Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 400 → Rev 399

3,6 → 3,8
MEM_WC equ 1 ;write combined memory
MEM_UC equ 0 ;uncached memory
tmp_page_tab equ 0x1000000 ; HEAP_BASE
align 4
proc mem_test
51,21 → 53,19
xor eax, eax
mov edi, sys_pgdir-OS_BASE
mov ecx, 4096/4
mov ecx, 2048
rep stosd
mov edx, (sys_pgdir-OS_BASE)+ 0x800; (OS_BASE shr 20)
bt [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], CAPS_PSE
jnc .no_PSE
mov edx, sys_pgdir-OS_BASE
; bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PSE
; jnc .no_PSE
mov ebx, cr4
or ebx, CR4_PSE
mov eax, PG_LARGE+PG_SW
bt [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], CAPS_PGE
jnc @F
or eax, PG_GLOBAL
or ebx, CR4_PGE
73,23 → 73,35
sub [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE], 2
mov [edx], eax
mov [edx+(OS_BASE shr 20)], eax
add eax, 0x00400000
mov [edx+4], eax
add edx, 8
mov [edx+(OS_BASE shr 20)+4], eax
add eax, 0x00400000
mov eax, 0x800000+PG_SW
mov ecx, (tmp_page_tab-0x800000)/4096
jmp .map_low
mov eax, PG_SW
mov ecx, tmp_page_tab/4096
mov [edx+8], eax
mov [edx+(OS_BASE shr 20)+8], eax
add eax, 0x00400000
mov [edx+12], eax
mov [edx+(OS_BASE shr 20)+12], eax
add edx, (OS_BASE shr 20)+16
add eax, 0x00400000
; mov eax, 0x800000+PG_SW
; mov ecx, (HEAP_BASE-0x800000)/4096
; jmp .map_low
; mov eax, PG_SW
; mov ecx, HEAP_BASE/4096
mov edi, tmp_page_tab
@@: ;
add eax, 0x1000
dec ecx
jnz @B
;@@: ;
; stosd
; add eax, 0x1000
; dec ecx
; jnz @B
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
shl ecx, 10
108,17 → 120,9
jnz .map_kernel_tabs
mov dword [sys_pgdir-OS_BASE+(page_tabs shr 20)], sys_pgdir+PG_SW-OS_BASE
mov edi, (sys_pgdir-OS_BASE)
lea esi, [edi+(OS_BASE shr 20)]
align 4
proc init_page_map
154,7 → 158,7
shl eax, cl
mov [edi], eax
add edi, OS_BASE
mov [page_start-OS_BASE], edi;
mov [page_start-OS_BASE], edi; sys_pgmap+384
mov ebx, sys_pgmap
add ebx, [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE]
248,9 → 248,10
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PSE
jnc .map_page_tables
or esi, PG_LARGE+PG_UW
mov edx, sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)
shr edx, 20
mov ecx, edx
mov [edx], esi
mov [sys_pgdir+edx], esi
add edx, 4
add esi, 0x00400000
dec edi
258,7 → 259,7
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PGE
jnc @F
or dword [sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)], PG_GLOBAL
or dword [sys_pgdir+ecx], PG_GLOBAL
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
226,6 → 226,7
mov eax, [save_cr3]
call set_cr3
; popfd
xor ebx, ebx
mov [application_table_status],ebx ;unlock application_table_status mutex
mov eax,[process_number] ;set result
234,6 → 235,7
mov eax, [save_cr3]
call set_cr3
; popfd
stdcall kernel_free,[file_base]
332,7 → 334,9
cmp eax,256
jge .failed ;it should be <256
mov word [ebx+0xa],9 ;set process state to 9 (for slot after hight boundary)
; mov [new_process_place], eax
xor eax,eax
389,20 → 393,21
stdcall map_page,[tmp_task_pdir],eax,dword PG_SW
mov edi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov ecx, (page_tabs shr 20)/4
mov ecx, (LFB_BASE shr 20)/4 ;(page_tabs shr 20)/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, [dir_addr]
or eax, PG_SW
mov esi, sys_pgdir+(OS_BASE shr 20)
mov esi, sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20) ;(OS_BASE shr 20)
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
rep movsd
mov edi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov eax, [dir_addr]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edi+(page_tabs shr 20)], eax
mov eax, [dir_addr]
call set_cr3
mov edx, [app_tabs]
526,6 → 531,7
xor edx,edx
mov eax,0x2
mov ebx, [pg_dir]
;eax = current slot of process
mov ecx,eax
551,7 → 557,7
and eax, not 0xFFF
stdcall map_page,[tmp_task_pdir],eax,dword PG_SW
mov esi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov edi, (page_tabs shr 20)/4
mov edi, (LFB_BASE shr 20)/4
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, 1
50,18 → 50,13
; Íàñòðàèâàåì ñòåê
; cli sysenter clear IF
; push eax
; mov eax, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
; shl eax, 8
; mov eax, [ss:SLOT_BASE + eax + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
; lea esp, [eax + RING0_STACK_SIZE] ; configure ESP
; mov eax, [ss:sysenter_stack - 4] ; eax - original eax, from app
mov esp, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
shl esp, 8
mov esp, [ss:SLOT_BASE + esp + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
add esp, RING0_STACK_SIZE ; configure ESP
push eax
mov eax, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [ss:SLOT_BASE + eax + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
lea esp, [ss:eax + RING0_STACK_SIZE] ; configure ESP
mov eax, [ss:sysenter_stack - 4] ; eax - original eax, from app
push ds es
98,22 → 93,15
align 32
; cli syscall clear IF
xchg ecx, [esp]
mov [SYSENTER_VAR + 4], esp
; mov [ss:sysenter_stack - 4], eax
; mov eax, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
; shl eax, 8
; mov eax, [ss:SLOT_BASE + eax + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
; lea esp, [eax + RING0_STACK_SIZE] ; configure ESP
; mov eax, [ss:sysenter_stack - 4] ; eax - original eax, from app
mov esp, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
shl esp, 8
mov esp, [ss:SLOT_BASE + esp + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
add esp, RING0_STACK_SIZE ; configure ESP
mov [ss:sysenter_stack - 4], eax
mov eax, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [ss:SLOT_BASE + eax + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
lea esp, [ss:eax + RING0_STACK_SIZE] ; configure ESP
mov eax, [ss:sysenter_stack - 4] ; eax - original eax, from app
push ds es
139,8 → 127,6
pop es ds
mov esp, [SYSENTER_VAR + 4]
xchg ecx, [esp]
225,8 → 225,9
mov dword [sys_pgdir], 0
mov dword [sys_pgdir+4], 0
mov dword [sys_pgdir+8], 0
mov dword [sys_pgdir+12], 0
mov eax, cr3
mov eax, sys_pgdir-OS_BASE
mov cr3, eax
598,8 → 598,6
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jz .longname
test byte [edi+11], 8
jnz .no
push ecx
push edi ebp
test byte [ebp-4], 1
1802,7 → 1800,7
; lea eax, [edi-(RAMDISK_FAT)]
mov eax, edi
sub eax, RAMDISK_FAT
sub edi, RAMDISK_FAT
shr eax, 1 ; eax = cluster
mov word [edi], 0xFFF ; mark as last cluster
255,12 → 255,10
tss_data equ (OS_BASE+0x780000)
draw_data equ (OS_BASE+0x988000)
tmp_page_tab equ 0x98B000; draw_data+sizeof(drw_data)
HEAP_BASE equ (OS_BASE+0x01000000)
HEAP_BASE equ (OS_BASE+tmp_page_tab)
LFB_BASE equ 0x7DC00000
LFB_BASE equ 0xFE000000
page_tabs equ 0x7FC00000
master_tab equ 0x7FDFF000
app_page_tabs equ 0x7FC00000 ;0x7FE00000
269,7 → 267,7
sys_pgmap equ (OS_BASE+0x00052000)
new_app_base equ 0; 0x01000000
new_app_base equ 0x01000000 ; 0= flat
twdw equ (CURRENT_TASK-window_data)
1889,13 → 1889,12
repnz scasw
jnz .ret
dec edi
dec edi
; lea eax, [edi-FLOPPY_FAT]
mov eax, edi
sub eax, FLOPPY_FAT
sub edi, FLOPPY_FAT
shr eax, 1 ; eax = cluster
mov word [edi], 0xFFF ; mark as last cluster
24,11 → 24,7
; Runtime:
; 0x00000000 -> 0x7FBFFFFF application 2Gb-4Mb
; 0x7FC00000 -> 0x7FFFFFFF page tables 4Mb
; 0x80000000 -> 1FFF window_data - 256 entries
; 0000 -> 1FFF window_data - 256 entries
; 0000 dword x start
; 0004 dword y start
123,34 → 119,21
; FFF5 byte 1 do not draw pointer
; FFFF byte do not change task for 1/100 sec.
; 0x80010000 -> 3DBFF kernel, 32-bit run-time code (up to 183 Kb)
; 0x8003DC00 -> 3EBFF stack at boot time (4Kb)
; 0x8003EC00 -> 3F5FF basic text font II
; 0x8003F600 -> 3FFFF basic text font I
; 0x80040000 -> 4FFFF data of retrieved disks and partitions (Mario79)
; 10000 -> 3DBFF kernel, 32-bit run-time code (up to 183 Kb)
; 3DC00 -> 3EBFF stack at boot time (4Kb)
; 3EC00 -> 3F5FF basic text font II
; 3F600 -> 3FFFF basic text font I
; 40000 -> 4FFFF data of retrieved disks and partitions (Mario79)
; 0x80050000 -> 50FFF main page directory
; 0x80050200 -> 5FFFF pages bitmap
; 50000 -> 50FFF main page directory
; 50200 -> 5FFFF pages bitmap
; 0x80060000 -> 7FFFF free (128 Kb)
; 0x80080000 -> 8FFFF additional app info, in 256 byte steps - 256 entries
; 60000 -> 7FFFF free (128 Kb)
; 80000 -> 8FFFF additional app info, in 256 byte steps - 256 entries
; 00 11db name of app running
; 10 dword pointer to fpu save area
; 14 dword event count
; 18 dword user fpu exceptoins handler
; 1c dword user sse exceptions handler
; 20 dword PL0 stack base
; 24 dword user heap base
; 28 dword user heap top
; 2c dword window cursor handle
; 30 dword first event in list
; 34 dword last event in list
; 38 dword first kernel object in list
; 3c dword last kernel object in list
; 40-7F unused
; 10 108db floating point unit save area
; 7f byte 0= no fpu saved , 1= fpu saved to 0x10 -> restore
; 80 dword address of random shaped window area
; 84 byte shape area scale
; 88 dword free
169,17 → 152,17
; BC dword address of debug event memory
; C0 5 dd thread debug registers: DR0,DR1,DR2,DR3,DR7
; 0x80090000 -> 9FFFF tmp
; 0x800A0000 -> AFFFF screen access area
; 0x800B0000 -> FFFFF bios rest in peace -area
; 0x80100000 -> 27FFFF diskette image
; 0x80280000 -> 281FFF ramdisk fat
; 0x80282000 -> 283FFF floppy fat
; 90000 -> 9FFFF tmp
; A0000 -> AFFFF screen access area
; B0000 -> FFFFF bios rest in peace -area
; 100000 -> 27FFFF diskette image
; 280000 -> 281FFF ramdisk fat
; 282000 -> 283FFF floppy fat
; 0x80284000 -> 29FFFF free (112 Kb)
; 284000 -> 29FFFF free (112 Kb)
; 0x802A0000 -> 2B00ff wav device data
; 0x802C0000 -> 2C3fff button info
; 2A0000 -> 2B00ff wav device data
; 2C0000 -> 2C3fff button info
; 0000 word number of buttons
; first button entry at 0x10
191,9 → 174,9
; +000A word y size
; +000C word button id number : bits 16-31
; 0x802C4000 -> 2CFFFF free (48Kb)
; 2C4000 -> 2CFFFF free (48Kb)
; 0x802D0000 -> 2DFFFF reserved port area
; 2D0000 -> 2DFFFF reserved port area
; 0000 dword no of port areas reserved
; 0010 dword process id
201,25 → 184,25
; dword end port
; dword 0
; 0x802E0000 -> 2EFFFF irq data area
; 0x802F0000 -> 2FFFFF low memory save
; 2E0000 -> 2EFFFF irq data area
; 2F0000 -> 2FFFFF low memory save
; 0x80300000 -> 45FFFF background image, max 1,375 M
; 300000 -> 45FFFF background image, max 1,375 M
; 0x80460000 -> 5FFFFF display info
; 460000 -> 5FFFFF display info
; 0x80600000 -> 6FFFFF hd cache
; 600000 -> 6FFFFF hd cache
; 0x80700000 -> 71ffff tcp memory (128 kb)
; 0x80720000 -> 75ffff free (256 kb)
; 700000 -> 71ffff tcp memory (128 kb)
; 720000 -> 75ffff free (256 kb)
; 0x80760000 -> 76ffff !vrr driver
; 0x80770000 -> 777fff tcp memory ( 32 kb)
; 760000 -> 76ffff !vrr driver
; 770000 -> 777fff tcp memory ( 32 kb)
; 0x80780000 -> 0x80987FFF TSS and IO map for (8192*8)=65536 ports
; 780000 -> 987FFF TSS and IO map for (8192*8)=65536 ports
; (128+8192)*256 = 2129920 = 0x208000
; 0x80988000 -> 0x8098AFFF draw_data - 256 entries
; 988000 -> 98AFFF draw_data - 256 entries
; 00 dword draw limit - x start
; 04 dword draw limit - y start
227,12 → 210,15
; 0C dword draw limit - y end
; 0x8098B000 -> kernel heap
; 0x81FFFFFF heap min limit
; 0xFDFFFFFF heap max limit
; 0x0098B000 -> kernel heap
; 0x01FFFFFF heap min limit
; 0x7DBFFFFF heap max limit
; 0x7DC00000 -> 0x7FBFFFFF LFB 32Mb
; 0x7DC00000 -> 0x7E3FFFFF application available LFB 8Mb
; 0x7E400000 -> 0x7FBFFFFF kernel LFB part 24 Mb
; 0x7FC00000 -> 0x7FFFFFFF page tables 4Mb
; 0x80000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF application 2Gb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF LFB 32Mb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFE7FFFFF application available LFB 8Mb
; 0xFE800000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF kernel LFB part 24 Mb