Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 34 → Rev 40

139,6 → 139,14
call setcursor
or al, 7
add eax, 1000h
loop @b
; 16-bit data
; videomodes table
275,6 → 283,7
cmp ax,dx
jnz cpugood
mov si,not386-0x10000
call print
jmp $
347,9 → 356,9
jnz @f
mov ax,[es:di+4]
add ax,'0'*256+'0'
mov [vervesa+vervesa_off-0x10000], ah
mov [vervesa+vervesa_off+2-0x10000], al
mov si,vervesa-0x10000
mov [si+vervesa_off], ah
mov [si+vervesa_off+2], al
@@: call print
; \begin{diamond}[30.11.2005]
360,36 → 369,33
; b) preboot_mtrr = use hardware acceleration?
; c) preboot_vrrm = use VRR?
; d) preboot_device = from what boot?
mov si, preboot_graph-0x10000
mov di, preboot_graph-0x10000
; check bootloader block
cmp [.loader_block-0x10000], 0
jz .noloaderblock
les bx, [.loader_block-0x10000]
cmp byte [es:bx], 1
jz @f
mov si, loader_block_error-0x10000
call print
jmp $
jnz sayerr
test byte [es:bx+1], 1
jz @f
; image in memory present
cmp [si+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0
jnz @f
mov [si+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 3
mov [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 3
; determine default settings
mov [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], 0
cmp byte [si], 0
cmp byte [di], 0
jnz .preboot_gr_end
mov [si+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 0
mov [di+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 0
mov al, [vervesa+vervesa_off-0x10000]
cmp al, 'x'
jz .novesa
cmp al, '1'
jz .vesa12
mov [si+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 2
mov [di+preboot_gprobe-preboot_graph], 2
mov al, 3
jmp @f
398,14 → 404,14
mov al, 10
mov [si], al
mov [di], al
cmp [si+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 1
adc [si+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [si+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 1
adc [si+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [si+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 1
adc [si+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [di+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 1
adc [di+preboot_mtrr-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 1
adc [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_graph], 0
cmp [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 1
adc [di+preboot_device-preboot_graph], 0
; notify user
mov si, linef-0x10000
call print
457,21 → 463,11
mov si, linef-0x10000
call printplain
mov si, mtrr_msg-0x10000
call print
mov si, on_msg-0x10000
cmp [preboot_mtrr-0x10000], 1
jz @f
mov si, off_msg-0x10000
call printplain
call .say_on_off
mov si, vrrm_msg-0x10000
call print
mov si, on_msg-0x10000
cmp [preboot_vrrm-0x10000], 1
jz @f
mov si, off_msg-0x10000
call printplain
call .say_on_off
mov si, preboot_device_msg-0x10000
call print
mov al, [preboot_device-0x10000]
479,7 → 475,6
mov si, [preboot_device_msgs-0x10000+eax*2]
call printplain
; empty BIOS keyboard buffer
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
; set timer interrupt handler
497,9 → 492,9
; restore timer interrupt
push 0
pop es
mov ecx, [.oldtimer-0x10000]
mov [es:8*4], ecx
mov [.timer-0x10000], ecx
mov eax, [.oldtimer-0x10000]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov [.timer-0x10000], eax
_setcursor 7,0
mov si, space_msg-0x10000
call printplain
518,13 → 513,13
jnz .wait
_setcursor 15,0
mov si,bdev-0x10000
call printplain
call print
mov bx,'13'
call getkey
mov [preboot_device-0x10000], al
_setcursor 13,0
mov [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], al
mov [.bSettingsChanged-0x10000], 1
mov si, space_msg-0x10000
call printplain
_setcursor 15,0
553,7 → 548,7
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, gr_acc-0x10000
call printplain
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_mtrr-0x10000], al
562,16 → 557,28
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, vrrmprint-0x10000
call printplain
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_vrrm-0x10000], al
_setcursor 12,0
jmp .d
call print
mov si, on_msg-0x10000
jz @f
mov si, off_msg-0x10000
@@: call printplain
; novesa and vervesa strings are not used at the moment of executing this code
virtual at novesa
.oldtimer dd ?
.starttime dd ?
.bSettingsChanged db ?
.timer dd ?
end virtual
.loader_block dd 0
mov ah, 0
672,9 → 679,9
push cs
pop ds
mov byte [space_msg-0x10000+80], 0
mov si, space_msg-0x10000
mov byte [si+80], 0
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, space_msg-0x10000
call printplain
_setcursor 15,0
683,13 → 690,6
movzx ax, [preboot_graph-0x10000]
test ax, ax
jne pre_graph
mov si,gr_mode-0x10000
call printplain
mov bx,'09'
call getkey
push 0
pop es
; address is gr_table+6*(ax-1)-0x10000
699,14 → 699,14
mov cx,[si+2]
mov dx,[si+4]
cmp al, 9*2
mov al, 32 ; BPP
jb @f
mov byte [es:0x9000], 32
mov [es:0x9000], al
mov dword [es:0x9018], 0x800000
mov [es:0x9008],bx
mov [es:0x900A],cx
mov [es:0x900C],dx
mov ax,32
test bh, bh
jz nov
713,54 → 713,28
; bx - mode : cx - x size : dx - y size
movzx ax,[preboot_gprobe-0x10000]
test ax,ax
jne pre_probe
test bx,0100000000000000b
cmp [preboot_gprobe-0x10000], 1
jz noprobe
mov si,probetext-0x10000
call printplain
push bx
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
pop bx
dec ax
je noprobe
push cx dx
mov bx,0x100
inc bx
cmp bx,0x17f
jne probemore
mov si,prnotfnd-0x10000
call printplain
jz sayerr
jmp $
push cx
mov ax,0x4f01
mov cx,bx
and cx,0xfff
mov di,0xa000
int 0x10
pop cx
test byte [es:di], 80h ; lfb?
jz newprobe
mov ax, [es:di+0x12] ; x size?
cmp ax, [esp+2]
cmp [es:di+0x12], cx ; x size?
jnz newprobe
cmp [es:di+0x14], dx ; y size?
jnz newprobe
767,9 → 741,9
cmp byte [es:di+0x19], 32 ;24
jb newprobe
add bx,0100000000000000b
; add bx,0100000000000000b
or bh, 40h
mov [es:0x9008],bx
pop dx cx
782,27 → 756,26
mov di,0xa000
int 0x10
mov ecx,[es:di+0x28]
mov [es:0x9018],ecx
mov eax,[es:di+0x28]
mov [es:0x9018],eax
; ---- vbe voodoo
BytesPerScanLine equ 0x10
mov ax, [es:di+BytesPerScanLine]
mov [es:0x9001],ax
movzx ax,byte [es:di+0x19]
mov al,byte [es:di+0x19]
mov [es:0x9000],al
cmp ax,24
cmp al,24
mov si,bt24-0x10000
jz bppl
cmp ax,32
cmp al,32
mov si,bt32-0x10000
jz bppl
mov si,btns-0x10000
jmp sayerr
call print
jmp $
call printplain
825,33 → 798,12
mov al, [preboot_mtrr-0x10000]
test al,al
jne pre_mtrr
mov si,gr_acc-0x10000
call printplain
mov bx,'12'
call getkey
mov [es:0x901C],al
; commented by diamond - newlines are not used now
; mov si,linef-0x10000
; call printplain
mov al,[preboot_vrrm-0x10000]
test al,al
jne pre_vrrm
mov si,vrrmprint-0x10000
call print
mov bx,'13'
call getkey
mov [es:0x9030],al
; commented by diamond - newlines are not used now
; mov si,linef2-0x10000
; call printplain
939,24 → 891,12
mov al, [preboot_device-0x10000]
test al, al
jnz pre_device
mov si,bdev-0x10000
call printplain
mov bx,'13'
call getkey
dec ax
dec al
mov [boot_dev-0x10000],al
; commented by diamond - newlines are not used now
; mov si,linef-0x10000
; call printplain
cmp [boot_dev-0x10000],0
; cmp [boot_dev-0x10000],0
jne no_sys_on_floppy
mov si,diskload-0x10000
call print
979,6 → 919,7
cmp si,10
jnz newread
mov si,badsect-0x10000
call printplain
jmp $
998,8 → 939,7
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov si,memmovefailed-0x10000
call print
jmp $
jmp sayerr_plain
add dword [movedesc-0x10000+0x18+2], 512*18
1030,9 → 970,8
jnz reads
pop ax
mov si,backspace-0x10000
mov si,backspace2-0x10000
call printplain
call printplain
mov si,okt-0x10000
call printplain
1054,30 → 993,36
pop es ; es:di = 6000:0
xor di,di
mov cx,256*map_mem ; Map (mapmem) M
mov eax,7
cmp cx,256*(map_mem-8) ; 8 M map to LFB
jnz pt3
; mov eax,7
; pt2:
; cmp cx,256*(map_mem-8) ; 8 M map to LFB
; jnz pt3
; pop eax
; add eax,7
; pt3:
; cmp cx,256*(map_mem-12) ; 12 M back to linear = physical
; jnz pt4
; mov eax,12*0x100000 + 7
; pt4:
; stosd
; add eax,4096
; loop pt2
; initialize as identity mapping
xor eax, eax
call pagetable_set
; 8M..12M map to LFB
pop eax
add eax,7
cmp cx,256*(map_mem-12) ; 12 M back to linear = physical
jnz pt4
mov eax,12*0x100000 + 7
add eax,4096
loop pt2
; mov cx, 256*4
mov ch, 4
mov di, 2000h
call pagetable_set
push 0x7100
pop es
xor di,di
mov eax,8*0x100000+7
mov eax,8*0x100000
mov cx,256*4
add eax,0x1000
loop pt5
call pagetable_set
1086,15 → 1031,12
xor di, di
mov cx, 64 / 4
mov eax, 0x60007 ; for 0 M
add eax, 0x1000
loop pd4k
call pagetable_set
mov dword [es:0x800],0x71007 ;map region 0x80000000-0x803FFFFF to 0x800000-0xCFFFFF
xor si,si
mov di,second_base_address shr 20
mov cx,64/4
rep movs dword [es:di], [es:si]
mov cx,64/2
rep movs word [es:di], [es:si]
mov eax, 0x7F000 +8+16 ; Page directory and enable caches
mov cr3, eax
1102,9 → 1044,8
pop es
mov bx,[es:0x9008] ; vga & 320x200
mov ax, bx
push ax
mov ax,[es:0x9008] ; vga & 320x200
mov bx, ax
cmp ax,0x13
je setgr
cmp ax,0x12
1113,12 → 1054,8
int 0x10
test ah,ah
jz gmok
mov si,fatalsel-0x10000
call print
jmp $
jnz sayerr
; set mode 0x12 graphics registers:
cmp bx,0x12
jne gmok2
1125,6 → 1062,7
mov al,0x05
mov dx,0x03ce
push dx
out dx,al ; select GDC mode register
mov al,0x02
inc dx
1138,7 → 1076,7
out dx,al ; set mask for all planes 0-3
mov al,0x08
mov dx,0x03ce
pop dx
out dx,al ; select GDC bit mask register
; for writes to 0x03cf
62,25 → 62,24
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 Colors: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 Colors: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," Select mode: ",0
bt24 db 13,10,186," Bits Per Pixel: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db 13,10,186," Bits Per Pixel: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db 13,10,186," Apply VRR? (picture frequency greater than 60Hz"
bt24 db "Bits Per Pixel: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "Bits Per Pixel: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "Apply VRR? (picture frequency greater than 60Hz"
db " only for transfers:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 and 800*600->640*480) [1-yes,2-no]:",0
askmouse db " Mouse at:"
db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
db " Select port [1-3]: ",0
no_com1 db 13,10,186, " No COM1 mouse",0
no_com2 db 13,10,186, " No COM2 mouse",0
gr_acc db 13,10,186," Vesa 2.0+ : MTRR graphics acceleration "
;askmouse db " Mouse at:"
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " Select port [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186, " No COM1 mouse",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186, " No COM2 mouse",0
gr_acc db "Vesa 2.0+ : MTRR graphics acceleration "
db "[1-yes/2-no] ? ",0
gr_direct db 186," Use direct LFB writing? "
db "[1-yes/2-no] ? ",0
;gr_direct db 186," Use direct LFB writing? "
; db "[1-yes/2-no] ? ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Motherboard memory [1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb] ? ",0
bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
bdev db 186
db " Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-C:\menuet.img (FAT32);"
;bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-C:\menuet.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-use preloaded ram-image from kernel restart]: ",0
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Use standart graphics mode? [1-yes, "
90,18 → 89,18
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db " pr. - not found.",0
modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomode not found.",0
;modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ required.",0
btns db 13,10,186,"Fatal - Can't determine color depth.",0
fatalsel db 13,10,"Fatal - Graphics mode not supported by hardware.",0
btns db "Fatal - Can't determine color depth.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Graphics mode not supported by hardware.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Bad sector. Replace floppy. ",0
memmovefailed db "Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db 13,10,186," Loading diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
backspace db 8,0
pros db "00",8,8,0
diskload db "Loading diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Press [abcd] to change settings, press [Enter] to continue booting",13,10,0
time_msg db " or wait "
62,25 → 62,24
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 –¢¥â®¢: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 –¢¥â®¢: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," ‚ë¡¥à¨â¥ ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬: ",0
bt24 db 13,10,186," ƒ«ã¡¨­  梥â : 24",13,10,0
bt32 db 13,10,186," ƒ«ã¡¨­  梥â : 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db 13,10,186," ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì VRR? (ç áâ®â  ª ¤à®¢ ¢ëè¥ 60 ƒæ"
bt24 db "ƒ«ã¡¨­  梥â : 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "ƒ«ã¡¨­  梥â : 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì VRR? (ç áâ®â  ª ¤à®¢ ¢ëè¥ 60 ƒæ"
db " ⮫쪮 ¤«ï ¯¥à¥å®¤®¢:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768>800*600 ¨ 800*600>640*480) [1-¤ , 2-­¥â]: ",0
askmouse db "Œëèì:" ; 186, " "
db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
db " ‚ë¡¥à¨â¥ ¯®àâ [1-3]: ",0
no_com1 db 13,10,186," No COM1 mouse",0
no_com2 db 13,10,186," No COM2 mouse",0
gr_acc db 13,10,186," Vesa 2.0+: ‚ª«îç¨âì MTRR ¤«ï ã᪮७¨ï £à ä¨ª¨? "
;askmouse db "Œëèì:" ; 186, " "
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " ‚ë¡¥à¨â¥ ¯®àâ [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186," No COM1 mouse",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186," No COM2 mouse",0
gr_acc db "Vesa 2.0+: ‚ª«îç¨âì MTRR ¤«ï ã᪮७¨ï £à ä¨ª¨? "
db "[1-¤ /2-­¥â]: ",0
gr_direct db 186," ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì «¨­¥©­ë© ¢¨¤¥®¡ãä¥à? "
db "[1-¤ /2-­¥â]: ",0
;gr_direct db 186," ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì «¨­¥©­ë© ¢¨¤¥®¡ãä¥à? "
; db "[1-¤ /2-­¥â]: ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Ž¡ê+¬ ¯ ¬ï⨠[1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb]: ",0
bootlog db 13,10,186," à®á¬®âà¥âì ¦ãà­ « § £à㧪¨? [1-­¥â/2-¤ ]: ",0
bdev db 186
db " ‡ £à㧨âì ®¡à § ¨§ [1-¤¨áª¥â ; 2-C:\menuet.img (FAT32);"
;bootlog db 13,10,186," à®á¬®âà¥âì ¦ãà­ « § £à㧪¨? [1-­¥â/2-¤ ]: ",0
bdev db "‡ £à㧨âì ®¡à § ¨§ [1-¤¨áª¥â ; 2-C:\menuet.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-¨á¯®«ì§®¢ âì 㦥 § £à㦥­­ë© ®¡à §]: ",0
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," ‘â ­¤ àâ­ë© ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬? [1-¤ , "
90,19 → 89,18
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db " pr. - ®è¨¡ª .",0
modena db "Žè¨¡ª  - ’ॡã¥âáï ¯®¤¤¥à¦ª  VBE 0x112+.",0
prnotfnd db "Žè¨¡ª  - ‚¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬ ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­.",0
;modena db "Žè¨¡ª  - ’ॡã¥âáï ¯®¤¤¥à¦ª  VBE 0x112+.",0
not386 db "Žè¨¡ª  - ’ॡã¥âáï ¯à®æ¥áá®à 386+.",0
btns db 13,10,186," Žè¨¡ª  - ¥ ¬®£ã ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì £«ã¡¨­ã 梥â .",0
fatalsel db 13,10,"Žè¨¡ª  - ‚ë¡à ­­ë© ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬ ­¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Žè¨¡ª  - „¨áª¥â  ¯®¢à¥¦¤¥­ . ®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ¤àã£ãî. "
db 0
memmovefailed db "Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
btns db "Žè¨¡ª  - ¥ ¬®£ã ®¯à¥¤¥«¨âì £«ã¡¨­ã 梥â .",0
fatalsel db "Žè¨¡ª  - ‚ë¡à ­­ë© ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬ ­¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Žè¨¡ª  - „¨áª¥â  ¯®¢à¥¦¤¥­ . ®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ¤àã£ãî.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Žè¨¡ª  - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db 13,10,186," ‡ £à㧪  ¤¨áª¥âë: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
backspace db 8,0
pros db "00",8,8,0
diskload db "‡ £à㧪  ¤¨áª¥âë: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0
start_msg db " ¦¬¨â¥ [abcd] ¤«ï ¨§¬¥­¥­¨ï ­ áâ஥ª, [Enter] ¤«ï ¯à®¤®«¦¥­¨ï § £à㧪¨",13,10,0
time_msg db " ¨«¨ ¯®¤®¦¤¨â¥ "