Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 3907 → Rev 3908

41,15 → 41,6
IOAPIC_ARB equ 0x2
IPI_INIT equ (0x5 shl 8)
IPI_START equ (0x6 shl 8)
IPI_LEVEL_ASSERT equ (0x1 shl 14)
SHORTHAND_ALL_EXCL equ (0x3 shl 18)
align 4
mov [irq_mode], IRQ_PIC
91,7 → 82,7
mov ebx, eax
call IOAPIC_read
mov ah, 0x09; Delivery Mode: Lowest Priority, Destination Mode: Logical
mov ah, 0x08; Delivery Mode: Fixed, Destination Mode: Logical
mov al, cl
add al, 0x20; vector
or eax, 0x10000; Mask Interrupt
193,19 → 184,19
; LAPIC timer
; pre init
; mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_div], 1011b; 1
; mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], 0xffffffff; max val
; push esi
; mov esi, 640 ; wait 0.64 sec
; call delay_ms
; pop esi
; mov eax, [esi + APIC_timer_cur]; read current tick couner
; xor eax, 0xffffffff ; eax = 0xffffffff - eax
; shr eax, 6 ; eax /= 64; APIC ticks per 0.01 sec
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_div], 1011b; 1
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], 0xffffffff; max val
push esi
mov esi, 640 ; wait 0.64 sec
call delay_ms
pop esi
mov eax, [esi + APIC_timer_cur]; read current tick couner
xor eax, 0xffffffff ; eax = 0xffffffff - eax
shr eax, 6 ; eax /= 64; APIC ticks per 0.01 sec
; Start (every 0.01 sec)
; mov dword[esi + APIC_LVT_timer], 0x30020; periodic int 0x20
; mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], eax
mov dword[esi + APIC_LVT_timer], 0x30020; periodic int 0x20
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], eax
446,38 → 437,7
pop ebp
if 0
align 4
;eax= cpu id
; xchg bx, bx
test eax, eax ;do not start self
jz .exit
cmp eax, [cpu_count]
jae .exit
mov eax, [smpt+eax*4]
shl eax, 24
mov [esi+APIC_ICRH], eax
mov ecx, 10000
loop @B
CMD_IPI_START equ (IPI_START+IPI_LEVEL_ASSERT)+((0x10000+__ap_start_16) shr 12)
mov [esi+APIC_ICRH], eax
mov [esi+APIC_ICRL], dword CMD_IPI_START
end if
34,93 → 34,7
jmp .wait
align 4
proc pci_read32 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 6
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_read16 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 5
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_read8 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 4
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write8 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 8
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write16 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 9
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write32 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 10
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
handle equ IOCTL.handle
io_code equ IOCTL.io_code
input equ IOCTL.input
509,6 → 423,136
; description
; allocate user memory and loads the specified file
; param
; file_name= path to file
; retval
; eax= file image in user memory
; ebx= size of file
; warging
; You mast call kernel_free() to delete each file
; loaded by the load_file() function
align 4
proc load_file_umode stdcall, file_name:dword
attr dd ?
flags dd ?
cr_time dd ?
cr_date dd ?
acc_time dd ?
acc_date dd ?
mod_time dd ?
mod_date dd ?
file_size dd ?
km_file dd ?
um_file dd ?
push esi
push edi
push ebx
lea eax, [attr]
stdcall get_fileinfo, [file_name], eax ;find file and get info
test eax, eax
jnz .err_1
mov eax, [file_size]
cmp eax, 1024*1024*16 ;to be enough for anybody (c)
ja .err_1
;it is very likely that the file is packed
stdcall kernel_alloc, [file_size] ;with kpack, so allocate memory from kernel heap
mov [km_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_1
stdcall read_file, [file_name], eax, dword 0, [file_size]
cmp ebx, [file_size]
jne .err_2
mov eax, [km_file]
cmp dword [eax], 0x4B43504B ; check kpack signature
jne .raw_file
mov ebx, [eax+4] ;get real size of file
mov [file_size], ebx
stdcall user_alloc, ebx ;and allocate memory from user heap
mov [um_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_2
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_lock
stdcall unpack, [km_file], [um_file]
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_unlock
stdcall kernel_free, [km_file] ;we don't need packed file anymore
mov eax, [um_file]
mov edx, [file_size]
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
.raw_file: ; sometimes we load unpacked file
stdcall user_alloc, ebx ; allocate space from user heap
mov [um_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_2
shr eax, 10 ; and remap pages.
mov ecx, [file_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
mov esi, [km_file]
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
lea edi, [page_tabs+eax]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
or eax, PG_USER
loop @B
stdcall free_kernel_space, [km_file] ; release allocated kernel space
jmp .exit ; physical pages still in use
stdcall kernel_free, [km_file]
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
unpack_mutex MUTEX
515,37 → 559,31
align 4
proc get_proc_ex stdcall, proc_name:dword, imports:dword
proc get_proc_ex stdcall uses ebx esi, proc_name:dword, imports:dword
mov ebx, [imports]
test ebx, ebx
jz .end
xor esi, esi
mov edx, [imports]
test edx, edx
jz .end
mov edx, [edx]
test edx, edx
jz .end
mov eax, [edx]
test eax, eax
jz .next_table
push edx
mov eax, [ebx+32]
mov eax, [OS_BASE+eax+esi*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
stdcall strncmp, eax, [proc_name], 256
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .ok
add edx, 8
jmp .next
add [imports], 4
jmp .look_up
mov eax, [edx+4]
inc esi
cmp esi, [ebx+24]
jb .look_up
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [ebx+28]
mov eax, [OS_BASE+eax+esi*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
align 4
713,8 → 751,6
img_base dd ?
start dd ?
exports dd ? ;fake exports table
dd ?
file_name rb 13+16+4+1 ; '/sys/drivers/<up-to-16-chars>.obj'
803,13 → 839,10
add ecx, [sym]
mov [strings], ecx
lea ebx, [exports]
mov dword [ebx], kernel_export
mov dword [ebx+4], 0
lea eax, [edx+20]
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], \
[strings], ebx
[strings], __exports
test eax, eax
jz .link_fail
911,8 → 944,6
img_base dd ?
; resolve file name
mov ebx, [file_name]
lea edi, [fullname+1]
923,6 → 954,8
; scan for required DLL in list of already loaded for this process,
; ignore timestamp
mov esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl esi, 8
lea edi, [fullname]
946,6 → 979,7
mov eax, [ecx+DLLDESCR.exports]
sub eax, [ecx+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
add eax, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
953,10 → 987,12
; scan in full list, compare timestamp
lea eax, [fileinfo]
stdcall get_fileinfo, edi, eax
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov esi, [dll_list.fd]
cmp esi, dll_list
978,6 → 1014,7
; new DLL
; load file
stdcall load_file, edi
test eax, eax
1005,13 → 1042,6
mov dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp], eax
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+28]
mov dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp+4], eax
; initialize DLLDESCR struct
and dword [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount], 0; no HDLLs yet; later it will be incremented
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.fd], dll_list
mov eax, [dll_list.bk]
mov [dll_list.bk], esi
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.bk], eax
mov [eax+DLLDESCR.fd], esi
; calculate size of loaded DLL
mov edx, [coff]
1181,6 → 1211,14
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
; initialize DLLDESCR struct
and dword [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount], 0; no HDLLs yet; later it will be incremented
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.fd], dll_list
mov eax, [dll_list.bk]
mov [dll_list.bk], esi
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.bk], eax
mov [eax+DLLDESCR.fd], esi
inc [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount]
push esi
1253,6 → 1291,7
mov eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.exports]
sub eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
add eax, [img_base]
stdcall kernel_free, []
1269,6 → 1308,7
mov eax, 1 ; delete 1 reference
call dereference_dll
xor eax, eax
1,6 → 1,6
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
7,204 → 7,117
szKernel db 'KERNEL', 0
szVersion db 'version',0
szRegService db 'RegService',0
szGetService db 'GetService',0
szServiceHandler db 'ServiceHandler',0
szAttachIntHandler db 'AttachIntHandler',0
; szGetIntHandler db 'GetIntHandler', 0
szFpuSave db 'FpuSave',0
szFpuRestore db 'FpuRestore',0
szReservePortArea db 'ReservePortArea',0
szBoot_Log db 'Boot_Log',0
szMutexInit db 'MutexInit',0
szMutexLock db 'MutexLock',0
szMutexUnlock db 'MutexUnlock',0
szPciApi db 'PciApi', 0
szPciRead32 db 'PciRead32', 0
szPciRead16 db 'PciRead16', 0
szPciRead8 db 'PciRead8', 0
szPciWrite8 db 'PciWrite8',0
szPciWrite16 db 'PciWrite16',0
szPciWrite32 db 'PciWrite32',0
szAllocPage db 'AllocPage',0
szAllocPages db 'AllocPages',0
szFreePage db 'FreePage',0
szGetPgAddr db 'GetPgAddr',0
szMapPage db 'MapPage',0
szMapSpace db 'MapSpace',0
szMapIoMem db 'MapIoMem',0
szCommitPages db 'CommitPages',0
szReleasePages db 'ReleasePages',0
szAllocKernelSpace db 'AllocKernelSpace',0
szFreeKernelSpace db 'FreeKernelSpace',0
szKernelAlloc db 'KernelAlloc',0
szKernelFree db 'KernelFree',0
szUserAlloc db 'UserAlloc',0
szUserFree db 'UserFree',0
szKmalloc db 'Kmalloc',0
szKfree db 'Kfree',0
szCreateRingBuffer db 'CreateRingBuffer',0
szGetPid db 'GetPid',0
szCreateObject db 'CreateObject',0
szDestroyObject db 'DestroyObject',0
szCreateEvent db 'CreateEvent',0
szRaiseEvent db 'RaiseEvent',0
szWaitEvent db 'WaitEvent',0
szDestroyEvent db 'DestroyEvent',0
szClearEvent db 'ClearEvent',0
szLoadCursor db 'LoadCursor',0
szSysMsgBoardStr db 'SysMsgBoardStr', 0
szSysMsgBoard db 'SysMsgBoard', 0
szGetCurrentTask db 'GetCurrentTask',0
szLFBAddress db 'LFBAddress',0
szLoadFile db 'LoadFile',0
szSendEvent db 'SendEvent',0
szSetMouseData db 'SetMouseData',0
szSetKeyboardData db 'SetKeyboardData',0
szRegKeyboard db 'RegKeyboard',0
szDelKeyboard db 'DelKeyboard',0
szSleep db 'Sleep',0
szGetTimerTicks db 'GetTimerTicks',0
szGetDisplay db 'GetDisplay',0
szSetScreen db 'SetScreen',0
szStrncat db 'strncat',0
szStrncpy db 'strncpy',0
szstrncmp db 'strncmp',0
szStrnlen db 'strnlen',0
szStrchr db 'strchr',0
szStrrchr db 'strrchr',0
szDiskAdd db 'DiskAdd',0
szDiskDel db 'DiskDel',0
szDiskMediaChanged db 'DiskMediaChanged',0
szTimerHS db 'TimerHS',0
szCancelTimerHS db 'CancelTimerHS',0
szRegUSBDriver db 'RegUSBDriver',0
szUSBOpenPipe db 'USBOpenPipe',0
szUSBClosePipe db 'USBClosePipe',0
szUSBNormalTransferAsync db 'USBNormalTransferAsync',0
szUSBControlTransferAsync db 'USBControlTransferAsync',0
szNetRegDev db 'NetRegDev',0
szNetUnRegDev db 'NetUnRegDev',0
szNetPtrToNum db 'NetPtrToNum',0
szNetLinkChanged db 'NetLinkChanged',0
szEth_input db 'Eth_input',0
align 16
dd szRegService , reg_service
dd szGetService , get_service
dd szServiceHandler , srv_handler
dd szAttachIntHandler, attach_int_handler
; dd szGetIntHandler , get_int_handler
dd szFpuSave , fpu_save
dd szFpuRestore , fpu_restore
dd szReservePortArea , r_f_port_area
dd szBoot_Log , boot_log
dd szMutexInit , mutex_init ;gcc fastcall
dd szMutexLock , mutex_lock ;gcc fastcall
dd szMutexUnlock , mutex_unlock ;gcc fastcall
dd szPciApi , pci_api_drv
dd szPciRead32 , pci_read32
dd szPciRead16 , pci_read16
dd szPciRead8 , pci_read8
dd szPciWrite8 , pci_write8
dd szPciWrite16 , pci_write16
dd szPciWrite32 , pci_write32
dd szAllocPage , alloc_page ;stdcall
dd szAllocPages , alloc_pages ;stdcall
dd szFreePage , free_page
dd szMapPage , map_page ;stdcall
dd szMapSpace , map_space
dd szMapIoMem , map_io_mem ;stdcall
dd szGetPgAddr , get_pg_addr
dd szCommitPages , commit_pages ;not implemented
dd szReleasePages , release_pages
dd szAllocKernelSpace, alloc_kernel_space ;stdcall
dd szFreeKernelSpace , free_kernel_space ;stdcall
dd szKernelAlloc , kernel_alloc ;stdcall
dd szKernelFree , kernel_free ;stdcall
dd szUserAlloc , user_alloc ;stdcall
dd szUserFree , user_free ;stdcall
dd szKmalloc , malloc
dd szKfree , free
dd szCreateRingBuffer, create_ring_buffer ;stdcall
dd szGetPid , get_pid
dd szCreateObject , create_kernel_object
dd szDestroyObject , destroy_kernel_object
dd szCreateEvent , create_event ;see for specification
dd szRaiseEvent , raise_event ;see for specification
dd szWaitEvent , wait_event ;see for specification
dd szDestroyEvent , destroy_event ;see for specification
dd szClearEvent , clear_event ;see for specification
dd szLoadCursor , load_cursor ;stdcall
dd szSysMsgBoardStr , sys_msg_board_str
dd szSysMsgBoard , sys_msg_board
dd szGetCurrentTask , get_curr_task
dd szLoadFile , load_file ;retval eax, ebx
dd szSendEvent , send_event ;see for specification
dd szSetMouseData , set_mouse_data ;stdcall
dd szSetKeyboardData , set_keyboard_data
dd szRegKeyboard , register_keyboard
dd szDelKeyboard , delete_keyboard
dd szSleep , delay_ms
dd szGetTimerTicks , get_timer_ticks
dd szGetDisplay , get_display
dd szSetScreen , set_screen
dd szStrncat , strncat
dd szStrncpy , strncpy
dd szstrncmp , strncmp
dd szStrnlen , strnlen
dd szStrchr , strchr
dd szStrrchr , strrchr
dd szDiskAdd , disk_add
dd szDiskDel , disk_del
dd szDiskMediaChanged, disk_media_changed
dd szTimerHS , timer_hs
dd szCancelTimerHS , cancel_timer_hs
dd szRegUSBDriver , reg_usb_driver
dd szUSBOpenPipe , usb_open_pipe
dd szUSBClosePipe , usb_close_pipe
dd szUSBNormalTransferAsync, usb_normal_transfer_async
dd szUSBControlTransferAsync, usb_control_async
dd szNetRegDev , NET_add_device
dd szNetUnRegDev , NET_remove_device
dd szNetPtrToNum , NET_ptr_to_num
dd szNetLinkChanged , NET_link_changed
dd szEth_input , ETH_input
dd szLFBAddress , 0
dd 0 ;terminator, must be zero
align 4
export 'KERNEL', \
alloc_kernel_space, 'AllocKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
alloc_page, 'AllocPage', \ ; gcc ABI
alloc_pages, 'AllocPages', \ ; stdcall
commit_pages, 'CommitPages', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
disk_add, 'DiskAdd', \ ;stdcall
disk_del, 'DiskDel', \
disk_media_changed, 'DiskMediaChanged', \ ;stdcall
create_event, 'CreateEvent', \ ; ecx, esi
destroy_event, 'DestroyEvent', \ ;
raise_event, 'RaiseEvent', \ ; eax, ebx, edx, esi
wait_event, 'WaitEvent', \ ; eax, ebx
wait_event_timeout, 'WaitEventTimeout', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
get_event_ex, 'GetEvent', \ ; edi
clear_event, 'ClearEvent', \ ;see for specification
send_event, 'SendEvent', \ ;see for specification
create_kernel_object, 'CreateObject', \
create_ring_buffer, 'CreateRingBuffer', \ ; stdcall
destroy_kernel_object, 'DestroyObject', \
free_kernel_space, 'FreeKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
free_page, 'FreePage', \ ; eax
kernel_alloc, 'KernelAlloc', \ ; stdcall
kernel_free, 'KernelFree', \ ; stdcall
malloc, 'Kmalloc', \
free, 'Kfree', \
map_io_mem, 'MapIoMem', \ ; stdcall
map_page, 'MapPage', \ ; stdcall
get_pg_addr, 'GetPgAddr', \ ; eax
map_space, 'MapSpace', \
release_pages, 'ReleasePages', \
mutex_init, 'MutexInit', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_lock, 'MutexLock', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_unlock, 'MutexUnlock', \ ; gcc fastcall
get_display, 'GetDisplay', \
set_screen, 'SetScreen', \
window._.get_rect, 'GetWindowRect', \ ; gcc fastcall
pci_api_drv, 'PciApi', \
pci_read8, 'PciRead8', \ ; stdcall
pci_read16, 'PciRead16', \ ; stdcall
pci_read32, 'PciRead32', \ ; stdcall
pci_write8, 'PciWrite8', \ ; stdcall
pci_write16, 'PciWrite16', \ ; stdcall
pci_write32, 'PciWrite32', \ ; stdcall
get_pid, 'GetPid', \
get_service, 'GetService', \ ;
reg_service, 'RegService', \ ; stdcall
attach_int_handler, 'AttachIntHandler', \ ; stdcall
user_alloc, 'UserAlloc', \ ; stdcall
user_alloc_at, 'UserAllocAt', \ ; stdcall
user_free, 'UserFree', \ ; stdcall
unmap_pages, 'UnmapPages', \ ; eax, ecx
sys_msg_board_str, 'SysMsgBoardStr', \
sys_msg_board, 'SysMsgBoard', \
get_timer_ticks, 'GetTimerTicks', \
get_stack_base, 'GetStackBase', \
delay_hs, 'Delay', \ ; ebx
set_mouse_data, 'SetMouseData', \ ;
set_keyboard_data, 'SetKeyboardData', \ ; gcc fastcall
register_keyboard, 'RegKeyboard', \
delete_keyboard, 'DelKeyboard', \
get_cpu_freq, 'GetCpuFreq', \
srv_handler, 'ServiceHandler', \
fpu_save, 'FpuSave', \
fpu_restore, 'FpuRestore', \
r_f_port_area, 'ReservePortArea', \
boot_log, 'Boot_Log', \
load_cursor, 'LoadCursor', \ ;stdcall
get_curr_task, 'GetCurrentTask', \
load_file, 'LoadFile', \ ;retval eax, ebx
delay_ms, 'Sleep', \
strncat, 'strncat', \
strncpy, 'strncpy', \
strncmp, 'strncmp', \
strnlen, 'strnlen', \
strchr, 'strchr', \
strrchr, 'strrchr', \
timer_hs, 'TimerHS', \
cancel_timer_hs, 'CancelTimerHS', \
reg_usb_driver, 'RegUSBDriver', \
usb_open_pipe, 'USBOpenPipe', \
usb_close_pipe, 'USBClosePipe', \
usb_normal_transfer_async, 'USBNormalTransferAsync', \
usb_control_async, 'USBControlTransferAsync', \
usb_get_param, 'USBGetParam', \
NET_add_device, 'NetRegDev', \
NET_remove_device, 'NetUnRegDev', \
NET_ptr_to_num, 'NetPtrToNum', \
NET_link_changed, 'NetLinkChanged', \
ETH_input, 'Eth_input', \
0, 'LFBAddress' ; must be the last one
load kernel_exports_count dword from __exports + 24
load kernel_exports_addresses dword from __exports + 28
exp_lfb = OS_BASE + kernel_exports_addresses + (kernel_exports_count - 1) * 4 - 4
890,6 → 890,7
mov ebx, [offset]
and ebx, not 4095 ; is it required ?
add ebx, [base]
mov eax, [edx] ; get page addres
897,7 → 898,7
jz @F
test eax, PG_SHARED ; page shared ?
jnz @F
mov [page_tabs+edx*4], dword 2
mov [edx], dword 2
; mark page as reserved
invlpg [ebx] ; when we start using
call free_page ; empty c-o-w page instead this ?
51,6 → 51,8
.irqh dd ?
DEBUGF 1, "K : Attach Interrupt %d Handler %x\n", [irq], [handler]
and [.irqh], 0
push ebx
154,25 → 156,6
cmp [v86_irqhooks+ebp*8], 0
jnz v86_irq
cmp bp, 6
jnz @f
push ebp
call [fdc_irq_func]
pop ebp
cmp bp, 14
jnz @f
push ebp
call [irq14_func]
pop ebp
cmp bp, 15
jnz @f
push ebp
call [irq15_func]
pop ebp
bts [irq_active_set], ebp
lea esi, [irqh_tab+ebp*8] ; esi= list head
217,14 → 200,6
; Note: this still isn't 100% correct, because two IRQs can fire simultaneously,
; the better way would be to find the correct IRQ, but I don't know how to do
; this in that case.
; Also, [fdc_irq_func], [irq14_func], [irq15_func] could process interrupt
; but do not return whether they did it, so just ignore IRQs 6, 14, 15.
cmp ebp, 6
jz .fail
cmp ebp, 14
jz .fail
cmp ebp, 15
jz .fail
push ebp
xor ebp, ebp
232,8 → 207,14
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 1
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 6
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 12
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 14
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 15
jz .try_next_irq
lea esi, [irqh_tab+ebp*8]
mov ebx, esi
358,7 → 358,7
cmp dword [LFBAddress], -1
jne @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
mov [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
; max VGA=640*480*4=1228800 bytes
; + 32*640*4=81920 bytes for mouse pointer
stdcall alloc_pages, ((1228800+81920)/4096)
378,7 → 378,7
test [SCR_MODE], word 0100000000000000b
jnz @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
mov [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
call init_mtrr
1199,7 → 1199,7
cmp ebx, 11
jb .fail
cmp ebx, 25
cmp ebx, 27
ja .fail
jmp dword [f68call+ebx*4-11*4]
1310,6 → 1310,15
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_file_umode, ecx
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
1335,6 → 1344,7
dd f68.24 ; set exception handler
dd f68.25 ; unmask exception
dd f68.26 ; user_unmap
dd f68.27 ; load_file_umode
align 4
1361,7 → 1371,7
align 4
proc init_mtrr
cmp [BOOT_VAR+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
cmp [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
je .exit
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_MTRR
1456,7 → 1466,7
mov ebx, [size]
dec ebx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
mov edx, 0x00000000
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
275,68 → 275,3
pop edi
pop ebp
ret 8
align 16
export 'KERNEL', \
alloc_kernel_space, 'AllocKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
alloc_page, 'AllocPage', \ ; gcc ABI
alloc_pages, 'AllocPages', \ ; stdcall
commit_pages, 'CommitPages', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
disk_add, 'DiskAdd', \ ;stdcall
disk_media_changed, 'DiskMediaChanged', \ ;stdcall
create_event, 'CreateEvent', \ ; ecx, esi
destroy_event, 'DestroyEvent', \ ;
raise_event, 'RaiseEvent', \ ; eax, ebx, edx, esi
wait_event, 'WaitEvent', \ ; eax, ebx
wait_event_timeout, 'WaitEventTimeout', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
get_event_ex, 'GetEvent', \ ; edi
create_kernel_object, 'CreateObject', \
create_ring_buffer, 'CreateRingBuffer', \ ; stdcall
destroy_kernel_object, 'DestroyObject', \
free_kernel_space, 'FreeKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
free_page, 'FreePage', \ ; eax
kernel_alloc, 'KernelAlloc', \ ; stdcall
kernel_free, 'KernelFree', \ ; stdcall
malloc, 'Kmalloc', \
free, 'Kfree', \
map_io_mem, 'MapIoMem', \ ; stdcall
map_page, 'MapPage', \ ; stdcall
get_pg_addr, 'GetPgAddr', \ ; eax
mutex_init, 'MutexInit', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_lock, 'MutexLock', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_unlock, 'MutexUnlock', \ ; gcc fastcall
get_display, 'GetDisplay', \
set_screen, 'SetScreen', \
window._.get_rect, 'GetWindowRect', \ ; gcc fastcall
pci_api_drv, 'PciApi', \
pci_read8, 'PciRead8', \ ; stdcall
pci_read16, 'PciRead16', \ ; stdcall
pci_read32, 'PciRead32', \ ; stdcall
pci_write8, 'PciWrite8', \ ; stdcall
pci_write16, 'PciWrite16', \ ; stdcall
pci_write32, 'PciWrite32', \ ; stdcall
get_pid, 'GetPid', \
get_service, 'GetService', \ ;
reg_service, 'RegService', \ ; stdcall
attach_int_handler, 'AttachIntHandler', \ ; stdcall
user_alloc, 'UserAlloc', \ ; stdcall
user_free, 'UserFree', \ ; stdcall
unmap_pages, 'UnmapPages', \ ; eax, ecx
sys_msg_board_str, 'SysMsgBoardStr', \
get_timer_ticks, 'GetTimerTicks', \
get_stack_base, 'GetStackBase', \
delay_hs, 'Delay', \ ; ebx
set_mouse_data, 'SetMouseData', \ ;
set_keyboard_data, 'SetKeyboardData', \ ; gcc fastcall
timer_hs, 'TimerHs', \ ; stdcall
get_cpu_freq, 'GetCpuFreq'
578,11 → 578,6
push esi ; remove hd1 & cd & flp reservation
shl esi, 5
mov esi, []
cmp [hd1_status], esi
jnz @f
call free_hd_channel
and [hd1_status], 0
cmp [cd_status], esi
jnz @f
call free_cd_channel
182,8 → 182,8
dd sys_apm ; 49-Advanced Power Management (APM)
dd syscall_set_window_shape ; 50-Window shape & scale
dd syscall_threads ; 51-Threads
dd undefined_syscall ; 52-Stack driver status
dd undefined_syscall ; 53-Socket interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 52- deprecated Stack driver status
dd undefined_syscall ; 53- deprecated Socket interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 54-reserved
dd sound_interface ; 55-Sound interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 56-reserved
63,6 → 63,9
; [esp+4] = procedure DoRead, [esp+8] = filesize & [esp+12]... - arguments for it
cmdline_size dd ? ; +0 ; cmdline -12
cmdline_adr dd ? ; +4 ; cmdline -8
cmdline_flag dd ? ; +8 ; cmdline -4
cmdline rd 64 ;256/4
filename rd 256 ;1024/4
flags dd ?
127,15 → 130,73
jmp .final
xor eax, eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
mov [cmdline_adr], eax
mov [cmdline_size], eax
mov [cmdline], ebx
test ebx, ebx
jz @F
jz .no_copy
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 65536 ; 64 Kb max for ext.cmdline
dec ecx
jz .end_string
test al, al
jnz @b
mov eax, 65536 ; 64 Kb max for ext.cmdline
sub eax, ecx
mov [cmdline_size], eax
cmp eax, 255
ja @f
jmp .old_copy
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
; get memory for the extended command line
stdcall kernel_alloc, [cmdline_size] ;eax
test eax, eax
jz .old_copy ; get memory failed
mov [cmdline_adr], eax
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [cmdline_size]
rep movsb
jmp .no_copy
; clear flag because old method with 256 bytes
xor eax, eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
lea eax, [cmdline]
mov dword [eax+252], 0
stdcall strncpy, eax, ebx, 255
lea eax, [filename]
stdcall load_file, eax
1055,10 → 1116,34
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
ja @f
mov eax, [cmd_line]
cmp [edx], dword 0xffffffff ; extended destination tag
jne .no_ext_dest
mov edx, [edx+4] ; extended destination for cmdline
jmp .continue
mov [eax-12], dword 255
mov byte [edx], 0 ;force empty string if no cmdline given
mov eax, [cmd_line]
test eax, eax
jz @f
cmp [eax-4], dword 0xffffffff ; cmdline_flag
jne .old_copy
push eax
stdcall strncpy, edx, [eax-8], [eax-12]
pop eax
stdcall kernel_free, [eax-8]
jmp @f
stdcall strncpy, edx, eax, 256
mov edx, [params]
5,7 → 5,7
;; ;;
$Revision: 2381 $
$Revision: 3598 $
; Simple implementation of timers. All timers are organized in a double-linked
; list, and the OS loop after every timer tick processes the list.