Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 3758 → Rev 3757

657,9 → 657,11
; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device
;;; cli
call probe ; this function will output in eax
test eax, eax
jnz .err ; If an error occured, exit
jnz .err_sti ; If an error occured, exit
mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list
mov [device_list+4*eax], ebx ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device)
667,6 → 669,7
mov [device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH
call NetRegDev
;;; sti
cmp eax, -1
je .destroy
688,6 → 691,9
; todo: reset device into virgin state
stdcall KernelFree, ebx
719,21 → 725,6
stdcall PciRead16, [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev], PCI_DEVICE_ID
mov [device.chip_id], ax
mov esi, chiplist
cmp word[esi+2], ax
je .got_it
add esi, 8
cmp esi, chiplist + 6*8
jbe .loop
DEBUGF 2, "Unknown chip: 0x%x, continueing anyway\n", ax
jmp .done
mov eax, dword[esi+4]
mov [], eax
DEBUGF 1, "Chip type = %s\n", eax
; get revision id.
939,7 → 930,7
; attach int handler
movzx eax, [device.irq_line]
DEBUGF 1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1
DEBUGF 2,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1
stdcall AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, dword 0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
1408,9 → 1399,9
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"\nTransmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n", [esp+4], [esp+8]
DEBUGF 2,"\nTransmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n", [esp+4], [esp+8]
mov eax, [esp+4]
DEBUGF 1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\
DEBUGF 2,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\
1459,7 → 1450,7
ret 8
DEBUGF 2, "Transmit Failed!\n"
DEBUGF 1, "Failed!\n"
ret 8
1666,7 → 1657,7
version dd (DRIVER_VERSION shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF)
my_service db 'RHINE',0 ; max 16 chars including zero
dd 0x30431106, rhine_3043;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINE_I_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or ReqTxAlign or HasV1TxStat
dd 0x61001106, rhine_6100;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINE_I_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or ReqTxAlign or HasV1TxStat
dd 0x30651106, rhine_6102;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINEII_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or HasWOL