Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1539 → Rev 1541

147,8 → 147,6
name db 'ARP manager',0
title db '# IP-address MAC-address Status TTL',0
166,6 → 164,8
include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
I_PARAM rb 1024
0,0 → 1,319
org 0x0
; standard header
db 'MENUET01' ; signature
dd 1 ; header version
dd start ; entry point
dd I_END ; initialized size
dd mem ; required memory
dd mem ; stack pointer
dd 0 ; parameters
dd 0 ; path
; useful includes
include '../'
purge mov,add,sub
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
; ICMP types & codes
ICMP_ECHOREPLY equ 0 ; echo reply message
ICMP_UNREACH_NET equ 0 ; bad net
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST equ 1 ; bad host
ICMP_UNREACH_PROTOCOL equ 2 ; bad protocol
ICMP_UNREACH_PORT equ 3 ; bad port
ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG equ 4 ; IP_DF caused drop
ICMP_UNREACH_SRCFAIL equ 5 ; src route failed
ICMP_UNREACH_NET_UNKNOWN equ 6 ; unknown net
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_UNKNOWN equ 7 ; unknown host
ICMP_UNREACH_ISOLATED equ 8 ; src host isolated
ICMP_UNREACH_NET_PROHIB equ 9 ; prohibited access
ICMP_UNREACH_TOSNET equ 11 ; bad tos for net
ICMP_UNREACH_TOSHOST equ 12 ; bad tos for host
ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB equ 13 ; admin prohib
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PRECEDENCE equ 14 ; host prec vio.
ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH equ 4 ; Packet lost, slow down
ICMP_REDIRECT equ 5 ; shorter route, codes:
ICMP_REDIRECT_NET equ 0 ; for network
ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST equ 1 ; for host
ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET equ 2 ; for tos and net
ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST equ 3 ; for tos and host
ICMP_ALTHOSTADDR equ 6 ; alternate host address
ICMP_ECHO equ 8 ; echo service
ICMP_ROUTERADVERT equ 9 ; router advertisement
ICMP_ROUTERADVERT_NORMAL equ 0 ; normal advertisement
ICMP_ROUTERADVERT_NOROUTE_COMMON equ 16 ; selective routing
ICMP_ROUTERSOLICIT equ 10 ; router solicitation
ICMP_TIMXCEED equ 11 ; time exceeded, code:
ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS equ 0 ; ttl==0 in transit
ICMP_TIMXCEED_REASS equ 1 ; ttl==0 in reass
ICMP_PARAMPROB equ 12 ; ip header bad
ICMP_PARAMPROB_ERRATPTR equ 0 ; error at param ptr
ICMP_PARAMPROB_OPTABSENT equ 1 ; req. opt. absent
ICMP_PARAMPROB_LENGTH equ 2 ; bad length
ICMP_TSTAMP equ 13 ; timestamp request
ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY equ 14 ; timestamp reply
ICMP_IREQ equ 15 ; information request
ICMP_IREQREPLY equ 16 ; information reply
ICMP_MASKREQ equ 17 ; address mask request
ICMP_MASKREPLY equ 18 ; address mask reply
ICMP_TRACEROUTE equ 30 ; traceroute
ICMP_DATACONVERR equ 31 ; data conversion error
ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT equ 32 ; mobile host redirect
ICMP_IPV6_WHEREAREYOU equ 33 ; IPv6 where-are-you
ICMP_IPV6_IAMHERE equ 34 ; IPv6 i-am-here
ICMP_MOBILE_REGREQUEST equ 35 ; mobile registration req
ICMP_MOBILE_REGREPLY equ 36 ; mobile registreation reply
ICMP_PHOTURIS equ 40 ; Photuris
ICMP_PHOTURIS_UNKNOWN_INDEX equ 1 ; unknown sec index
ICMP_PHOTURIS_AUTH_FAILED equ 2 ; auth failed
ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECRYPT_FAILED equ 3 ; decrypt failed
virtual at 0
.Type db ?
.Code db ?
.Checksum dw ?
.Identifier dw ?
.SequenceNumber dw ?
end virtual
; entry point
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz exit
; initialize console
push 1
call [con_start]
push title
push 25
push 80
push 25
push 80
call [con_init]
; main loop
push str1
call [con_write_asciiz]
; write prompt
push str2
call [con_write_asciiz]
; read string
mov esi, s
push 256
push esi
call [con_gets]
; check for exit
test eax, eax
jz done
cmp byte [esi], 10
jz done
; delete terminating '\n'
push esi
test al, al
jnz @b
mov byte [esi-2], al
pop esi
; resolve name
push esp ; reserve stack place
push esp ; fourth parameter
push 0 ; third parameter
push 0 ; second parameter
push esi ; first parameter
call [getaddrinfo]
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
jnz fail
; convert IP address to decimal notation
mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax
push eax
call [inet_ntoa]
; write result
mov [ip_ptr], eax
push eax
; free allocated memory
push esi
call [freeaddrinfo]
push str4
call [con_write_asciiz]
cmp eax, -1
jz fail2
mov [socketnum], eax
mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18
mcall 40, 1 shl 7 ; + 7
; call [con_cls]
mov [count], 4
push str3
call [con_write_asciiz]
push [ip_ptr]
call [con_write_asciiz]
mcall 26,9
mov [time_reference], eax
mcall send, [socketnum], icmp_packet, icmp_packet.length, 0
mcall 23, 300 ; 3 seconds time-out
mcall 26,9
neg [time_reference]
add [time_reference], eax
mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer_ptr, BUFFERSIZE, 0
cmp eax, -1
je .no_response
; validate the packet
lea esi, [buffer_ptr + ICMP_Packet.Data]
mov edi,
mov ecx, 32/4
repe cmpsd
jne .miscomp
push [time_reference]
push str7
call [con_printf]
jmp continue
sub edi,
push edi
push str9
call [con_printf]
jmp continue
push str8
call [con_write_asciiz]
dec [count]
jz done
mcall 5, 100 ; wait a second
inc []
jmp mainloop
push str10
call [con_write_asciiz]
call [con_getch2]
push 1
call [con_exit]
mcall -1
push str5
call [con_write_asciiz]
jmp done
push str6
call [con_write_asciiz]
jmp done
; data
title db 'ICMP - test application',0
str1 db 'ICMP test application v0.1',10,' for KolibriOS # 1540 or later. ',10,10,0
str2 db '> ',0
str3 db 'Ping to: ',0
str4 db 10,0
str5 db 'Name resolution failed.',10,10,0
str6 db 'Could not open socket',10,10,0
str7 db ' time= %u0ms',10,0
str8 db ' timeout!',10,0
str9 db ' miscompare at offset %u',10,0
str10 db 10,10,'Press any key to exit',0
.port dw 0
.ip dd 0
rb 10
time_reference dd ?
ip_ptr dd ?
count dd ?
; import
align 4
library network, 'network.obj', console, 'console.obj'
import network, \
getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \
freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo', \
inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa'
import console, \
con_start, 'START', \
con_init, 'con_init', \
con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \
con_printf, 'con_printf', \
con_exit, 'con_exit', \
con_gets, 'con_gets',\
con_cls, 'con_cls',\
con_getch2, 'con_getch2',\
con_set_cursor_pos, 'con_set_cursor_pos'
socketnum dd ?
icmp_packet: db 8 ; type
db 0 ; code
dw 0 ;
.id dw 0x0000 ; identifier
.seq dw 0x0001 ; sequence number
.data db 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678'
.length = $ - icmp_packet
buffer_ptr rb BUFFERSIZE
s rb 256
align 4
rb 4096 ; stack
135,4 → 135,9
dd 0x08911516
dd 0x0
db 'dec21x4x',0
dd 0x000901011
dd 0x001901011
dd 0x0
dd 0x0 ; driverlist end
File deleted
15,7 → 15,7
include '../'
purge mov,add,sub
include '../'
include ''
include '../'
include '../'
308,12 → 308,7
cmp [devices], MAX_DEVICES ; First check if the driver can handle one more card
jge .fail
push edx
stdcall KernelAlloc, device.size ; Allocate the buffer for eth_device structure
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov ebx, eax ; ebx is always used as a pointer to the structure (in driver, but also in kernel code)
allocate_and_clear ebx, device.size, .fail ; Allocate the buffer for device structure
; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct
619,20 → 614,21
mov eax, [device.rx_buffer]
call GetPgAddr
set_io 0
; set_io 0
out dx , eax
; Read MAC address
call read_mac
; enable interrupts
set_io 0
set_io REG_IMR
set_io REG_IMR
out dx , ax
; Read MAC address
call read_mac
; Set the mtu, kernel will be able to send now
mov [device.mtu], 1514
724,7 → 720,7
DEBUGF 1,"failed!\n"
or eax, -1
stdcall KernelFree, [esp+4]
ret 8
890,6 → 886,8
test ax, ISR_TER
jz @f
DEBUGF 1,"Transmit error\n"
; push ax
; cmp [device.curr_tx_desc], 4
; jz .notxd
1114,85 → 1112,6
;; ;;
;; Read eeprom (type 93c46 and 93c56) ;;
;; ;;
;; In: word to be read in al (6bit in case of 93c46 and 8bit otherwise) ;;
;; pointer to device structure in ebx ;;
;; ;;
;; OUT: word read in ax ;;
;; ;;
align 4
DEBUGF 2,"Reading eeprom, "
set_io 0
push ebx
movzx ebx, al
in al, dx
test al, (1 shl BIT_9356SEL)
jz .type_93c46
; and bl, 01111111b ; don't care first bit
or bx, EE_93C56_READ_CMD ; it contains start bit
mov cx, EE_93C56_CMD_LENGTH-1 ; cmd_loop counter
jmp .read_eeprom
and bl, 00111111b
or bx, EE_93C46_READ_CMD ; it contains start bit
mov cx, EE_93C46_CMD_LENGTH-1 ; cmd_loop counter
set_io REG_9346CR
; mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1)
; out dx, al
mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EECS) ; wake up the eeprom
out dx, al
mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EECS)
bt bx, cx
jnc .zero_bit
or al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEDI)
out dx, al
; push eax
; in eax, dx ; eeprom delay
; pop eax
or al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EESK)
out dx, al
; in eax, dx ; eeprom delay
dec cx
jns .cmd_loop
; in eax, dx ; eeprom delay
mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EECS)
out dx, al
mov cl, 0xf
shl ebx, 1
mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EECS) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EESK)
out dx, al
; in eax, dx ; eeprom delay
in al, dx
and al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEDO)
jz .dont_set
inc ebx
mov al, (1 shl BIT_93C46_EEM1) or (1 shl BIT_93C46_EECS)
out dx, al
; in eax, dx ; eeprom delay
dec cl
jns .read_loop
xor al, al
out dx, al
mov ax, bx
pop ebx
; End of code
section '.data' data readable writable align 16 ; place all uninitialized data place here
994,16 → 994,14
DEBUGF 1,"transmit ok\n"
xor eax, eax
call Kernelfree
add esp, 4
stdcall KernelFree, [esp+4]
ret 8
DEBUGF 1,"transmit failed\n"
or eax, -1
call Kernelfree
add esp, 4
stdcall KernelFree, [esp+4]
ret 8
23,7 → 23,11
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1
PKT_BUF_SZ equ 1544
include ''
include ''
include ''
33,7 → 37,20
public service_proc
public version
struc buf_head {
.base dd ?
.length dw ?
.status dw ?
.msg_length dw ?
.misc dw ?
.reserved dd ?
virtual at 0
buf_head buf_head
end virtual
virtual at ebx
68,8 → 85,10
.filter dq ?
.rx_ring_phys dd ?
.tx_ring_phys dd ?
.rx_ring dd ?
.tx_ring dd ?
.rx_ring rb RX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size
.tx_ring rb TX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size
.cur_rx db ?
.cur_tx db ?
.dirty_rx dd ?
88,21 → 107,7
end virtual
struc buf_head {
.base dd ?
.length dw ?
.status dw ?
.msg_length dw ?
.misc dw ?
.reserved dd ?
virtual at 0
buf_head buf_head
end virtual
struc rx_desc_2 { ; Swstyle 2
.rbadr dd ?
147,9 → 152,6
rx_desc rx_desc_2
end virtual
; PCI Bus defines
PORT_AUI equ 0x00
PORT_10BT equ 0x01
PORT_GPSI equ 0x02
164,17 → 166,12
PKT_BUF_SZ equ 1544
PKT_BUF_SZ_NEG equ 0xf9f8
WIO_RDP equ 0x10
WIO_RAP equ 0x12
WIO_RESET equ 0x14
518,20 → 515,9
DEBUGF 1,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\
;;; allocate_and_clear [device.tx_buffer], (RX_RING_SIZE * PKT_BUF_SZ), .err
allocate_and_clear [device.tx_buffer], (RX_RING_SIZE * PKT_BUF_SZ), .err
allocate_and_clear [device.rx_buffer], (TX_RING_SIZE * PKT_BUF_SZ), .err
allocate_and_clear [device.rx_ring], (RX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size), .err
mov eax, [device.rx_ring]
call GetPgAddr
mov [device.rx_ring_phys], eax
allocate_and_clear [device.tx_ring], (TX_RING_SIZE * buf_head.size), .err
mov eax, [device.tx_ring]
call GetPgAddr
mov [device.tx_ring_phys], eax
; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device
; Because initialization fires IRQ, IRQ handler must be aware of this device
mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list
569,7 → 555,7
DEBUGF 1,"Error, removing all data !\n"
stdcall KernelFree, [device.rx_buffer]
;;; stdcall KernelFree, [device.tx_buffer]
stdcall KernelFree, [device.tx_buffer]
stdcall KernelFree, ebx
610,26 → 596,33
align 4
; make the device a bus master
make_bus_master [device.pci_bus], [device.pci_dev]
; first, fill in some of the structure variables
; create the RX-ring
mov edi, [device.rx_ring]
lea edi, [device.rx_ring]
mov ecx, RX_RING_SIZE
mov eax, [device.rx_buffer]
call GetPgAddr
mov [edi + buf_head.base], eax
mov [edi + buf_head.length], PKT_BUF_SZ_NEG
mov [edi + buf_head.length], - PKT_BUF_SZ
mov [edi + buf_head.status], 0x8000
and dword [edi + buf_head.msg_length], 0
and dword [edi + buf_head.reserved], 0
add eax, PKT_BUF_SZ
; inc eax
add edi, buf_head.size
loop .rx_init
mov edi, [device.tx_ring]
lea eax, [device.rx_ring]
mov [device.rx_ring_phys], eax
; create the Tx-ring
lea edi, [device.tx_ring]
mov ecx, TX_RING_SIZE
mov eax, [device.tx_buffer]
call GetPgAddr
642,6 → 635,10
add edi, buf_head.size
loop .tx_init
lea eax, [device.tx_ring]
mov [device.tx_ring_phys], eax
mov [device.tlen_rlen], (TX_RING_LEN_BITS or RX_RING_LEN_BITS)
; First, we must try to use Word operations
656,12 → 653,12
; Try Word I/O
mov ax , 88
add edx, WIO_RAP
set_io WIO_RAP
out dx , ax
in ax , dx
sub edx, WIO_RAP
set_io 0
cmp ax , 88
jne .try_dwio
671,6 → 668,7
jmp .L1
; If WIO fails, try to use DWIO
call dwio_reset
688,8 → 686,7
in eax, dx
set_io 0
and eax, 0xffff
cmp eax, 88
cmp ax, 88
jne .no_dev
DEBUGF 1,"Using DWIO\n"
698,12 → 695,13
jmp .L1
; If both methods fail, something is wrong!
DEBUGF 1,"PCnet device not found!\n"
mov eax, 1
mov eax, -1
mov ecx, CSR_CHIPID0
call [device.access_read_csr]
mov esi, eax
722,7 → 720,8
and eax, 0xffff
mov [device.chip_version], eax
DEBUGF 1,"chip version ok\n"
DEBUGF 1,"chip version: %x\n", eax
mov [device.fdx], 0
mov [device.mii], 0
mov [device.fset], 0
794,13 → 793,11
jne .L11
mov ecx, BCR_BUSCTL
call [device.access_read_bcr]
or eax, 0x800
or ax, 0x800
call [device.access_write_bcr]
mov ecx, CSR_DMACTL
call [device.access_read_csr]
; and eax, 0xc00
; or eax, 0xc00
mov eax, 0xc00
call [device.access_write_csr]
808,8 → 805,7
mov [device.ltint],1
DEBUGF 1,"PCI done\n"
mov eax, PORT_ASEL
mov eax, PORT_ASEL ; Auto-select
mov [device.options], eax
mov [device.mode_], word 0x0003
mov [device.tlen_rlen], word (TX_RING_LEN_BITS or RX_RING_LEN_BITS)
822,12 → 818,11
call [device.access_write_csr]
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Resetting PCnet device: %x\n", ebx
; attach int handler
movzx eax, [device.irq_line]
848,7 → 843,7
DEBUGF 1,"Switching to 32-bit mode\n"
mov ecx, DWIO_RDP
mov eax, 0
xor eax, eax
call wio_write_csr
call switch_to_dwio
863,23 → 858,26
in eax, dx
set_io 0
and eax, 0xffff
cmp eax, 88
cmp ax, 88
je .yes_dwio
call switch_to_wio ; it seem to have failed, reset device again and use wio
call switch_to_wio ; it seems to have failed, reset device again and use wio
set_io 0
call [device.access_reset]
set_io 0
mov ecx, BCR_SSTYLE ; Select Software style 2 ;;;
mov eax, 2
call [device.access_write_bcr]
; set/reset autoselect bit
mov ecx, BCR_MISCCFG
call [device.access_read_bcr]
test [device.options], PORT_ASEL
jnz .L1
and eax,not 2
test [device.options], PORT_ASEL
jz .L1
or eax, 2
call [device.access_write_bcr]
968,11 → 966,7
lea eax, [device.private]
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 0xFFF ; KolibriOS PAGE SIZE
call GetPgAddr
add eax, ecx
push eax
and eax, 0xffff
mov ecx, 1
986,7 → 980,7
mov eax,0x0915
call [device.access_write_csr]
mov ecx,0
xor ecx, ecx
mov eax,1
call [device.access_write_csr]
1002,6 → 996,10
xor ecx, ecx
call [device.access_read_csr]
pop ecx
push esi
mov esi, 100
call Sleep
pop esi
test ax,0x100
jnz .L12
loop .L11
1063,7 → 1061,9
imul edi, eax, PKT_BUF_SZ
shl eax, 4
add edi, [device.tx_buffer]
add eax, [device.tx_ring]
lea eax, [eax + device.tx_ring]
test byte [eax + buf_head.status + 1], 80h
jnz .nospace
1104,17 → 1104,15
adc dword [device.bytes_tx + 4], 0
DEBUGF 2," - Done!\n"
call Kernelfree
add esp, 4
stdcall KernelFree, [esp+4]
ret 8
DEBUGF 1, 'ERROR: no free transmit descriptors\n'
; todo: maybe somehow notify the kernel about the error?
call Kernelfree
add esp, 4
stdcall KernelFree, [esp+4]
ret 8
1127,7 → 1125,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"IRQ %x ", eax:2 ; no, you cant replace 'eax:2' with 'al', this must be a bug in FDO
DEBUGF 1,"IRQ=%x ", eax:2 ; no, you cant replace 'eax:2' with 'al', this must be a bug in FDO
; find pointer of device wich made IRQ occur
1137,7 → 1135,6
jz .abort
mov ebx, [esi]
DEBUGF 1,"device=%x? ", ebx
set_io 0
push ecx
1154,7 → 1151,7
ret ; If no device was found, abort (The irq was probably for a device, not registered to this driver
DEBUGF 1,"yes, reason=%x ", ax
DEBUGF 1,"csr=%x\n", ax
; Possible reasons:
; initialization done - ignore
1170,6 → 1167,10
test ax, CSR_RINT
jz @f
push ax
DEBUGF 1,"packet received!\n"
movzx eax, [device.cur_rx]
; and eax, RX_RING_MOD_MASK
1179,7 → 1180,7
add esi, [device.rx_buffer] ; esi now points to rx buffer
shl edi, 4 ; desc * 16 (16 is size of one ring entry)
add edi, [device.rx_ring] ; edi now points to current rx ring entry
lea edi, [edi + device.rx_ring] ; edi now points to current rx ring entry
mov cx , [edi + buf_head.status]
1234,9 → 1235,25
jmp EthReceiver ; Send the copied packet to kernel
DEBUGF 1,"done \n"
pop ax
test ax, IMR_TINT
jz @f
DEBUGF 1,"Transmit OK!\n"
test ax, IMR_MISS
jz @f
DEBUGF 1,"We missed a frame! (RX ring full?)\n"
DEBUGF 1,"done\n"
1253,10 → 1270,9
DEBUGF 1,"Writing MAC: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x",[esp+0]:2,[esp+1]:2,[esp+2]:2,[esp+3]:2,[esp+4]:2,[esp+5]:2
mov edx, [device.io_addr]
add edx, 2
set_io 0
; set_io 2
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, CSR_PAR0
pop ax
1279,8 → 1295,8
DEBUGF 1,"Reading MAC"
mov edx, [device.io_addr]
add edx, 6
set_io 0
set_io 6
dec dx
dec dx
1522,7 → 1538,7
devices dd 0
version dd (DRIVER_VERSION shl 16) or (API_VERSION and 0xFFFF)
my_service db 'PCnet32',0 ; max 16 chars include zero
my_service db 'PCnet',0 ; max 16 chars include zero
device_l2 db "PCnet/PCI 79C970",0
device_l4 db "PCnet/PCI II 79C970A",0
1275,7 → 1275,7
add dword [device.bytes_tx], ecx
adc dword [device.bytes_tx+4], 0
ret 8
; End of code
653,6 → 653,94
; IPv4_output_raw
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data length
; esi = data ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: size=%u ptr=%x socket=%x\n", ecx, esi, eax
cmp ecx, 1480 ;;;;;
jg .too_large
sub esp, 8
push esi eax
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
test eax, 0xffff0000 ; error bits
jnz .arp_error
push ebx ; push the mac
push ax
call IPv4_dest_to_dev
inc [IP_PACKETS_TX+edi]
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST+edi]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
mov edx, esp
mov ecx, [esp + 6+4]
add ecx, IPv4_Packet.DataOrOptional
mov di, ETHER_IPv4
call ETH_output
jz .error
add esp, 6 ; pop the mac
mov dword[esp+4+4], edx
mov dword[esp+4+4+4], eax
pop eax esi
;; todo: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
push edi ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.VersionAndIHL] ; IPv4, normal length (no Optional header)
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.TypeOfService] ; nothing special, just plain ip packet
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.TotalLength]
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.TotalLength] ; internet byte order
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
mov [edi + IPv4_Packet.HeaderChecksum], 0
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.TimeToLive] ; ttl shl 8 + protocol
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.Protocol]
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.Identification] ; fragment id
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.SourceAddress]
; [edi + IPv4_Packet.DestinationAddress]
IPv4_checksum edi ;;;; todo: checksum for IP packet with options!
add edi, IPv4_Packet.DataOrOptional
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4 Packet for device %x created successfully\n", ebx
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
add esp, 6
add esp, 8+4+4
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: Failed\n"
sub edi, edi
132,9 → 132,11
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; ICMP Packet size in ecx
; pointer to ICMP Packet data in edx
; ebx = pointer to device struct
; ecx = ICMP Packet size
; edx = ptr to ICMP Packet data
; esi = ipv4 source address
; edi = ipv4 dest address
; OUT: /
141,16 → 143,14
align 4
;;; TODO: works only on pure ethernet right now !
;;; TODO: check checksum!
DEBUGF 1,"ICMP_Handler - start\n"
DEBUGF 1,"ICMP_input - start\n"
cmp byte [edx + ICMP_Packet.Type], ICMP_ECHO ; Is this an echo request?
jne .check_sockets
;;; TODO: check checksum!
DEBUGF 1,"ICMP_input - echo request\n"
DEBUGF 1,"ICMP_Handler - echo request\n"
mov byte [edx + ICMP_Packet.Type], ICMP_ECHOREPLY ; Change Packet type to reply
mov word [edx + ICMP_Packet.Checksum], 0 ; Set checksum to 0, needed to calculate new checksum
211,43 → 211,47
; TODO: validate the header & checksum.
; Look for an open ICMP socket
; esi = sender ip
mov esi, net_sockets
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ax , [edx + ICMP_Packet.Identifier]
; mov ax , [edx + ICMP_Packet.Identifier]
mov esi, [esi + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or esi, esi
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or ebx, ebx
jz .dump
cmp [esi + SOCKET.Type], IP_PROTO_ICMP
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .next_socket
cmp [esi + ICMP_SOCKET.Identifier], ax
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Type], SOCK_RAW
jne .next_socket
call IPv4_dest_to_dev
cmp edi,-1
je .dump
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_ICMP
jne .next_socket
DEBUGF 1,"Found valid ICMP packet for socket %x\n", esi
cmp [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], esi
jne .next_socket
lea ebx, [esi + SOCKET.lock]
; cmp [esi + ICMP_SOCKET.Identifier], ax
; jne .next_socket
; call IPv4_dest_to_dev
; cmp edi,-1
; je .dump
; inc [ICMP_PACKETS_RX+edi]
DEBUGF 1,"Found valid ICMP packet for socket %x\n", ebx
mov eax, ebx
add ebx, SOCKET.lock
call wait_mutex
; Now, assign data to socket. We have socket address in esi.
; We have ICMP Packet in edx
; number of bytes in ecx
mov eax, esi
pop esi
add esp, 4
sub edx, esi
mov edi, edx
mov esi, edx
jmp SOCKET_input
DEBUGF 1,"ICMP_Handler - dumping\n"
278,6 → 282,8
push esi edi edx
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
add ecx, ICMP_Packet.Data
mov di , IP_PROTO_ICMP SHL 8 + 128 ; TTL
shr edx, 16
327,6 → 333,57
; ICMP_output
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data length
; esi = data offset
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Creating ICMP Packet for socket %x, data ptr=%x\n", eax, edx
push edx
mov di, IP_PROTO_ICMP SHL 8 + 128 ; TTL
shr edx, 16
mov ebx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
call IPv4_output
jz .exit
pop esi
push edx
push eax
push edi ecx
DEBUGF 1,"copying %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
mov [edi + ICMP_Packet.Checksum], 0
mov esi, edi
xor edx, edx
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
mov [edi + ICMP_Packet.Checksum], dx
DEBUGF 1,"Sending ICMP Packet\n"
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
DEBUGF 1,"Creating ICMP Packet failed\n"
add esp, 4
; This function is called by system function 75
317,6 → 317,9
cmp edx, IP_PROTO_TCP
je .tcp
cmp edx, SOCK_RAW
je .raw
340,12 → 343,41
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_udp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_udp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
; test esi, esi
; jz .ip
cmp esi, IP_PROTO_ICMP
je .icmp
; .ip:
; push eax
; init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION)
; pop eax
; mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_ip
; mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
; ret
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION)
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_icmp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
; SOCKET_bind
426,7 → 458,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"socket_connect: socknum: %u sockaddr: %x, length: %u\n", ecx, edx, esi
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_connect: socknum: %u sockaddr: %x, length: %u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz s_error
447,6 → 479,9
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Type], IP_PROTO_TCP
je .tcp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Type], SOCK_RAW
je .raw
jmp s_error
497,7 → 532,14
mov dword [esp+32], 0 ; success!
push dword [edx + 4]
pop dword [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov dword [esp+32], 0 ; success!
; SOCKET_listen
510,7 → 552,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Socket_listen: socknum: %u backlog: %u\n", ecx, edx
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_listen: socknum: %u backlog: %u\n", ecx, edx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz s_error
550,7 → 592,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"Socket_accept: socknum: %u sockaddr: %x, length: %u\n", ecx, edx, esi
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_accept: socknum: %u sockaddr: %x, length: %u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz s_error
601,7 → 643,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"socket_close: socknum: %u\n", ecx
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_close: socknum: %u\n", ecx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz s_error
658,11 → 700,10
jmp [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc]
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"type: UDP\n"
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_receive: DGRAM\n"
mov ebx, esi
mov edi, edx ; addr to buffer
705,7 → 746,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"type: TCP\n"
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_receive: TCP\n"
mov ecx, esi
mov edi, edx
733,7 → 774,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_send: socknum: %u sockaddr: %x, length: %u, flags: %x, ", ecx, edx, esi, edi
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_send: socknum: %u data ptr: %x, length: %u, flags: %x, ", ecx, edx, esi, edi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz s_error
741,11 → 782,10
jmp [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc]
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"type: UDP\n"
mov ecx, esi
mov esi, edx
759,7 → 799,7
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"type: TCP\n"
push eax
mov ecx, esi
774,8 → 814,33
;align 4
; DEBUGF 1,"type: IP\n"
; mov ecx, esi
; mov esi, edx
; call IPv4_output_raw
; mov dword [esp+32], eax
; ret
align 4
mov ecx, esi
call ICMP_output_raw
mov dword [esp+32], 0
; SOCKET_get_options
991,13 → 1056,13
add_to_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE, socket_queue_entry.size, SOCKET_input.full
DEBUGF 1,"Queued packet successfully\n"
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_input: queued packet successfully\n"
add esp, socket_queue_entry.size
mov [eax + SOCKET.lock], 0
jmp SOCKET_notify_owner
DEBUGF 2,"Socket %x is full!\n", eax
DEBUGF 2,"SOCKET_input: socket %x is full!\n", eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.lock], 0
call kernel_free
add esp, 8
1049,7 → 1114,7
mov edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr]
DEBUGF 2,"Copying %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
DEBUGF 2,"SOCKET_ring_write: %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
push ecx
shr ecx, 1
1087,7 → 1152,7
jmp .copy
DEBUGF 2,"Ring buffer is full!\n"
DEBUGF 2,"SOCKET_ring_write: ring buffer is full!\n"
xor ecx, ecx
1116,7 → 1181,7
mov esi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr]
DEBUGF 2,"Copying %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
DEBUGF 2,"SOCKET_ring_read: %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
push ecx
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nb
1334,7 → 1399,7
lea ebx, [eax + SOCKET.lock]
call wait_mutex
DEBUGF 1, "freeing socket..\n"
DEBUGF 1, "SOCKET_free: freeing socket..\n"
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jnz .no_tcp
1352,7 → 1417,7
mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.PrevPtr]
DEBUGF 1, "linking socket %x to socket %x\n", eax, ebx
DEBUGF 1, "SOCKET_free: linking socket %x to socket %x\n", eax, ebx
test eax, eax
jz @f
1367,7 → 1432,7
call kernel_free
pop ebx
DEBUGF 1, "socket is gone!\n"
DEBUGF 1, "SOCKET_free: success!\n"