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0,0 → 1,45
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
DEBUG equ 1 ;show messages at debug board
use_cli_sti equ 1 ;driver become more stable (theoretically)
API_VERSION equ 0 ;debug
sb_irq_num equ 5 ;default values for SB16, may be overrided by autodetect
sb_dma_num equ 5 ;default values for SB16, may be overrided by autodetect
small_buffer equ 32768
full_buffer equ 65536
sb_buffer_size equ small_buffer ; FIX ring buffer overlapped events issue; full_buffer
__supported_buffer_sizes fix <small_buffer, full_buffer>
if ~(sb_buffer_size in __supported_buffer_sizes)
display 13,10,'unsupported buffer size was selected, check',13,10
end if
sb_out_rate equ 48000
;time constant for cards older than SB16
sb_tc equ (256-(1000000/(sb_out_rate*2)))
DEV_PLAY equ 1
DEV_STOP equ 2
DRV_EXIT equ -1
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,313
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; program dma
mov ebx, [sound_dma]
lea eax, [ebx+4];mask required channel
cmp bl, 4
ja .use_second_dma_controller
jb @f
mov esi, msgErrDMAsetup
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
mov dword[esp], START.stop
if use_cli_sti
cli ;here to minimize time with disabled ints
end if
out 0xA, al;mask required channel
xor eax, eax
out 0xC, al;clear byte pointer flip-flop register
lea eax, [ebx+0x58];auto-init mode for channel (ebx)
out 0xB, al;DMA channel 0-3 mode register
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
invoke GetPhysAddr
mov ecx, eax
shr eax, 16
movzx edx, byte[ebx+dma_table];page register
out dx, al
lea edx, [ebx*2];DMA channel 0-3 base address
mov al, cl;LSB
out dx, al
mov al, ch;MSB
out dx, al
inc edx ;DMA channel 0-3 byte count
mov al, ((sb_buffer_size-1) and 0xff)
out dx, al
mov al, ((sb_buffer_size-1) shr 8);it is the same
out dx, al
mov eax, ebx;unmask DMA channel
out 0xA, al
if use_cli_sti
end if
cmp bl, 7
ja .dma_setup_error
sub bl, 4
sub al, 4
if use_cli_sti
cli ;here to minimize time with disabled ints
end if
out 0xD4, al;mask required channel
xor eax, eax
out 0xD8, al;clear byte pointer flip-flop register
lea eax, [ebx+0x58];auto-init mode for channel (ebx+4)
out 0xD6, al;DMA channel 4-7 mode register
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
invoke GetPhysAddr
mov ecx, eax
shr eax, 16
shr ecx, 1 ; 16-bit DMA takes offset in words
movzx edx, byte[ebx+dma_table+4];page register
out dx, al
lea edx, [ebx*4+0xC0];DMA channel 4-7 base address
mov al, cl;LSB;for 16bit DMA this contains
out dx, al;A1-A8 lines of address bus, A0 is zero
mov al, ch;MSB;for 16bit DMA this contains
out dx, al;A9-A16 lines of address bus
inc edx
inc edx ;DMA channel 4-7 16bit word count
mov al, (((sb_buffer_size/2)-1) and 0xff)
out dx, al
mov al, (((sb_buffer_size/2)-1) shr 8)
out dx, al
mov eax, ebx;unmask DMA channel
out 0xD4, al
if use_cli_sti
end if
; out byte to SB DSP's write port
macro sb_out data_to_out {
in al, dx
test al, al;is DSP busy?
js @b ;it's busy
mov al, data_to_out;it's free
out dx, al
; stop playing
proc sb_stop
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
add dl, 0xC
sb_out 0xD3 ;turn the speaker off
sb_out 0xDA ;exit 8bit DMA
sb_out 0xD9 ;exit 16bit DMA
; start playing
proc sb_play
and [int_flip_flop], 0
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
add dl, 0xC
sb_out 0xD1 ;turn speaker on
; sb_out 0x48 ;set DSP transfer size ;for older cards, not supported
; ;in this version
; mov ax,32767 ;(64k)/2-1
;@@: ;out the low byte...
; in al,dx
; test al,al ;is DSP busy?
; js @b ;it's busy
; out dx,al
; mov al,ah ;...then the high byte
; in al,dx
; test al,al ;is DSP busy?
; js @b ;it's busy
; out dx,al
; sb_out 0x1C ;auto-init 8bit playback
; 0xBXh - 16 bit DMA mode
; ||||
sb_out 10110110b ;bCommand
; ||||
; |||+-reserved
; ||+--turn FIFO on (0 for off)
; |+---auto-init mode on (0 for off)
; +----A/D: 0-output, 1-input
; +------stereo on
; |+-----unsigned (1 for signed)
; ||
sb_out 00110000b ;bMode
; || ||||
; ---------reserved
;wSize is a number of 16bit samples less 1. For auto-init mode each half
;buffer is (64k)/2 bytes long and, obviously, contains ((64k)/2)/2 samples
sb_out (((sb_buffer_size/2/2)-1) and 0xFF) ;wSize.LowByte
sb_out (((sb_buffer_size/2/2)-1) shr 8) ;wSize.HighByte
; reset DSP
proc sb_reset
and [int_flip_flop], 0
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
add dl, 6
mov al, 1;start DSP reset
if use_cli_sti
cli ;here to minimize time with disabled ints
end if
out dx, al
mov ecx, 40;wait at least 3 microsec.
in al, dx
loop @b
xor eax, eax;stop DSP reset
if use_cli_sti
end if
out dx, al
; set the rate for playing, enable stereo
proc sb_setup
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
add dl, 0xC
sb_out 40h ;set time constant, this is for old cards
sb_out sb_tc
sb_out 41h ;set sound rate, this can only SB16
sb_out (sb_out_rate shr 8) ;first high byte (MSB)
sb_out (sb_out_rate and 0xff) ;then low byte (LSB)
; mov al,0xE ;for older cards, not supported in this version
; sub dl,(0xC-4) ;talk to SB's mixer
; out dx,al ;select this register of the mixer
; mov ecx,6 ;wait for the chip
; in al,dx
; loop @b
; inc edx ;now read the data port
; in al,dx
; or al,22h ;turn on stereo
; mov ah,al
; mov al,0xE
; dec edx ;talk to SB's mixer
; out dx,al ;select this register of the mixer
; mov ecx,6 ;wait for the chip
; in al,dx
; loop @b
; inc edx ;now send data to the data port
; mov al,ah
; out dx,al
; dec edx
; mov ecx,35 ;wait for the chip
; in al,dx
; loop @b
; set master volume of SB mixer, note, not only SB16 but SBPro and older
; this is the first step to more full support for hardware
;in: eax in range [-10000;0] - master volume for _both_ channels
;note that x*3*17/2000 and x*3/2000*17 are not the same numbers,
;because we count in integers
proc sb_set_master_vol
mov [sb_master_vol], eax
add eax, 10000;SB sound level rise from 0 to MAX_LEVEL
lea eax, [eax+eax*2];*3
mov ebx, 2000;divisor
xor edx, edx
cmp byte[sb_DSP_version_int], 4
jae @f ;SBPro's MAX_LEVEL is 15, but we *11 because
;volume byte looks like that: 0xLR, where L - left
;channel volume, R - right, 0<=R,L<=15
div ebx
imul eax, 17
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
push eax ;here for optimisation
add dl, 4
mov al, 0x22;write mixer register 0x22
out dx, al
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;6
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;5
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;4
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;3
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;2
in al, dx;wait for the chip ;1
pop eax ;go!
inc edx
out dx, al
@@: ;SB16's MAX_LEVEL is 255
imul eax, 17
div ebx
mov edx, [sb_base_port]
push eax ;here for optimisation
add dl, 4
mov al, 0x30;left speaker
out dx, al
pop eax ;<--+
inc edx ; \/
push eax ;here for optimisation
out dx, al;write
dec edx
mov al, 0x31;right speaker
out dx, al
pop eax
inc edx
out dx, al;write
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,382
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2014. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
format PE DLL native 0.05
entry START
include 'CONFIG.INC'
section '.flat' code readable writable executable
include '..\..\'
include '..\..\'
include '..\..\'
include '..\..\'
include 'SB16.INC'
proc START c uses ebx esi edi, state:dword, cmdline:dword
cmp [state], 1
jne .stop
mov esi, msgInit
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
call detect ;returns DSP version or zero if
test eax, eax ;SB card not found
jz .exit
movzx eax, al ;major version
mov esi, sb_DSP_description
dec eax
jz .sb_say_about_found_dsp
mov dword[esi], '2.x '
dec eax
jz .sb_say_about_found_dsp
mov dword[esi], 'Pro '
dec eax
jz .sb_say_about_found_dsp
mov dword[esi], '16 '
mov esi, msgDSPFound
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [sb_base_port]
lea edx, [ecx+0xF]
invoke ReservePortArea ;these ports must be mine !
dec eax
jnz @f
mov esi, msgErrRsrvPorts
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
jmp .exit
invoke AllocDMA24, sb_buffer_size
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov [SB16Buffer], eax
call sb_setup ;clock it, etc
invoke AttachIntHandler, sb_irq_num, sb_irq, 0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov esi, msgErrAtchIRQ
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
; stdcall GetIntHandler, sb_irq_num
; call SysMsgBoardNum
jmp .stop
mov esi, msgSucAtchIRQ
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
invoke RegService, my_service, service_proc
call sb_reset
mov esi, msgExit
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
xor eax, eax
proc service_proc stdcall uses ebx esi edi, ioctl:dword
mov edi, [ioctl]
mov eax, [edi+IOCTL.io_code]
jne @F
mov eax, [edi+IOCTL.output]
cmp [edi+IOCTL.out_size], 4
jne .fail
mov [eax], dword API_VERSION
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, DEV_PLAY
jne @f
mov esi, msgPlay
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
call sb_stop ;to play smth new we must stop smth old
call pre_fill_data ;fill first and second half of the buffer
call pre_fill_data ;
call sb_set_dma ;is it really needed here? Paranoia.
call sb_play
xor eax, eax ;set maximum volume
call sb_set_master_vol
xor eax, eax
;@@: ;all this commented stuff in service proc
; cmp eax,DEV_STOP ;is never used. Mixer do this virtually,
; jne @f ;e.g. instead of stopping driver it
;if DEBUG ;outputs silence
; mov esi,msgStop
; call SysMsgBoardStr
;end if
; call sb_stop
; xor eax,eax
; ret
jne @f
mov esi, msgCallback
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
mov edi, [edi+IOCTL.input]
mov eax, [edi]
mov [callback], eax
call SysMsgBoardNum
end if
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, DEV_SET_MASTERVOL;Serge asked me to unlock
jne @F ;DEV_SET(GET)_MASTERVOL, although mixer doesn't use it.
;It doesn't use it _in current version_ - but in the future...
mov esi, msgSetVol
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
mov eax, [edi+IOCTL.input]
mov eax, [eax]
call sb_set_master_vol
xor eax, eax
jne @F
mov esi, msgGetVol
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
mov eax, [edi+IOCTL.output]
mov edx, [sb_master_vol]
mov [eax], edx
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
proc sb_irq
mov edx, [sb_base_port];tell the DSP that we have processed IRQ
add dl, 0xF ;0xF for 16 bit sound, 0xE for 8 bit sound
in al, dx ;for non-stop sound
mov eax, int_flip_flop
not dword[eax]
mov eax, [eax]
test eax, eax
jns .fill_second_half
if sb_buffer_size eq small_buffer
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 32k buffer
else if sb_buffer_size eq full_buffer
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
push eax
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 64k buffer
pop eax
add eax, 16384
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 64k buffer
end if
xor eax, eax
not eax
if sb_buffer_size eq small_buffer
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
add eax, 16384
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 32k buffer
else if sb_buffer_size eq full_buffer
mov eax, [SB16Buffer]
add eax, 32768
push eax
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 64k buffer
pop eax
add eax, 16384
stdcall [callback], eax ;for 64k buffer
end if
xor eax, eax
not eax
align 4
proc detect
inc dword[port_second_digit_num]
end if
mov edx, sb_base_port
add byte[edx], 10h
cmp byte[edx], 80h
jbe .sb_try_to_detect_at_specified_port
;error - no SB card detected
xor eax, eax
call sb_reset
add dl, 8
mov ecx, 100
in al, dx
test al, al ;is DSP port ready to be read?
jns .sb_port_not_ready
sub dl, 4
in al, dx ;check for AAh response
add dl, 4
cmp al, 0xAA
jne .sb_port_not_ready
and dl, 0xF0
add dl, 0xC
sb_out 0xE1 ;get DSP version
add dl, 2
in al, dx
test al, al ;is DSP port ready to be read?
jns @b
sub dl, 4
in al, dx ;get major version
ror eax, 16
add dl, 4
in al, dx
test al, al ;is DSP port ready to be read?
jns @b
sub dl, 4
in al, dx ;get minor version
xor edx, edx
mov dl, 10
div dl
ror eax, 16
xor ah, ah
mov [sb_DSP_version_int], eax;for internal usage
add [sb_DSP_version], eax
end if
loop .sb_check_port ;100 retries (~100 microsec.)
jmp .sb_detect_next_port
proc SysMsgBoardNum ;warning: destroys eax,ebx,ecx,esi
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, 8
mov esi, (number_to_out+1)
mov eax, ebx
and eax, 0xF
add al, '0'
cmp al, (10+'0')
jb @f
add al, ('A'-'0'-10)
mov [esi+ecx], al
shr ebx, 4
loop .1
dec esi
invoke SysMsgBoardStr
end if
;all initialized data place here
align 4
dd 200h ;don't ask me why - see the code&docs
sound_dma dd sb_dma_num
;note that 4th DMA channel doesn't exist, it is used for cascade
;plugging the first DMA controler to the second
dma_table db 0x87,0x83,0x81,0x82,0xFF,0x8B,0x89,0x8A
my_service db 'SOUND',0 ;max 16 chars include zero
number_to_out db '0x00000000',13,10,0
msgInit db 'detecting hardware...',13,10,0
msgExit db 'exiting... May be some problems found?',13,10,0
msgPlay db 'start play',13,10,0
;msgStop db 'stop play',13,10,0
msgCallback db 'set_callback received from the mixer!',13,10
db 'callback handler is: ',0
msgErrAtchIRQ db 'failed to attach IRQ',(sb_irq_num+'0'),13,10
db 'owner',39,'s handler: ',0
msgSucAtchIRQ db 'succesfully attached IRQ',(sb_irq_num+'0')
db ' as hardcoded',13,10,0
msgErrRsrvPorts db 'failed to reserve needed ports.',13,10,0
msgSetVol db 'DEV_SET_MASTERVOL call came',13,10,0
msgGetVol db 'DEV_GET_MASTERVOL call came',13,10,0
msgErrDMAsetup db 'failed to setup DMA - bad channel',13,10,0
msgDSPFound db 'DSP found at port 2'
label port_second_digit_num dword at $
db '00h',13,10,'DSP version '
db '0.00 - SB'
db 32,32,32,32,13,10,0
end if
align 4
data fixups
end data
align 4
SB16Buffer rd 1
callback rd 1
int_flip_flop rd 1
sb_master_vol rd 1
sb_DSP_version_int rd 1
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,72
Nable 21.05.2008.
This driver is my contribution (or donation) to KolibriOS. This is provided
AS IS in hope it'll be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! No responcibility
for any hardware damage or data loss. Use at your own risk!
v0.2 - DEV_SET(GET)_MASTERVOL functions are unlocked and implemented.
v0.1 - first release.
;Tiny FAQ for sound driver by Nable for SB16 sound card.
;What is it?--------------------------------------------------------------------
As you may know there is a sound subsystem ('INFINITY') in KolibriOS.
This subsystem includes mixer and separate interface for soundplayer
program and driver, so player application don't need to know what soundcard
is installed and how to cope with it, all work with card do the driver.
Before this time there were drivers only for AC97 integrated sound, but I
don't have such at home and if I would upgrade my computer with a newest
hardware, with 100% probability integrated sound will be HD Codec, nowadays
AC97 is not actual (2008 year is at calendar). But I'm not planning to upgrade
my computer so much now (and in next 5-6 years), writing the driver for my PCI
ESS Maestro1 card is difficult for me (may be some time later), so I decided
to write a driver for SB16. At first it is easy, there are many working
examples for DOS, there are heaps of good documentation and as an ISA device
SB16 can be programmed through I/O ports (about 5 ports are used), that is
more easy than PCI access. Now, enough lirics, lets go to physics :-)
If you still don't understand what stuff is it, I'll tell this in brief:
with this driver you can play MP3 and WAV music (using AC97SND player) and
sounds (some games and DOSBOX can produce sound output through sound
subsystem) in KolibriOS.
;Yeah! I need sound in Kolibri and I have SB16 card. Whats then?----------------
At first copy my SOUND.OBJ to /sys/drivers at your Kolibri system. Note,
that if you have AC97 card and it's driver started - then new driver won't
run until reboot. Then run BOARD and go to 'user' tab. Then try to run
AC97SND player. At BOARD you will see the following (if you had a proper
|detecting hardware... | <- detector startup message
|DSP found at port 220h | <- if you have a proper card, it'll be
|DSP version 4.13 - SB16 | autodetected. Numbers may be different.
|failed to attach IRQ5 | <- don't mention. Old kernels reserve IRQ5
|owner's handler: 0x80D74284 | see below how to fix it.
At first, note that DSP version must be 4.xx or higher. Older cards are not
supported in this first release, maybe some time later. If nothing detected
but PNP/BIOS or some other OS detects your card - I'm sorry, it's perverted
PNP card like OPTi16, that is like HD Codec - until you init it through
PCI->ISA bridge (HD Codec of course through PCI->PCI bridge), map it, etc,
you can't use it in any way. I'd rather write a PCI device driver, than
for this extreme perversion. If your card detected and has a proper version
but you see 'failed to attach IRQ' - delete stroke 'mov [irq_owner+4*5],1' from the
file kernel.asm of your kernel source, save it, rebuild kernel, copy new
kernel to /sys/ (did you rename 'kernel' to 'kernel.mnt'? You should do it),
restart kernel (Ctrl+Alt+F12, Home). THE EASIER WAY IS TO USE A NEWER KERNEL,
since SVN802 it's fixed.
Now everything should be OK.
;It works for a part of the second and then stops, but system doesn't hang------
Go to '' of my driver and change 'sb_irq_num' value from 5 to 7.
Then save, rebuild driver (compile 'sound.asm'), put 'sound' to /sys/drivers/
(you need to rename file 'sound' to 'sound.obj'), restart kernel and try again
to produce sound.
Ask your questions at KolibriOS forum:
I'll try to answer you if possible.