Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 6120 → Rev 6121

27,11 → 27,11
uint32_t win_width, win_height;
AVFrame *pFrame;
AVFrame *pFrame;
int have_sound = 0;
int have_sound = 0;
uint8_t *decoder_buffer;
uint8_t *decoder_buffer;
extern int resampler_size;
extern int sample_rate;
80,10 → 80,6
if( avformat_open_input(&vst.fCtx, movie_file, NULL, NULL) < 0)
printf("Cannot open file %s\n\r", movie_file);
158,21 → 154,9
return -1; // Codec not found
int hwdec = va_check_codec_support(vst.vCtx->codec_id);
return -1;
printf("hardware decode supported\n");
if (fplay_init_context(&vst) < 0)
printf("context initialization failed\n");
return -1;
if(avcodec_open2(vst.vCtx, vst.vCodec, NULL) < 0)
printf("Error while opening codec for input stream %d\n",
180,6 → 164,7
return -1; // Could not open codec
printf("ctx->pix_fmt %d\n", vst.vCtx->pix_fmt);
16,6 → 16,15
#define HAS_RIGHT (1<<2)
#define HAS_BOTTOM (1<<3)
typedef struct
enum AVPixelFormat format;
AVPicture picture;
int planar;
double pts;
volatile int ready;
struct render
vst_t *vst;
98,26 → 107,27
struct vstate
AVFormatContext *fCtx; /* format context */
AVCodecContext *vCtx; /* video decoder context */
AVCodecContext *aCtx; /* audio decoder context */
AVCodec *vCodec; /* video codec */
AVCodec *aCodec; /* audio codec */
int vStream; /* video stream index */
int aStream; /* audio stream index */
AVFormatContext *fCtx; /* format context */
AVCodecContext *vCtx; /* video decoder context */
AVCodecContext *aCtx; /* audio decoder context */
AVCodec *vCodec; /* video codec */
AVCodec *aCodec; /* audio codec */
int vStream; /* video stream index */
int aStream; /* audio stream index */
queue_t q_video; /* video packets queue */
queue_t q_audio; /* audio packets queue */
queue_t q_video; /* video packets queue */
queue_t q_audio; /* audio packets queue */
mutex_t gpu_lock; /* gpu access lock. libdrm not yet thread safe :( */
int vfx; /* index of decoded frame */
int dfx; /* index of renderd frame */
vframe_t vframe[4]; /* decoder workset */
int vfx; /* index of decoded frame */
int dfx; /* index of renderd frame */
void *hwCtx; /* hardware context */
int hwdec; /* hardware decoder */
#define AUDIO_THREAD 2
#define VIDEO_THREAD 4
155,7 → 165,6
int fplay_vaapi_init(void);
void va_convert_picture(vst_t *vst, int width, int height, AVPicture *pic);
int init_fontlib();
176,7 → 176,7
return NULL;
int vaapi_init(VADisplay display)
void *vaapi_init(VADisplay display)
struct vaapi_context *vaapi;
int major_version, minor_version;
225,14 → 225,13
v_context = vaapi;
return 0;
return vaapi;
return -1;
return NULL;
static int has_profile(struct vaapi_context *vaapi, VAProfile profile)
VAProfile *profiles;
485,26 → 484,62
AVCodecContext *vCtx = vst->vCtx;
vCtx->opaque = vst;
vCtx->thread_count = 1;
vCtx->get_format = get_format;
vCtx->get_buffer2 = get_buffer2;
VADisplay dpy;
return 0;
dpy = va_open_display();
vst->hwCtx = vaapi_init(dpy);
int fplay_vaapi_init(void)
VADisplay dpy;
if(vst->hwCtx != NULL)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int ret;
dpy = va_open_display();
ret = avpicture_alloc(&vst->vframe[i].picture, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA,
vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height);
if ( ret != 0 )
printf("Cannot alloc video buffer\n\r");
return ret;
vst->vframe[i].format = AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA;
vst->vframe[i].pts = 0;
vst->vframe[i].ready = 0;
if (vaapi_init(dpy) < 0)
return -1;
vst->hwdec = 1;
vCtx->opaque = vst;
vCtx->thread_count = 1;
vCtx->get_format = get_format;
vCtx->get_buffer2 = get_buffer2;
return 0;
vst->hwdec = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int ret;
ret = avpicture_alloc(&vst->vframe[i].picture, vst->vCtx->pix_fmt,
vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height);
if ( ret != 0 )
printf("Cannot alloc video buffer\n\r");
return ret;
vst->vframe[i].format = vst->vCtx->pix_fmt;
vst->vframe[i].pts = 0;
vst->vframe[i].ready = 0;
return 0;
struct SwsContext *vacvt_ctx;
void va_convert_picture(vst_t *vst, int width, int height, AVPicture *pic)
584,9 → 619,6
return ;
// __asm__ volatile ("int3");
sws_scale(vacvt_ctx, (const uint8_t* const *)src_data, src_linesize, 0, height, pic->data, pic->linesize);
vaUnmapBuffer (vaapi->display, vaimage.buf);
11,8 → 11,6
#include "winlib/winlib.h"
#include "fplay.h"
int fplay_blit_bitmap(bitmap_t *bitmap, int dst_x, int dst_y,int w, int h);
extern int res_pause_btn[];
extern int res_pause_btn_pressed[];
23,16 → 21,8
extern volatile int sound_level_0;
extern volatile int sound_level_1;
typedef struct
AVPicture picture;
double pts;
volatile int ready;
volatile int frames_count = 0;
vframe_t frames[4];
volatile int frames_count = 0;
struct SwsContext *cvt_ctx = NULL;
52,8 → 42,8
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
frames[i].pts = 0;
frames[i].ready = 0;
vst->vframe[i].pts = 0;
vst->vframe[i].ready = 0;
vst->vfx = 0;
vst->dfx = 0;
74,22 → 64,6
return 0;
for( i=0; i < 4; i++)
int ret;
ret = avpicture_alloc(&frames[i].picture, vst->vCtx->pix_fmt,
vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height);
if ( ret != 0 )
printf("Cannot alloc video buffer\n\r");
return 0;
frames[i].pts = 0;
frames[i].ready = 0;
create_thread(video_thread, vst, 1024*1024);
103,7 → 77,7
int frameFinished;
double current_clock;
if(frames[vst->dfx].ready != 0 )
if(vst->vframe[vst->dfx].ready != 0 )
return -1;
if( get_packet(&vst->q_video, &pkt) == 0 )
148,16 → 122,17
pts *= av_q2d(video_time_base);
dst_pic = &frames[vst->dfx].picture;
dst_pic = &vst->vframe[vst->dfx].picture;
av_image_copy(dst_pic->data, dst_pic->linesize,
(const uint8_t**)Frame->data,
Frame->linesize, vst->vCtx->pix_fmt, vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height);
if(vst->hwdec == 0)
av_image_copy(dst_pic->data, dst_pic->linesize,
(const uint8_t**)Frame->data,
Frame->linesize, vst->vCtx->pix_fmt, vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height);
va_convert_picture(vst, vst->vCtx->width, vst->vCtx->height, dst_pic);
frames[vst->dfx].pts = pts*1000.0;
frames[vst->dfx].ready = 1;
vst->vframe[vst->dfx].pts = pts*1000.0;
vst->vframe[vst->dfx].ready = 1;
vst->dfx = (vst->dfx + 1) & 3;
417,12 → 392,12
#ifdef VERSION_A
if(frames[vst->vfx].ready == 1 )
if(vst->vframe[vst->vfx].ready == 1 )
int sys_time;
ctime = get_master_clock();
fdelay = (frames[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
fdelay = (vst->vframe[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
// printf("pts %f time %f delay %f\n",
// frames[vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
434,7 → 409,7
#if 0
ctime = get_master_clock();
fdelay = (frames[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
fdelay = (vst->vframe[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
// while(fdelay > 0)
// {
450,14 → 425,14
// sys_time*10, frames[vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
printf("pts %f time %f delay %f\n",
frames[vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
vst->vframe[vst->vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
printf("video cache %d audio cache %d\n", q_video.size/1024, q_audio.size/1024);
main_render->draw(main_render, &frames[vst->vfx].picture);
main_render->draw(main_render, &vst->vframe[vst->vfx].picture);
if(main_render->win->win_state != FULLSCREEN)
prg->current = frames[vst->vfx].pts*1000;
prg->current = vst->vframe[vst->vfx].pts*1000;
// printf("current %f\n", prg->current);
lvl->current = vst->vfx & 1 ? sound_level_1 : sound_level_0;
468,7 → 443,7
frames[vst->vfx].ready = 0;
vst->vframe[vst->vfx].ready = 0;
vst->vfx = (vst->vfx + 1) & 3;
else delay(1);
475,10 → 450,10
if(frames[vfx].ready == 1 )
if(vst->vframe[vfx].ready == 1 )
ctime = get_master_clock();
fdelay = (frames[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
fdelay = (vst->vrame[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
// printf("pts %f time %f delay %f\n",
// frames[vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
488,21 → 463,21
int next_vfx;
fdelay = 0;
next_vfx = (vst->vfx+1) & 3;
if( frames[next_vfx].ready == 1 )
if( vst->vrame[next_vfx].ready == 1 )
if(frames[next_vfx].pts <= ctime)
if(vst->vrame[next_vfx].pts <= ctime)
frames[vst->vfx].ready = 0; // skip this frame
vst->vrame[vst->vfx].ready = 0; // skip this frame
vst->vfx = (vst->vfx + 1) & 3;
if( (frames[next_vfx].pts - ctime) <
if( (vst->vrame[next_vfx].pts - ctime) <
( ctime - frames[vst->vfx].pts) )
frames[vst->vfx].ready = 0; // skip this frame
vst->vrame[vst->vfx].ready = 0; // skip this frame
vst->vfx = (vst->vfx + 1) & 3;
fdelay = (frames[next_vfx].pts - ctime);
fdelay = (vst->vrame[next_vfx].pts - ctime);
512,20 → 487,20
int val = fdelay;
printf("pts %f time %f delay %d\n",
frames[vst->vfx].pts, ctime, val);
vst->vrame[vst->vfx].pts, ctime, val);
ctime = get_master_clock();
fdelay = (frames[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
fdelay = (vst->vrame[vst->vfx].pts - ctime);
printf("pts %f time %f delay %f\n",
frames[vst->vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
vst->vrame[vst->vfx].pts, ctime, fdelay);
main_render->draw(main_render, &frames[vfx].picture);
main_render->win->panel.prg->current = frames[vfx].pts;
main_render->draw(main_render, &vst->vrame[vfx].picture);
main_render->win->panel.prg->current = vst->vrame[vfx].pts;
// send_message(&render->win->panel.prg->ctrl, MSG_PAINT, 0, 0);
frames[vst->vfx].ready = 0;
vst->vrame[vst->vfx].ready = 0;
vst->vfx = (vst->vfx + 1) & 3;
else yield();
817,6 → 792,7
uint32_t bitmap_pitch;
uint8_t *data[4];
int linesize[4];
enum AVPixelFormat format;
if(render->win->win_state == MINIMIZED ||
render->win->win_state == ROLLED)
833,8 → 809,9
dst_height = render->rcvideo.b;
format = render->vst->hwdec == 0 ? render->ctx_format : AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA
cvt_ctx = sws_getCachedContext(cvt_ctx,
render->ctx_width, render->ctx_height, render->ctx_format,
render->ctx_width, render->ctx_height, format,
dst_width, dst_height, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA,
if(cvt_ctx == NULL)
960,8 → 937,8
if(player_state == PAUSE)
if(frames[vst->vfx].ready == 1 )
main_render->draw(main_render, &frames[vst->vfx].picture);
if(vst->vframe[vst->vfx].ready == 1 )
main_render->draw(main_render, &vst->vframe[vst->vfx].picture);
draw_bar(0, y, render->win_width,
render->rcvideo.b, 0);