13,10,0
msg_CR db 13,10,0
aSis db 'SIS',0
msg_CR db 13,10,0
aSis db 'SIS',0
intel_str db "GenuineIntel",0
AMD_str db "AuthenticAMD",0
92,11 → 92,11
;szSound db 'SOUND',0
;szInfinity db 'INFINITY',0
szHwMouse db 'ATI2D',0
szPS2MDriver db 'PS2MOUSE',0
szHwMouse db 'ATI2D',0
szPS2MDriver db 'PS2MOUSE',0
;szCOM_MDriver db 'COM_MOUSE',0
szUSB db 'USB',0
szAtiHW db '/rd/1/drivers/ati2d.drv',0
szUSB db 'USB',0
szAtiHW db '/rd/1/drivers/ati2d.drv',0
szSTART db 'START',0
107,13 → 107,13
read_firstapp db '/sys/'
firstapp db 'LAUNCHER',0
char db '/sys/FONTS/CHAR.MT',0
char2 db '/sys/FONTS/CHAR2.MT',0
char db '/sys/FONTS/CHAR.MT',0
char2 db '/sys/FONTS/CHAR2.MT',0
bootpath db '/KOLIBRI '
bootpath2 db 0
vmode db '/sys/drivers/VMODE.MDR',0
vrr_m db 'VRR_M',0
vmode db '/sys/drivers/VMODE.MDR',0
vrr_m db 'VRR_M',0
kernel_file db 'KERNEL MNT'
120,12 → 120,12
align 4
.bk dd shmem_list
.fd dd shmem_list
.bk dd shmem_list
.fd dd shmem_list
.bk dd dll_list
.fd dd dll_list
.bk dd dll_list
.fd dd dll_list
137,13 → 137,13
; mike.dld {
db 0
dd servetable-0x10000
draw_line dd __sys_draw_line
draw_pointer dd __sys_draw_pointer
draw_line dd __sys_draw_line
draw_pointer dd __sys_draw_pointer
;//mike.dld, 2006-08-02 [
;drawbar dd __sys_drawbar
drawbar dd __sys_drawbar.forced
drawbar dd __sys_drawbar.forced
;//mike.dld, 2006-08-02 ]
putpixel dd __sys_putpixel
putpixel dd __sys_putpixel
; } mike.dld
151,10 → 151,10
keyboard dd 1
syslang dd 1
boot_y dd 10
boot_y dd 10
pci_bios_entry dd 0
dw pci_code_sel
pci_bios_entry dd 0
dw pci_code_sel
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
165,9 → 165,9
align 16
dw gdte-$-1
dd gdts
dw 0
dw gdte-$-1
dd gdts
dw 0
; Attention! Do not change the order of the first four selectors. They are used in Fast System Call
; must be : os_code, os_data, app_code, app_data, ....
174,244 → 174,244
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db cpl3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db cpl3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
; ------------- PCI BIOS ------------------
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db cpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db cpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db dpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db dpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
; --------------- APM ---------------------
dw 0x0f ; limit 64kb
db 0, 0, 0
dw 11010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f ; limit 64kb
db 0, 0, 0
dw 11010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
; -----------------------------------------
dw 0x7ff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11010000b *256 +11110010b
db 0x00
dw 0x7ff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11010000b *256 +11110010b
db 0x00
dw tss and 0xFFFF
db (tss shr 16) and 0xFF
db 10001001b
dw (tss shr 16) and 0xFF00
dw tss and 0xFFFF
db (tss shr 16) and 0xFF
db 10001001b
dw (tss shr 16) and 0xFF00
dw 0x0FFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw D32
dw 0x0FFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw D32
align 16
cur_saved_data rb 4096
fpu_data: rb 512
cur_saved_data rb 4096
fpu_data: rb 512
; device irq owners
irq_owner rd 16 ; process id
irq_owner rd 16 ; process id
; on irq read ports
irq00read rd 16
irq01read rd 16
irq02read rd 16
irq03read rd 16
irq04read rd 16
irq05read rd 16
irq06read rd 16
irq07read rd 16
irq08read rd 16
irq09read rd 16
irq10read rd 16
irq11read rd 16
irq12read rd 16
irq13read rd 16
irq14read rd 16
irq15read rd 16
irq00read rd 16
irq01read rd 16
irq02read rd 16
irq03read rd 16
irq04read rd 16
irq05read rd 16
irq06read rd 16
irq07read rd 16
irq08read rd 16
irq09read rd 16
irq10read rd 16
irq11read rd 16
irq12read rd 16
irq13read rd 16
irq14read rd 16
irq15read rd 16
irq_tab rd 16
irq_tab rd 16
mem_block_map rb 512
mem_block_list rd 64
mem_block_map rb 512
mem_block_list rd 64
large_block_list rd 31
mem_block_mask rd 2
mem_block_mask rd 2
large_block_mask rd 1
mem_used.fd rd 1
mem_used.bk rd 1
mem_used.fd rd 1
mem_used.bk rd 1
mem_block_arr rd 1
mem_block_arr rd 1
mem_block_start rd 1
mem_block_end rd 1
mem_block_end rd 1
heap_mutex rd 1
heap_size rd 1
heap_free rd 1
heap_blocks rd 1
free_blocks rd 1
heap_mutex rd 1
heap_size rd 1
heap_free rd 1
heap_blocks rd 1
free_blocks rd 1
page_start rd 1
page_end rd 1
sys_page_map rd 1
os_stack_seg rd 1
page_start rd 1
page_end rd 1
sys_page_map rd 1
os_stack_seg rd 1
srv.fd rd 1
srv.bk rd 1
srv.fd rd 1
srv.bk rd 1
align 16
_display display_t
_display display_t
_WinMapAddress rd 1
_WinMapSize rd 1
_WinMapAddress rd 1
_WinMapSize rd 1
def_cursor rd 1
current_cursor rd 1
hw_cursor rd 1
cur_saved_base rd 1
def_cursor rd 1
current_cursor rd 1
hw_cursor rd 1
cur_saved_base rd 1
cur.lock rd 1 ;1 - lock update, 2- hide
cur.left rd 1 ;cursor clip box rd 1
cur.right rd 1
cur.bottom rd 1
cur.w rd 1
cur.h rd 1
cur.lock rd 1 ;1 - lock update, 2- hide
cur.left rd 1 ;cursor clip box rd 1
cur.right rd 1
cur.bottom rd 1
cur.w rd 1
cur.h rd 1
ipc_tmp rd 1
ipc_pdir rd 1
ipc_ptab rd 1
ipc_tmp rd 1
ipc_pdir rd 1
ipc_ptab rd 1
proc_mem_map rd 1
proc_mem_pdir rd 1
proc_mem_tab rd 1
proc_mem_map rd 1
proc_mem_pdir rd 1
proc_mem_tab rd 1
tmp_task_pdir rd 1
tmp_task_ptab rd 1
tmp_task_pdir rd 1
tmp_task_ptab rd 1
default_io_map rd 1
default_io_map rd 1
LFBSize rd 1
LFBSize rd 1
stall_mcs rd 1
current_slot rd 1
stall_mcs rd 1
current_slot rd 1
; status
hd1_status rd 1 ; 0 - free : other - pid
hd1_status rd 1 ; 0 - free : other - pid
application_table_status rd 1 ; 0 - free : other - pid
; device addresses
mididp rd 1
midisp rd 1
mididp rd 1
midisp rd 1
cdbase rd 1
cdid rd 1
cdbase rd 1
cdid rd 1
hdbase rd 1 ; for boot 0x1f0
hdid rd 1
hdpos rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
label known_part dword
fat32part rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
cdpos rd 1
hdbase rd 1 ; for boot 0x1f0
hdid rd 1
hdpos rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
label known_part dword
fat32part rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
cdpos rd 1
;CPUID information
cpu_vendor rd 3
cpu_sign rd 1
cpu_info rd 1
cpu_caps rd 4
cpu_vendor rd 3
cpu_sign rd 1
cpu_info rd 1
cpu_caps rd 4
pg_data PG_DATA
heap_test rd 1
pg_data PG_DATA
heap_test rd 1
buttontype rd 1
buttontype rd 1
windowtypechanged rd 1
hd_entries rd 1 ;unused ? 0xfe10
hd_entries rd 1 ;unused ? 0xfe10
;* start code - Mario79
mouse_active rd 1
mouse_pause rd 1
mouse_active rd 1
mouse_pause rd 1
MouseTickCounter rd 1
;* end code - Mario79
img_background rd 1
img_background rd 1
static_background_data rd 1
cache_ide0_pointer rd 1
cache_ide0_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_pointer rd 1
cache_ide0_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide0_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_system_data rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide0_system_data rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide0_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide0_search_start rd 1
418,13 → 418,13
cache_ide0_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide1_pointer rd 1
cache_ide1_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_pointer rd 1
cache_ide1_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide1_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_system_data rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide1_system_data rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide1_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide1_search_start rd 1
431,13 → 431,13
cache_ide1_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide2_pointer rd 1
cache_ide2_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_pointer rd 1
cache_ide2_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide2_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_system_data rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide2_system_data rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide2_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide2_search_start rd 1
444,13 → 444,13
cache_ide2_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide3_pointer rd 1
cache_ide3_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_pointer rd 1
cache_ide3_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide3_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_system_data rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide3_system_data rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide3_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide3_search_start rd 1
462,11 → 462,11
lba_read_enabled rd 1 ; 0 = disabled , 1 = enabled
pci_access_enabled rd 1 ; 0 = disabled , 1 = enabled
timer_ticks_enable rb 1 ; for cd driver
timer_ticks_enable rb 1 ; for cd driver
NumBiosDisks rd 1
BiosDisksData rb 200h
BiosDiskCaches rb 80h*(cache_ide1-cache_ide0)
NumBiosDisks rd 1
BiosDisksData rb 200h
BiosDiskCaches rb 80h*(cache_ide1-cache_ide0)
BiosDiskPartitions rd 80h
4253,13 → 4253,13
;align 4 ; PCI functions
; call pci_api
; mov [esp+36],eax
; ret
call pci_api
mov [esp+36],eax
align 4 ; system functions
syscall_setpixel: ; SetPixel
0,0 → 1,345
;; ZiS test -- Art J ;;
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
PCIE_SPACE equ 0xF0000000
PCIE_ADDR equ 0xF00A3000 ; bdf0:20.3 = SB7xx LPC Config Registers
BOX_COLOR equ 0xE0D8D0
mov edx, 0x88
add edx, PCIE_ADDR
mov eax, 0x00010101
mov [edx], eax
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mcall -1
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
sub [Reg],4 ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
add [Reg],4 ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],4*16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 4*16
jb @f
sub edx, 4*16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
add eax, PCIE_ADDR
mov [Rct], ebx
mov [eax], ebx
jmp red
mov eax, [reg]
and eax, 0x0FFC
mov ebx, 4*65536+256 ; 4 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov eax, [reg]
add eax, PCIE_ADDR
mov ecx, [eax]
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: dl = reg# | out: eax = data
mov ebx, 0xF0000000
and edx, 0x0FC
mov eax, dword [ebx+edx]
; in: dl = reg#; eax = data
mov ebx, 0xF0000000
and edx, 0x0FC
mov dword [ebx+edx], eax
; in: [HTr] = reg# | out: eax = data
; mov dl, 0x94
; mov al, byte[HTr]
; and eax, 0x07C
; call write_nbconfig
; add dl, 4
; call read_nbconfig
; ret
; in: [HTr] = reg#; ecx = data
; mov dl, 0x94
; mov al, byte[Reg]
; and eax, 0x017C
; call write_nbconfig
; add dl, 4
; mov ecx, eax
; call write_nbconfig
; sub dl, 4
; mov eax, 0x0
; call write_nbconfig
; ret
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 120*65536+290, 0x1499AAA0,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x99AABB ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; PCIe Cfg
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; NB config
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
mov edx, [Reg]
add edx, PCIE_ADDR ; reading the current reg content
mov ecx, [edx]
mov [Rct], ecx
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; draw ZiS status box
; mov ebx, 206*65536+274 ; Xleft | Xwidth
; mov ecx, 84*65536+ 64 ; Ytop | Yheight
; mcall 13
; draw the dump box
; mov ebx, 206*65536+274 ; Xleft | Xwidth
; mov ecx, 190*65536+232 ; Ytop | Yheight
; mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov ebx, [Reg]
mov [reg],ebx
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
add [reg], 4
mov edx,[Reg]
add edx,16*4
cmp edx,[reg]
ja .print_reg_names
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
mov ecx, PCIE_ADDR
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+180
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' SB710 LPC Config Registers - LPC_Reg ',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '--------------------------- extra info ---------------------------'
info2 db '| reg 00[31:16] (DeviceID): 439D = SB7100/710/750 LPC bus |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256
0,0 → 1,344
$Revision: 1598 $
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
PCIE_SPACE equ 0xF0000000
PCIE_ADDR equ 0xF00A0000 ; bdf0:20.0 = SB7xx PCI Config Registers
BOX_COLOR equ 0xE0D8D0
mov edx, 0x88
add edx, PCIE_ADDR
mov eax, 0x00010101
mov [edx], eax
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mcall -1
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
sub [Reg],4 ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
add [Reg],4 ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],4*16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 4*16
jb @f
sub edx, 4*16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
add eax, PCIE_ADDR
mov [Rct], ebx
mov [eax], ebx
jmp red
mov eax, [reg]
and eax, 0x0FFC
mov ebx, 4*65536+256 ; 4 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov eax, [reg]
add eax, PCIE_ADDR
mov ecx, [eax]
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: dl = reg# | out: eax = data
mov ebx, 0xF0000000
and edx, 0x0FC
mov eax, dword [ebx+edx]
; in: dl = reg#; eax = data
mov ebx, 0xF0000000
and edx, 0x0FC
mov dword [ebx+edx], eax
; in: [HTr] = reg# | out: eax = data
; mov dl, 0x94
; mov al, byte[HTr]
; and eax, 0x07C
; call write_nbconfig
; add dl, 4
; call read_nbconfig
; ret
; in: [HTr] = reg#; ecx = data
; mov dl, 0x94
; mov al, byte[Reg]
; and eax, 0x017C
; call write_nbconfig
; add dl, 4
; mov ecx, eax
; call write_nbconfig
; sub dl, 4
; mov eax, 0x0
; call write_nbconfig
; ret
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 120*65536+290, 0x1499AABB,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x99AABB ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; PCIe Cfg
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; NB config
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
mov edx, [Reg]
add edx, PCIE_ADDR ; reading the current reg content
mov ecx, [edx]
mov [Rct], ecx
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; draw ZiS status box
; mov ebx, 206*65536+274 ; Xleft | Xwidth
; mov ecx, 84*65536+ 64 ; Ytop | Yheight
; mcall 13
; draw the dump box
; mov ebx, 206*65536+274 ; Xleft | Xwidth
; mov ecx, 190*65536+232 ; Ytop | Yheight
; mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov ebx, [Reg]
mov [reg],ebx
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
add [reg], 4
mov edx,[Reg]
add edx,16*4
cmp edx,[reg]
ja .print_reg_names
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
mov ecx, PCIE_ADDR
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+180
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' SB710 PCI Config Registers - PCI_Reg ',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '--------------------------- extra info ---------------------------'
info2 db '| reg 00[31:16] (DeviceID): 4385=SB7100/710/750 SMBus module |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256
0,0 → 1,314
$Revision: 1598 $
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
SB_PM_INDEX equ 0xC50
SB_PM_DATA equ 0xC51
BOX_COLOR equ 0xD0C8C0
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mcall -1
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
dec [Reg] ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
inc [Reg] ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 16
jb @f
sub edx, 16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [Rct], ebx
call write_sb_pm_reg
jmp red
mov eax, [Reg]
; and eax, 0x0FF
mov ebx, 3*65536+256 ; 3 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov ecx, edx
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, eax
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: [Reg] = reg# | out: eax = [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
mov [Rct], eax
; in: [Reg] = reg#; [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
mov eax, [Rct]
out dx, al
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 410*65536+290, 0x14748090,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x94A0B0 ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; Next Page
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; Prev Page
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [reg], eax ; store original#
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
inc [Reg]
mov edx,[reg]
mov eax, 16
add eax, edx
cmp eax,[Reg]
ja .print_reg_names
mov [Reg], edx ; restore original#
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov ecx, SB_PM_DATA
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+170
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' SB710 Client Management Registers - IO_CM_Reg',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '------------- PM REG -------------'
db '| see AMD SB700/710/750 Register Reference Guide, pp.172-173 |'
info2 db '| reg 00 - IdRegister |'
db '| reg 02 [0]: logical status of TALERT/GPIO64 input (read-clears)|'
db '| reg 03 [1]: generate SMI# ipon TALERT |'
db '| reg 12 - I2C Control |'
db '| reg 13 [7:6]: GpmPortStatus (00=read; 01=OE; 10=output) |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256
0,0 → 1,331
$Revision: 1598 $
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
SB_SIO_INDEX equ 0x2e
SB_SIO_DATA equ 0x2f
BOX_COLOR equ 0xD0C8C0
call enter_cfg_mode ; call this once
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mov byte[Reg], 2
mov byte[Rct], 2
call write_sio_cfg ; exit config-mode on exit
mcall -1
; --------------
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
dec [Reg] ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
inc [Reg] ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 16
jb @f
sub edx, 16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [Rct], ebx
call write_sio_cfg
jmp red
mov eax, [Reg]
; and eax, 0x0FF
mov ebx, 3*65536+256 ; 3 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov ecx, edx
call read_sio_cfg
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, eax
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: [Reg] = reg# | out: eax = [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
mov [Rct], eax
; in: [Reg] = reg#; [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
mov eax, [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
mov eax, [Rct]
out dx, al
; the magic sequence to unlock the port
mov dx, SB_SIO_INDEX
mov eax, 0x55550187 ; low byte first
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
shr eax, 8
out dx, al
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 410*65536+290, 0x14748090,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x94A0B0 ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; Next Page
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; Prev Page
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
call read_sio_cfg
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [reg], eax ; store original#
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
inc [Reg]
mov edx,[reg]
mov eax, 16
add eax, edx
cmp eax,[Reg]
ja .print_reg_names
mov [Reg], edx ; restore original#
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
call read_sio_cfg
mov ecx, SB_SIO_DATA
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+170
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' IT8712F -- Super IO control - SIO_Reg',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '------------- SIO REG -------------'
db '| see AMD SB700/710/750 Register Reference Guide, pp. |'
info2 db '| |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256
0,0 → 1,314
$Revision: 1598 $
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
SB_PM2_INDEX equ 0xCD0
SB_PM2_DATA equ 0xCD1
BOX_COLOR equ 0xD0C8C0
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mcall -1
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
dec [Reg] ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
inc [Reg] ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 16
jb @f
sub edx, 16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [Rct], ebx
call write_sb_pm2_reg
jmp red
mov eax, [Reg]
; and eax, 0x0FF
mov ebx, 3*65536+256 ; 3 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov ecx, edx
call read_sb_pm2_reg
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, eax
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: [Reg] = reg# | out: eax = [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM2_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
mov [Rct], eax
; in: [Reg] = reg#; [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM2_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
mov eax, [Rct]
out dx, al
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 410*65536+290, 0x14848090,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x94A0B0 ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; Next Page
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; Prev Page
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
call read_sb_pm2_reg
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [reg], eax ; store original#
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
inc [Reg]
mov edx,[reg]
mov eax, 16
add eax, edx
cmp eax,[Reg]
ja .print_reg_names
mov [Reg], edx ; restore original#
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
call read_sb_pm2_reg
mov ecx, SB_PM2_DATA
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+170
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' SB710 PowerManagement (Block2) registers - PM2_Reg',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '------------- PM2 REG ------------'
db '| see AMD SB700/710/750 Register Reference Guide, pp.228-258 |'
info2 db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg F6: Gpm3-0pull; F7: Gpm7-4pull; F8: Gpm9-8pull |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256
0,0 → 1,314
$Revision: 1598 $
use32 ;
org 0x0 ;
db 'MENUET01' ;
dd 0x01 ;
dd START ;
dd I_END ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x1000 ;
dd 0x0 ;
dd 0x0 ;
include 'MACROS.INC' ;
SB_PM_DATA equ 0xCD7
BOX_COLOR equ 0xD0C8C0
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; event waiting
cmp eax,1 ; redraw window
je red ;
cmp eax,2 ; key pressed?
je key ;
cmp eax,3 ; button hit?
je button ;
jmp still ; none of that
key: ; key pressed
jmp red
mcall 17 ; get the button ID
cmp ah, 1
jne .bt2
mcall -1
cmp ah, 2
jne .bt3
dec [Reg] ; Rg# decrement
jmp red
cmp ah, 3
jne .bt4
inc [Reg] ; Rg# increment
jmp red
cmp ah, 4
jne .bt5
add [Reg],16 ; PgDn
jmp red
cmp ah, 5
jne .bt6
mov edx, [Reg]
cmp edx, 16
jb @f
sub edx, 16
mov [Reg],edx ; PgUp
jmp red
xor edx, edx
mov [Reg], edx
jmp red
cmp ah, 6
jne still
mcall 37, 1 ; get the mouse pointer
shr eax, 16 ; only X needed
sub eax, 124 ; check the left border
jb red
xor edx, edx
mov ebx, 12
div ebx
cmp eax, 32 ; check the right border
jnb red
mov ecx, 31
sub ecx, eax ; reverse the bit order
mov ebx, [Rct]
btc ebx, ecx ; invert the bit
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [Rct], ebx
call write_sb_pm_reg
jmp red
mov eax, [Reg]
; and eax, 0x0FF
mov ebx, 3*65536+256 ; 3 hex digits
mov ecx, eax
mov dx,[stX]
shl edx,16 ; = X*65536
mov dx,[stY] ; = edx + Y
mov esi,0
mcall 47 ; print reg#
mov ecx, edx
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, eax
add edx, 36*65536 ; right column
mov ebx, 8*65536+256 ; 8 hex digits
mcall 47 ; print config data
; in: [Reg] = reg# | out: eax = [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
in al, dx
mov [Rct], eax
; in: [Reg] = reg#; [Rct] = data
mov dx, SB_PM_INDEX
xor eax, eax
mov al, byte [Reg]
out dx, al
inc dl
mov eax, [Rct]
out dx, al
mcall 12, 1
mcall 0, 600*65536+530, 410*65536+290, 0x14748090,,title
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; BUTTONS: Xleft Xwid, Ytop Yheig
mcall 8, 370*65536+ 40, 26*65536+ 18, 2, 0x94A0B0 ; <<
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 3, ; >>
mcall , 425*65536+ 90, 26*65536+ 18, 4, ; Next Page
mcall , , 51*65536+ 18, 5, ; Prev Page
mcall , 117*65536+400, 97*65536+ 40, 6, ; Bits
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov ebx, bitstr2
inc ebx
mov edx, [Rct]
mov ecx, 0x80000000
xor eax, eax
test edx, ecx
jz @f
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'I' ; bit dump
jmp .nextbit
mov byte [ebx+eax*2],'0'
inc eax
shr ecx, 1
jnz .stringtest
; button txt: X *65536+ Y
mcall 4, 378*65536+32 ,0x10000000, butstr2,3
mcall , 378*65536+57 , , butstr3,
mcall , 436*65536+32 , , butstr4,9
mcall , 436*65536+57 , , butstr5,
mcall 4, 122*65536+101,0 , bitstr0,65
mcall , 122*65536+110,0 , bitstr1,65
mcall , 122*65536+117,0 , bitstr2,65
mcall , 122*65536+126,0 , bitstr3,65
; -----------------------------------------------------------------
; draw the reg-value box
mov ebx, 10*65536+100 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov ecx, 26*65536+250 ; Ytop | Yheight
mov edx, BOX_COLOR
mcall 13
; draw the reg-address box
mov ebx, 206*65536+146 ; Xleft | Xwidth
mov cx, 44 ; Yheight only
mcall 13
; fill the data box
mov bx, 40 ; upper position
mov [stY],bx
mov eax, [Reg]
mov [reg], eax ; store original#
call print_config_reg
add [stY],14
inc [Reg]
mov edx,[reg]
mov eax, 16
add eax, edx
cmp eax,[Reg]
ja .print_reg_names
mov [Reg], edx ; restore original#
; fill the status box
mcall 4, 210*65536+30,0,str1,12
mcall , 210*65536+44, ,str2,
mcall , 210*65536+56, ,str3,
call read_sb_pm_reg
mov ecx, SB_PM_DATA
mov edx, 300*65536+30
mov ebx, 8*65536+256
mcall 47
add dx, 14
mov ecx,[Reg]
mov esi, 0
mcall 47
add dx,14
mov ecx, [Rct]
mcall 47
; print extra info
mov ebx, 120*65536+170
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, info1
mcall 4,,,,66
add edx, 66
add ebx, 14
cmp edx, info_end
jb @b
mcall 12, 2 ; äã­ªæ¨ï 12: á®®¡é¨âì Ž‘ ®¡ ®âà¨á®¢ª¥ ®ª­ 
align 4
pix dd 0x55AACC33
pxX dd 200
pxY dd 160
stX dw 18
stY dw 0
reg dd 0
Rct dd 0 ; reg content
Reg dd 0x00 ; reg number
title db ' SB710 PowerManagement registers - PM_Reg',0
reg_str db 'Reg#| hex.Value '
str1 db 'bdf address:'
str2 db 'Reg. number:'
str3 db 'Reg.content:'
butstr2 db ' << '
butstr3 db ' >> '
butstr4 db 'Next Page'
butstr5 db 'Prev Page'
bitstr0 db '31',209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,209,205,'24',\
bitstr1 db 179,' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ',179
bitstr2 db 179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179,'9 8 7 6',\
179,'5 4 3 2',179,'1 0 9 8',179,'7 6 5 4',179,'3 2 1 0',179
bitstr3 db 212,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,205,207,\
info1 db '------------- PM REG -------------'
db '| see AMD SB700/710/750 Register Reference Guide, pp.174-223 |'
info2 db '| |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '| reg |'
db '------------------------------------------------------------------'
I_END: ; end of program
rd 256
align 256