Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 9141 → Rev 9140

322,7 → 322,7
dd 0 ; no close function
dd 0 ; no closemedia function
dd ahci_querymedia
dd 0;ahci_read
dd ahci_read
dd 0;ahci_write
dd 0 ; no flush function
dd 0 ; use default cache size
564,8 → 564,6
cmp [ecx + PORT_DATA.drive_type], AHCI_DEV_SATA
jne .after_add_disk ; skip adding disk code
; register disk in system:
stdcall ahci_read_first_sector, ecx
push ecx edx
mov eax, [hd_counter]
xor edx, edx
590,7 → 588,6
test eax, eax
jz .disk_add_fail
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1 ; system will scan for partitions on disk
jmp .after_add_disk
741,22 → 738,45
proc ahci_read_first_sector stdcall pdata: dword
; Read sectors
; return value: 0 = success, otherwise = error
proc ahci_read stdcall pdata: dword, buffer: dword, startsector: qword, numsectors_ptr:dword
cmdslot dd ?
cmdheader dd ?
cmdtable dd ?
buf_phys dd ?
buf_virt dd ?
;numsectors dd ?
numsectors dd ?
buffer_pos dd ?
buffer_length dd ?
mov ecx, ahci_mutex
call mutex_lock
; xor ecx, ecx
; mov esi, [buffer]
; .print_data:
; cmp ecx, 512
; jae .end_print_data
; mov al, byte [esi + ecx]
; mov byte [tmpstr], al
; mov byte [tmpstr + 1], 0
; DEBUGF 1, "0x%x(%s) ", al:1, tmpstr
; inc ecx
; jmp .print_data
; .end_print_data:
; DEBUGF 1, "\n"
mov eax, [numsectors_ptr]
mov eax, [eax]
mov [numsectors], eax
DEBUGF 1, " ahci_read: buffer = 0x%x, startsector = 0x%x:%x, numsectors = %u\n", [buffer], [startsector], [startsector + 4], eax
mov esi, [pdata] ; esi - address of PORT_DATA struct of port
mov edi, [esi + PORT_DATA.port] ; edi - address of HBA_PORT struct of port
mov eax, edi
769,7 → 789,7
mov [cmdslot], eax
DEBUGF 1, "Found free cmdslot %u on port %u\n", [cmdslot], [esi + PORT_DATA.portno]
; DEBUGF 1, "Found free cmdslot %u on port %u\n", [cmdslot], [esi + PORT_DATA.portno]
shl eax, BSF sizeof.HBA_CMD_HDR
add eax, [esi + PORT_DATA.clb]
788,28 → 808,75
btr bx, 2 ; flag C = 0
mov [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.flags2], bl
mov [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdtl], 1
mov ebx, [numsectors]
shl ebx, 9 ; *= 512
mov [buffer_length], ebx
dec ebx
shr ebx, 12 ; /= 4096
inc ebx
mov [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdtl], bx
;DEBUGF 1, " prdtl = %u\n", [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdtl]:2
; zero out the command table
stdcall _memset, [cmdtable], 0, sizeof.HBA_CMD_TBL
; zero out the command table with its prdt entries
dec ebx
shl ebx, BSF sizeof.HBA_PRDT_ENTRY
add ebx, sizeof.HBA_CMD_TBL
stdcall _memset, [cmdtable], 0, ebx
DEBUGF 1, " prdtl = %u\n", [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdtl]:2
;jmp .ret
call alloc_page
mov [buf_phys], eax
xor ecx, ecx
movzx edx, [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdtl]
dec edx
mov eax, [buffer]
mov [buffer_pos], eax
stdcall map_io_mem, eax, 4096, PG_NOCACHE + PG_SWR ; map to virt memory so we can work with it
mov [buf_virt], eax
cmp ecx, edx
jae .prdt_fill_end
mov eax, [cmdtable]
mov ebx, [buf_phys]
DEBUGF 1, "DBA = 0x%x\n", ebx
mov [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dba], ebx
mov [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dbau], 0
and [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], not 0x3FFFFF ; zero out lower 22 bits, they used for byte count
or [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], 512 - 1 ; reason why -1 see in spec on this field
mov ebx, [buffer_pos]
and ebx, 0xFFF
call get_pg_addr ; eax = phys addr
add eax, ebx
DEBUGF 1, " PHYS = 0x%x\n", eax
mov ebx, ecx
shl ebx, BSF sizeof.HBA_PRDT_ENTRY
add ebx, [cmdtable]
add ebx, HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry ; now ebx - address of ecx'th prdt_entry
mov [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dba], eax
mov [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dbau], 0
and [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], not 0x3FFFFF ; zero out lower 22 bits, they used for byte count
or [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], 4096 - 1 ; reason why -1 see in spec on this field
; or [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], 1 shl 31 ; enable interrupt on completion
add [buffer_pos], 4096
sub [buffer_length], 4096
inc ecx
jmp .prdt_fill
mov ebx, [buffer_pos]
and ebx, 0xFFF
call get_pg_addr ; eax = phys addr
add eax, ebx
DEBUGF 1, " PHYS. = 0x%x\n", eax
mov ebx, ecx
shl ebx, BSF sizeof.HBA_PRDT_ENTRY
add ebx, [cmdtable]
add ebx, HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry ; now ebx - address of ecx'th prdt_entry
mov [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dba], eax
mov [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.dbau], 0
and [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], not 0x3FFFFF ; zero out lower 22 bits, they used for byte count
mov eax, [buffer_length]
dec eax
DEBUGF 1, " DBC = %u\n", eax
or [ebx + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], eax ; reason why -1 see in spec on this field
; or [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.prdt_entry + HBA_PRDT_ENTRY.flags], 1 shl 31 ; enable interrupt on completion
mov eax, [cmdtable]
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.fis_type], FIS_TYPE_REG_H2D
movzx ebx, byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.flags]
818,22 → 885,25
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.command], ATA_CMD_READ_DMA_EX
mov ebx, 0 ; start sector is 0
mov ebx, dword [startsector]
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba0], bl
shr ebx, 8
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba1], bl
shr ebx, 8
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba2], bl
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.device], 1 shl 6 ; LBA mode
shr ebx, 8
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba3], bl
mov ebx, dword [startsector + 4]
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba4], bl
shr ebx, 8
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.lba5], bl
; num sectors to read = 1
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.countl], 1
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.counth], 0
mov ebx, [numsectors]
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.countl], bl
shr ebx, 8
mov byte [eax + HBA_CMD_TBL.cfis + FIS_REG_H2D.counth], bl
;mov eax, [cmdheader]
;DEBUGF 1, "PRDBC = %u\n", [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdbc]
; Wait on previous command to complete, before issuing new command.
stdcall ahci_port_wait, edi, AHCI_PORT_TIMEOUT
840,8 → 910,6
mov eax, [cmdslot]
bts [edi + HBA_PORT.command_issue], eax ; Issue the command
; mov ebx, 20
; call delay_hs
; Wait for command completion
stdcall ahci_port_cmd_wait, edi, eax;, AHCI_PORT_CMD_TIMEOUT
849,19 → 917,16
DEBUGF 1, "reading completed\n"
;mov eax, [cmdheader]
;DEBUGF 1, "PRDBC = %u\n", [eax + HBA_CMD_HDR.prdbc]
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [buf_virt]
mov esi, [buffer]
cmp ecx, 512
jae .end_print_data
mov al, byte [esi + ecx]
mov byte [tmpstr2], al
mov byte [tmpstr2 + 1], 0
DEBUGF 1, "0x%x(%s) ", al:2, tmpstr2
mov byte [tmpstr], al
mov byte [tmpstr + 1], 0
DEBUGF 1, "0x%x(%s) ", al:1, tmpstr
inc ecx
jmp .print_data
876,8 → 941,7
xor eax, eax
tmpstr2 rb 16
tmpstr rb 16
; Start command engine
; in: eax - address of HBA_PORT structure