Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 5983 → Rev 5984

30,12 → 30,9
draw_limits RECT
align 4
syscall_draw_window: ;///// system function 0 /////////////////////////////////
;? <description>.
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 24
and al, 0x0f
49,34 → 46,28
or al, al
jnz @f
; type I - original style
; type I - original style
call drawwindow_I
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
align 4
dec al
jnz @f
; type II - only reserve area, no draw
; call sys_window_mouse
; call [draw_pointer]
; type II - only reserve area, no draw
call __sys_draw_pointer
jmp .exit
align 4
dec al
jnz @f
; type III - new style
; type III - new style
call drawwindow_III
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
; type IV & V - skinned window (resizable & not)
align 4
; type IV & V - skinned window (resizable & not)
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
cmp eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
86,12 → 77,9
call drawwindow_IV
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
align 4
align 4
syscall_display_settings: ;///// system function 48 ///////////////////////////
;; Redraw screen:
134,42 → 122,44
;< ebx = 8
;< ecx = pointer to FileInfoBlock struct
;> eax = FS error code
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get font smoothing:
;< ebx = 9
;> eax = 0 — off, 1 — on, 2 — subpixel
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set font smoothing:
;< ebx = 10
;< ecx = 0 — off, 1 — on, 2 — subpixel
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get font size:
;< ebx = 11
;> eax = height in pixels
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set font size:
;< ebx = 12
;< ecx = height in pixels
cmp ebx, .sizeof.ftable / 4
ja @f
jmp [.ftable + ebx * 4]
align 4
align 4
xor eax, eax
inc ebx
cmp [windowtypechanged], ebx
jne .exit
jne @f
mov [windowtypechanged], eax
jmp syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
align 4
align 4
and ecx, 1
cmp ecx, [buttontype]
je .exit
je @f
mov [buttontype], ecx
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
align 4
align 4
dec ebx
mov esi, ecx
176,7 → 166,7
cmp edx, 192
jnae @f
mov edx, 192 ; max size
mov edi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
183,25 → 173,22
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
align 4
mov edi, ecx
cmp edx, 192
jnae @f
mov edx, 192 ; max size
mov esi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
align 4
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left - 2]
mov ax, word[screen_workarea.right]
211,10 → 198,8
mov [esp + 20], eax
align 4
xor esi, esi
mov edi, [_display.width]
dec edi
mov eax, ecx
226,19 → 211,13
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.left], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.right], ebx
align 4
mov edi, [_display.height]
dec edi
251,54 → 230,58
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], ebx
align 4
or esi, esi
jz .exit
jz @f
call repos_windows
jmp syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
align 4
align 4
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 0]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 4]
mov [esp + 20], eax
align 4
mov ebx, ecx
call read_skin_file
mov [esp + 32], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .exit
jnz @b
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
jmp syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov al, [fontSmoothing]
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
mov [fontSmoothing], cl
xor eax, eax
mov al, [fontSize]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov [fontSize], cl
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
308,7 → 291,6
dec edx
jmp calculatescreen
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
322,8 → 304,6
mov eax, window_data
jmp redrawscreen
align 4
syscall_set_window_shape: ;///// system function 50 ///////////////////////////
;; Set window shape address:
406,59 → 386,20
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
; NOTE: do we really need this? to be reworked
; mov byte[DONT_DRAW_MOUSE], 0 ; mouse pointer
; mov byte[MOUSE_BACKGROUND], 0 ; no mouse under
; mov byte[MOUSE_DOWN], 0 ; react to mouse up/down
; NOTE: do we really need this? to be reworked
; call [draw_pointer]
align 4
align 4
syscall_window_settings: ;///// system function 71 ////////////////////////////
syscall_window_settings: ;///// system function 71 /////////////////////////////
;? <description>
dec ebx ; subfunction #1 - set window caption
jnz .exit_fail
; NOTE: only window owner thread can set its caption,
; so there's no parameter for PID/TID
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 5
mov [edi * 8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_caption], ecx
or [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_HASCAPTION
call window._.draw_window_caption
xor eax, eax ; eax = 0 (success)
; .get_window_caption:
; dec eax ; subfunction #2 - get window caption
; jnz .exit_fail
; not implemented yet
align 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax ; eax = 1 (fail)
jmp window._.draw_window_caption
align 4
set_window_defaults: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov byte [window_data + 0x20 + WDATA.cl_titlebar + 3], 1 ; desktop is not movable
push eax ecx
xor eax, eax
477,6 → 418,7
pop ecx eax
align 4
calculatescreen: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
502,12 → 444,21
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .exit
push eax ;for num layout
push edx ecx ebx eax
mov dword[esp+10h], ZPOS_DESKTOP
align 4
mov esi, 1 ; = num in window stack
mov ebp, [TASK_COUNT]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5
shl edi, 5 ;size of TASKDATA and WDATA = 32 bytes
je .skip_window
516,6 → 467,10
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .skip_window
mov eax, [esp+10h]
cmp [edi + WDATA.z_modif], al
jne .skip_window
mov eax, [edi +]
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.right]
jg .skip_window
565,8 → 520,18
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_window
inc dword[esp+10h]
cmp dword[esp+10h], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
jle .layout
mov esi, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
pop eax ebx ecx edx
pop ebp ;del num layout
align 4
1019,6 → 984,9
mov edi, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + edi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
call window._.set_top_wnd
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
1188,6 → 1156,11
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call ebp
cmp ebp, window._.set_screen
jne @f
call window._.set_top_wnd
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
1374,6 → 1347,15
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [fl_moving], 1
jz @f
push edi
mov edi, ebx
call window._.draw_negative_box
pop edi
mov eax, ebx
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
call window._.set_window_box
1400,7 → 1382,7
FuncTable syscall_display_settings, ftable, \
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12
align 4
window_topleft dd \
1511,7 → 1493,6
call memmove
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, esi
call window._.check_window_position
call window._.set_window_clientbox
call window._.invalidate_screen
1618,30 → 1599,21
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data
; save window colors
; save window colors
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_workarea], edx
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_titlebar], esi
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_frames], edi
mov edi, eax
; was it already defined before?
; Was it already defined before?
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jnz .set_client_box
; No, it wasn't. After first draw_window we need redraw mouse necessarily!
; Otherwise the user can see cursor specified by f.37.5 from another window.
; He will be really unhappy! Usually, he will be enraged!
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
; After first draw_window we need redraw mouse necessarily!
; Otherwise the user can see cursor specified by f.37.5 from another window.
; He will be really unhappy! He is terrible in rage - usually he throws stones!
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
; NOTE: commented out since doesn't provide necessary functionality
; anyway, to be reworked
; mov eax, [timer_ticks] ; [0xfdf0]
; add eax, 100
; mov [new_window_starting], eax
; no it wasn't, performing initial window definition
; performing initial window definition
movzx eax, bx
mov [edi +], eax
movzx eax, cx
2296,6 → 2268,8
or edx, edx
jz .exit
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data +]
movzx eax, [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 3
2307,30 → 2281,17
align 4
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data +]
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data +]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.left]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.right]
push edx
mov ebx, 6
idiv ebx
pop edx
or eax, eax
js .exit
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, dword[_skinmargins.left - 2]
mov bx, word[_skinh]
sub bx, [_skinmargins.bottom]
sub bx, []
sar bx, 1
adc bx, 0
add bx, []
add bx, -3
add ebx, ebp
sub bx, 8
jmp .dodraw
align 4
2337,36 → 2298,29
cmp al, 1
je .exit
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data +]
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data +]
sub eax, 16
push edx
mov ebx, 6
idiv ebx
pop edx
or eax, eax
js .exit
mov ebx, 80002h
shr eax, 3
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, 0x00080007
add ebx, ebp
align 4
mov ecx, [common_colours + 16]
or ecx, 0x80000000
mov al, 1
cmp byte [edx], 4
jnc @f
mov al, [edx]
test al, al
jz .exit
inc edx
shl eax, 28
or ecx, eax
xor edi, edi
call dtext_asciiz_esi
align 4
call dtext
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
jmp __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
2426,3 → 2380,153
mov [ecx+RECT.bottom], edx
align 4
window._.redraw_top_wnd: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? redraw all windows one above the window
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
;! corrupted edi
push 0
jmp window._.set_top_wnd.go
align 4
window._.set_top_wnd: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? call set_screen for all windows one above the window
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
;! corrupted edi
push 1
push esi
push ebp
mov ebp, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .exit
shl esi, 5
cmp [esi + window_data + WDATA.z_modif], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
je .exit
push eax ;for num layout
push edx ecx ebx eax
movsx eax, byte [esi + window_data + WDATA.z_modif]
inc eax
mov dword[esp+10h], eax
align 4
mov esi, 1 ; = num in window stack
mov ebp, [TASK_COUNT]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5 ;size of TASKDATA and WDATA = 32 bytes
je .skip_window
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .skip_window
mov eax, [esp+10h]
cmp [edi + WDATA.z_modif], al
jne .skip_window
mov eax, [edi +]
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.right]
jg .skip_window
mov ebx, [edi +]
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jg .skip_window
mov ecx, [edi +]
add ecx, eax
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.left]
jl .skip_window
mov edx, [edi +]
add edx, ebx
cmp edx, [esp +]
jl .skip_window
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.left]
jae @f
mov eax, [esp + RECT.left]
align 4
cmp ebx, [esp +]
jae @f
mov ebx, [esp +]
align 4
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
align 4
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jbe @f
mov edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
align 4
cmp dword[esp+32], 0
je .set_fl_redraw
push esi
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
pop esi
jmp @f
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1 ;set redraw flag
align 4
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_window
inc dword[esp+10h]
cmp byte[esp+10h], ZPOS_ALWAYS_TOP
jle .layout
pop eax ebx ecx edx
pop ebp ;del num layout
align 4
pop ebp
pop esi
add esp, 4 ;dword for 0/1 - set_screen/fl_redraw