Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 5983 → Rev 5984

16,7 → 16,7
;; ;;
$Revision: 5584 $
$Revision: 5842 $
215,7 → 215,6
; It will also re-construct fragmented packets
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to IPv4 header in edx
; size of IPv4 packet in ecx
223,7 → 222,7
align 4
IPv4_input: ; TODO: add IPv4 raw sockets support
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: packet from %u.%u.%u.%u ",\
[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 1]:1,\
232,6 → 231,10
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 1]:1,\
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 2]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 3]:1
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
je .invalid_device
; re-calculate the checksum
240,40 → 243,32
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Checksum ok\n"
; Check if destination IP is correct
; Check if destination IP matches
call NET_ptr_to_num4
; check if it matches local ip (Using RFC1122 strong end system model)
; local ip (Using RFC1122 strong end system model)
mov eax, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
cmp eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; check for broadcast (IP or (not SUBNET))
; network layer broadcast
cmp eax, [BROADCAST_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; or a special broadcast (
; physical layer broadcast (
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
je .ip_ok
; maybe it's a multicast (
; multicast ( = to
and eax, 0x0fffffff
cmp eax, 224
je .ip_ok
; maybe we just dont have an IP yet and should accept everything on the IP level
; maybe we just dont have an IP yet and should accept everything on the IP level
cmp [IP_LIST + edi], 0
je .ip_ok
; or it's just not meant for us.. :(
; or it's just not meant for us.. :(
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Destination address does not match!\n"
jmp .dump
305,7 → 300,6
xchg cl, ch ;
sub ecx, esi ;
lea edi, [edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress] ; make edi ptr to source and dest IPv4 address
mov al, [edx + IPv4_header.Protocol]
add esi, edx ; make esi ptr to data
318,15 → 312,64
je ICMP_input
; Look for a matching RAW socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
add ecx, esi
sub ecx, edx
mov esi, edx
movzx edx, al
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .dump_unlock
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], edx
jne .next_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: found matching RAW socket: 0x%x\n", eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
jmp SOCKET_input
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: unknown protocol %u\n", al
inc [IPv4_packets_dumped] ; FIXME: use correct interface
inc [IPv4_packets_dumped + edi]
call NET_BUFF_free
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_input: packet originated from invalid device\n"
call NET_BUFF_free
; Fragmented packet handler
568,11 → 611,12
; IPv4_output
; IN: eax = Destination IP
; IN: al = protocol
; ah = TTL
; ebx = device ptr (or 0 to let IP layer decide)
; ecx = data length
; edx = Source IP
; di = TTL shl 8 + protocol
; edi = Destination IP
; OUT: eax = pointer to buffer start / 0 on error
; ebx = device ptr (send packet through this device)
589,7 → 633,8
cmp ecx, 65500 ; Max IPv4 packet size
ja .too_large
push ecx di eax
push ecx ax edi
mov eax, edi
call IPv4_route ; outputs device number in edi, dest ip in eax, source IP in edx
push edx
test edi, edi
601,7 → 646,7
push ebx ; push the mac onto the stack
push ax
inc [IPv4_packets_tx + edi] ; update stats
inc [IPv4_packets_tx + edi] ; update stats
mov ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + edi]
642,7 → 687,10
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ARP error=%x\n", eax
add esp, 3*4+2
add esp, 4
pop eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ip=0x%x\n", eax
add esp, 4+2
xor eax, eax
678,9 → 726,6
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: size=%u ptr=%x socket=%x\n", ecx, esi, eax
cmp ecx, 1480 ;;;;; FIXME
ja .too_large
sub esp, 8
push esi eax
707,7 → 752,7
mov dword[esp+4+4+4], eax
pop eax esi
;; todo: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
;; TODO: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
push edi ecx
rep movsb
734,11 → 779,14
add esp, 6
add esp, 6+8+4+4
or eax, -1
add esp, 8+4+4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output_raw: Failed\n"
mov ebx, ENOTCONN
or eax, -1
746,119 → 794,122
; IN: dword [esp] = pointer to buffer containing ipv4 packet to be fragmented
; esi = pointer to ip header in that buffer
; ecx = max size of fragments
; IN: [esp] = pointer to buffer containing ipv4 packet to be fragmented
; edi = pointer to ip header in that buffer
; ebx = device ptr
; OUT: /
proc IPv4_fragment stdcall buffer
align 4
offset dd ?
headerlength dd ?
headerptr dd ?
dataptr dd ?
remaining dd ?
segmentsize dd ?
and ecx, not 111b ; align 4
; We must be able to put at least 8 bytes per segment
movzx eax, byte[edi] ; IHL
and eax, 0xf
shl eax, 2
mov [headerlength], eax
add eax, 8
mov ecx, [ebx + NET_DEVICE.mtu]
and ecx, not 11b
cmp ecx, eax
jb .fail
cmp ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header + 8 ; must be able to put at least 8 bytes
jb .err2
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
push esi ecx
mov eax, [esi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
pop ecx esi
cmp eax, -1
jz .err2
mov [segmentsize], ecx
mov [headerptr], edi
movzx ecx, [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength]
xchg cl, ch
sub ecx, [headerlength]
mov [remaining], ecx
mov [offset], 0
push ebx
push ax
add edi, [headerlength]
mov [dataptr], edi
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
push eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: new fragment"
mov ecx, [segmentsize]
cmp ecx, [remaining]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [remaining]
push esi ; ptr to ip header
sub ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header ; substract header size
push ecx ; max data size
push dword 0 ; offset
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: new fragment"
mov ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
lea ebx, [esp + 4*4]
mov edx, [esp]
add edx, [edx + NET_BUFF.offset]
; add edx, ETH_header.DstMAC ; = 0
call ETH_output
jz .err
jz .fail
push edi
mov edx, ecx
; copy header
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
mov ecx, 5 ; 5 dwords: TODO: use IHL field of the header!
mov esi, [headerptr]
mov ecx, [headerlength]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
; copy data
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_header
add esi, [esp] ; offset
mov esi, [dataptr]
add esi, [offset]
mov ecx, edx
sub ecx, [headerlength]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop edi
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_fragment: copying %u bytes\n", ecx
rep movsb
; now, correct header
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
xchg cl, ch
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], cx
; packet length
mov ax, dx
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], ax
mov ecx, [esp] ; offset
xchg cl, ch
; offset
mov eax, [offset]
xchg al, ah
; cmp dword[esp + 4*4], 0 ; last fragment?;<<<<<<
; je .last_fragment
or cx, 1 shl 2 ; more fragments
; .last_fragment:
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], cx
sub edx, [headerlength]
sub [remaining], edx
je @f
jb .fail
or ah, 1 shl 2 ; more fragments
add [offset], edx
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], ax
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< send the packet
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
push edx eax
; Send the fragment
IPv4_checksum edi
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
mov ecx, [esp+4]
add [esp], ecx
cmp [remaining], 0
jne .loop
mov ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4] ; ptr to begin of buff
add ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4+4] ; buff size
sub ecx, [esp+2*4] ; ptr to ip header
add ecx, [esp] ; offset
call NET_BUFF_free
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: %u bytes remaining\n", ecx
cmp ecx, [esp+1*4]
jae .new_fragment
mov [esp+4], ecx ; set fragment size to remaining packet size
jmp .new_fragment
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Ipv4_fragment: failed\n"
add esp, 12 + 4 + 6
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: dumping\n"
call NET_BUFF_free
; IPv4_route
973,11 → 1024,6
pushd [edx + 4]
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
; Set up data receiving queue
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION)
pop eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
133,8 → 133,9
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; ebx = pointer to device struct
; ecx = ICMP Packet size
; edx = ptr to IPv4 header
; esi = ptr to ICMP Packet data
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source and dest address
; edi = interface number*4
; OUT: /
144,8 → 145,13
; Dump all multicasts and broadcasts
mov eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
cmp eax, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
jne .dump
; Check the checksum
push esi ecx
push esi ecx edx
push [esi + ICMP_header.Checksum]
mov [esi + ICMP_header.Checksum], 0
xor edx, edx
153,17 → 159,11
call checksum_2
pop si
cmp dx, si
pop ecx esi
pop edx ecx esi
jne .checksum_mismatch
; Ualidate device ptr
mov eax, edi
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
je .dump
; Update stats
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_RX + edi]
177,10 → 177,10
call mutex_lock
mov edx, [eax] ; ipv4 source address
add ecx, esi
sub ecx, edx
mov esi, edx
mov eax, net_sockets
; mov , [esi + ICMP_header.Identifier]
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
192,12 → 192,6
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_ICMP
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], edx
jne .next_socket
; cmp [eax + ICMP_SOCKET.Identifier],
; jne .next_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
376,7 → 370,7
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data length
; esi = data offset
; edx = data pointer
align 4
385,13 → 379,13
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Creating ICMP Packet for socket %x, data ptr=%x\n", eax, edx
push edx
mov di, IP_PROTO_ICMP SHL 8 + 128 ; TTL
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov edi, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov al, [eax + IP_SOCKET.ttl]
call IPv4_output
jz .exit
jz .fail
pop esi
push eax
415,10 → 409,14
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_TX + edi]
pop edx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Creating ICMP Packet failed\n"
or eax, -1
mov ebx, EMSGSIZE ;;; FIXME
14,7 → 14,7
;; ;;
$Revision: 5523 $
$Revision: 5976 $
align 4
61,15 → 61,15
; LOOP_input
; IN: [esp+4] = Pointer to buffer
; OUT: /
; ;
; LOOP_input ;
; ;
; IN: [esp+4] = Pointer to buffer ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
105,19 → 105,19
; LOOP_output
; IN: ecx = packet size
; edi = address family
; OUT: eax = start of net frame / 0 on error
; ebx = to device structure
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data)
; edi = start of payload
; ;
; LOOP_output ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = packet size ;
; edi = address family ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = start of net frame / 0 on error ;
; ebx = to device structure ;
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data) ;
; edi = start of payload ;
; ;
align 4
19,23 → 19,23
struct SOCKET
NextPtr dd ? ; pointer to next socket in list
PrevPtr dd ? ; pointer to previous socket in list
Number dd ? ; socket number
NextPtr dd ? ; pointer to next socket in list
PrevPtr dd ? ; pointer to previous socket in list
Number dd ? ; socket number
mutex MUTEX
PID dd ? ; process ID
TID dd ? ; thread ID
Domain dd ? ; INET/LOCAL/..
Protocol dd ? ; ICMP/IPv4/ARP/TCP/UDP
PID dd ? ; process ID
TID dd ? ; thread ID
Domain dd ? ; INET4/INET6/LOCAL/..
Protocol dd ? ; UDP/TCP/ARP/ICMP
errorcode dd ?
device dd ? ; driver pointer, socket pointer if it's an LOCAL socket
device dd ? ; device pointer, paired socket pointer if it's a local socket
options dd ?
state dd ?
backlog dw ? ; how many incoming connections that can be queued
backlog dw ? ; number of incoming connections that can be queued
snd_proc dd ?
rcv_proc dd ?
45,19 → 45,21
LocalIP rd 4 ; network byte order
RemoteIP rd 4 ; network byte order
LocalIP rd 4 ; network byte order
RemoteIP rd 4 ; network byte order
ttl db ?
rb 3 ; align
LocalPort dw ? ; network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; network byte order
LocalPort dw ? ; network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; network byte order
t_state dd ? ; TCB state
t_state dd ? ; TCB state
t_rxtshift db ?
rb 3 ; align
rb 3 ; align
t_rxtcur dd ?
t_dupacks dd ?
t_maxseg dd ?
68,19 → 70,19
; RFC783 page 21
; send sequence
SND_UNA dd ? ; sequence number of unack'ed sent Packets
SND_NXT dd ? ; next send sequence number to use
SND_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
SND_WL1 dd ? ; window minus one
SND_WL2 dd ? ;
ISS dd ? ; initial send sequence number
SND_WND dd ? ; send window
SND_UNA dd ? ; sequence number of unack'ed sent Packets
SND_NXT dd ? ; next send sequence number to use
SND_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
SND_WL1 dd ? ; window minus one
SND_WL2 dd ? ;
ISS dd ? ; initial send sequence number
SND_WND dd ? ; send window
; receive sequence
RCV_WND dd ? ; receive window
RCV_NXT dd ? ; next receive sequence number to use
RCV_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
IRS dd ? ; initial receive sequence number
RCV_WND dd ? ; receive window
RCV_NXT dd ? ; next receive sequence number to use
RCV_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
IRS dd ? ; initial receive sequence number
; Additional variables
128,44 → 130,36
; Timers
timer_flags dd ?
timer_retransmission dd ? ; rexmt
timer_retransmission dd ? ; rexmt
timer_persist dd ?
timer_keepalive dd ? ; keepalive/syn timeout
timer_timed_wait dd ? ; also used as 2msl timer
timer_keepalive dd ? ; keepalive/syn timeout
timer_timed_wait dd ? ; also used as 2msl timer
timer_connect dd ?
; extra
ts_ecr dd ? ; timestamp echo reply
ts_ecr dd ? ; timestamp echo reply
ts_val dd ?
seg_next dd ? ; re-assembly queue
seg_next dd ? ; re-assembly queue
LocalPort dw ? ; network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; network byte order
LocalPort dw ? ; in network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; in network byte order
Identifier dw ?
mutex MUTEX
start_ptr dd ? ; Pointer to start of buffer
end_ptr dd ? ; pointer to end of buffer
read_ptr dd ? ; Read pointer
write_ptr dd ? ; Write pointer
size dd ? ; Number of bytes buffered
start_ptr dd ? ; Pointer to start of buffer
end_ptr dd ? ; pointer to end of buffer
read_ptr dd ? ; Read pointer
write_ptr dd ? ; Write pointer
size dd ? ; Number of bytes buffered
184,10 → 178,18
struct socket_options
SOCKETBUFFSIZE = 4096 ; in bytes
level dd ?
optname dd ?
optlen dd ?
optval dd ?
SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE = 10 ; maximum number of incoming packets queued for 1 socket
SOCKETBUFFSIZE = 4096 ; in bytes
SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE = 10 ; maximum number of incoming packets queued for 1 socket
; the incoming packet queue for sockets is placed in the socket struct itself, at this location from start
SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION = (SOCKETBUFFSIZE - SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof.socket_queue_entry - sizeof.queue)
196,18 → 198,18
net_sockets rd 4
last_socket_num dd ?
last_UDP_port dw ? ; These values give the number of the last used ephemeral port
last_TCP_port dw ? ;
last_UDP_port dw ? ; last used ephemeral port
last_TCP_port dw ? ;
socket_mutex MUTEX
; SOCKET_init
; ;
; SOCKET_init ;
; ;
macro SOCKET_init {
xor eax, eax
238,11 → 240,11
; Socket API (function 74)
; ;
; Sockets API (system function 75) ;
; ;
align 4
256,17 → 258,17
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd SOCKET_open ; 0
dd SOCKET_close ; 1
dd SOCKET_bind ; 2
dd SOCKET_listen ; 3
dd SOCKET_connect ; 4
dd SOCKET_accept ; 5
dd SOCKET_send ; 6
dd SOCKET_receive ; 7
dd SOCKET_set_opt ; 8
dd SOCKET_get_opt ; 9
dd SOCKET_pair ; 10
dd SOCKET_open ; 0
dd SOCKET_close ; 1
dd SOCKET_bind ; 2
dd SOCKET_listen ; 3
dd SOCKET_connect ; 4
dd SOCKET_accept ; 5
dd SOCKET_send ; 6
dd SOCKET_receive ; 7
dd SOCKET_set_opt ; 8
dd SOCKET_get_opt ; 9
dd SOCKET_pair ; 10
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
275,16 → 277,19
; SOCKET_open
; IN: domain in ecx
; type in edx
; protocol in esi
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_open: Create a new socket. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = domain ;
; edx = type ;
; esi = protocol ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket number ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
296,7 → 301,7
test eax, eax
jz .nobuffs
mov [esp+32], edi ; return socketnumber
mov [esp+32], edi ; return socketnumber
test edx, SO_NONBLOCK
313,6 → 318,8
cmp ecx, AF_INET4
jne .no_inet4
mov [eax + IP_SOCKET.ttl], 128
cmp edx, SOCK_DGRAM
je .udp
344,7 → 351,7
test esi, esi ; IP_PROTO_IP
test esi, esi ; IP_PROTO_IP
jz .raw_ip
cmp esi, IP_PROTO_ICMP
354,6 → 361,10
align 4
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_UDP
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_udp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
373,6 → 384,10
align 4
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_ip
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], IPv4_connect
381,6 → 396,10
align 4
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_icmp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], IPv4_connect
397,16 → 416,19
; SOCKET_bind
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to sockaddr struct in edx
; length of that struct in esi
; OUT: 0 on success
; ;
; SOCKET_bind: Bind to a local port. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to sockaddr struct ;
; esi = length of sockaddr struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
413,12 → 435,13
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_bind: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
cmp esi, 2
jb .invalid
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0 ; Socket can only be bound once
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0 ; Socket can only be bound once
jnz .invalid
cmp word [edx], AF_INET4
486,16 → 509,19
; SOCKET_connect
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to sockaddr struct in edx
; length of that struct in esi
; OUT: 0 on success
; ;
; SOCKET_connect: Connect to the remote host. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to sockaddr struct ;
; esi = length of sockaddr struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
502,6 → 528,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_connect: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
cmp esi, 8
543,15 → 570,18
; SOCKET_listen
; IN: socket number in ecx
; backlog in edx
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_listen: Listen for incoming connections. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = backlog in edx ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
558,6 → 588,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_listen: socknum=%u backlog=%u\n", ecx, edx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
608,16 → 639,19
; SOCKET_accept
; IN: socket number in ecx
; addr in edx
; addrlen in esi
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_accept: Accept an incoming connection. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number (of listening socket) ;
; edx = ptr to sockaddr struct ;
; esi = length of sockaddr struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = newly created socket num ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
624,6 → 658,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_accept: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON
641,16 → 676,17
; Ok, we got a socket ptr
mov eax, [esi]
; Change thread ID to that of the current thread
; Verify that it is (still) a valid socket
call SOCKET_check
jz .invalid
; Change sockets thread owner ID to that of the current thread
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], ebx
; Convert it to a socket number
call SOCKET_ptr_to_num
jz .invalid ; FIXME ?
; and return it to caller
; Return socket number to caller
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.Number]
mov [esp+32], eax
676,14 → 712,17
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_close
; IN: socket number in ecx
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_close: Close the socket (and connection). ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
690,6 → 729,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_close: socknum=%u\n", ecx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; The socket exists, so we will succeed in closing it.
712,7 → 752,6
call TCP_usrclosed
test eax, eax
719,7 → 758,6
jz @f
call TCP_output ; If connection is not closed yet, send the FIN
729,17 → 767,21
; SOCKET_receive
; IN: socket number in ecx
; addr to buffer in edx
; length of buffer in esi
; flags in edi
; OUT: eax is number of bytes copied, -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_receive: Receive some data from the remote end. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = addr to application buffer ;
; edx = length of application buffer ;
; edi = flags ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = number of bytes copied ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; eax = 0 when socket has been closed by the remote end ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
746,6 → 788,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_receive: socknum=%u bufaddr=%x buflength=%u flags=%x\n", ecx, edx, esi, edi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
762,8 → 805,8
test edi, MSG_DONTWAIT
jnz .return_err
; test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
; jnz .return_err
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
jnz .return_err
call SOCKET_block
jmp .loop
782,7 → 825,7
test ecx, ecx
jz .return
call SOCKET_notify
call SOCKET_notify ; Call me again!
jmp .return
793,8 → 836,11
mov ebx, esi ; bufferlength
test edi, MSG_PEEK
jnz .peek
mov ebx, esi ; buffer length
get_from_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.socket_queue_entry, .wouldblock ; sets esi only on success.
mov ecx, [esi + socket_queue_entry.data_size]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_receive: %u bytes data\n", ecx
824,7 → 870,11
call NET_BUFF_free
pop ecx eax ; return number of bytes copied to application
xor ebx, ebx
cmp [eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION + queue.size], 0
je @f
call SOCKET_notify ; Queue another network event
xor ebx, ebx ; errorcode = 0 (no error)
838,6 → 888,15
pop ebx
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION + queue.size], 0
je @f
mov esi, [eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION + queue.r_ptr]
mov ecx, [esi + socket_queue_entry.data_size]
align 4
901,18 → 960,20
; SOCKET_send
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to data in edx
; datalength in esi
; flags in edi
; OUT: -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_send: Send some data to the remote end. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to data ;
; esi = data length ;
; edi = flags ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = number of bytes sent ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
919,6 → 980,7
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_send: socknum=%u data ptr=%x length=%u flags=%x\n", ecx, edx, esi, edi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
mov ecx, esi
975,14 → 1037,14
mov [esp+32], ecx
call IPv4_output_raw ; FIXME: IPv4_output_raw should return error codes!
call IPv4_output_raw
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE
mov dword[esp+32], eax
mov dword[esp+20], ebx
992,14 → 1054,14
mov [esp+32], ecx
call ICMP_output_raw ; FIXME: errorcodes
call ICMP_output_raw
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE
mov dword[esp+32], eax
mov dword[esp+20], ebx
1068,26 → 1130,30
; SOCKET_get_options
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to the options:
; dd level, optname, optval, optlen
; OUT: -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_get_options: Read a socket option ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to socket options struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
; At moment, uses only pseudo-optname -2 for get last_ack_number for TCP.
; TODO: find best way to notify that send()'ed data were acknowledged
; Also pseudo-optname -3 is valid and returns socket state, one of TCPS_*.
align 4
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
cmp dword [edx], IP_PROTO_TCP
1126,17 → 1192,18
; SOCKET_set_options
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to the options:
; dd level, optname, optlen, optval
; OUT: -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_set_options: Set a socket option. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to socket options struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
1143,24 → 1210,23
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
cmp dword [edx], SOL_SOCKET
cmp [edx + socket_options.level], IP_PROTO_IP
je .ip
cmp [edx + socket_options.level], SOL_SOCKET
jne .invalid
cmp dword [edx+4], SO_BINDTODEVICE
je .bind
cmp [edx + socket_options.optname], SO_BINDTODEVICE
jne .invalid
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
cmp dword[edx+8], 0
cmp [edx + socket_options.optlen], 0
je .unbind
movzx edx, byte[edx + 12]
movzx edx, byte[edx + socket_options.optval]
ja .invalid
1180,25 → 1246,42
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; success!
cmp [edx + socket_options.optname], IP_TTL
jne .invalid
mov bl, byte[edx + socket_options.optval]
mov [eax + IP_SOCKET.ttl], bl
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; success!
mov dword[esp+20], EALREADY
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_pair
; Allocates a pair of linked LOCAL domain sockets
; IN: /
; OUT: eax is socket1 num, -1 on error
; ebx is socket2 num
; ;
; SOCKET_pair: Allocate a pair of linked local sockets. ;
; ;
; IN: / ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket1 num on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = socket2 num on success ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
1236,7 → 1319,7
lea eax, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
test eax, eax
jz .nomem1
jz .nomem2
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
1246,26 → 1329,31
mov eax, ebx
mov eax, [esp+20]
call SOCKET_free
mov eax, [esp+32]
call SOCKET_free
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+28], ENOMEM
mov dword[esp+20], ENOMEM
; SOCKET_debug
; Copies socket variables to application buffer
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to buffer
; OUT: -1 on error
; ;
; SOCKET_debug: Copy socket variables to application buffer. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; edx = pointer to application buffer ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = errorcode on error ;
; ;
align 4
1277,6 → 1365,7
jz .returnall
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
test eax, eax
jz .invalid
mov esi, eax
1303,22 → 1392,31
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+28], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
; SOCKET_find_port
; Fills in the local port number for TCP and UDP sockets
; This procedure always works because the number of sockets is
; limited to a smaller number then the number of possible ports
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: /
; ____ ____ ;
; \ / End of sockets API \ / ;
; \/ \/ ;
; () Internally used functions follow () ;
; ;
; ;
; SOCKET_find_port: ;
; Fill in the local port number for TCP and UDP sockets ;
; This procedure always works because the number of sockets is ;
; limited to a smaller number then the number of possible ports ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket pointer ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
1367,19 → 1465,20
; SOCKET_check_port (to be used with AF_INET only!)
; Checks if a local port number is unused
; If the proposed port number is unused, it is filled in in the socket structure
; IN: eax = socket ptr (to find out if its a TCP/UDP socket)
; bx = proposed socket number (network byte order)
; OUT: ZF = set on error
; ;
; SOCKET_check_port (to be used with AF_INET only!) ;
; ;
; Checks if a local port number is unused ;
; If the proposed port number is unused, it is filled in in the ;
; socket structure ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; bx = proposed socket number (network byte order) ;
; ;
; OUT: ZF = set on error ;
; ;
align 4
1429,22 → 1528,20
; SOCKET_input
; Updates a (stateless) socket with received data
; Note: the mutex should already be set !
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data size
; esi = ptr to data
; [esp] = ptr to buf
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_input: Update a (stateless) socket with received data. ;
; ;
; Note: The socket's mutex should already be set ! ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ecx = data size ;
; esi = ptr to data ;
; [esp] = ptr to buf ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
1474,14 → 1571,21
call mutex_unlock
add esp, 8
call NET_BUFF_free
; eax = ptr to ring struct (just a buffer of the right size)
; ;
; SOCKET_ring_create: Create a ringbuffer for sockets. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on error ;
; eax = start ptr ;
; ;
align 4
1494,7 → 1598,7
test eax, eax
jz .fail
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_created: %x\n", eax
lea ecx, [esi + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
1509,23 → 1613,25
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr], eax
mov eax, esi
pop esi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "SOCKET_ring_create: Out of memory!\n"
pop esi
; SOCKET_ring_write
; Adds data to a stream socket, and updates write pointer and size
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct
; ecx = data size
; esi = ptr to data
; OUT: ecx = number of bytes stored
; ;
; SOCKET_ring_write: Write data to ring buffer. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct ;
; ecx = data size ;
; esi = ptr to data ;
; ;
; OUT: ecx = number of bytes stored ;
; ;
align 4
1585,22 → 1691,22
; SOCKET_ring_read
; IN: eax = ring struct ptr
; ecx = bytes to read
; edx = offset
; edi = ptr to buffer start
; OUT: eax = unchanged
; ecx = number of bytes read (0 on error)
; edx = destroyed
; esi = destroyed
; edi = ptr to buffer end
; ;
; SOCKET_ring_read: Read from ring buffer ;
; ;
; IN: eax = ring struct ptr ;
; ecx = bytes to read ;
; edx = offset ;
; edi = ptr to buffer start ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = unchanged ;
; ecx = number of bytes read (0 on error) ;
; edx = destroyed ;
; esi = destroyed ;
; edi = ptr to buffer end ;
; ;
align 4
1659,18 → 1765,16
jmp .copy
; SOCKET_ring_free
; Free's some bytes from the ringbuffer
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct
; ecx = data size
; OUT: ecx = number of bytes free-ed
; ;
; SOCKET_ring_free: Free data from a ringbuffer ;
; ;
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct ;
; ecx = data size ;
; ;
; OUT: ecx = number of freed bytes ;
; ;
align 4
1711,16 → 1815,15
; SOCKET_block
; Suspends the thread attached to a socket
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = unchanged
; ;
; SOCKET_block: Suspend the thread attached to a socket. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = unchanged ;
; ;
align 4
1754,16 → 1857,15
; SOCKET_notify
; notify's the owner of a socket that something happened
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = unchanged
; ;
; SOCKET_notify: Wake up socket owner thread. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = unchanged ;
; ;
align 4
1802,7 → 1904,7
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_BLOCKED
jnz .un_block
; socket and thread exists and socket is of non blocking type.
; Socket and thread exists and socket is of non blocking type.
; We'll try to flag an event to the thread.
shl ecx, 8
or [ecx + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.event_mask], EVENT_NETWORK
1813,7 → 1915,7
; socket and thread exists and socket is of blocking type
; Socket and thread exists and socket is of blocking type
; We'll try to unblock it.
and [eax + SOCKET.state], not SS_BLOCKED ; Clear the 'socket is blocked' flag
mov [esi + TASKDATA.state], 0 ; Run the thread
1823,19 → 1925,20
; SOCKET_alloc
; Allocate memory for socket data and put new socket into the list
; Newly created socket is initialized with calling PID and number and
; put into beginning of list (which is a fastest way).
; IN: /
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket ptr otherwise
; edi = socket number
; ;
; SOCKET_alloc: ;
; Allocate memory for socket and put new socket into the list. ;
; Newly created socket is initialized with calling PID and socket ;
; number. ;
; ;
; IN: / ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket ptr on success ;
; eax = 0 on error ;
; edi = socket number on success ;
; ;
align 4
1842,9 → 1945,9
push ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, SOCKETBUFFSIZE
or eax, eax
jz .nomem
or eax, eax
jz .exit
; zero-initialize allocated memory
push eax
1925,12 → 2028,15
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "SOCKET_alloc: Out of memory!\n"
pop ebx
mov dword[esp+20], ENOTCONN
mov dword[esp+32], -1
1937,17 → 2043,17
; SOCKET_free
; Free socket data memory and remove socket from the list
; Caller should lock and unlock socket_mutex
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_free: ;
; Free socket data memory and remove socket from the list. ;
; Caller should lock and unlock socket_mutex. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
1963,17 → 2069,20
call mutex_lock
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jnz .no_tcp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Type], SOCK_STREAM
jne .no_stream
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jnz .no_tcp
mov ebx, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.start_ptr]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.start_ptr]
cmp [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.start_ptr], 0
je @f
stdcall free_kernel_space, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.start_ptr]
cmp [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.start_ptr], 0
je @f
stdcall free_kernel_space, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.start_ptr]
mov eax, ebx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_free: freeing socket %x\n", eax
push eax ; this will be passed to kernel_free
2000,16 → 2109,22
; SOCKET_fork
; Create a child socket
; IN: socket nr in ebx
; OUT: child socket nr in eax
pop ebx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "socket ptr=0x%x caller=0x%x\n", eax, [esp]
; ;
; SOCKET_fork: Create a child socket. ;
; ;
; IN: ebx = socket number ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = child socket number on success ;
; eax = 0 on error ;
; ;
align 4
2058,17 → 2173,16
; SOCKET_num_to_ptr
; Get socket structure address by its number
; IN: ecx = socket number
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket ptr otherwise
; ZF = set on error
; ;
; SOCKET_num_to_ptr: Get socket structure address by its number. ;
; ;
; IN: ecx = socket number ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket ptr ;
; eax = 0 on error ;
; ;
align 4
2080,16 → 2194,13
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
test eax, eax
jz .error
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Number], ecx
jne .next_socket
test eax, eax
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
2109,17 → 2220,17
; SOCKET_ptr_to_num
; Get socket number by its address
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket num otherwise
; ZF = set on error
; ;
; SOCKET_ptr_to_num: Get socket number by its address. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket number ;
; eax = 0 on error ;
; ZF = set on error ;
; ;
align 4
2138,22 → 2249,23
; SOCKET_check
; checks if the given value is really a socket ptr
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, unchanged otherwise
; ZF = set on error
; ;
; SOCKET_check: Checks if the given ptr is really a socket ptr. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on error ;
; ZF = set on error ;
; ;
align 4
test eax, eax
jz .error
push ebx
mov ebx, net_sockets
2168,21 → 2280,24
mov eax, ebx
test eax, eax
pop ebx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "SOCKET_check: called with argument 0\n"
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "stack: 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", [esp], [esp+4], [esp+8]
; SOCKET_check_owner
; checks if the caller application owns the socket
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: ZF = true/false
; ;
; SOCKET_check_owner: Check if the caller app owns the socket. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: ZF = true/false ;
; ;
align 4
2199,18 → 2314,18
; SOCKET_process_end
; Kernel calls this function when a certain process ends
; This function will check if the process had any open sockets
; And update them accordingly (clean up)
; IN: edx = pid
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_process_end: ;
; Kernel calls this function when a certain process ends. ;
; This function will check if the process had any open sockets, ;
; and update them accordingly (clean up). ;
; ;
; IN: edx = pid ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2277,15 → 2392,15
; SOCKET_is_connecting
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_is_connecting: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2293,20 → 2408,19
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTING
; SOCKET_is_connected
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_is_connected: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2314,21 → 2428,20
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTED
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_is_disconnecting
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_is_disconnecting: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2336,20 → 2449,19
and [eax + SOCKET.state], not (SS_ISCONNECTING)
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_is_disconnected
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_is_disconnected: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2357,21 → 2469,19
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_cant_recv_more
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_cant_recv_more: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2378,22 → 2488,19
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_cant_recv_more: %x\n", eax
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTRCVMORE
jmp SOCKET_notify
call SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_cant_send_more
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; SOCKET_cant_send_more: Update socket state. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
2401,11 → 2508,8
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTSENDMORE
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], .notconn
jmp SOCKET_notify
call SOCKET_notify
mov dword[esp+20], ENOTCONN
mov dword[esp+32], -1
53,7 → 53,13
; IP options
IP_TOS = 1
IP_TTL = 2
; PPP protocol numbers
PPP_PROTO_IPv4 = 0x2100
PPP_PROTO_IPV6 = 0x5780
71,6 → 77,9
; Socket level
SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff
; Socket options
SO_ACCEPTCON = 1 shl 0
SO_BROADCAST = 1 shl 1
89,10 → 98,6
MSG_PEEK = 0x02
; Socket level
; Socket States
SS_NOFDREF = 0x0001 ; no file table ref any more
SS_ISCONNECTED = 0x0002 ; socket connected to a peer
201,13 → 201,11
; TCP_init
; This function resets all TCP variables
; ;
; TCP_init: Resets all TCP variables. ;
; ;
macro TCP_init {
xor eax, eax
246,19 → 244,17
include ''
; This function is called by system function 76
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
; ;
; TCP_api: This function is called by system function 76 ;
; ;
; IN: bl = subfunction number ;
; bh = device number ;
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ;
; ;
; OUT: depends on subfunction ;
; ;
align 4
14,36 → 14,35
;; ;;
$Revision: 5522 $
$Revision: 5976 $
; TCP_input:
; Add a segment to the incoming TCP queue
; IN: [esp] = ptr to buffer
; ebx = ptr to device struct
; ecx = segment size
; esi = ptr to TCP segment
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source address, followed by ipv4 dest address
; OUT: /
; ;
; TCP_input: Add a segment to the incoming TCP queue. ;
; ;
; IN: [esp] = ptr to buffer ;
; ebx = ptr to device struct ;
; ecx = TCP segment size ;
; edx = ptr to IPv4 header ;
; esi = ptr to TCP segment ;
; edi = interface number*4 ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
; record the current time
push [timer_ticks] ; in 1/100 seconds
push ebx ecx esi edi ; mind the order (see TCP_queue_entry struct)
push ebx ecx esi edx ; mind the order (see TCP_queue_entry struct)
mov esi, esp
push edi
add_to_queue TCP_queue, TCP_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry, .fail
pop edi
add esp, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_rx + edi]
xor edx, edx
55,12 → 54,13
pop edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP incoming queue is full, discarding packet!\n"
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_missed + edi]
add esp, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry - 8
add esp, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry - 4
call NET_BUFF_free
94,7 → 94,7
mov ebx, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.device_ptr]
mov ecx, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.segment_size]
mov edi, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.ip_ptr] ; ptr to ipv4 source address, followed by ipv4 destination address
mov edi, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.ip_ptr] ; ptr to ipv4 header
mov esi, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.segment_ptr] ; change esi last
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: size=%u time=%d\n", ecx, [timer_ticks]
111,8 → 111,8
push ecx esi
pushw [esi + TCP_header.Checksum]
mov [esi + TCP_header.Checksum], 0
TCP_checksum (edi), (edi+4)
pop cx ; previous checksum
TCP_checksum (edi+IPv4_header.SourceAddress), (edi+IPv4_header.DestinationAddress)
pop cx ; previous checksum
cmp cx, dx
pop edx ecx
jne .drop_no_socket
170,7 → 170,7
jne .socket_loop
mov eax, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
cmp eax, [edi] ; Ipv4 source address
cmp eax, [edi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
je @f
test eax, eax
jnz .socket_loop
233,7 → 233,7
call mutex_unlock
push ecx edx esi edi ;;;
push ecx edx esi edi
call SOCKET_fork
pop edi esi edx ecx
244,7 → 244,7
mov [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_DROPSOCKET
push dword [edi + 4] ; Ipv4 destination addres
push [edi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
pop [ebx + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
push [edx + TCP_header.DestinationPort]
485,8 → 485,8
inc eax
call TCP_xmit_timer
jmp .rtt_done
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0
je .rtt_done
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
494,7 → 494,6
jbe .rtt_done
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt]
call TCP_xmit_timer
; update window pointers
1211,7 → 1210,7
;;; TODO: check if it's a broadcast or multicast, and drop if so
push dword [edi] ; Ipv4 source addres
push [edi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
pop [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
push [edx + TCP_header.SourcePort]
1673,11 → 1672,13
mov cl, TH_RST
xor ebx, ebx ; FIXME: find a way to get the receiving device ptr
call TCP_respond_segment
jmp .drop_no_socket
mov cl, TH_RST + TH_ACK
xor ebx, ebx ; FIXME: find a way to get the receiving device ptr
call TCP_respond_segment
jmp .drop_no_socket
16,14 → 16,15
$Revision: 5584 $
; TCP_output
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = 0 on success/errorcode
; ;
; TCP_output ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket pointer ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success/errorcode ;
; ;
align 4
proc TCP_output
503,10 → 504,11
; Create the IP packet
mov ecx, esi
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP] ; source ip
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP] ; dest ip
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
mov edi, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP] ; dest ip
mov al, [eax + IP_SOCKET.ttl]
mov ah, IP_PROTO_TCP
call IPv4_output
jz .ip_error
104,18 → 104,17
; TCP_pull_out_of_band
; IN: eax =
; ebx = socket ptr
; edx = tcp packet ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; TCP_pull_out_of_band ;
; ;
; IN: eax = ? ;
; ebx = socket ptr ;
; edx = tcp packet ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
127,21 → 126,16
; TCP_drop
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ebx = error number
; OUT: eax = socket ptr
; ;
; TCP_drop ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ebx = error number ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
align 4
171,14 → 165,15
; TCP_disconnect
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = socket ptr / 0
; ;
; TCP_disconnect ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket ptr / 0 ;
; ;
align 4
198,18 → 193,18
call TCP_output
pop eax
; TCP_close
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
; ;
; TCP_close ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
222,21 → 217,19
call SOCKET_free
xor eax, eax
; TCP_outflags
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: edx = flags
; ;
; TCP_outflags ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: edx = flags ;
; ;
align 4
266,16 → 259,16
; The fast way to send an ACK/RST/keepalive segment
; TCP_respond
; IN: ebx = socket ptr
; cl = flags
; ;
; TCP_respond: Fast way to send an ACK/RST/keepalive segment. ;
; ;
; IN: ebx = socket ptr ;
; cl = flags ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
285,11 → 278,12
; Create the IP packet
push cx ebx
mov eax, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov edx, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov edi, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov al, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.ttl]
mov ah, IP_PROTO_TCP
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
mov ebx, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
call IPv4_output
jz .error
pop esi cx
347,33 → 341,31
; TCP_respond_segment:
; IN: edx = segment ptr (a previously received segment)
; edi = ptr to dest and src IPv4 addresses
; cl = flags
; ;
; TCP_respond_segment ;
; ;
; IN: ebx = device ptr ;
; edx = segment ptr (a previously received segment) ;
; edi = ptr to IPv4 header ;
; cl = flags ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE,"TCP_respond_segment: frame=%x flags=%x\n", edx, cl
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_respond_segment: frame=%x flags=%x\n", edx, cl
; Create the IP packet
push cx edx
mov edx, [edi + 4]
mov eax, [edi]
mov edx, [edi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
mov edi, [edi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
xor ebx, ebx ;;; fixme
mov ax, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
call IPv4_output
jz .error
pop esi cx
454,7 → 446,11
; ;
; TCP_set_persist ;
; ;
align 4
491,13 → 487,20
; eax = rtt
; ebx = socket ptr
; ;
; TCP_xmit_timer: Calculate new smoothed RTT. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = rtt ;
; ebx = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_xmit_timer: socket=%x rtt=%d0ms\n", ebx, eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_xmit_timer: socket=0x%x rtt=%d0ms\n", ebx, eax
;TODO: update stats
546,7 → 549,6
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, TCP_RTT_SHIFT
559,14 → 561,20
; eax = max segment size
; ebx = socket ptr
; ;
; TCP_mss: Update maximum segment size ;
; ;
; IN: eax = max segment size ;
; ebx = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
cmp eax, 1420 ; FIXME
cmp eax, 1420 ; FIXME
jbe @f
mov eax, 1420
577,13 → 585,20
; ebx = socket ptr
; edx = segment ptr
; ;
; TCP_reassemble ;
; ;
; IN: ebx = socket ptr ;
; edx = segment ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
;;;;; TODO
23,9 → 23,6
timer_flag_wait = 1 shl 4
; 160 ms timer
macro TCP_timer_160ms {
local .loop
150,9 → 147,9
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_persist]
jnz .loop
jnz .check_more6
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist
jz .loop
jz .check_more6
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: persist timer expired\n", eax
163,14 → 160,33
pop eax
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_force], 0
jmp .loop
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait]
jnz .loop
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_wait
jz .loop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: timed wait timer expired\n", eax
push [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
call TCP_close
pop eax
jmp .check_only
; eax = socket
; ;
; TCP_cancel_timers ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], 0
17,15 → 17,15
$Revision: 5442 $
; TCP_usrclose
; Move connection to next state, based on process close.
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ;
; TCP_usrclosed ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
37,7 → 37,6
jmp ebx
dd .close ; TCPS_CLOSED
dd .close ; TCPS_LISTEN
dd .close ; TCPS_SYN_SENT
50,7 → 49,6
dd .disc ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
dd .disc ; TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED
call TCP_close
74,15 → 72,17
; TCP_connect
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 ok / -1 error
; ebx = error code
; ;
; TCP_connect ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket ptr ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = error code on error ;
; ;
align 4
36,13 → 36,11
; UDP_init
; This function resets all UDP variables
; ;
; UDP_init: This function resets all UDP variables ;
; ;
macro UDP_init {
xor eax, eax
57,15 → 55,15
; Pseudoheader
mov edx, IP_PROTO_UDP
add dl, [IP1+1]
adc dh, [IP1+0]
adc dl, [IP1+3]
adc dh, [IP1+2]
add dl, byte[IP1+1]
adc dh, byte[IP1+0]
adc dl, byte[IP1+3]
adc dh, byte[IP1+2]
adc dl, [IP2+1]
adc dh, [IP2+0]
adc dl, [IP2+3]
adc dh, [IP2+2]
adc dl, byte[IP2+1]
adc dh, byte[IP2+0]
adc dl, byte[IP2+3]
adc dh, byte[IP2+2]
adc dl, cl ; byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+1]
adc dh, ch ; byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+0]
98,23 → 96,20
; UDP_input:
; Called by IPv4_input,
; this procedure will inject the udp data diagrams in the application sockets.
; IN: [esp] = Pointer to buffer
; [esp+4] = size of buffer
; ebx = ptr to device struct
; ecx = UDP Packet size
; esi = ptr to UDP header
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source and dest address
; OUT: /
; ;
; UDP_input: Inject the UDP data in the application sockets. ;
; ;
; IN: [esp] = ptr to buffer ;
; ebx = ptr to device struct ;
; ecx = UDP packet size ;
; edx = ptr to IPv4 header ;
; esi = ptr to UDP packet data ;
; edi = interface number*4 ;
; ;
; OUT: / ;
; ;
align 4
127,7 → 122,8
; otherwise, we will re-calculate the checksum and add it to this value, thus creating 0 when it is correct
UDP_checksum (edi), (edi+4)
mov eax, edx
UDP_checksum (eax+IPv4_header.SourceAddress), (eax+IPv4_header.DestinationAddress)
jnz .checksum_mismatch
148,9 → 144,7
mov cx, [esi + UDP_header.SourcePort]
mov dx, [esi + UDP_header.DestinationPort]
mov edi, [edi + 4] ; ipv4 source address
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
172,15 → 166,15
call mutex_unlock
;;; TODO: when packet is processed, check more sockets!
;;; TODO: when packet is processed, check more sockets?!
; FIXME: check remote IP if possible
; cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], 0xffffffff
; je @f
; cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], edi
; cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP],
; jne .next_socket
; @@:
; FIXME: UDP should check remote IP, but not under all circumstances!
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], 0
je .updateport
194,7 → 188,6
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [UDP_PACKETS_RX + edi]
movzx ecx, [esi + UDP_header.Length]
232,17 → 225,17
; UDP_output
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; ecx = number of bytes to send
; esi = pointer to data
; OUT: eax = -1 on error
; ;
; UDP_output: Create an UDP packet. ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket pointer ;
; ecx = number of bytes to send ;
; esi = pointer to data ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = -1 on error ;
; ;
align 4
257,10 → 250,11
sub esp, 4 ; Data ptr will be placed here
push edx esi
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.device]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov di, IP_PROTO_UDP shl 8 + 128
mov edi, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov al, [eax + IP_SOCKET.ttl]
mov ah, IP_PROTO_UDP
add ecx, sizeof.UDP_header
call IPv4_output
jz .fail
306,15 → 300,17
; UDP_connect
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = 0 ok / -1 error
; ebx = error code
; ;
; UDP_connect ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket pointer ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = 0 on success ;
; eax = -1 on error ;
; ebx = error code on error ;
; ;
align 4
348,10 → 344,6
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
push eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
362,14 → 354,15
; UDP_disconnect
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = socket pointer
; ;
; UDP_disconnect ;
; ;
; IN: eax = socket pointer ;
; ;
; OUT: eax = socket pointer ;
; ;
align 4
383,20 → 376,17
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
; ;
; UDP_api: This function is called by system function 76 ;
; ;
; IN: bl = subfunction number in bl ;
; bh = device number in bh ;
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ;
; ;
; OUT: depends on subfunction ;
; ;
align 4